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外研小学外研小学(xioxu)五年级上册英语五年级上册英语第一页,共23页。 Part 1 Sing a song.crayon 蜡笔蜡笔(lb)One little, two little, three little crayons.Four little, five little, six little crayons.Seven little, eight little, nine little crayons.Ten little colorful crayons.Ten little, nine little, eight little crayons.Seven little, six little, five little crayons.Four little, three little, two little crayons.One little colorful crayon.第1页/共23页第二页,共23页。floornineteenelevenseventeen fourteen thirteenbeginall rightfifteensixteenseventyforty Part 2 Review.第2页/共23页第三页,共23页。Module5Unit 1 There are only nineteen crayons.第3页/共23页第四页,共23页。学习学习(xux)用用there be句型表达物品的句型表达物品的数量,能正确运用以下形式的句子:数量,能正确运用以下形式的句子: There are only nineteen crayons. But there are twenty children in the class!2. 初步读懂本单元的故事。初步读懂本单元的故事。学习学习(xux)目标:目标:第4页/共23页第五页,共23页。 Part 3 Listen and answer.第5页/共23页第六页,共23页。Answer the questions.1. Ms. Smart bought some yesterday.2. How many crayons did Ms. Smart buy?3. How many children are there in the class?A. pens B. pencils C. crayonsA. fifteen B. twenty C. nineteenA. twelve B. twenty C. twenty-two第6页/共23页第七页,共23页。Class begins. Sam, please give out the crayons.All right.分发(fnf)好的。 Part 4 Lets learn.第7页/共23页第八页,共23页。One,three,four,five,eight,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,two,six,seven,eighteen,nine,ten,nineteen.eleven,fifteen,There are nineteen crayons.第8页/共23页第九页,共23页。There are nineteen crayons.But there are twenty children in the class.only仅仅(jnjn),只有第9页/共23页第十页,共23页。I bought twenty yesterday. Did I lose one? No, you didnt.第10页/共23页第十一页,共23页。Theres one on the floor.第11页/共23页第十二页,共23页。19 + 2 = Now there are twenty-one crayons.第12页/共23页第十三页,共23页。 three crayons . four children. Part 5 Practice.There are But there are 第13页/共23页第十四页,共23页。 six children. five chairs.There are But there are 第14页/共23页第十五页,共23页。two T-Shirts.three children.There are But there are 第15页/共23页第十六页,共23页。But there are five children. There are four caps.第16页/共23页第十七页,共23页。There is one pencil. But there are two children . 第17页/共23页第十八页,共23页。some meat.some milk.There is There is 第18页/共23页第十九页,共23页。 There is +可数名词单数可数名词单数(dnsh)或不可数名词或不可数名词 are+可数名词复数可数名词复数(fsh) Part 6 Summary.第19页/共23页第二十页,共23页。( ) 1. There_ many flowers in the garden(花园(huyun). A. are B. is C. am ( ) 2. There _ a book in my bag. A. is B. are C. were( ) 3.There _ some chocolate on the desk. A. are B. isnt C. is AA C Part 7 Exercise.第20页/共23页第二十一页,共23页。一、一、Fill in the blanks (根据课文内容填空根据课文内容填空(tinkng))1. Ms. Smart bought twenty_ yesterday. 2. There are _ students in the class. 3. Ms. Smart: Class_. Sam ,please _ the crayons. Sam:_.二、二、 Make sentences(连词成句)(连词成句)1. did one you lose_?2. twenty are children there the in classroom_.3. one is there the on floor_.Did crayons twenty begins give out All right youloseoneThere aretwenty childrenin the classroomThere is oneon the floor第21页/共23页第二十二页,共23页。第22页/共23页第二十三页,共23页。


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