2015年高中英语 动感英语电影词典俚语第33集素材

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动感英语电影词典俚语第33集Movie dictionary电影词典cast全体演员; casting 选演员; casting director 挑演员的导演;talentscout 星探American slang 美国俚语Are you thick in the head (片中)To be “thick in the head”or “thick” means stupid 大脑迟钝例:Youre going to steal a car , Are you thick in the head?Hey , Im sure Jim doesnt understand , you know , hes a little thick Classic film clips 经典对白(1)I will miss you Jane (片中)miss two means :想念错过例:I am homesick, I miss my family .I dont have a car right now , I really miss driving.Sorry , Im terribly sorry , I miss your birthday party , I was terribly sick .Hey, is that program over already, Did I miss it ?Dont miss our program .(2)Well I suppose we should say goodbye (片中)I suppose 我认为,我想。means “I think ”, “I guess ”例:If Im not going to work , I suppose I should call the bass and tell him.What ? You dont like my idea, I suppose you have a better one (3)cmon Terk ! step on it (片中)step on it快点If you want somebody to move faster , you can say step on it 例:Hey , were gonna be late for the movie , step on it ok?Hey, man , I cant wait all day , could you step on it .Movie Tunes 原声碟Strangers Like Me Whatever you do Ill do it tooshow me everything and tell me how It all means somethingand get nothing to me I can see theres so much to learn Its all so dose and yet so far I see myself as people see me oh , just know theres something bigger out there I wanna know can you show me I wanna kow about these strangers like me Tell me more ,please show me somethings familiar about these stranger like me .赏析:“陌生如我”是选自动画电影“泰山”。这部电影是根据英国小说家艾格.莱斯.布洛的原著改编而成的。流行乐天王菲尔.柯林斯的歌声更为这部巨作锦上添花。这首歌曲是描写当泰山发现他是人类时好奇及无助的情绪,而歌手那激昂的歌声更是将泰山那种想把所有一切都搞明白的心情。歌曲有其动情处和煽情的力量,恰当的配合了电影。


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