中考英语一轮复习与练习 九年级 第14课时 Units 7-9

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中考英语一轮复习与练习 九年级 第14课时 Units 7-9中考目标聚焦谈论想要参观的地方提供帮助谈论创造发明核心考点赏析重点单词1. consider意思是“考虑;思考;认为”,后接名词、动名词、wh-+ to do、从句。2. quite修饰名词短语时,常用quite a / an+形容词+名词。短语有quite a few相当多的。3. provide意思是“提供”,常用搭配是:provide sb. with sth., provide sth. for sb.。4. continue=go / keep on意思是“继续”,有continue doing和continue to do结构,前者强调所做的事情始终没有变化,后者所做的是另一件事情。5. somewhere是不定副词,意为“某处”,如果它被形容词修饰,形容词应置于其后。6. fill动词,意思是“填满;装满”,构成短语fillwith“用填满”,fill后接容器之类的词,with后接填充物。 Full形容词,意思是“满的”,构成短语be full of,容器类的词作主语,of后接填充物。两者可以进行同义转换。7. shut动词,“关上(门、盖、窗户等)”与 close同义。8. notice意思是“注意到;察看到”,常用结构为:notice +宾语从句,notice +宾语+宾语补足语(do / doing),类似的动词还有watch, see, hear, find, feel等。同(近)、相似词或短语比较1. one day, some dayone day=some day都可指将来的某一天,但one day还可指过去的某一天。2. hope, wishhope, wish意思是“希望”,两者的常见搭配有:hope to do sth.,wish sb. to do sth.。hope + that的从句,强调的希望往往是客观的,一般可以实现的愿望;wish+ that从句,从句部分为虚拟语气,一般指不可以实现的愿望。3. peaceful, quiet两者都有“安静”的意思,词性都是形容词,但侧重点不同,peaceful强调的是自然环境的平静,而quiet则指人为的静寂无声。4. lively, living, alivelively指活泼的,充满生机的,作定语或表语;living指活的,可作定语或表语;alive主要作表语,指活着的。5. fix, repairfix主要表示“安装;固定”,“修理”只是其中一个意思,构成短语fix up。Repair指修理构造较为复杂、损伤较大的东西,如机器、建筑物等,有时需要的人更多。两者在表示修理小的东西如钟表、电器、自行车等,常可以通用。6. take after, look liketake after=be similar to意为“相似,相仿”,常用来描写人物外貌、性格等方面。look like意为“看起来像”,常描写人的外貌或物体的形状。7. put up, put off, put onput up意为“张贴;搭建;举起”。put off意为“推迟;延误”。put on意为“穿上”。8. pleased, pleasurepleased形容词,意为“高兴的;满意的”,作表语,修饰人,常用结构有:be pleased with“对感到满意”, be pleased that+从句。pleasant形容词,意为“令人愉快的;舒适的”,作定语,修饰物。 pleasure名词,意思是“愉快;快乐;高兴”,注意:Its a / my pleasure.用来回答别人的感谢;With pleasure.用来表示乐意帮忙。9. carry, take, bring, get, fetch四词都有“拿;取”之意。carry强调物体的重量,有“扛;搬”的意思;take指“带走”,方向背离说话者;bring指“带来”,方向朝向说话者;get与fetch同义,指先离开说话者去取某物再到说话者跟前的含意。10. be used for, be used to do, used to do be used for意思是“被用于”,后接名词、代词、动名词; be used to do意思是“被用来做”;两者都是被动结构。used to do意思是“过去经常做”,意味现在不再做了; be/ get used to doing表示“习惯做”。重点短语1. asas possible=asas one can尽可能地2. be supposed to=should应该3. dream about / of梦见某事物4. knock at/ on敲5. knock into冲撞;与相撞6. give out=hand out分发7. give away赠送; 分发8. set up=establish/ start建立;开办9. cheer up=make sb. happier使振奋;使高兴起来10. think up=come up with想出11. at once=right away立刻;马上12. because of 由于;因为,后接名词、代词、动名词。可转换为because引导的原因状语从句。13. clean up打扫干净14. take it easy从容,轻松15. in general 通常,大体上16. be willing to do乐意做18. hold on to继续,坚持19. fix up修理20. by mistake错误地21. fall into落入精彩句型1. its best to do表建议,意为“最好”,相当于Youd better do2. Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.我不但感到帮助别人好,而且我开始把时间花在我喜欢做的事情上。not onlybut also意思是“不仅而且”,并列连词短语,当连接两个不同的主语时,谓语动词数的形式要看附近的人称,当连接两个不同意思的句子时,紧跟not only的句子的谓语往往要倒装。与之意思相同的有bothand,否定的就用neithernor。3. Where would you like to go on vacation? Id like to trek through the jungle.4. Being a volunteer is great.5. It is believed that on December 21st, 1891, the first basketball game in history was played.语法焦点would like, hope表达愿望;短语动词;被动语态适应性训练一、单项选择。1. I have run out of my money.A. set upB. used upC. eaten upD. given up2. Can you help me repair my bicycle?A. fix upB. prepareC. treatD. pack3. She takes after her mother.A. looks afterB. takes care ofC. is similar toD. is the same as4. They started a Chinese History Club.A. beganB. leftC. establishedD. build5. Please hand out the papers to others.A. give outB. look outC. take outD. find out6. September 25th was one of _ days in 2008, for Shenzhou with men was sent up successfully into the space.A. excitingB. more excitingC. much excitingD. the most exciting7. Mum, why not _ having hamburgers instead of dumplings?Good idea. Ill get for you.A. practiceB. rememberC. forgetD. consider8. Mr. White bought a house _ has a swimming pool and a beautiful garden.A. whereB. thatC. whoD. it9. In the United States, youre not supposed _ with your hands.A. to eatB. eatingC. eatsD. ate10. Its best _ by air if you want to visit Hawaii.A. to travelingB. travelingC. to travelD. travel11. When Mrs. Brown heard of it, she was worried a lot but her husband told her to _.A. set outB. make useC. take it easyD. keep silence12. Lots of visitors come to Dalian because shes _ city.A. very a beautifulB. quite a beautifulC. so a beautifulD. a quite beautiful13. Can you provide us _ a nice room?A. forB. toC. /D. with14. What would you like to do after finishing your education, Tom?Id like to start work _.A. as quickly as I doB. so early as I canC. as soon as possibleD. as good as possible15. I will not buy that refrigerator because I have _ money.A. got out ofB. taken out ofC. looked out ofD. run out of16. Our sports meeting has been _ till next Monday because of the bad weather.A. put onB. put upC. put offD. put down17. After they had worked hard, scientists _ a good way to deal with the bird flu.A. looked forB. came up withC. caught up withD. set off18. We are going to _ an English club to practice English.A. hand outB. give awayC. take offD. set up19. What do you think of the book about Harry Potter?I like it very much. Its _ interesting _ exciting.A. neither, norB. not, butC. not only, but alsoD. either, or20. They improved the software to make _ easier for people to use computers.A. thatB. thisC. theseD. it21. It is said that potato chips _ by accident about a hundred years ago.A. inventB. inventedC. are inventedD. were invented22. In some parts of the world, tea with milk and sugar _.A. is servingB. servesC. is servedD. served23. At the meeting, they said nothing but _ quiet.A. tookB. madeC. remainedD. gotA. An Indian will shake his head when he agrees with others.B. A waterproof pen will write with water instead of ink.C. Traveling by plane is the fastest way.D. No one is the owner of the Internet.E. English is important in using the Internet.F. The Internet only belongs to the users.G. A waterproof pen will write with special ink.24. Are you sure this kind of camera is used for _ both photos and _ an umbrella.A. to take, /B. to take, asC. taking, /D. taking, as25. You should work hard at English because it is a _ language.A. helpfulB. creativeC. difficultD. fantastic二、用方框内短语的恰当形式填空,使句子通顺、完整。according to, by mistake, knock into, fix up, cheer up, run out of, be willing to, give away, be used for, in this way1. I got on the wrong bus _, so I was late for work.2. Everything went on _ our plan.3. The work should be done _.4. When you _ someone, you should say sorry to him.5. Sunglasses _ protecting our eyes.6. Sandy is upset now. Why dont we _ her _?7. Teenagers _ do something that they like.8. People all over China _ money to the people in the earthquake that happened in Sichuan.9. My mobile phone is wrong. Can you _ it _?10. My little brother has _ all his pocket money.三、配对阅读。15是五段文字叙述,请在AG中找出能代表各段主题的最佳选项。( ) 1. Today plane is the fastest way for traveling. With a plane we can travel in one day to those places which it took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago.( ) 2. Many different kinds of computers can be joined with the Internet now. the computers are owned by individuals (个人的) and companies, but none of them really owns the Internet itself.( ) 3. We can get all kinds of information we need from the Internet. But nowadays too much of information on the Internet is in English. So we must learn English well.( ) 4. Put your name on everything you own. Write it with a waterproof (防水的) pen. In that way, the name will remain even if the things get wet.( ) 5. You will be surprised when you come to India fro the first time. When you talk to an Indian, he often shakes his head. You may think the Indian doesnt like what you said. But in fact, you are wrong, because shaking heads means “yes” there!第14课时一、15BACCA610DDBAC 1115CBDCD1620CBDCD 2125DCCDA二、1. by mistake2. according to 3. in this way4. knock into 5. are used for6. cheer, up 7. are willing to8. gave away 9. fix, up10. run out of三、15CDEGA


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