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2020届九年级下学期第一次月考英语试卷第一部分 听力技能(共两节,计20分)第一节 听力选择根据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。听下面5段对话,每听完一段对话后,做一个小题。1. What does the man usually have for breakfast? A. B. C.2. What are they going to do tomorrow? A. B. C.3. Whats wrong with the man?A. He has a bad cold. B. He has a toothache. C. He has a backache.4. Where are they talking?A. In the street. B. On the phone. C. At a party.5. How many books does the girl have?A. Two. B. Three. C. Five.听第六段对话,做第6-7小题。6. Where will the man go on vacation?A. Hangzhou. B. Changsha. C. Shanghai.7. Who is he going with?A. His parents. B. His cousin. C. His friends.听第七段对话,做第8-9小题。8. What is Marys favorite TV program?A. Talk show. B. Soap operas. C. News.9. What does Mary think of sports shows?A. She loves them. B. She doesnt mind them. C. She cant stand them.听第八段对话,做第1012小题。10. Whats the girls name?A. Alice. B. Amy. C. Cindy.11. What did the girl use to be like?A. She used to be short. B. She used to have short hair. C. She used to wear glasses.12. Who is taller than the girl now?A. Bob. B. Johnson. C. Paul.听第九段对话,做第1315小题。13. Who is talking with Tracy on the phone?A. Tom. B. Helen. C. Lucy.14. Where are they going for a walk on Sunday?A. Near the river. B. In the park. C. In the garden.15. When are they going to meet?A. At 9:30. B. At 10:00. C. At 10:30.第二节 笔录要点根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过3个单词。A trip to the museumFloorWhat to seeWhat to do1stThe inventions in the (16) _ daysSpend as much time as you can looking at everything2ndThe inventors of the 20th CenturyRead the invention (17) _ .3rdSome (18) _inventionsYou can (19) _ there.4thA cafeYou can go for a drink, but dont stay (20) _.第二部分 知识运用(共两节,计25分)第一节 语法填空(15小题,计15分)从A、B、三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。21. _ people visited China during the 2020 Olympic games.A. Million B. Millions of C. Ten millions of22. Tina likes playing _ violin while Tara likes playing _ basketball.A. the, the B. the, / C. /, the23. Which pencil case is _, the green one or the blue one?A. good B. better C. the best24. Be quiet, children! I have _ to tell you.A. important something B. something important C. anything important25. Ms Chen is a teacher _ is patient with her students.A. who B. what C. which26. Hold on to your dream, _ one day they may come true.A. and B. but C. or27. Mothers Day is _ the second Sunday in May.A. on B. in C. at28. Please give me some _ on how to learn English well.A. plan B. advice C. suggestion29. Excuse me. Could you please tell me _?A. where the nearest bank isB. when is Mothers DayC. how long has the old lady lived here30. A: - You speak English really well! B: - _.A. Just so so B. Thank you C. Dont say that31. The earth _ badly, so we should protect the environment.A. is polluted B. pollutes C. is polluting32. _ lovely the little baby is!A. What B. Which C. How33. Im sorry youve missed the train. It _ 10 minutes ago.A. left B. has left C. had left34. Were trying to make our country _.A. more beautifully B. more beautiful C. more beauty35. They have spent two years _ the railway.A. built B. to build C. building第二节 词语填空(10小题,计10分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Oneverycoldmorning,my fatherandIwereworkingonthefarm.IaskedhimhowlongImuststayinthe 36 .“Aboutanhour.” heanswered. “IwishIcouldgohomenowmy 37 aches.” “Iamsorry,butcantyoustaytilllunchtime?” saidmyfather.“Butmyheadacheisgetting 38 .”“Well,”saidhe, “youmaygohome.Idontwantyoutoworkifyouaresick.Gostraighthome 39 tellyourmothertogiveyousomerhubarb(大黄,一种苦药). Itwill 40 youalot.”Iwentbackhome.However,Itoldmymotherthatmyheadwasbetter,hopingnotto 41 theterriblemedicine.Butitwastoo 42 . Sheunderstoodmy 43 aswellasmyfather.Soshepreparedtherhubarb.Ihadtoswallow(吞)alloftherhubarb.Dearme!Howbitteritwas!Iwouldrather 44 alldayinthefield.Butitcured(治愈)mylaziness,andIlearnedthatitisimportanttobe 45 .Friends,keepit,thoughthereisanotherandabetterreason.36. A.fieldB.hospitalC.factory37.A.toothB.head C.stomach38.A.betterB.worseC.less39.A.but B.or C.and40.A.hurtB.worryC.help41. A.takeB.buy C.make42. A.earlyB.late C.easy43.A.jokeB.duty C.problem44.A.workB.playC.study45.A.kindB.honestC,helpful第三部分 阅读技能(共三节,计35分)第一节 阅读选择(10小题,计20分)A阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或句子。Britainsfirsteco-friendlynightclub(环保夜总会)hasopenedinLondon.Itisgoodfortheenvironmentandcanbealotoffun! Intheclub,peopledanceonaspecialfloor. Thefloorcanproducetheelectricity(电) fortheclubtoplaymusic. Themoreyoudance, themoreelectricitycanbeproduced.Suchadancefloorcouldproduceabout60%ofthebuildingselectricity.Theentryfeeis10,butpeoplewhogotherebybike,bybusoronfootcanenterforfree.Thebossisaveryrichman.HehopesthatmoreyoungpeoplehelptosavetheearthTheclubisanewthingforyoungpeople.Itisalsodifferentfromothercharities(慈善机构).“Thereisnogreaterplacethanaclubtoreachouttoyoungpeople,”saidtheboss. “Havingadancefloortoproduceelectricityisaveryexcitingandinteresting idea.”Besidesthefloor,scientistssaythatsomepeoplehaveinventedanewkindofclothingthatcanalsoproduceelectricity.Whenpeopleweartheclothes,alltheirmovements(运动)arechangedintoelectricity.46. Mostoftheelectricityoftheclubbuildingisproducedby.A.anewkindofclothingB.dancingonthedancefloorC.playingmusiconthedancefloor47.TheChineseforentryfeeinLine6is. A.入场费 B.赞助费C.咨询费48.Thebossencouragespeopletogototheclub. A.bytrainB.bytaxiC.bybus49.Whydidthebossopentheclub? A.Tomakefriends.B.Tohelppoorpeople.C.Tohelptoprotecttheenvironment50. What can NOT produce electricity according to the passage?A. wearing anewkindofclothingB.dancingonthedancefloorC. going by bikeB阅读下面的图表,做5155小题。51. The picture is most probably aboutA.reading B.bumping C.driving52. WhichofthefollowingisNOTtrueaccordingtothepicture?A.Youcanonlyuseyourrightfoottobrake.B.Ifyouwanttokeepsafe,youshouldreadtherulesfirst. C.Youshouldkeepyourhandsonthewheel53. What is the report about? A. Cancer. B. Swine Flu C. lung disease54.Whichstatehadthemostconfirmedcases(确诊病例)ofswinefluaccordingtotheinformationgivenabove?A.California.B.Kansas.C.NewYork.55.HowmanynewcasesincreasedinU.S.?A.28. B.29. C.40第二节 摘录要点(5小题,计5分)阅读下面的材料,然后在表格中完成内容摘要,每空不超过三个单词。Some birthday customs are quite similar in many parts of the world- birthday candles(蜡烛), birthday games,and birthday cakes. But some customs are more specific to certain countries. Here are some children talking about their customs. Linda-I am fourteen. I come fromAruba.In our country, Children take something special to school for their classmates and all teachers. Each teacher gives the birthday child a small gift like a pencil, an eraser or a postcard. The birthday child is also allowed to wear special clothes instead of the school uniform. Lucy-I am one year older than Linda.Denmarkismy country.A flag is flown outside a window to show that someone who lives in that house is having a birthday. Presents are placed around the childs bed while they are sleeping so they will see them at once when they wake up.Tom-I am as old as Linda. I am from Brazil. The birthday child receives a pull on the earlobe(耳垂) for each year in my country. The birthday person also gives the first slice of cake to his/her most special friend or relative, usually mom or dad.NameCountryAgeSpecial customsLindaArubaFourteenEach teacher receive something special from56._ and gives him or her a small gift.LucyDenmark57. _If you see 58._ flying outside a window, you may know someone in that house is having a birthdayTom59._Fourteen60._ of the birthday cake is usually given to Mom or Dad.第三节 回答问题(5小题,计10分)阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答问题。HaveyouseenthevideosonTV?DoyouwearlargeT-skirtsandbaggyjeans?Orhaveyouheardsomeonerap(说唱)?Hip-Hopisveryhotnow.Hip-Hopmusicwasstartedinthemiddleofthe1970sbyAfricanAmericansinNewYork.Themusic,break-dancing(霹雳舞)andgraffiti(涂鸦)makeupWesternHip-Hopculture.MostoftheHip-Hopsongsareaboutlove,jobsorevengames.Usuallyinrap,singersspeakwordsveryquicklytoacertainbeat(节奏).Mostofthewordsarefun.Singersplayoffwordstomakefunofthemselvesorothers.Hip-Hopmusichasfewrules.Singersjustdowhattheythinkandrapitoutinacleverorcreative way. Itmakesalotofteenagersfall inlovewiththemusic.ManyofthemlikewearinglargeT-shirtsandbaggyjeans.FamousrapandHip-HopstarsincludeEminemintheUS.andJayChoufromChina.TodayHip-Hopismoreandmorepopularacrossmostoftheworld.61.IsHip-Hopveryhotnow? _62.WhenwasHip-Hopmusicstarted? _63.WhataremostoftheHip-Hopsongsabout? _64.DoesHip-Hophavemanyrulesorfewrules? _65.Whydoalotofteenagersfallinlovewiththemusic? _第四部分 写作技能(共三节,计20分)第一节 翻译语篇(5小题,计5分)阅读下面的短文,然后将画线的句子译成汉语或英语。Hulahoops(呼啦圈)wereaverypopulartoyforkidsinthepast.Millionsofpeoplestillrememberplayingwiththebrightlycoloredrings,tryingtoswivel(旋转) theirbodiestokeepthehulahoopmoving.66.Thisisnotonlygreatfun,butitisalso greatexercise.Itisveryinterestingtoseehowlongyoucankeepthehoopgoing.Nowadays,alotofkidsareinterestedinthehulahoop.67.一些孩子很擅长玩这个。Thisold-fashioned(过时的)toyispopularagain.Therearemanyfatchildrenaroundtheworldnow.Thebestwaytosolvetheproblemistogetthemtomovearoundandplay,andahulahoopdoesthisverywell.68.Kidsusuallyspendalotoftimeontheirstudy.Ahulahoopisalsogoodexerciseforkids.Theycancontinuethisexerciseandimprovetheirhealth.69.事实上,锻炼和学习一样重要。Thenewesthulahoopshaveafewdifferencesfromtheoldones.Thecolorsaremoreattractive(吸引人的)andthematerial(材料)ofthetoyisbetter.70. Allchildrenwillbeveryhappyiftheygetthetoyasagift.66. _67. _68. _69. _70. _第二节 完成对话(5小题,计5分)根据上下文和你的实际情况把下面补充完整。Gina:Hi,Mary.Yourskirtissobeautiful.Mary:Thankyouverymuch.G:71. _?M:IboughtitinYunnan.G:Yunnan?Oh,youaresolucky. 72. _?M:Iwenttherelastsummer.Ihadagoodtime.G:73. _?M:Itwassunnyandwarm.Ivisitedmanybeautifulplaces.G:74. _?M:Thepeoplethereareveryfriendlyandkind.G:Ihopetovisititoneday.M:Imsureyoullloveit.G:IthinkIwill.Oh,ImafraidImustgonow,Seeyou.M:75. _.第三节 情景作文(计10分)76. 三年的初中生活转眼即逝。在这三年中,你遇到了许多老师,其中哪位老师是最令你难忘的?请根据以下提示写一篇短文投稿到学校的英语广播栏目。(1) Who is the teacher?(2) How did you feel when you met this teacher?(3) How did the teacher help you?(4) How has the teachers advice changed your life?注意:(1)作文中不能出现可能透露考生真实身份的任何信息; (2)60词左右。2020届九年级下学期第一次月考英语试卷答题卡12345678910111213141516. _ 17. _18. _ 19. _20. _212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556. _ 57. _58. _ 59. _60. _61. _ 62. _63. _64. _65. _76. _


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