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七下 Units 1-2检测题一、 单项选择( )1Mum,my mobile phone is_I want to buy a new_ Abroken;it Bbroke;one Cbroke;it Dbroken:one( )2I must thank Andy _helping me so much_my Chinese Awith;for Bfor;for Cfor;with Dwith:with( )3一What are your neighbours like? 一_ AThey are like my friends BThey are friendly and helpful CThey like playing sports DThey are workers arm waiters( )4. Would you please find to tell us? All right. A. something interesting B. interesting something C. anything interesting D. interesting anything( )5. There two football matches in the sports centre next week. Great! A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to be D. are going to he( )6. Mr Wang lives in _ Fourth Street and he keeps a flower shop there. A. the B. aC. anD. /( )7. Li Ming is _ today and he is celebrating his _ birthday. A. fifteen; fifteenthB. fifteen; fifteenC. fifteenth; fifteenthD. fifteenth; fifteen( )8. One million nine thousand and forty is _. A. 1,900,040 B. 1, 090, 040 C. 190,040 D. 1,009,040( )9. Nanjing is about 200 kilometres _ Yancheng. A. awayB. far fromC. away fromD. far away from( )10. I hope _ a model in a few years. A. to be B. being C. you to be D. be( )11. We like to sit on the floor and _ the sea.A. look out B. look for C. look out at D. look out of( )12. Hello, _ Mike. Who _? Jane speaking. May I speak to Jim? A. I am; are youB. this is; is that C. this is; are youD. I am; is that( )13. Id like _ my friends _ dinner with me this weekend. A. inviting; to haveB. to invite; haveC. to invite; to haveD. inviting; having( )14. Would you like a glass of milk? _ Im really thirsty (口渴的) now. A. No, thanks.B. Thats all right.C. Yes, please.D. Sorry, I cant.( )15.Tom has _ house to live in in the city. A.no B.not C.none D.some二、完形填空In China, we often say that a good neighbour is better than (比好) a brother in the next village. Its very important for us 1 a good neighbour.First, a good neighbour is a good 2. When your family move to (搬往) a new house, your neighbours can help you 3 some furniture like tables and sofas and tell you something about your neighbourhood. Maybe they will also 4 all the members of your family to their homes to keep warm and have a hot 5. It is 6 to stay there.Second, a good neighbour is also a good relative (亲戚). 7 you travel, your neighbours will take care of your house. And 8 can also help them when they have the 9situations (境况). Finally, we can get a very important lesson 10 our neighbours that having a good neighbour is being a good neighbour yourself.( )1. A. have B. hasC. having D. to have( )2. A. friendB. heroC. teacher D. waiter( )3. A. bringB. carryC. lookD. take( )4. A. ask B. let C. waitD. invite ( )5. A. foodB. showerC. drinkD. tomato ( )6. A. sad B. softC. smooth D. comfortable ( )7. A. After B. BecauseC. When D. Before ( )8. A. sheB. we C. theyD. you( )9. A. same B. largeC. special D. different ( )10. A. forB. fromC. ofD. with三、阅读理解(A)One day a poor farmer was taking a bag of wheat to town. Suddenly, the bag fell off his horse onto the road. It was too heavy, so he did not know what he could do about it. He only hoped that someone would soon go by and help him. Just at that time, a man on a horse came up to him. But the farmer felt disappointed (失望 ) when he saw the man. It was a great man and he lived near there. He thought the great man wouldnt help him, and hoped another farmer would come up. But to his surprise, the great man got off his horse when he came near. “I see you need help, he said, “Im here just at the right time. Then he took one of the bag and the farmer took the other. They lifted(提) it together and put it on the horse.“Sir, asked the farmer, “How can I pay you?“Its very easy, the great man answered, “When you see anyone else in trouble (处在困境中)do the same for him.( ) 1. What did the poor farmer take to town? A. A bag of rice. B. A bag of wheat C. A bag of apples. D. A bag of vegetables.( ) 2. Why couldnt the poor farmer lift the bag of wheat? A. Because he was too young. B. Because he was too old. C. Because the bag was too heavy for him. D. Because the bag was too large for him.( ) 3. The poor farmer felt _ when he saw the great man. A. happy B. good C. afraid D. disappointed( ) 4. When he saw the poor farmer in trouble, the great man _. A. went away without stopping B. asked another farmer to help him C. came up to help him D. gave him a lot of money( ) 5. The great man asked the poor farmer to pay him_. A. by giving him money B. by giving him a horse C. by giving him a lot of wheat D. by helping others ( B) The worst(最糟糕的) danger is a house on fire when people are asleep. Always be ready to leave through a window into the garden by making sure you can open it if necessary. If you should be on holiday in a tall building or hotel, make sure you know where the fire escape(逃跑) is. When you cant find any way out, try to find pieces of cloth and make a rope(绳子) to get out of a window to safety. If you smell burning in your home, get out right away. If you cant breathe(呼吸) properly because of smoke rises and the air will be cleaner near the floor. Smoke is a killer and people have died from breathing it in than actually being burnt.Fire in a cinema, hall or public place often means people pushing to reach a door. Keep your head up with arms up in front of your chest(胸). This protects your chest and gives you the best chance to breathe. Above all, dont be afraid.( )6. When a tall building is on fire, people _ A. can leave by ing down the fire escape B. should first check the room windows. C. had better find a long rope D. must lie down on the floor at once( )7. People can leave a burning house through a window if _. A. there is smoke in the room B. there is no other way out C. they cant breathe properly D. they want to put out the fire( )8. In a room filled with smoke, youd better crawl(爬) on the floor because_. A. you wont get burnt B. the floor is cleaner C. there is less smoke near the floor D. you wont breathe in any smoke( )9. There are a few things to do to keep one safe. Which of the following is NOT talked about in the passage? A. Leave the house right away when you smell burningB. Get out of the house by crawling on the floorC. Raise your head and keep your chest from being hurtD. Rush out of the house, dressed in wet clothes( )10. Which of the following is NOT true? A. In a fire, more deaths are caused by smoke.B. The most important thing is not to be afraid in a fire.C. When a public place is on fire, people usually push to leave.D. Be ready to leave a burning house through a window if there is a garden down below.四、任务型阅读。Zhang Lili: The most beautiful teacher in ChinaZhang Lili is a teacher at No.19 Middle School in the city of Jiamusi, Heilongjiang province. These days, many people think she is the most beautiful teacher in China, because she saved her students from a traffic accident (交通事故) on May 8, 2012.On that day, Zhang and her two students were crossing the road outside the school gate when a bus suddenly lost control (控制) and ran fast towards them. Zhang pushed both students out of the way, but she herself was hit (被撞倒) by the bus. As a result, the 29-year-old teacher lost her legs.The principal of No. 19 Middle School, Jiamusi City, said, Zhang is a great teacher in our school. Shes also the most popular teacher among the students. For the students, she is like a sister. They call her Beautiful Sister. After hearing about this accident, all the students in her class cried. But Zhang is more than a teacher and sister to the 53 students in her class. She cares about their studies and even their lives.Zhangs bravery and kindness moved (感动) a lot of people in China. People all over the country are donating money to her now. They all hope she can get better soon and live a happy life.The most _1_ teacher in China2May 8, 2012Where_3_ the school gate of No.19 Middle School in JiamusiWhoZhang Lili and her two4HowA bus lost control and _5_ fast towards them.Zhang pushed the students away and was hit by the bus.Social influences (影响)Zhang is 6among the students because she cares about both their studies7lives.Many people are moved because Zhang is brave and 8. People from the country are donating9to Zhang.Everyone hopes the beautiful teacher can live 10until the end of her life.1. _ 2. _ 3_ 4. _ 5. _6 _ 7. _ 8. _9. _ 10. _五、词汇(每题1分,共20分)1. Do you know the(经理)of this company very well?2. We dont know what will happen in the (将来), but we must work hard for it.3. Nowadays, we can seldom see(邮递员)riding bikes in the street.4. He has to leave(大学)because his family is too poor.5.一Do you know Mary? 一Yes, she is a very nice(a man or a woman) to work with.6. Li Jun is a book lover and has _ (数百) of books at home.7. China is a big country and it has 9,600,000 _ (平方) kilometres.8. There are more than 200 _ (国家) in the world.9. We will visit the old people and do some(shop) for them.10. If you dont know what(wear) to a party, the artists here will help you.11. How about (design) a poster for our fashion show?12. I am the second child in my family. My(old) sister is two years older than I.13.一Shall we make a fire to keep warm? 一That(sound) like a good idea.14. Look, there are many children _ (fly) kites over there.15. Jane is always the first _ (get) to the classroom every day.16. I was born on June the _ (twelve), 2002.17. Shanghai is the _ (big) city in China.18. There are two _ (study) in my flatone is for me and the other for my sister.19.In Beijing, the heavy traffic is a big (问题).20.Would you please invite him _ (join) in the game Treasure Hunt.六、句型转换1. We are lucky to listen to the interesting story. (改为同义句) _ _ 0f us to listen to the interesting story.2. Sandy is watching TV in the sitting room now. ( 用this Sunday改为一般将来时) Sandy _ _ _in the sitting room this Sunday.3. They arekind and helpful. (对划线局部提问) _ _ they _?4. Something is wrong with my new watch. (改为同义句)_ _ _ _ _ my new watch.5.France is over 260,000 square miles in size.(同义句转换)France _ _ _ _ over 260,000 square miles.6.It takes only 10 minutes on foot from my home to school.( 改为同义句)Its only 10 _ _ from my home to school.7.I am going to have a birthday party at homethis weekend.(对划线局部提问) _ _ you going to have a birthday at home?七、句子翻译。1. 我的叔叔住在市中心。 My uncle lives _ Nanjing.2. 在山脚下,有一条小河。 There is a small river _ the hill.3. 你能替我捎个口信吗? Can you _ for me?4. 我有我自己的一个卧室。 I have a bedroom _.5. 如果他回来,请让他给我回。 If he comes back, please ask him _.6.恐怕他们不会来参加聚会了。I_ they _to the party.7.后天将有一场足球比赛。There is going to be a football match_.8.我的电脑出问题了。_my computer. 9.妈妈将要生火煮一些食物。Mum is going to _ to cook some food. 10.这栋大楼有二十层,我住在第二十层。 There are _ in the tall building and I live _.八、根据首字母填单词。 John likes to w 1 his hair very long. Some of his friends t 2 it looks like agirls hair, but they never make jokes开玩笑about it, b 3 John is a big strong man and he doesnt think his hair funny. John always goes to the barbers理发师t 4 a month to have his hair cut . And one day the barber s 5 to him, “ Now why d 6 you let me cut most of your hair off and m 7 your head tidy? Nobody没人 will recognize (认出)you i 8 you do that. Im sure. John says nothing for a few seconds and then he says, “M 9 you are right, but I am sure that none of your friends will recognize you , e 10 , if you do that to my hair.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _七下 Units 1-2检测题答案一、1-5 DCBAD 6-10 DADCA 11-15 CBCCA二、1-5 DABDC 6-10 DCDAB 三、 1-5BCDCD 6-10 ABCDD四、任务型阅读共10题,每题1分,计10分1. beautiful2. When 3. outside 4. students 5. ran 6.popular 7.and 8.kind 9.money 10. happily 五、 1.manager 2. future 3.postmen 4.college 5.person 6.millions 7. Square 8. Countries 9.shopping 10.to wear 11.designing 12.elder 13.sounds 14.flying 15.to get 16.twelfth 17.biggest 18.studies 19.problem 20.to join六、1.Its lucky 2.will watch TV 3.What are, like 4. There is something wrong with 5.has an area of 6.minutes walk 7. When are 七、1.in the centre of 2.at the foot of 3.take a message 4.of my own 5.to call me back 6.am afraid, wont come 7.the day after tomorrow 8.Theres sth wrong with 9.make a fire 10.twenty floors, on the twentieth floor八、1.wear 2.thinks 3.because 4.twice 5.says6.Dont 7.make 8.if 9.maybe 10.either6 / 6


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