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Unit3 Section A (1a2d)【基础训练】.要点词汇 1.垃圾;废弃物 2.扫;打扫 3.地板 4.fold 5.mess .短语互译6.倒垃圾 7.清洗餐具 8.扫地 9.在外面待到很晚 10.搭便车 11.从事;操作12.整理床铺 13.叠衣服 14.go to the movies 15.finish doing sth.16.go out for dinner 17.clean the living room.根据汉语意思完成句子1.请你不要开窗好吗? Could you please the window?2.我认为看两个小时的电视对你来说足够了。 I think two hours of TV for you.3.昨天我的自行车坏了。我只得搭便车回家。 My bike was broken yesterday.I had to home.4.他喜欢在电脑上工作。 He likes to a computer.5.我妈妈要求我晚上不要在外面待得太久。 My mother asks me not to at night.6.请你帮忙做几件事情好吗? Could you please a few things?7.教室里至少有六个学生。 There are six students in the classroom.8.昨天晚上她在外面待得很晚。 She last night.9.劳驾,先生。我可以搭便车吗? Excuse me,sir.Could I ?10.半小时后妈妈会买东西回来。 Mother will in half an hour.11.彼得,请你把垃圾倒掉好吗? Peter,take out the rubbish?12.我可以出去吃饭吗? go out for dinner?13.我可以用你的电脑吗? 对不起。我正打算用它。 use your computer? Sorry.Im going to it.【综合运用】.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Could you please(help) me clean the room? Yes,sure.2.Could I(play) computer games for a while,Mom? Yes,you can,but you first need (finish) your homework.3.I guess Mom will be angry if she(see) the mess.4.They are watching TV in the (live) room.5.I often do the (dish) at home.6.Did you finish (watch) this show?7.Ill go to the park if it (not rain) tomorrow.8.Could you please (make) the bed?9.He doesnt want you (play) computer games.10.Two kilometers (be) not far.Lets go there by bike.单项选择( )11.Mom,the clothes are dry.Could you help me them? A.make B.fold C.do D.wash( )12.Could you please sweep the floor? .Im busy babysitting my sister.A.Sorry,I cant B.Yes,sure C.Yes,I can D.Sorry,you cant( )13.Ted,could you please the rubbish? Of course,Mom.A.take after B.take off C.take out D.take care of( )14.Mrs.Zhao went after she finished her work last Monday. A.shop,doing B.shopping,doing C.shopping,to do D.shop,do ( )15.Ill go fishing with my father tomorrow.But if it ,Ill stay at home and help my mother with housework. A.will rain B.is raining C.rains D.rain Unit 3 Section A (3a4c)【基础训练】.要点词汇 1.扔;掷 2.也不;两者都不 3.衬衫 4.给;递 5.借给;借出 6.手指 7.borrow 8.hate 9.while .短语互译10.一就;尽快 11.闲逛12.生某人的气 13.惊奇地14.总是;一直 15.扔下16.过来 17.hate to do sth.18.sit down 19.pass sb.sth.20.lend sb.sth. .根据汉语意思完成句子1.借给我一些钱好吗? Could you some money?2.昨天我从图书馆借了一本书。 I a book the library yesterday.3.她没做任何家务,我也没做。 She did not do any housework and .4.我扔下包去了起居室。 I my bag and went to the living room.5.她一见到这所房子就喜欢上它了。 She fell in love with the house she saw it.6.昨天他没看足球赛,我也没看。He didnt watch the soccer game yesterday and I.7.不要生他的气。他只是个孩子。Dont him.He is only a child.8.他们一直都在笑。They were laughing .9.不要把这本书借给别人。Dont the book .10.他一到达北京就会给你打电话。He will telephone you he arrives in Beijing.【综合运用】.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The thief (throw) down all the things and ran away when he saw the police.2.“Stop fighting!”the teacher shouted(angry).3.“What happened?”my mother asked in(surprising).4.I finished (read) that book last night.5.I(final) understand that we need to share the housework to have a clean and comfortable home.6.She looked up in(surprised) when I shouted.7.Neither of the books(be) interesting.I wont buy either of them.8.Could you please(not close) the door?9.Could I(go) out for dinner with my friends?10.Tom will give us a report as soon as he(arrive).用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 throw down,hang out,in surprise,do chores,come over6.Would you like to to my house next week?Yes,Id love to.7.I hate to .I like to watch TV at home.8.Gina her bag and turned on the TV.9.The park is very beautiful.Is that a good place to?10.She looked at her mother when she heard the news.句型转换 11.Could I listen to music in the hallways? (作肯定回答) ,you .12.Could I borrow a pen from you,John?(同义句转换) Could you your pen me,John?13.Many people dont like to write letters today.(同义句转换) Many people letters today.14.How about going out for dinner with Bill? (用could改写句子) we for dinner with Bill?15.Could you please clean the dining hall? (改为否定句) Could you please the dining hall?.单项填空( )16.Sometimes most of us probably are angry our friends,parents or teachers. A.to B.with C.at D.for ( )17.How do you get to school,by bus or by subway? .I get to school in my fathers car. A.Both B.All C.Either D.Neither( )18.My father was preparing for his speech my mother was doing some washing last night. A.before B.while C.after D.until( )19.Can I your bike? With pleasure.But you mustnt it to others. A.lend,borrow B.borrow,lend C.lend,lend D.borrow,borrow( )20.of my parents likes rock music.They think that its too noisy. A.Both B.None C.Neither D.All( )21.English isnt as as Chinese. Maybe,perhaps its just because Chinese is your native language. A.easy B.easily C.easier D.easiest( )22.I cant play the piano,and . A.neither can my sister B.my sister cant,too C.so cant my sister D.can my sister,either ( )23.Sally took a photo of her friends while they computer games. A.play B.are playing C.have played D.were playing( )24.Do you like to your bed? No,I hate to chores. A.do,do B.do,make C.make,do D.make,make( )25.When will you return the book to me? Ill give it to you I finish it. A.once B.until C.as soon as D.unlessSection B (1a2b)【基础训练】.要点词汇 1.浪费;滥用 2.提供;供应 3.依赖;信赖 4.发展;壮大 5.邻居 6.有病;不舒服 7.落下;掉下 8.stress 9.anyway 10.since 11.fairness .短语互译12.目的是;为了 13.依赖;信赖 14.照料;爱护 15.结果16.为某人提供某物 17.总是做某事18.使/让某人做某事19.invite sb.to a party 20.mind doing sth.21.a waste of time 22.look after23.the earlier.the better.根据汉语意思完成句子1.孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。 kids learn to be independent, it is for their future.2.看这种杂志真是浪费时间。It is a to read such a magazine.3.为了赶上早班车我跑得很快。 I ran fast catch the early bus.4.在家中给孩子们提供一个干净、舒适的环境是家长们的事情。 It is parents job to a clean and comfortable environment at home their children.5.健康依靠良好的食物、新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠来保障。Health good food,fresh air and enough sleep.6.我们应该依靠自己而不是他人。 We should ourselves,not others.7.别担心! 我能照顾自己。 Dont worry! I can myself.8.事实上,我不介意工作辛苦。 In fact,I hard.9.为了使梦想成真,我们必须努力工作。 make our dreams come true,we must work hard.10.你学习越努力,你取得的成绩就越好。 you study, grades youll get.11.这个周末吉姆想邀请朋友们来参加他的生日聚会。 Jim wants to his friends his birthday party this weekend.12.他老是向父母要钱。 He was his parents for money.【综合运用】.用所给词的适当形式填空1.He wants to buy some drinks and (snack).2.Parents should develop their childrens (independent) as early as possible.3.The boy isnt old enough to take care of (him).4.John invited Mary (go) out for dinner,but she refused.5.I think every student should do his part in (keep) the classroom clean and tidy.6.Yesterday Sandy invited me (have) dinner.7.I always spend half an hour (walk) after dinner.8.Excuse me,would you mind (keep) your voices down,please?9.She is always (ask) for leave.10.The more you smile,the (happy) you will feel. 单项填空( )17.Could you buy books for me? Sure. A.some B.few C.any D.little( )18.Which one of these do you want? .Either will be OK. A.No problem B.Im sure C.Come on D.I dont mind ( )19.Mom,could I go out with friends on weekends? . A.Yes,you could. B.I dont think so. C.Yes,you can. D.Sure,you cant. ( )20.The members of the team are practicing really hard win the coming game. A.in order B.in order that C.in order to D.so that( )21.The dining hall is to hold 300 people. A.enough big B.enough well C.small enough D.big enough ( )22.Could you please some information for us about the students health? Of course,its my pleasure. A.provide B.give C.pass D.show ( )23.If our parents do everything for us children,we wont learn to depend ourselves. A.in B.to C.on D.for( )24.Thanks for your invitation,but Im so sorry I cant go.I need to my baby at home. A.take away B.take off C.take care of D.take out of ( )25.you are, mistakes you will make in the test. A.The more careful,the fewer B.The more carefully,the fewer C.The more careful,the less D.The more carefully,the lessSection B (2cSelf Check)【基础训练】.要点词汇1.合理的;适当的 2.unfair .短语互译3.同意 4.for example.根据汉语意思完成句子1.你能在九点之前回来吗? come back before nine?2.我认为你必须先打扫一下房间。 I think youyour room first.3.在家中让妈妈独自做家务是不公平的。 for Mom chores at home alone.4.我认为孩子们应该学会如何照顾自己。 I think children how tothemselves.5.我认为孩子们应该做家务。 I think children . 【综合运用】. 根据汉语意思完成句子 1.天正在下雨的时候浇花是在浪费时间。 Its a to water the flowers when it is raining.2.每天在作业上我要花费半小时。 I half an hour my homework every day.3.为了得到这项工作,他工作非常努力。 He worked very hard get the job.4.你放弃吸烟越早,对你的健康就越有好处。 you give up smoking, it is for your health.5.我不介意打扫地板。 I do not the floor.用所给词的适当形式填空12.Its important for us (learn) English well.13.Why cant I get a free ticket,too?Its (fair)! 14.Tom and Jerry (agree) with each other,so they argued for a long time.15.Peter felt (bad) today than yesterday.单项填空( )16.I think children should help housework at home. A.to B.with C.for D.of( )17.I think its parents job to do chores. .Children should also do some chores at home. A.I hope so B.Dont say so C.I agree D.I disagree( )18.Could I leave now? .First you have to clean the classroom. A.Sure,you could B.Sorry,you cant C.Yes,you could D.No,you couldnt( )19.I watch TV after finishing my homework? Yes,you can. A.Must B.Need C.Could D.Should ( )20.Could you please the rubbish when you leave home? Yes,sure. A.take out B.give out C.give away D.put out12


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