2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 1 Food for thought Period 3 课时作业(三) 外研版必修第二册

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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 1 Food for thought Period 3 课时作业(三) 外研版必修第二册_第1页
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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 1 Food for thought Period 3 课时作业(三) 外研版必修第二册_第2页
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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 1 Food for thought Period 3 课时作业(三) 外研版必修第二册_第3页
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Period 3Using languageGrammar & Vocabulary课时作业(三) 基础训练单词拼写1He cut down on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced _ (日常饮食). 答案:diet2It is the _ (风俗) in that country for women to marry young.答案:custom3She laid down her knife and fork and pushed her _ (盘子) away. 答案:plate4Users can _ (下载) their material to a desktop PC. 答案:download5The _ (功能) of the heart is to pump blood through the body.答案:function6The virus seems to have a_ his throat. 答案:attacked7He r_ that she do some research and talk to dentists about what a healthier candy would contain.答案:recommended8Here are some t_ on how to use the machine. 答案:tips9Im a cartoon a_! I watch them all day. 答案:addict10The noise seems to be coming from w_ the building. 答案:within单句语法填空1I never dreamed that I would be _ to afford a home here.答案:able2He dare not _ (say) what he thought.答案:say3You have _ admit that you are, in fact, in difficulties.答案:to4Im not clear about this matter, so I had _ keep quiet.答案:better5If she wants anything, she _ only ask.答案:need单句写作1世界上没有人是完美的,我也不例外。There are no perfect people in the world. I am _. 答案:no exception2离婚后,杰克终日醉酒,结果丢了工作。After his divorce, Jack _ drinking, thus losing his job.答案:addicted himself to3她给了我一个单子以防我有什么东西忘记买。She gave me a list just _ I should forget what to buy. 答案:in case4我有我自己的观点,但我的观点与其他人的不同,包括你自己的。I have my own viewpoint, but it will _ other people, including your own. 答案:differ from5你为什么要推荐他担任这么重要的职位?Why did you _ such an important position? 答案:recommend him to take思维训练完形填空In recent weeks customers have been queuing at Donut City, starting at 4:30 am, to buy dozens of doughnuts (甜甜圈). Customers say the doughnuts are _1_. But the taste is not the reason why theyve been waiting in _2_ to buy them.It started a few weeks ago, when customers started noticing that something was _3_. Every day for the past 28 years, the friendly husbandandwife _4_ of Donut CityStella and John Chhanhave stood behind the counter _5_ doughnuts. But then one day, Stella Chhan wasnt there.When customers enquired, John Chhan, 62, told them Stella had fallen ill and was _6_ in a nursing home. He would visit his wife once all the doughnuts were _7_.Dawn Caviola, a _8_ of Donut City, thought if enough people would buy a dozen doughnuts every morning, John Chhan could close early and go to _9_ his wife.After Caviola posted the _10_ on the neighborhood message board, neighbors and fans responded in a positive way. They started _11_ in the dark, ordering dozens of doughnuts.Jenee Rogers has been a _12_ Donut City customer for the past 20 years. She saw a local news story about the _13_ to help the Chhans, which included trying to set up a GoFundMe page to _14_ money to help the Chhans, but they _15_ the offer. Rogers said she and all of her friends started to spread the word to go to the shop _16_ and buy doughnuts.When Stella Chhan _17_ fell ill a few weeks ago, John Chhan said, she couldnt speak and had trouble _18_. Now shes talking some and can sit down on her own and she is getting better and better.In a phone interview, John Chhan expressed how thankful he is to his _19_ customers. “I _20_ it.” he said. “I just cant say enough thank you and thank you.”篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。Donut City的店主Stella生病了,她丈夫John Chhan每天卖完甜甜圈就去疗养院看她。为此他们的顾客每天很早就来排队买甜甜圈,希望John Chhan能早点收店去陪伴Stella。1A.cheapBdeliciousCsmellyDjuicy答案:B根据下文的“the taste”可知,这些甜甜圈是美味的,故答案为B。2A.lineBexchangeCpanicDreturn答案:A根据上文的“customers have been queuing at Donut City”可知,此处指的是顾客排队买,使用wait in line,故答案为A。3A.commonBinterestingCawkwardDwrong答案:D几周前顾客发现有点不对劲,使用something was wrong,故答案为D。4A.customersBneighborsCownersDwaiters答案:C根据语境此处指的是Donut City的拥有者是Stella和John Chhan这对夫妇,使用owners,故答案为C。5A.buyingBsellingCorderingDsending答案:B这对夫妇之前一直一起站在柜台后卖着甜甜圈,故答案为B。6A.workingBvolunteeringCrecoveringDvisiting答案:CJohn Chhan告诉顾客Stella病了,然后在疗养院休养,故答案为C。7A.taken outBsold outCcalled offDput off答案:B一旦所有的甜甜圈卖出去后,他就马上去看望他的妻子,故答案为B。8A.workerBcitizenCreporterDfan答案:DDawn Caviola是Donut City的一个粉丝,因为这是家夫妻店,且第10空后的fans也是提示。故答案为D。9A.accompanyBpraiseCencourageDrecognize答案:Aaccompany “陪伴”;praise “表扬”;encourage “鼓励”;recognize “辨认”。如果每天早上有足够的人买他的甜甜圈,John Chhan就能早点收店去陪伴他的妻子,故答案为A。10A.choiceBmovementCideaDadvertisement答案:CCaviola把他的想法发布在邻里的信息板,故答案为C。11A.turning upBputting upCtaking upDmaking up答案:A他们开始天没亮就出现,去买甜甜圈,故答案为A。12A.modestBregularCresponsibleDstrict答案:B由下文的“for the past 20 years”可知,Jenee Rogers是这家店的常客,故答案为B。13A.commandBcourageCeffortDability答案:C她看到了当地人帮助Chhans这家人所做出的努力,故答案为C。14A.raiseBearnCsaveDborrow答案:A此处指建立一个叫做GoFundMe的主页筹钱帮助Chhans这家人,故答案为A。15A.sacrificedBadvocatedCpostponedDdeclined答案:D但是他们拒绝了,故答案为D。16A.earlyBrarelyCmainlyDfrequently答案:A由第8空后的描述及第11空后的“in the dark”(天没亮)可知,Rogers跟她的朋友鼓动大家每天很早去买甜甜圈,故答案为A。17A.eventuallyBinitiallyCoccasionallyDgradually答案:B此处指当Stella Chhan最开始生病的几个星期,故答案为B。18A.listeningBseeingCtastingDmoving答案:D根据下文的“can sit down on her own”可知最开始她都不能移动,使用moving,故答案为D。19A.honestBgenerousCpoliteDconsiderate答案:DJohn Chhan表达了对他那些善解人意的顾客的感谢,故答案为D。20A.regretBconsiderCappreciateDdeserve答案:C此处表示感谢,使用appreciate “感激”,故答案为C。语法填空Chinese tea is good for cleaning our digestive system. From time _1_ time, we would like to have a cup of Chinese tea after _2_ meal. Sometimes, we use Chinese tea for cooking, especially tea eggs.Tea eggs, a popular Chinese food, _3_ (sell) along the busy sidewalk or at a market food stand. It is not only a quick and delicious way to fill up your stomach, _4_ a unique way to learn Chinese culture of food.Chinese tea eggs are easy to make. Simply prepare some _5_ (boil) eggs. Gently tap the egg shells with the back of a teaspoon and crack the shells. Next, _6_ (careful) place the cracked eggs in the pot with marinade (卤汁) and boil for about 15 minutes. Then let the eggs soak (浸泡) in the _7_ (mix) for about 4 hours, _8_ makes the eggs have enough flavor. The dark color of the marinade gives the egg a marbled effect. Before _9_ (serve), gently reheat the eggs with the marinade.Although a tea egg comes from China and _10_ (have) much to do with Chinese cuisine (烹饪), other similar recipes have been developed throughout Asia.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。茶叶蛋美味又营养,那么你了解茶叶蛋的制作方法吗?1to考查介词。from time to time意为“不时,偶尔,间或”,是固定搭配,故填to。2a考查冠词。meal是可数名词,单数形式前加不定冠词a表示泛指,故填a。3are sold考查动词的时态和语态。Tea eggs与sell之间是动宾关系,且表示一般事实,要用一般现在时的被动语态,故填are sold。4but考查连词。not only . but (also) . 意为“不仅而且”,是固定搭配,故填 but。5boiled考查词性转换。此处要用形容词修饰名词eggs,boiled “煮沸的”,故填boiled。6carefully考查副词。place是动词,要用副词修饰,故填carefully。7mixture考查词性转换。根据空格前的in the并结合语境可知此处应填名词,故填mixture。8which考查定语从句的引导词。分析句子结构可知这是一个定语从句,先行词是前面整个句子,在从句中作主语,故用关系代词which引导。9serving考查非谓语动词。介词后接动词时用动名词形式,故填serving。10has考查主谓一致。have much to do with意为“与有很大关系”,根据前文中的comes,可知此处要用一般现在时的单数形式,故填has。- 6 -


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