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Unit 9_一、单词 (27分)1.准备_(n.)_2.考试n._(同义)_3.直到为止_4.有空的_(同)_5.悬挂_(过式)_6接受_7.拒绝_(同义短语)_8.赶上,抓住_(过式)_9.邀请_ n._10.工作日_ 周末_ 11回复_12转寄v.向前adv_13删除_14印刷_15.悲哀的_16再见_17高兴的_18.胶水_19.没有prep._(反义)_20.音乐会_21.开幕式_v._22惊奇,惊喜_adj._/_23.校长_24大事,公开活动_25.客人_26日历_ 27白天_二、短语(46分)X k B 1 . c o m1.为考试做准备_2.为数学考试而学习_3.去看医生_4.患流感_5太多的家庭作业_6.其他时间_7.去骑自行车_8.进行考试 _9.去年秋天_/_10.和某人闲逛_11.在周一晚上_12. 去参加聚会_举办聚会_13.去看电影_/_14. 听起来很棒_15.有空干某事_/_16.愿意/想要干某事_17.前天_18.后天_19.上钢琴课_20.照顾好某人_/_21.邀请某人参加聚会_22邀请某人做某事_23.做某事的最好方法_24.去某地旅行 _25.在这个月底_26.高兴/乐意干某事_27.帮助某人摆脱困境_28.返回美国_29.举办一个惊喜聚会_30.帮着做某事_31在周五之前_32.期待/盼望做某事_33收到某人的来信_/_给某人写信_34.接受邀请_35拒绝邀请_/_36.发出邀请_回复邀请_37成功做到_38新图书馆的落成典礼_39去听音乐会_40以书面形式回复此邀请_41在聚会上_42在周三的早上_/_43.在周末_44.在工作日_上/这/下周末_45让聚会成为一个惊喜_46你最喜欢的老师之一_三、翻译句子;(22分) 1.-周六下午你能来参加聚会吗?_ -当然,我很乐意。/抱歉,我必须为数学考试学习。_2.我愿意邀请你来参加第九中学我们新图书馆的落成典礼。_3. 12月20号周五之前请你以书面形式回复此邀请。_4-明晚你能去看电影吗?_-当然,那听起来很棒。_-我恐怕不行。我感冒了。_5.-他能去看棒球赛吗?_-不。他没有空。他必须去看医生。_6-周末你打算干什么?_ -我不确定。我可能练习拉小提琴。_7.周一我参加考试,所以我必须为它准备。_8.Sam直到下周三才离开。_9.非常感谢你为此计划。_10.为了表示我们有多想念她,让我们在28号下周五为他准备一个惊喜聚会。_11.但是,我仍旧乐意帮助解决聚会的任何准备工作。_四、根据句意和首字母填空(23分)1.Im afraid I wont be a_the whole week. I cant go to your house.2.The cat c_ mice.3.He _(接受)a present from his friend last weekend.4.She _(拒绝) their invitation yesterday. 5.Thank you for your _(邀请).6.Mr. Li always _(邀请)her to go for a walk. 22. Thank you for i_ me to your party. 7.The chairman needs to _(答复)the workers. 新 课 标 第 一 网8.The Smiths are making _ for this journey.(准备).9.I would like to invite you to the _of our new library.(开幕式)10.We should go to a _ some time(音乐会).11. They are coming to my party as my _(客人). 12.Did you c_ the first bus this morning? No, I was ten minutes late. And I had to take a taxi to school.13.Lucy is so young that she c_ swim in the river.14.She thinks we can go to see a film a_ time. 17. I want to _(打印) these files(文件)15.Tomorrow therell be a test, so I have to p_ for it.16. _(没有) your help, I cant finish the work on time. 18. What are you doing _(明天)? 19. Are they _ (去)to movies with you ?20. When do you usually get up on _(工作日).21.-W_ is today? -Its Tuesday ,the 15th. 23. Tomorrow is Sunday ,and Ill be a_ 五、用所给词的适当形式填空。(33分) 新课 标 第 一 网1. She invites me _(watch) the basketball match the day after tomorrow.2. Can you_ (come ) to my party? 3.Thank you for_( tell) me the news.4.Would you like _(dance) with us? 6.Lets have a_(surprise) party for mom.7.Im looking forward to _(hear) from you soon.8.Tom can _(visit) his aunt. He _ (not have) to _(stay) at home .9.The party is the best way_(say)”Thank you.” to our teacher. X K b 1.C o m10.He will not refuse_(help) you .Dont worry. 11.Thanks for _ (write) to me.12.Its time _ (have) the English class. 13.Would you like _ (play) tennis with me14.Are you available _ (come) to my place in Saturday?15.What are you planning _ (do) next Sunday? 30. Im sad_(see) her _(go).16.Please let us _ (know) if you can come the party. 32. How about _(play) volleyball?17.They are _ (serve) food and drinks at the party.18.I would like _ (invite) you to my birthday party.19.The opening _ (be) on the morning of next Monday.20.Please reply in _ (write) to this invitation.21.Can he _ (go) to the zoo with us on Saturday afternoon?22.Fish cant _ (live) without water. 24.She has to _ (have) a piano lesson.23.Id love _ (come) over to your house to see your parents.25.You _ (not have) to worry.26.Are they _ (practice) English?27. They arent _(go) to movies this evening.28. He looks forward to _ (visit) his uncle.29. Im _ (prepare) for an exam this evening.31. Im taking a trip to Beijing _ (visit) my grandparents.33. Tom _(call) me twice last night. But I was not at home.六.单项选择:(35分)( )1. -Sorry, because I have to look after my brother. -Thats too_. Maybe_ time.A. bad; another B. bad; other C. good; another D. good; otherw W w .X k b 1. c O m( )2. -Would you like to visit the museum? -_A. Yes, please. B. Sure, Id love to. C. Sorry, I wouldnt. D. Yes, I would. ( )3. Sorry, Im busy today. I have_homework to do.A. much too B. too much C. too many D.many too( )4. Thanks a lot for_ me_your party. A. invite; for B. invite; to C inviting; for D. inviting; to ( )5. -Would you like to come to dinner this Sunday,Mary? -_ A. Id love to, but I have lots of things to do. B. Oh, no. Thatll be too tired. C. Ill stay at home. D. Yes, please.( )6. Thanks a lot for _me_ your birthday party.A. invite for B. invite to C. inviting for D. inviting to( )7. Listen! Is Tom singing in the classroom?No, it_ be Tom. He has gone to Pairs. A. may not B. neednt C. cant D. mustnt( )8. Harbin is really a beautiful city and therere many places of interest.So it is. Why not stay here for_ two days? A.other B. others C. another D. the anthers( )9. Ben, would you like to play football with us? _,but I have to wash the dishes first.A.No, I cant B. I dont want to C. Yes, please. D. Id love to.( )10. Great changes have taken place in China, who can tell _it would be like in _five years?A. how;other B. what; more C. how; another D. What; another ( )11. She looks forward to _ around the world. A. travel B. traveling C. traveled D. travels( )12. I look forward to hearing _ you. A.of B. for C. from D. to ( )13.Chinese climbers carried the Olympic Flame to the top of the worlds highest mountain_8th of May 2008. A. on B. at C. in D. from ( )14.The students have _ (homework) to do every day. A. too much B. too many B. too less D. too more( )15. The cake is delicious . Can you pass me _ one? A. other B. the other B. another D. others( )16. He cant _ to the concert. He has to _ his parents at home. A. go; help B. goes; helps C. going; helping D. go; helps( )17. Thank you for _ me to join the club. A. ask; B.asking C. asked D. to ask( )18. Can you go to his party on Saturday? -_ , Id love to .A. No B. Sorry C Sure D. Why新|课 |标|第 | 一| 网( )19. She left _ saying a word. A. with B. without C. under D. for( )20. Lets have a _ party for Tom.A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. exciting ( )21. If you dont want to go there. You can _ his invitation.A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down( )22.The opening will be _ the afternoon of July 1st. A. in B. on C. at D. for( )23. Can you help _ with any of the party preparations? A. out B. in C. at D. of ( )24. To my _, he was not _ when he heard the _ news.A. surprise, surprised, surprising B. surprised, surprising, surpriseC. surprise, surprising, surprised D. surprise, surprised, surprising( )25. I dont like this shirt. Could you show me _ one? A. the other B. another C. others D. other七,完成句子(26分)1.周一晚上你能和我们去闲逛吗?_you _ _with us on Monday night. . 2.汤姆直到完成作业才去睡觉。Tom _ going to go to bed _ he finish his homework.3.汤姆必须备考数学。Tom has to_ _ the math exam.4.露西直到前天才去看医生。Lucy _ go to the doctor _ the day before yesterday.5. 麦克必须照看他的弟弟吗?_ Mike have to _ _ his brother?6. Thank you for inviting me. ( 同义句)_ for your _.7. 多好的主意啊!_ a great idea!8.I expect to meet her again.I look _ _ _ her again.9. 约翰在这个月底要去法国旅行。John is_ to _ a trip to France _ _ _ of this month.10. 把汤姆带到晚会,不要告诉他以便使他感到惊讶。新|课 |标| 第 |一| 网 Bring Tom to the party _ _ him _ _ he can be surprised.11.她期待着收到你的来信。她 _ _ _ _ _ you.12.我太忙了不能接受你的邀请。Im _ busy _ I cant accept your invitation.Im _ busy _ accept your invitation.13. 昨天吉姆拒绝参加我的生日聚会。Jim _ _ _ _my birthday party yesterday.新课 标第 一 网


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