2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 6 Earth first Period 3 课时作业(三) 外研版必修第二册

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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 6 Earth first Period 3 课时作业(三) 外研版必修第二册_第1页
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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 6 Earth first Period 3 课时作业(三) 外研版必修第二册_第2页
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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 6 Earth first Period 3 课时作业(三) 外研版必修第二册_第3页
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Period 3Using languageGrammar & Vocabulary课时作业(三)基础训练单词拼写1The tomatoes were grown in the _ (温室)答案:greenhouse2We have 20 parttime members of _ (员工)答案:staff3People were swimming in the _ (大海) despite the hurricane warning.答案:ocean4In fact many food crops failed because of the _ (干旱)答案:drought5The electricity _ (供应) had been cut off. 答案:supply6More than 70 people were killed in the f_, caused when a dam burst.答案:floods7Diamonds are pure c_.答案:carbon8The report h_ the major problems facing society today.答案:highlighted9The characteristics of the machine are fully detailed in our b_.答案:brochure10You can also click the sound button on the s_ to add an audio file. 答案:slide单句语法填空1We shouldnt keep the bulbs _ (burn) in the day.答案:burning2They found the fins of the shark _ (cut) off.答案:cut3The English class ended with all _ (sing) an English song.答案:singing4When I got home, I saw the TV _ (turn) off.答案:turned5On the top of the hill, he could see fog _ (rise) from the sea.答案:rising单句写作1他们一直致力于节约用水。They are always _ water conservation.答案:devoted to2国家级自然保护区建成后,自然环境得到了很好的保护。With SNNR _, the natural environment has been well _.答案:established; protected3已有超过700万的民众受到旱灾的影响。More than seven million people have been _.答案:affected by drought4我们都需要寻求降低碳排放量的方法。We all need to look for ways to _.答案:reduce our carbon footprint5我不鼓励人们未经允许就拍摄这样的照片。I dont encourage people to take photographs like this _.答案:without permission思维训练完形填空A thousand years ago Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest like the forests we now find in Malaysia and Thailand. As more and more _1_ came to live in Hong Kong, these trees were cut down and burnt. Now there is no forest left, _2_ there are still some areas covered with trees. We call these _3_.Elephants, tigers, monkeys and many other animals used to live in the _4_ forests of Hong Kong, and there were even crocodiles in the _5_ and along the coast. When people came to live in Hong Kong, the animals began to _6_ out. Early farmers grew rice and kept pigs and chickens in the valleys.They _7_ the trees and burnt them. They needed fires to keep themselves _8_ in the winter, to cook their food, and to keep away from dangerous animals. Elephants quickly disappeared because there was not enough _9_ for them. So did most of the wolves, and tigers. Monkeys, squirrels and many other animals soon died out in the same _10_.You might think that there are _11_ any animals in Hong Kong, except in the _12_. You might think there cant be any wild animals in such a _13_ place with so many cars and buildings. But there is _14_ a good deal of countryside in Hong Kong and New Territories, and there are still about thirtysix different kinds of animals living there.One of the most interesting of Hong Kongs _15_ is the barking deer. They are beautiful little creatures with rich, brown coat and a white patch under the tail. They look like deer but they are much _16_. They are less than two feet high. The male barking deer has two small horns but the female has none. They make a _17_ rather like a dog barking.Barking deer live in thick shrub (灌木) country and are very good at _18_. They eat grass and shrubs, mainly in the very early morning and late afternoon and evening. This is when you are most likely to see one but you will need to be very quiet and to have very _19_ eyes. In Hong Kong the barking deer has only one _20_man. Although it is illegal, people hunt and trap these harmless little animals. As a result there are now not many left. There are a few on Hong Kong Island but none in the New Territories. 篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。曾经有许多野生动物的香港,现在却只能在动物里寻找曾经的美好回忆。1A.people BchildrenCladiesDwomen答案:A结合下段中的“When people came to live in Hong Kong”此处意为随着越来越多的人(people)到香港居住。2A.asBsinceCthoughDbecause答案:C前后两句话之间是转折关系,故用though。3A.desertBshadesCfieldsDwoods答案:Dthese指代前文的“areas covered with trees”,故woods“树林”符合题意。4A.thinBthickCshortDdying答案:B人们来香港后砍伐焚烧树林,而在此之前,树林是thick(茂密)的。5A.riversBhillsCskyDmountains答案:Acrocodiles (鳄鱼)自然是生活在水里(rivers)。6A.dieBlookCcomeDget答案:A句意:当人们来到香港居住,动物开始灭绝。die out “绝种,死光”。7A.plantedBlooked afterCcared forDcut down答案:D此处指砍伐焚烧树林。cut down “砍倒”。8A.coldBcoolCwarmDhot答案:C句意:他们需要火在冬天取暖、烧饭、驱赶动物。9A.airBfoodCwaterDclothes答案:B此处意为树木减少,造成大象食物不足。10A.wayBroadCstreetDrail答案:Ain the same way “以同样的方式”。11A.neverBalwaysCnoDno longer答案:D原先有很多的动物,现在不再(no longer)有了。12A.zoosBshopsCkitchensDparks答案:A除了动物园其他地方就没有动物了。13A.freeBbusyCbigDlarge答案:B结合后面的“with so many cars and buildings”可知香港是个繁忙的地方。14A.no moreBnearlyCstillDhardly答案:C与前面的cant构成转折关系,此处应选表示肯定意义的词;根据本句中的“and there are still about . ”可知此处应填still。15A.animalsBplantsCfishesDbirds答案:A与前面的any wild animals呼应。16A.greatBlargerCsmallerDheavier答案:C结合下文“They are less than two feet high.”可知它很小。17A.noiseBvoiceCsongDliving答案:A结合下文“a dog barking”可知此处指它们发出的声音。18A.barkingBeatingCplantingDhiding答案:D结合下文“you will need to be very quiet”可知这种动物很警觉,善于躲藏。19A.commonBsharpCclearDbig答案:Bsharp eyes “敏锐的眼睛”。sharp “敏锐的; 锋利的”。20A.neighborBbrotherCenemyDfriend答案:C结合下文可知人(people)是这种动物的唯一敌人。阅读理解For over a month, forest fires in Indonesia spread very quickly out of control as the country suffered its worst drought in 50 years. Within days a cloud of smog was hanging over neighbouring countries including Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.When the smoke combined with pollution from factories and cars, it soon became poisonous (有毒的). Dangerous amounts of carbon dioxide became trapped under the smog and pollution levels rose. People coughed as they left the house and their eyes watered immediately.The smog made it impossible to see across streets and whole cities disappeared as grey soot (烟灰) covered everything. In some areas, tap water was used from highrise city buildings to try and break up the smog.Finally, heavy rains, which came in November, put out the fires and cleared the air. But the environmental costs and health problems will remain. Breathing problems could well increase and many nonsufferers may have difficulties for the first time. Wildlife has suffered too. In lowland forests, elephants, deer, and tigers have been driven out of their homes by smog.But smog is not just an Asian problem. In fact, the word was first used in London in 1905 to describe the mixture of smoke and thick fog. Sometimes the smog was so thick and poisonous that people were killed by breathing problems or in accidents. About 4,000 Londoners died within five days as a result of thick smog in 1952.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。森林大火不仅烧毁树木,还引起有毒的雾霾,严重影响人与动物的生命安全。1When did the forest fires most probably happen?AIn July.BIn October.CIn November.DIn December.答案:B推理判断题。根据第一段中的“For over a month”以及第四段第一句中的“Finally, heavy rains, which came in November”可知,十一月的一场大雨扑灭了持续了一个月的大火,所以森林火灾发生的时候是十月份,故选B。2Which of the following is true about the forest fires?AThe fires spread to Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.BThe fires were put out by the firefighters and volunteers.CMany animals were left homeless because of the smog.D4,000 people were killed by the forest fires.答案:C细节理解题。根据第四段最后两句可知,许多动物因为雾霾而无家可归,故选C。3What can we learn from the passage?ASmog can lead to drought problem.BSmog can cause forest fires easily.CSmog has little effect on wildlife.DSmog is more than an Asian problem.答案:D细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句可知,雾霾不仅仅是亚洲的问题,故选D。4What is the similarity between the Indonesia smog and the London smog?ABoth were caused by drought.BBoth caused many deaths.CBoth were poisonous.DBoth spread in several countries.答案:C细节理解题。根据第二段第一句以及最后一段中的“Sometimes the smog was so thick and poisonous”可知,印尼雾霾和伦敦雾霾都有毒,故选C。语法填空Daisy had always longed to help _1_ (endanger) species of wildlife. One day when she woke up she was taken to Tibet by a flying carpet, where Daisy saw an antelope _2_ (look) sad and then knew the antelopes were _3_ endangered species. Daisy wondered what to do to help them. The flying carpet travelled so fast _4_ next minute they were in Zimbabwe. Daisy turned around and found that she _5_ (watch) by an elephant. It asked if Daisy came to take its photo. In relief Daisy burst into _6_ (laugh). A monkey watched them and protected itself _7_ mosquitoes by rubbing. The monkey told them that they should pay more attention to the rainforest where it lived _8_ appreciated how the animals lived together. Daisy was amazed and they flew home. From this experience Daisy learned the _9_ (important) of wildlife protection. _10_ an experience!1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。对于Daisy来说,保护濒危野生动物更像是一场与动物的“约会”。1endangered考查形容词。句意:濒临灭绝的野生动植物种类。此处是形容词修饰名词,故填endangered。2looking考查非谓语动词。see . doing . “看见正做”;现在分词doing在句中充当宾补。3an考查冠词。endangered发音以元音音素开头,故其前用不定冠词an修饰。4that考查连词。此处是so . that “如此以至于”,引导的结果状语从句,故填that。5was being watched考查动词的时态和语态。句意:Daisy转过身来,发现她正在被一头大象注视着。句子用过去进行时态的被动语态,故填was being watched。6laughter考查词性转换。burst into laughter “放声大笑”,故填laughter。7from考查介词。protect . from “保护免遭”,固定词组,故填from。8and考查连词。句意:这只猴子告诉他们,他们应该更加重视热带雨林,在那里它生活并欣赏动物是怎样生活在一起的。此处表示并列关系,故填and。9importance考查词性转换。句意:从这次经历Daisy了解到保护野生动植物的重要性。定冠词后面用名词,故答案为importance。10What考查感叹句。句意:这是一次怎样的经历啊!What后面直接跟名词an experience,故填What。- 8 -


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