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2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题3.问题1选项A.He is going to get married.B.He is going to get his bachelors degree.C.He will count on the woman for help.D.He will bring his own booze to the party.【答案】A【解析】W: Well throw Tom a bachelor party.M: Then count me in.W: Great. Be at our house at 8 p.m, and bring your own booze.Q: What is true about Tom?【解析】细节题。男士表示想去单身汉晚会,女士确认了时间为晚上八点,并且要自带酒水。2. 单选题6.问题1选项A.He hurt his uncle.B.He hurt his ankle.C.He has a swollen toe.D.He needs a minor surgery.【答案】B【解析】W: Where is your injury? M: Here, my ankle. W: How did it happen? M: I tripped over on the pavement and twisted it. It was swollen and very painful. Q: What is true about the man? 【解析】细节题。男士说:Here, my ankle,即他伤到了脚踝。3. 单选题Many problems that we face, such as depression, compulsive and addictive behaviors, and anxiety, result from human inherent desire to seek pleasure.问题1选项A.consecutiveB.excessiveC.obsessiveD.possessive【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. consecutive 连贯的;连续不断的 B. excessive 过多的C. obsessive 强迫性的;着迷的 D. possessive 占有的;所有的【答案】C【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】划线单词前面说我们面临许多行为,这些行为有抑郁和成瘾性行为,以及焦虑,都是一些不好的行为,划线处单词与这些行为并列,由此可知划线处单词也是不好的行为。所以C选项“强迫性”符合题意。划线单词compulsive“强迫性的”。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均不符合句意。【句意】我们所面临的许多问题,如抑郁、强迫性和成瘾行为,以及焦虑,都是源于人类内在的寻求快乐的欲望。4. 单选题问题1选项A.Because the companies want to improve workers health and reduce medical spendingB.Because the companies want to save more money for employersC.Because the programs turned out to be useless in improving workers healthD.Because the longer-term effects of the programs have not been identified问题2选项A.The program did no help in lowering workers blood pressure or sugar levelsB.The program significantly reduced workers health care costsC.The workers who adopted healthier behaviors turned to be healthierD.The workers who are more optimistic turned to be healthier问题3选项A.They are going to analyze 3 years of data from the wellness programB.They are going to adjust the wellness programC.They are going to support the wellness program for a long term.D.They are going to see whether the wellness program are beneficial in a long-term run【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:D【解析】第1题:重新思考健康计划的原因在第二段与第三段最后均有提到。第二段最后说到“it found no significant reduction in workers health care costs(研究发现,职工的医疗保健成本没有显著下降)”,第三段最后说到“The researchers are now analyzing three years of data from the wellness program to see if there are any longer-term effects(研究人员现在正在分析来自健康计划的三年数据,以了解是否有任何长期的影响)”,说明其原因就在这个计划的长期影响并不十分确定,D选项正确。第2题:文中提到的研究有三个结果:1.参加了健康计划的员工更加注意自己的身体健康问题;2. 参加计划与否对于到血压或血糖指标的影响差别不大;3. 并没有降低职工医疗成本。因此C选项是符合这三个结果的。A选项的问题在于否定了健康计划对血压或血糖指标的影响。第3题:研究人员的目标体现在最后一句“The researchers are now analyzing three years of data from the wellness program to see if there are any longer-term effects(研究人员现在正在分析来自健康计划的三年数据,以了解是否有任何长期的影响)”,因此他们的目标就是看这个健康计划从长期来看是否有益,D选项正确。5. 单选题1.问题1选项A.The man is busy.B.The man has trouble breathing.C.The man is out of town on business.D.The man is hiding himself from the woman.【答案】A【解析】W: I dont see much of you these days, where have you been?M: I am working on a big project. I dont even have time to breath.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?【解析】推断题。男士说:I dont even have time to breath(我甚至没时间呼吸),由此推测他很忙。6. 单选题问题1选项A.He stayed up very late at the party.B.He didnt go home after the party.C.He suffers from sleeplessness.D.He used to be in poor health.【答案】A【解析】3. W: You look so bad. Whats up?M: My head is spinning. I had a bunch of my friends over last night and we parted until the three hours. I guess I just cant take late nights like I used to.Q: What is true about the man?【试题答案】A【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:有关这个男人,下列哪一项是正确的?由文中“I had a bunch of my friends over last night and we parted until the three hours.(昨天晚上我和一群朋友玩到很晚,直到三点才散。)”,可知A选项“He stayed up very late at the party.(他熬夜参加聚会到很晚。)”符合原文。B选项“聚会结束后他没有回家”;C选项“他失眠”;D选项“他过去身体不好”不符合原文。7. 单选题问题1选项A.The advantages of loneliness genes.B.The feeling of being lonely.C.People tending to feel lonely.D.People with loneliness genes.问题2选项A.lt may make you feel bad.B.It means you can tolerate loneliness.C.lt may make you feel lonely.D.It means you can tolerate bad feelings.问题3选项A.He can be alone for a long time.B.He always feels lonely on weekday.C.He feels alone at the weekend.D.He likes weekend.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:C【解析】第1题:关于孤独基因的表述,这个女性提到“But the professor says they do not only have negative effects(但教授表示,它们不仅是有负面影响)”,下文中说到它还有优势,后文表述的都是孤独基因的优点,因此A选项正确。第2题:对话中,男性问到孤独基因并非坏事的原因,女性回答道“Because it means you can tolerate being alone for a long time without feeling bad(因为这意味着你可以忍受长时间的独处而不感觉糟糕)”,说明孤独基因能让人忍受独处。因此B选项正确。第3题:这个女性说男性没有孤独基因的原因是“because you did feel bad at the weekend.(因为你在周末觉得很糟糕)”,也就是说他在周末觉得很孤独。因此C选项正确。8. 单选题Stem cells are( )cells with the ability to divide and develop into many other kinds of cells.问题1选项A.infertileB.juvenileC.mobileD.versatile【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. infertile 不育的 B. juvenile 青少年的;幼稚的C. mobile 可移动的;易变的 D. versatile 通用的;多功能的;万能的【答案】D【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】干细胞是具有的细胞,能产生出其他多种细胞。由本句后半句“能产生出其他多种细胞”可知干细胞是具有产生多功能的细胞。所以D选项“通用的;多功能的”符合句意。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合句意。【句意】干细胞是一种多功能细胞,具有分裂和发育成许多其他类型细胞的能力。9. 单选题2.问题1选项A.She bears noises in her ears day and night.B.She has been overworking for a long time.C.Her right ear, hurt in an accident, is troubling her.D.Her ear rings are giving her trouble day and night.【答案】A【解析】W: My ears are always ringing. Day and night I cant sleep.M: Which is your bad ear?W: My right ear hurts.Q: Why does the woman have trouble sleeping?【解析】女士在对话中说到难以入眠是因为My ears are always ringing(耳朵一直有噪音)。10. 单选题26-30问题1选项A.Vegetative patients are more aware.B.Vegetative patients retain some control of their eye movement.C.EEG scans may help us communicate with the vegetative patients.D.We usually communicate with the brain-dead people by brain-wave.问题2选项A.The left-hand side of the brain.B.The right-hand side of the brain.C.The central part of the brain.D.The front part of the brain.问题3选项A.31B.6C.4D.1问题4选项A.The patient was brain-dead.B.The patient wasnt brain-dead.C.The patient had some control over his eye movements.D.The patient knew the movement he or she was making.问题5选项A.The patient is no technically vegetative.B.The patient can communicate in some way.C.We can train the patient of speak.D.The family members and doctors can provide better care.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:C【解析】(26) Brain wave scanners might make it possible to communicate with people who are considered brain-dead, according to a new study reported in the Economist.A couple of recent studies have shown that a small minority of vegetative patients might be more aware than they seem. Now, Damien Cruse, with the Medical Research Councils Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge, UK, thinks EEG machines will be able to help these patients communicate.The team asked 6 healthy volunteers to wear EEG devices, which connect electrodes to a persons head. They were asked to respond to an audible tone by imagining that they were squeezing their right hands or wiggling the toes of both feet. (27) The researchers found that the volunteers brain responses were clearly different-the hand-squeezing activated the left-hand side of the brain, and the toe wiggling produced a response in the center of the brain.Then they tested the procedure on a patient with locked-in syndrome, who was almost completely paralyzed but retains some control of his eye movements. His brain responses were the same. Finally, (29) they tested the procedure on a patient who had been declared vegetative 2 years earlier. They watched the EEG signals and were able to deduce which movement the patient was imagining.(28) The same team had studied 23 vegetative patients over 4 years and found 4 patients were able to consistently respond to yes-or-no questions by changing their brain activity. They were asked to imagine playing tennis when they wanted to give one response, or walking around the house when they wanted to give the other.(30) Since the patients were responsive, theyre not technically vegetative, the researchers say. Proof that they can communicate that theyre not brain-dead would have major implications for family members and doctors decisions about their care.26. What does this talk mainly tell us?【解析】文章提到:脑波扫描可能使得人们与脑死亡病人交流成为可能。故选C。27. For the 6 healthy volunteers, which part of the brain did the hand-squeezing imagination activate?【解析】根据文章可知实验结果大为不同:攥拳头激发了大脑的左半部,而动脚趾激发了大脑的中部。故选A。28. Of the 23 vegetative patients, how many were found to be able to consistently respond to yes or-no questions?【解析】原文信息是studied 23 vegetative patients.found 4 patients were able to consistently respond to yes-or-no questions by changing their brain activity,即参加实验的23个植物人病人中有4个被发现对问题有持续反应。故选C。29. What can we learn from the study on the patient declared vegetative 2 years earlier?【解析】根据文章描述,研究者通过EEG信号观察,那些两年前被诊断为植物人的病人,即可以知道病人在想些什么,证明那些是有大脑活动的,并不是真正的脑死亡。故选B。30. When EEG signals indicate that a vegetative patient is responsive, which of the following is NOT true?【解析】通过对第26题与第29题的解答,可知A和B选项的表述正确。文章最后提到这一研究结果对于家属和医生护理有很好的的借鉴意义,所以D项正确。文章没有提到C项。11. 单选题15.问题1选项A.She disagrees with the man there.B.She is going to change her mind.C.It is out of the question to do that.D.It is possible to forgive him.【答案】C【解析】M: You are not thinking of getting back together with him, are you?W: Would he dream of it?Q: What does the woman mean?【解析】推断题。女士说:Would he dream of it(他在做梦吗?),足以证明她不可能复合。12. 单选题6.问题1选项A.SundayB.TuesdayC.ThursdayD.Saturday【答案】C【解析】M: Im usually on the job Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 1 to 5 P.M. and Wednesday from 3 to 6 P.M.W: Do you work on weekends too?M: Yes, but only in the morning.Q: What day is the man off duty?【解析】对话中,男士的工作时间为周一、周二、周五下午1点到5点,周三下午3点到6点,周六、日清晨。因此只有周四他不用上班。13. 单选题26-30问题1选项A.The link between obesity and birth defectB.The link between obesity and diabetesC.The risk of birth abnormalitiesD.The harmful effects of obesity27.问题2选项A.Neural tube defectsB.Heart problemsC.Cleft lip and palate (唇腭裂)D.Diabetes28.问题3选项A.20 millionB.200 millionC.400 millionD.40 million29.问题4选项A.A weight-loss surgeryB.A balanced dietC.A change of life styleD.More exercise30.问题5选项A.Why obesity can cause birth defectsB.How obesity may cause birth defectsC.Why obesity can cause diabetesD.How obesity may cause diabetes【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A第5题:B【解析】Catherine and other colleagues from Britains New Castle University combined data from 18 studies (26) to look at the risk of abnormalities of babies whose mothers were obese or overweight. (27) Obese women were nearly twice as likely to have a baby with neural tube defects which are caused by the incomplete development of the brain or spinal cord the study found. For one such defect, spinal bifida (脊柱裂), the risk more than doubled. The researchers also detected increased chances of heart defect, cleft lip and palate, water on the brain(脑积水) and problems in the growth of arms and legs. (28) The World Health Organization classifies around 400 million people around the world as obese, including 20 million under the age of 5, and the number is growing. Obesity raises the risks of diseases such as type II diabetes, heart problems and is a health concern piling pressure on an already overburdened national health system. Recent research has tight weight to other problems during pregnancy. (29) A team from the Round Corporation Think Tank in California reported in 2008 that women who get pregnant after weight loss surgery tend to be healthier and less likely to deliver a baby born with complications compared to obese women. (30) Further study may show how obesity may cause these problems, Juliet at New Castle University researcher who worked on the study said in a telephone interview . Women who are thinking about trying for a baby need to check their own weight first, and then think about seeking help if they are overweight.26. What is the talk mainly about?【解析】全文围绕“肥胖的女性生的孩子更容易发生异常”展开,A选项“肥胖和出生缺陷”符合,故选A。27. Babies whose mothers are obese may have increased chances of the following diseases except?【解析】其余三种缺陷“neural tube defects, cleft lip and palate, diabetes”文中都有提及,都有可能由母亲的肥胖引起,而糖尿病是针对母亲本人而言的,故选D。28. According to the WHO, how many people are classified as obese around the world?【解析】文中提到世界卫生组织将约4亿人归为肥胖,故选C。29. Which of the following can be a suggestion for obese women who plan to have a baby?【解析】那些做了减重手术的怀孕女性更健康,生的孩子更不容易有先天缺陷。30. According to the talk,what may be the focus of further studies?【解析】将来的研究焦点可能在于“how obesity may cause these problems”,these problems指先天缺陷。14. 单选题11.问题1选项A.Listen to music.B.Read magazines.C.Go play tennis.D.Stay in the house.【答案】C【解析】M: Louise, what are you doing now? W: Oh, just listening to music, looking through magazines. M: Staying in the house on a nice day like this? Come on, lets go play tennis. W: Oh great! You made my day. Q: What is the woman going to do? 【解析】态度方向。对话中女士在听音乐、看杂志,男士建议她出去打网球。女士说great。15. 单选题3.问题1选项A.In his bag.B.By the lamp.C.In his house.D.No idea about where he left it.【答案】C【解析】W: What are you looking for? M: My laptop. I cant find it in my bag or anywhere. W: I cant remember you carrying it here. Think about it one more time. M: Thats right. I left it at home. Q: Where is the mans laptop? 【解析】细节题。男士说:I left it at home,即他把电脑落家里了。16. 单选题问题1选项A.Management of cancer patients.B.Relief of the worries of caregivers.C.Emotional struggle while caregiving.D.Emotional support for cancer patients.【答案】C【解析】15. M: Doctor White. Ive been a cancer patient and a care giver, to a, cancer patient. I know kayaking was hard. What was going on emotionally? That seemed so hard.W: When youre care giving, youre undergoing chronic stress. Youre worrying about your loved one.Q: What are the two speakers talking about?【试题答案】C【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:这两个人在讨论什么?由文中“When youre care giving, youre undergoing chronic stress. Youre worrying about your loved one.(当你做护理时,你承受着长期的压力。你在为你在乎的人担心)”,可知C选项“Emotional struggle while caregiving(护理过程中的情感斗争)”符合原文。A选项“癌症患者的管理”;B选项“减轻照顾者的忧虑”;D选项“对患者的情感支持”不符合原文。17. 单选题问题1选项A.The woman needs a treatment.B.The woman didnt get paid this week.C.The man will probably pay for the dinner.D.The man will split the bill with the woman.【答案】C【解析】6. M: Lets eat out tonight, shall we?W: Im broke. Ive gone through my paycheck for the week already.M: Dont worry about it. Its my treat.Q: Whats can be inferred from the conversation.【试题答案】C【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:从这段交谈中可以得出什么?由文中“Dont worry about it. Its my treat.(不用担心,我请客)”,可知C选项“The man will probably pay for the dinner.(男士有可能买单)”符合原文。A选项“这个女人需要治疗”;B选项“这个女人这周没有拿到工资”;D选项“男士将与女士AA制”不符合原文。18. 单选题问题1选项A.MinorB.Moderate.C.Intense.D.Severe.【答案】A【解析】10. M: How strong is the pain exactly? On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you describe the intensity of the pain?W: Id say the pain is about one on a scale of 1 to 10. Like I say, its not really bad. It just keeps coming back.Q: Which of the following would best describe the womans pain?【试题答案】A【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:以下哪个最能准确描述这个女士的伤痛?由文中“Id say the pain is about one on a scale of 1 to 10. Like I say, its not really bad.(我想说痛感是1到10等级的第一级。就像我说的,并不算很痛)”,可知A选项“Minor(轻度)”符合原文。B选项“中等的”;C选项“强烈的”;D选项“剧烈的”不符合原文。19. 单选题15.问题1选项A.She makes a living now as a dressmaker.B.She makes a living now as a landlady.C.She worries a lot about her health.D.She now lives on her pension.【答案】B【解析】M: Do you work?W: I am a dress maker,but I havent worked for a year.M: Then how can you manage to live without working?W: I have a tenant.M: Do you often worry about things?W: I used to worry but not now. I know its not worth it.Q: What is true about the woman?【解析】细节题。女士说:I have a tenant(我有房客),即她是房东。20. 单选题 In medical terminology, the words history and physical almost always appear together in that order. As a physician, you do not engage a patient in the neurological examination until youve gathered the details of his or her debilitating headaches. But at one time in our medical careers, we are instructed to perform the most thorough physical examination possible without learning so much as the patients name. All we are given is an anatomy table number, an age, and a cause of death. We work our way through the anatomy labinspecting, searching, and feeling every muscle, bone, and organ-and we write our patients histories ourselves. To better understand the life of the woman who had donated her body for my education, I created the Obituary (讣告) Writing Program at Georgetown University during my first year of medical school. I worked with an obituary writer, Emily Langer, to develop a workshop to help interested medical students reflect on the lives that their corpses may have lived. She instructed us on the art of weaving disconnected memories into a single story. A series of creative writing prompts resulted in one students story of a dramatic football injury occurring in the middle of a competitive match. This moment in his corpses life was imagined from a pink prosthetic (假体的) hip beneath massive layers of muscle. The first conversation with my donors son lasted over an hour despite my initial fear that I would ask the wrong questions or offer the wrong words of sympathy. His mother was a small-town farm girl from Wisconsin. Dr. Carol Kennedy, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Class of 1972. She was a devout Catholic who considered being a physician a privilege and an opportunity to serve others. She wanted to continue to serve even after her death by donating her body to Georgetown University in order to educate future medical students like me. We have finally put the history in its rightful place before the physicalstudents now interview the families of their donors before making the first cut in the anatomy lab. Our corpses are our first counterparts in the privileged patient-physician relationship, and now we are able to begin that partnership just as we hope to do throughout the rest of our medical careers.1. The statement that “the words history and physical almost always appear together in that order” can be best interpreted as( ).2. What is the teaching approach in the anatomy lab described in Paragraph 2?3. What can be said of the Obituary Writing Program created by the author at Georgetown University?4. What can be inferred from the information the author obtained about Dr. Carol Kennedy from his talk with her son?5. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?问题1选项A.history taking is usually preceded by physical examinationB.history taking is usually taught before physical examinationC.history taking is usually overshadowed by physical examinationD.history taking is usually performed before physical examination问题2选项A.Identifying the real cause of the pat


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