2019-2020学年高中英语 阅读强化训练(十二) 牛津译林版必修3

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2019-2020学年高中英语 阅读强化训练(十二) 牛津译林版必修3_第3页
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阅读强化训练(十二)学生用书P152(单独成册)(建议用时:25分钟) 阅读理解From online newspapers to ereaders(电子阅读器) to social media, the Internet has had a deep effect on the ways people read for information and pleasure. However, research also shows that it has changed the depth of reading abilities. The Internet has not just changed what people read, but the ways they process and use the information, leading to both positive and negative consequences for Americans reading skills.If youve ever got a headache when reading pages filled with texts or felt like you couldnt focus when reading a simple paragraph, the Internet may have affected your attention. According to Nicholas Carr of The Atlantic, it actually may have changed your brain. Carrs article “Is Google Making Us Stupid” reports a widespread decrease in peoples abilities to carefully read and understand texts. Instead of focusing on the overall meaning of an article, people are likely to search for key words by reading the text quickly. This could possibly lead to weaker reading comprehension skills for students.Although the results of studies are different, the National Endowment for the Arts reports a relationship between the lack of time students spend reading for pleasure and decreased(降低的) reading scores. Their report “To Read or Not to Read” revealed that more than half of people aged 18 to 24 dont read for fun and that people in the same age group are more likely to spend money on entertainment than books. In possible consequence, overall reading test scores are down nationwide, with only 5 percent of students testing at skilled levels.While some studies show that social media and texting have had a harmful effect on students language use, some studies show that these activities might actually be improving their skills. Researchers at Coventry University selected a group of 9and 10yearolds who did not text and had them perform reading and spelling tests before and after texting over a 10day period. The results revealed an improvement in test scores that could be linked to texting use. These studies showed that students seem to gain valuable writing practice from online communication.【解题导语】本文介绍的是不同的有关因特网和电子阅读对美国人阅读能力的正面或负面的影响的研究成果。希望能引起读者对电子阅读的利弊的重视。1Which of the following statement might Nicholas Carr agree with?AThat reading online has increased peoples brain power.BThat students understanding skills may become worse.CThat peoples reading is more effective than before.DThat the Internet has increased peoples attention.B解析:细节理解题。从文章第二段最后一句This could possibly lead to weaker reading comprehension skills for students.可知,Nicholas Carr的观点是因特网的使用,使得学生的阅读能力下降了。2According to the report in Paragraph 3, what should be responsible for the decreased reading scores?AThe poor book quality.BThe decrease of reading time.CThe difficult reading passages.DThe visual entertainment media.B解析:细节理解题。从第三段中a relationship between the lack of time students spend reading for pleasure and decreased(降低的) reading scores.可以看出,本段认为导致阅读能力下降的主要原因是阅读时间的减少。3What is the topic of the text?AThe effect of Internet on reading.BThe disadvantages of the Internet.CThe changes in what people read.DThe development of traditional reading.A解析:主旨大意题。本文主要介绍的就是电子阅读时代对美国人阅读能力的影响。 完形填空I was having dinner with my mother on Sunday in a restaurant. We had a_1_time but I noticed a gentleman was having_2_paying his bill. I remembered I had a $10 bill in my wallet and I wanted to _3_it to him. So I walked over to his table and said, “Would this_4_?” He said “yes” and was ever so_5_to me and called me an angel.I_6_my table with my mother and enjoyed our_7_. In the meantime, I could see my $10 was helpful_8_not going to cover the bill. So I_9_that I would cover the rest of the bill_10_I paid for our meal. As I went over to the cashier desk to_11_, I noticed the waitress on her way back to the gentlemans table. I then asked the manager if things had been_12_. He said “no”So I called back the_13_and asked her to put the rest on my bill. The waitress was_14_and said, “Are you sure?” I_15_and asked her to do the math and put it on my bill. So she did. I paid and walked back to my table to_16_my coat.Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a hand_17_me back again. I went over and asked if everything was OK. The waitress said “yes” and_18_me a $25 gift certificate(礼品券). I was so surprised and loved the_19_on her face and the_20_I provided her with.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者跟母亲去餐馆吃饭,遇到一位男士钱不够,作者帮他付上了余额。这一举动感动了服务生,作者因此得到了一张价值25美元的礼品券。1A.hardBbusyClong DlovelyD解析:根据空格后的转折词but可以推知,作者原本跟母亲在餐馆过得很愉快。have a lovely time过得很愉快。2A.time BtroubleCfun DluckB解析:根据下文作者帮男士买单可知,这位男士买单有困难,即钱不够。have trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困难。3A.give BpassCsend DlendA解析:作者记得钱包里有一张10美元的钞票,她想把钱给这位男士。4A.work BmatterChelp DcoverC解析:根据空格后的He said “yes”可知,作者问这位先生,这10美元是否有帮助。5A.grateful BcarefulCfriendly DimportantA解析:根据空格后的called me an angel可知,男士非常感激作者的帮助。6A.cleaned up Breturned toCstared at Dmoved offB解析:与上文中的So I walked over to his table相对应,作者把10美元钞票给了男士后回到自己的餐桌旁。7A.rest BstayCdinner DtaskC解析:根据文章首句中的dinner可知,作者回到桌子旁继续吃饭。8A.but BandCso DthoughA解析:此处是转折关系,前面说这10美元有帮助,后面说,但还是不够买单。所以选转折连词but。9A.agreed BcontinuedCpretended DdecidedD解析:鉴于10美元不能解决问题,作者决定把剩下的钱也帮男士付清。10A.since BifCwhen DuntilC解析:作者是想在自己买单时,把这位先生的差额一起付上。when引导时间状语从句。11A.bargain BdiscussCpay DcheckC解析:根据空格前的cashier desk可知,作者是去收银台结账。12A.finished BsettledCconsidered DignoredB解析:根据下文中的He said “no”可知,作者问经理那位男士钱不够的事情是否解决了,经理回答说“没有”。13A.gentleman BwaitressCcustomer DstrangerB解析:根据上文中的I noticed the waitress on her way back to the gentlemans table可知,作者之前注意到服务生朝男士所在的餐桌走去,现在作者把她叫回来。14A.amazed BencouragedCscared DpuzzledA解析:根据下文中的Are you sure?可知,服务生对作者的行为感到很惊讶。15A.doubted BbowedCcried DnoddedD解析:根据下文中的So she did.可知,服务生问作者是否确定要替男士买单,作者点了点头。16A.pack BsearchCremove DcollectD解析:根据空格后的my coat可知,作者买完单后回到自己的餐桌旁,准备拿上自己的大衣离开。17A.pointing BwavingCshowing DpushingB解析:作者用余光看到有人挥手让她再回去。18A.handed BadmittedCbought DborrowedA解析:作者回去问有什么事,服务生递给作者一张25美元的礼品券。19A.sadness BregretCshock DlookD解析:根据后面的on her face可知,服务生被作者的善举打动,所以决定回报她。作者非常惊讶,她喜欢服务生脸上的表情,也喜欢自己带给她的快乐。20A.wisdom BmoneyCdelight DwarmthC解析:参考上题解析。5


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