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第 二 单元计划教材分析:本单元学习有关生病的词组,能够听、说、认读本课时的主要词组:have a cold, have a toothache, have a fever, hurt, have a headache, have a sore throat。能够听、说、读、写A Lets talk 部分的四会句型及听、说、认读本部分的三会句型。能够用本单元的目标语言分析比较调查结果,使句型在情景中得以运用。教学目标:1.能听懂会说认读本单元关于形容词比较级的单词。2.能听、说、读、写Lets learn中黑体部分的内容和Read and write中要求的内容。教学重点:1.能够听、说、认读本课时的主要词组:have a cold, have a toothache, have a fever, hurt, have a headache, have a sore throat。2.能认读句型:Whats the matter, Mike? I feel sick. I have a fever.并进行关键词的替换操练。3.能听懂、会说“Whats the matter, Mike? I feel sick. I have a fever.并能在情景中运用。教学难点:1. 有关形容词比较级的理解和运用。2.能够听、说、读、写A Lets talk 部分的四会句型及听、说、认读本部分的三会句型。单元课时安排:六课时Whats the matter, Mike?(第1课时)教学目标:1能够听说读写单词和短语:have a cold, have a toothache, have a fever, hurt, have a headache, have a sore throat.2能够听说读句型:Whats the matter, Mike? I feel sick. I have a fever.并进行关键词的替换操练。3能够理解会并吟唱Lets chant的歌谣。教学重点:掌握A-Lets learn的四会单词和短语,并询问别人的身体状况。教学难点:正确拼写四会单词和短语。学生活动单教师导学案【学习目标】1. 能够听说读写单词和短语:have a cold, have a toothache, have a fever, hurt, have a headache, have a sore throat.2. 能够听说读句型:Whats the matter, Mike? I feel sick. I have a fever.并进行关键词的替换操练。3. 能够理解会并吟唱Lets chant的歌谣。【学习重难点】 掌握A-Lets learn的四会单词和短语,并询问别人的身体状况。【活动方案】活动一:Presentation and practice1.看图听老师说:Look! We have some new friends here. Who are they? Whats the matter with them?2.听Lets chant的录音,重点读句子I have a headache. I have the flu.3.小组合作学习,用课前准备好的学具,一位同学做动作,其他同学说单词或句子。注意headache和 toothache的共同之处。4.小组练习句型“Whats the matter, xxx?”活动二:“看病”游戏。每组选一张短语卡片。教师戴上医生的帽子提问:Cold, cold, who has a cold? 如第一组选中的是have a cold,这组学生就边做动作或表情边吟唱:Cold, cold, I have a cold.用同样的方法进行操练,各组调换卡片继续该活动。活动三:“敲敲打打”活动。教师说单词或短语,请学生敲击听到的单词或短语,谁敲得既对又快得一分,最后得分高的组获胜。【检测反馈】选词填空open something invite tomorrow sing holiday1.( )is Christmas. Christmas is my favourite ( ).2.We are going to ( ) my aunt, uncle and cousins for supper.3.I want to give my family ( )special for Christmas .4,We are going to ( ) our gifts.5.We will ( ) Christmas .一、温习旧知1.播放录音PEP4Unit6歌曲“My father is a doctor.”2.日常口语对话,复习职业单词。二、导入三、对学生活动的指导学习过程1.出示Lets start的教学挂图,说:Look! We have some new friends here. Who are they? Whats the matter with them?2.播放Lets chant的录音,重点领读句子:I have a headache. I have the flu. 3.强调 headache和 toothache的共同之处。四、检测反馈选词填空open something invite tomorrow sing holiday1.( )is Christmas. Christmas is my favourite ( ).2.We are going to ( ) my aunt, uncle and cousins for supper.3.I want to give my family ( )special for Christmas .4,We are going to ( ) our gifts.5.We will ( ) Christmas .五、作业做练习册上相应的练习六、反思Whats the matter, Mike?(第2课时)教学目标:1能够掌握四会句子:Whats the matter? My throat is sore. My nose hurts.2能够听懂Lets try部分,并能根据录音内容正确标号。3能够了解音标的音和形,并读出例词,并连线。教学重点:1.围绕话题“看病”展开的句型Whats the matter? My throat is sore. My nose hurts.2. Pronunciation的部分。教学难点:掌握四会句型。学生活动单教师导学案【学习目标】1能够掌握四会句子:Whats the matter? My throat is sore. My nose hurts.2能够听懂Lets try部分,并能根据录音内容正确标号。3能够了解音标的音和形,并读出例词,并连线。【学习重难点】 围绕话题“看病”展开的句型Whats the matter? My throat is sore. My nose hurts.【活动方案】活动一:Presentation and practice1.听Lets try的录音,看图、标号。然后校对答案,注意重点句型,即Lets talk部分将学习的主要句型。2.听 Lets talk的录音,回答问题:How does Amy feel? Whats the matter with her?学习四会句子:Whats the matter? My throat is sore. My nose hurts.3. 看Pronunciation的挂图,认读音标和例词,归纳发音规律,完成Read and write部分的活动。活动二:读Lets play的单词,解释新单词,如broken leg, earache, stomachache, sore nose.并9个格子的纸张上写上这几个单词,然后做Bingo的游戏。活动三:幸运搭档活动准备:单词卡片。活动过程:两人一组。一人面向黑板,一人面向大家并根据看到的图片做出相应的动作。面向黑板的同学根据动作猜出单词或词组。在相同的时间内哪组说出的单词数量最多便被评为最佳搭档。【检测反馈】连词成句1. put jackets your please on winter !2. cold day What a snowy , !3.Friday ninth Today , is November .4.are getting Li Ming for Jenny and ready school .5.scarf Here your are hat and .一、温习旧知1.播放Lets chant的录音,边唱边表演。2.拼词比赛. 。二、导入三、对学生活动的指导学习过程1.播放Lets try的录音,学生听音、看图、标号。2.板书四会句子:Whats the matter? My throat is sore. My nose hurts.3.指导学生归纳发音规律4.准备单词卡片。四、检测反馈连词成句2. put jackets your please on winter !2. cold day What a snowy , !3.Friday ninth Today , is November .4.are getting Li Ming for Jenny and ready school .5.scarf Here your are hat and .五、作业做练习册上相应的练习六、反思Whats the matter, Mike?(第3课时)教学目标:1能够理解并会朗读Lets read部分的短文,并回答课后问题。2会唱歌曲“The way I feel”。3了解Good to know部分内容。教学重点:理解并正确朗读短文。教学难点:理解条件状语从句和时间状语从句,并简单回答。学生活动单教师导学案【学习目标】1能够理解并会朗读Lets read部分的短文,并回答课后问题。2会唱歌曲“The way I feel”。3了解Good to know部分内容。.【学习重难点】 理解并正确朗读短文。【活动方案】活动一:Presentation and practice1.“辨别真假”活动。全班分成两大组,一组说“I have a headache.”同时做头疼或其他动作和表情,另一组来判断,动作和句子意思一致,说:Yes.不一致说:No.2.小组练习一位同学问I have the flu.同时做打喷嚏,咳嗽,提示flu的意思。并问:How do you feel if you have the flu? 其他回答各种症状,如:I have a headache. I have a sore throat. 问:If you have the flu, you should go and see the doctor or take some medicine. 学习新单词medicine和短语take some medicine。3.汇报交流。活动二:1.阅读短文,用简单明了的图片理出文章的线索,分化篇章难点,理解文章大意边思考边阅读文章。Sore throat see a doctorNose hurt have the flu take some medicine and drink hot waterHavea headache stay in bed2. 用简笔画画三张脸来表示happy, sad 和mad. 听录音,静听教师略讲歌词大意,跟着学唱歌。3.看Zoom的四种表情,再读句子,然后与Zip手举的四种颜色连线,并核对答案。活动三:看病开处方。一名学生扮演医生,另一名学生扮演病人,医生边询问病情边给病人开处方.【检测反馈】结合自己的实际回答问题1. Do you like winter? Why ?2. What do you do in winter ?3. Which sports do you like ?一、温习旧知1.播放Lets chant,师生一齐吟唱。2.出示Lets learn的教学挂图,随意指向图中的一个人物,要求学生根据人物特征快速配音,如“I have a cold”。二、导入三、对学生活动的指导学习过程1.说新句子:I have the flu.同时做打喷嚏,咳嗽,提示学生flu的意思。并问学生:How do you feel if you have the flu? 让学生回答各种症状,如:I have a headache. I have a sore throat. 教师说:If you have the flu, you should go and see the doctor or take some medicine. 教授新单词medicine和短语take some medicine。2.指导学生阅读短文,用简单明了的图片理出文章的线索,分化篇章难点,帮助学生理解文章大意引导学生边思考边阅读文章。四、检测反馈结合自己的实际回答问题1.Do you like winter? Why ?2.What do you do in winter ?3.Which sports do you like ?五、作业做练习册上相应的练习六、反思Whats the matter, Mike?(第4课时)教学目标:1能够听说读写五个情绪单词:tired, angry, excited, happy, sad ,bored.2能够听说读句型:How does Amy feel? Shes tired.并进行关键词的替换操练。3能够完成Task time的任务。教学重点:使学生熟练掌握五个四会单词,并能替换句型“How does she/he feel? Shes/he tired.进行回答。教学难点:学生熟练掌握五个四会单词。学生活动单教师导学案【学习目标】 1.能够听说读写五个情绪单词:tired, angry, excited, happy, sad ,bored. 2能够听说读句型:How does Amy feel? Shes tired.并进行关键词的替换操练。 3能够完成Task time的任务。【学习重难点】 熟练掌握五个四会单词,并能替换句型“How does she/he feel? Shes/he tired.进行回答。【活动方案】活动一:Warm-up1. 跟唱歌曲“The way I feel”。2. 朗读A-Lets read.3. 回答问题How do you feel if you have the flu/a toothache/a headache等。活动二:Presentation and practice1. 同桌之间一人做表情,另一人画脸,再描述如:He/She is happy/sad.用简笔画的形式学习其他单词:excited, tired, angry, bored.2. 猜老师做出的各种表情。3. 两人一组一个做表情另一个猜,以此复习巩固所学的形容词。4. 听B-Lets learn的录音,跟读单词。5. 看图片,回答问题:Howdoes Amy feel? How does John feel?【检测反馈】选词填空 in at on from to 1. I get up ( ) half past six in the morning. 2. Amy lives ( ) London. 3. Simon is ( ) the United States . He likes playing football. 4. We often watch a big football game ( )TV . 5.Please give the story book ( )the boy . 一、温习旧知(1)教师放歌曲“The way I feel”,学生跟唱。(2)学生朗读A-Lets read,教师提问:How do you feel if you have the flu/a toothache/a headache等,学生做简要回答。二、导入三、对学生活动的指导学习过程1.播放歌曲 ( If you are happy.)教师做出“开心”的样子对学生说:You are happy. I am happy, too. Look at my face. This is a happy face. 然后在黑板上画“happy face”和“sad face”。教师指着sad face问学生:Is it a happy face?以此教学单词sad。2.教师做出各种表情,请学生猜:Are you happy/tired/bored? 然后两人一组一个做表情另一个猜,以此复习巩固所学的形容词。四、检测反馈选词填空 in at on from to 1. I get up ( ) half past six in the morning. 2. Amy lives ( ) London. 3. Simon is ( ) the United States . He likes playing football. 4. We often watch a big football game ( )TV . 5.Please give the story book ( )the boy . 五、作业做练习册上相应的练习六、反思My favourite season (第5课时)教学目标:1.能够听、说、认读句子:How are you, Liu Yun? You look so happy. Im going on a big trip. I failed the math test. Im sorry to hear that.并能在实际情景中进行运用。2能够掌握四会句子:How are you? You look so happy. You look sad today.3能够根据Lets try 和Lets check部分的录音选出正确答案。教学重点:使学生四会掌握句型:How are you? You look so happy/sad. 并能、说、认读句子:Im going on a big trip. I failed the math test. Im sorry to hear that.教学难点:句型:How are you? You look so happy/sad.学生活动单教师导学案【学习目标】1.能够听、说、认读句子:How are you, Liu Yun? You look so happy. Im going on a big trip. I failed the math test. Im sorry to hear that.并能在实际情景中进行运用。2能够掌握四会句子:How are you? You look so happy. You look sad today.【学习重难点】四会掌握句型:How are you? You look so happy/sad. 并能、说、认读句子:Im going on a big trip. I failed the math test. Im sorry to hear that.【活动方案】活动一:复习Lets learn部分的单词。1.看Lets check中Sarah和Amy的头像,练习说:How does Sarah feel? S: She is sad. She has a fever. T: How about Amy? S:Amy is sad. T: Sarah is sick. What should Sarah do? P: She can go to the hospital. See a doctor. Take some medicine and drink hot drinks. T: What two things Sarah should not do? Amys dog Spot run away. She is sad. How can you make Amy feel better? 2.看Lets try 部分的图片,回答问题:How doesfeel?活动二:1.学习短语a Chinese test, an English test ,Pass the math test/ a Chinese test, an English test等表达法。2.听ts talk 部分的录音,回答问题:How is Liu Yun? Is she happy? Is she excited? Why?【检测反馈】连词成句1.is How today the weather? 2.outside the is What temperature?3.shape your What is favourite? 4.have I favourite dont a ?5.lines How make triangle a many ?一、温习旧知T: How are you today?S: Im fine.T: Im glad to hear that如果学生回答说:Im sad/bored. 师可以说:Im sorry to hear that. Can you tell me why?二、导入三、对学生活动的指导学习过程1.呈现Lets check中Sarah和Amy的头像。2.呈现Lets try 部分的图片,根据图片内容询问学生:How doesfeel?并在人物下方板书:look sad, look tired, look happy, look bored.3.准备一张成绩很糟的数学试卷,使学生更了解语意。四、检测反馈连词成句1.is How today the weather? 2.outside the is What temperature?3.shape your What is favourite? 4.have I favourite dont a ?5.lines How make triangle a many ?五、作业做练习册上相应的练习六、反思My favourite season (第6课时)教学目标:1能够听、说、认读Lets read部分,并能回答短文后的问题。2能够理解Story time的故事。教学重点:能听、说、认读Lets read部分的故事并回答文后问题。教学难点:能充分理解并大致讲述Lets read 部分的故事梗概。学生活动单教师导学案【学习目标】1能够听、说、认读Lets read部分,并能回答短文后的问题。2能够理解Story time的故事。【学习重难点】能听、说、认读Lets read部分的故事并回答文后问题。【活动方案】活动一:1.小组内练习对话How are you feeling?Do you like sports?Whats your favourite sport?Do you like football?What class are you in?What class is in?(询问别班的同学)2.个小组展示活动二:1. 听Lets read 的录音,学生听录音,理解课文,完成句子练习。2. 小组内订正。3. 看Zoom的四种表情动作,读本部分的四个句子,与Zoom的四种表情运用和Zip手举的四种颜色连线。【检测反馈】给下列句子重新排序.( )Do you walk ?( )I live too far from school.( ) Do you usually go to school by bus ?( )No, I never walk .( )Yes,but sometime I ride my bicycle.一、温习旧知How are you feeling?Do you like sports?Whats your favourite sport?Do you like football?What class are you in?二、导入三、对学生活动的指导学习过程How are you feeling?Do you like sports?Whats your favourite sport?Do you like football?What class are you in?四、检测反馈给下列句子重新排序.( )Do you walk ?( )I live too far from school.( ) Do you usually go to school by bus ?( )No, I never walk .( )Yes,but sometime I ride my bicycle.五、作业做练习册上相应的练习六、反思


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