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市开县九龙山仁爱英语九年级上册 语言知识点总结 人教新目标版一、 重点词汇(一) 词形转换1. training (动词) train“训练 2. whole (同音词) hole 3. tidy (近义词) clean 4. develop (名词) development形容词developed“兴旺的; developing“开展中的5. rapid (副词) rapidly 6. old (比拟级) older; elder 7. recent (副词) recently 8. narrow (反义词) wide 9. title (近义词) subject (二) 重点短语1. have a good summer holiday 过一个愉快的暑假2. come back from 从回来3. work for 为工作4. feel sorry for 对深表同情5. a disabled childrens home 一家残疾儿童养育院6. the whole holiday 整个假期7. tell stories to kids 给小孩讲故事8. learnfrom 从当习9. feed a child 喂小孩10. do farm work 干农活11. go to summer classes 上暑期班12. write an article about 写一篇有关的文章13. have a hard/ happy life 过着艰苦的/ 幸福的生活14. in the past/ future 在过去/ 在将来15. in detail 详细地16. at sunrise 在日出时17. have no chance to do sth. 没有时机做某事18. afford ( to do) sth 担负得起(做)某事19. give support to sb. 给某人帮助/支持20. get a good education 获得良好的教育21. searchfor 为了搜索22. have little food to eat 吃不饱23. dress warmly 穿得暖24. with the development of 随着的开展25. have a balanced diet 饮食均衡26. play musical instruments 演奏乐器27. sleep in the open air 在户外睡觉28. study/ go abroad 在国外学习/ 出国29. enter/ win/ lose a competition 参加/ 赢得/ 输掉比赛30. enjoy Beijing Opera 欣赏京剧31. used to do sth. 过去常做某事32. at sunrise 在日出时 33. go hungry 变饿了34. fall ill 得病/ 患病35. divide into 把分成36. feel satisfied with 对感到满足37. see . oneself 亲眼看见38. make progress 取得进步39. thanks to 多亏; 幸亏;由于40. stand for 代表41. with the help of 在的帮助下42. draw up an outline 拟定提纲Topic 2 What has happened to the population?一、重点词汇一词形转换 1. possible (反义词) impossible 2. rise (过去分词) rose 3. conclude (名词) conclusion 4. medicine (形容词) medical 5. difficult (名词) difficulty 6. less (反义词) more 7. excellent (近义词) great/ good 8. different (名词) difference 9. come (过去式) came (过去分词) come 10. see (过去式) saw (过去分词) seen 11. peace (形容词) peaceful二重点短语1. get lost 走失;迷路2. hate to go shopping 讨厌去购物3. hear from sb.=receive/ get a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信4. be abroad 在国外5. at least 至少6. take place = happen 发生7. Chinas one-child policy 中国的独生子女政策8. be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格9. the population of China 中国的人口10. live longer 活得更长11. medical care 医疗保健12. control the population 控制人口13. be known / famous as 以而闻名14. work well in doing sth. 在做某事方面很有成效15. have a long way to go 有很长的路要走16. be short of 缺乏17. one of the greatest problems 最大的问题之一18. be in trouble 陷入麻烦中/ 在困境中19. prefer boys to girls 重男轻女20. offer sb. a good education 提供某人良好的教育21. a couple of 一些 ;几个22. even though = even if 即使23. have a lot of pressure 有许多压力24. the differences between A and B A与B之间的区别Topic 3 The world has changed for the better.一、重点词汇一 词形转换 1. homeless(名词) homelessness 2fair (反义词) unfair 2. excited (动词) excite 3. disobey (反义词) obey 4. succeed (名词) success (形容词) successful 5. French (国家) France (公民) Frenchman二 重点短语1. help homeless people 帮助无家可归的人2. in need 需要食物和钱3. decide on (doing ) sth. 决定做某事4. provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物5. come for a visit 来参观;来看一看6. be successful in (doing) sth. 成功地做了某事7. get/find jobs 获得/ 找到工作8. feel good about oneself 自我感觉良好9. take drugs 吸毒10. give sb. a good chance to do sth. 给某人做某事的一次好时机11. end the war 结束战争12. live a happy life 过着幸福的生活13. smile on ones face 脸上露出笑容14. Project Hopes 希望工程15. at home and abroad 在国内外16. in poor areas 在贫困地区17. receive a good education 受到良好的教育Unit 2 Saving the earthTopic 1 I cant stand the environment here.一、重点词汇(一) 词形变换 1. produce(名词) producer 2. breathe (名词) breath 3. manage (同义词) try 4. soil (近义词) earth 5. waste (反义词) save 6. harm (形容词) harmful 7. die (名词) death (形容词) dead 8. downstairs (反义词) upstairs 9.pleasant (反义词) unpleasant 10. change (形容词) changeable(二) 重点词组1. stand /improve / protect the environment 忍受/改善/保护环境 2. produce terrible gas 产生难闻的气味3. manage to do sth. 设法做某事4. in a good / bad mood 情绪好/差5. feel uncomfortable 感到不舒适6. pour waste into river 把废水倒入河里7. something useful 有用的事物8. be harmful to sb. / sth. 对某人/某物有害9. the look of our cities 城市面貌10. see fish swimming 看到鱼儿游来游去11. at present 目前12. shout at sb. 对某人大喊大叫;斥责某人13. stop making so much noise 停止发出如此大的噪音14. disturb others 打搅别人15. a kind of pollution 一种污染16. be sorry for doing sth. 对做了某事感到抱歉17. from now on 从现在起18. in noisy conditions 在吵杂的条件下19. become deaf 变聋了20. quite a few 相当多21. no better than 几乎与一样差22. cause high blood pressure 引发高血压23. in strong, changeable light 在强烈、易变的光线下Topic 2 How does pollution hurt the earth?一、重点词汇一词形变换 1. none (反义词) all 2. both (反义词) neither 3. rubbish (同义词) litter 4 teal (过去式) stole (过去分词) stolen 5. spit (过去式;过去分词) spat 6. behave (名词) behavior 7. prevent (同义词) stop 8. although (同义词) though 9. pollute (句词) pollution 10. completely (形容词) complete二重点词组1read this article 看这篇文章2here and there = everywhere 到处3care for = look after = take care of 照顾4give some advice to 提出一些建议给5set ones mind to sth. 集中精力于; 用心于6protect nature 保护自然7wash away 冲走8blow away 吹走;刮走9turn into = change into 转变成10die out 灭绝;绝迹11stop / prevent (from) doing sth. 阻止做某事 12keepfrom doing sth. 阻止做某事13move toward 朝移动14cut down 砍倒15run away 跑走; 流走16cut off 中断17on the earth 在地球上18 be in danger of (doing) sth. 处于做某事的危险中19destroy/ harm/ pollute the environment 破坏/损害/污染环境20have a quiet life 过着平静的生活21plenty of 大量的22come to realize 开始意识23have a clean-up 大扫除24one after another 一个接着另一个25on recycled paper 在再生纸上26enter the competition 进入比赛27offer ones suggestion 提供某人的建议Topic 3 Lets be greener people.一、重点词汇一词形变换1. organization(动词) organize 2.recycle(动名词) recycling 3. follow(形容词) following 4.electricity(形容词) electric5. move(名词) movement 6. quick(副词) quickly7. environment(形容词) environmental 8. protect(名词) protection二重点词组1. environmental protection 环境的保护2. work for 为工作3. spread message about 宣传有关4. reduce the waste/ air pollution 减少浪费/ 空气污染5. both sides of 的两面6. rather than (是)而不是.7. not onlybut also 不仅.而且8. save money/ energy/ electricity 省钱/ 能源/ 电9. be supposed to do sth. 应当做某事10. travel a short distance 短途旅行11. putinto 把放入12. take up a lot of space 占据许多空间13. produce power from 从获得能量14. run the car 发动汽车15. pushforward /up /down 推.向前/向上/向下16. power machines 发动机器17. produce electricity by doing sth. 通过做某事发电18. the movement of water 水的流动19. be used for doing sth 被用作做某事 20. take a quick shower 快速淋浴21. make a short journey 短途旅行22. pick the litter up 捡起垃圾23. try harder 再努力24. produce a short oral report 作一个简短的口头报告Unit 3 English around the worldTopic1 English is widely spoken around the world.1.be able to=can 能够,会3.have a (good) chance to do sth.有(好)时机做某事5.be made by被制做;be made of/from由制成;be made in在某地制造6.on business出差7.be similar to和相似into把翻译成10.once in a while=sometimes/at times偶尔,间或11.whenever=no matter when无论何时12.as well as以及13.mother tongue 母语14.take the leading position处于领先地位16.call for号召Topic 2 English is spoken differently in different countries.一. 重点词语1.by the way 顺便说一下2.depend on取决于;依靠3.be different from与不同4.succeed in成功,达成5.make yourself understood表达你自己的意思6.on ones way to 在某人去的路上7.see sb. Off给送行8.leave for前往某地/leavefor离开去9.in twenty minutes二十分钟之后10.written English笔头英语/oral English英语口语11.generally speaking一般说来,大致上说13.be close to靠近14.in person身体上,外貌上;亲自15.be found of爱好/force sb.to do强迫某人做某事17.even worse 更糟的是Topic 3 Its important to learn English well.一、 重点词语1.in public在公共场所2.at times=sometimes有时3.feel like doing=would like to do想要做5.turn to sb. for help求助于某人6.give sb. some advice on/about给某人一些有关的建议7.be weak in在方面很差/be good at在方面很好9.make mistakes犯错误10.take a deep breath深呼吸11.the best time to do做某事最好的时间12.do some listening practice做些听力训练13.reply to=answer答复14.advise sb. to do建议某人做某事名词adviceUnit 4 Fantastic Science Topic 1 The spaceship is so magical!一、 重点词汇:一词形转换: 1. successful副词 2. proper副词3. completely动词 4. leader动词5. succeed名词 6. hero复数7. physics形容词 8. fix同义词9. introduce名词 10. far比拟级二重点词组:1. go around 环绕2. sendinto=send upinto 把送入 3. congratulations on sth 祝贺某事4. be proud of 为而自豪5. be moved by 为而感动6. Thanks/Thank you for +n./ving sth 感谢某人做的某事7. have physical examinations 做体检 8. in good/bad health 处于好不好的身体状态9. cant help doing 情不自禁做10. take turn to (do sth) 轮流做某事11. no doubt 无疑地12. as well as 除的之外,也13. for instance/example 例如14. work on 做方面的工作15. depend on/upon 依靠,依赖16. turn on 翻开17. turn off 关掉18. turn up 开大19. turn down 关小20. click on 用鼠标点击21. look forward to doing sth 期待做某事 Topic 2 When was it invented? 重点词汇:1. be used for +ving 被用做2. come true 实现3. Its said that 据说4. during/in ones life 某人一生5. be known as 以身份而著名6. know/say for certain 确切知道/肯定地说7. all the time 一直、总是8. no longer=notany longer 不再 (no more, notany more)9. as long as 只要10. as far as 就,尽11. make a great contribution 对作出巨大奉献12. the rest of the time 在其余地时间里13. at any time 在任何时候 Topic 3 Perhaps people will fly to Mars.一、重点词汇:1.travel by spaceship 乘宇宙飞船旅行2.in the future 将来3.in order to 为了4.on the radio 通过收音机5.take part in 参加6.grow up 成长、长大7.preferto 喜欢胜过8.Whats worse 更为糟糕的是9.be worth it 有好处,值得一干10.at a distance of 相隔 11.send sb a message 给某人发送信息


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