2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 5 On the road Period 3 课时作业(三) 外研版必修第二册

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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 5 On the road Period 3 课时作业(三) 外研版必修第二册_第1页
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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 5 On the road Period 3 课时作业(三) 外研版必修第二册_第2页
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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 5 On the road Period 3 课时作业(三) 外研版必修第二册_第3页
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Period 3Using languageGrammar & Vocabulary课时作业(三)基础训练单词拼写1Well, lets go _ (到国外). Theyre starting up the engines.答案:aboard2They watched _ (激动人心的) pictures of the police raid on TV.答案:dramatic3The _ (火山) erupted last year killing about 600 people.答案:volcano4Since I moved to London last year, I work in an allnight fast food _ (连锁店). 答案:chain5We have prepared a beautiful _ (纪念品) for you. 答案:souvenir6Light and water in e_ buildings were cut off.答案:embassy7The work was finished on time and within b_.答案:budget8The two hills with the valley formed a beautiful l_.答案:landscape9The farmhouse is r_ from any other buildings.答案:remote10F_ BA 4793 is now boarding at Gate 18.答案:Flight单句语法填空1Dont wake up the _ (sleep) boy. Hes too tired.答案:sleeping2They live in a room _ (face) the sea.答案:facing3I had maps and guidebooks and _ (hike) boots and everything! 答案:hiking4Will the people _ (sit) at the back keep quiet?答案:sitting5The matter _ (discuss) is of importance.答案:being discussed单句写作1首先,我得申请一本护照。First of all, I have to _ a passport. 答案:apply for2这项研究基于从2,100名女性那里收集来的资料。The study was _ data from 2,100 women.答案:based on3你可以用现金支付,也可以用信用卡或支票支付。You can pay _, by _ or with a check. 答案:in cash; credit card4携带手提行李的乘客可直接到登机口办理登机手续。Passengers with hand luggage can go straight to the departure gate to _ there. 答案:check in5那些在高中时地位最高的人,以及那些在小学时最不受欢迎的人,“最有可能从事危险和冒险的行为”。Those who were highest in status in high school, as well as those least liked in elementary school, are “most likely to _ dangerous and risky behavior.”答案:engage in思维训练完形填空This year has been a busy year of travel for me, and the end of the year is no exception . I _1_ an early morning flight that had me up at 4:30 am to go to the airport. The thought of such an early flight made me _2_, but then I started to think about the chain of people who would make that early journey _3_ for me: my lift driver, checkin agent, security staff, gate agents, flight crew, etc. They all do their jobs at an early hour _4_ I can get to my destination safely.When the trip _5_, I realized I had a(n) _6_: I could be annoyed about having to take an early flight and hold this _7_ with me. Or, I could choose to be _8_ for this modern machine of safe air travel and the people who made it possible. Just thinking about the _9_ choice got my mind working about _10_ I could show my gratitude: what if I got a little gift for every _11_ I encountered on my journey?Then I started to think about what kind of gift would be _12_. Because it was a trip, they had to be _13_ enough to fit in my luggage. _14_, I decided a Starbucks gift card would be portable and a universally appreciated item that would _15_ them to get a coffee/tea or snack.For the first time in years I actually _16_ getting up at 4:30 am! I ended up giving gift cards to my lift driver, airport security agent, two gate agents, and four flight attendants, _17_ of whom said thank you and smiled while _18_ their duties. And, _19_ arriving tired and upset, after only four hours of sleep and a long _20_, I was energetic and happy to share my story.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了作者在凌晨4:30起床去机场时的经历。1A.missed Bcaught Cbooked Dboarded答案:Cmiss “错过,想念”;catch “抓住”;book “预定”;board “登上”。我订了一个早晨的航班,让我在凌晨4:30起床去机场。故答案为C。2A.upset Bexcited Cdelighted Dshocked答案:Aupset “烦恼的”;excited “兴奋的”;delighted “感到高兴的”;shocked “感到震惊的”。想到这么早的航班,我就心烦意乱了。故答案为A。3A.difficult Bpossible Ccomfortable Dimpressive答案:B句意:想到这么早的航班,我就心烦意乱了。但是后来我开始想到那些能让我的早起旅程成为可能的人possible “可能的”。故答案为B。4A.while Buntil Cunless Dso答案:Dwhile “当时候”;until “直到为止”;unless “除非”;so “所以”。句意:他们清早就开始工作,所以我可以安全地到达目的地。故答案为D。5A.came Bended Cpassed Ddelayed答案:A句意:当旅行来临时根据句意可知答案为A。6A.mistake Bchoice Cpassport Dappointment答案:B根据画线处后面的“I could . Or, I could .”可知画线处意为“选择”,故答案为B。7A.activity Bcreativity Cnegativity Dpriority答案:Cactivity “活动”;creativity “创造力”;negativity “消极”;priority “优先权”。句意:我可以因为不得不提前坐飞机,而把这种消极情绪带在身边而感到恼火。故答案为C。8A.grateful Bresponsible Cpunctual Danxious答案:A句意:我可以选择感激这台现代的安全飞行机器和让它成为可能的人。be grateful for sb. “对某人感激”,故答案为A。9A.either Bneither Cformer Dlatter答案:D根据后文可知,作者选择带着感激之情去旅行,latter指第二种情绪。故答案为D。10A.why Bhow Cwhere Dwhen答案:Bwhy “为什么”;how “如何”;where “在哪里”;when “什么时候”。句意:想想后一种选择让我意识到我可以如何表达我的感激之情。故答案为B。11A.child Bperson Cworker Dpassenger答案:C句意:给我在旅途中遇到的每一个工作人员一份小礼物怎么样?故选C。12A.expensive BdelicateCfashionable Dappropriate答案:Dexpensive “昂贵的”;delicate “雅致的”;fashionable “时髦的”;appropriate “合适的”。句意:然后我开始思考什么样的礼物是合适的。故选D。13A.small Bheavy Cflexible Dcheap答案:A句意:因为这是一次旅行,所以礼物们必须小到可以放进我的行李里。故答案为A。14A.Fortunately BObviously CGradually DEventually答案:Dfortunately “遗憾地”;obviously “明显地”;gradually “逐渐地”;eventually “最后”。根据后面的内容可知,作者选好了礼物。故选D。15A.remind Benable Cforce Dpersuade答案:Bremind “提醒”;enable “使能够”;force “强迫”;persuade “规劝”。句意:星巴克的礼品卡是可携带的,是一种被普遍认可的商品,可以让他们得到咖啡、茶或零食。故答案为B。16A.got used toBgot tired of Clook forward to Dsuffered from答案:Cget used to “变得习惯于”;get tired of “感到厌烦”;look forward to “期盼”;suffer from “遭受”。句意:这是多年来我第一次真正期待在凌晨4:30起床!故选C。17A.one Bfew Call Dnone答案:Cone “一个人”;few “很少”;all “全部”;none “一个也没有”。作者给所有工作人员送上礼物。故答案为C。18A.paying Bperforming Cignoring Dconsidering答案:B句意:作者送了礼物卡,所有的人在履行职责时都说谢谢并微笑。perform ones duty “履行的职责”,故答案为B。19A.in spite of Bas a result of Cregardless of Dinstead of答案:Din spite of “尽管”;as a result of “由于”;regardless of “不顾”;instead of “代替”。句意:在只睡了4个小时和长时间的飞行后,没有感到劳累和心烦。故答案为D。20A.flight Bwait Crest Dthought答案:A作者出行坐的是飞机,flight “航班”,故答案为A。阅读理解Pretty much anyone can book a trip, but not everyone can plan an ultimate adventure thats affordable, accommodating, and fun for everyone in your group. At T, we aim to provide you with the best insider secrets in the travel business and a stateoftheart travel comparison tool to make planning easier than ever.Here are some insider tips that wed like to share with you.Join an Airline Loyalty ProgramEven if you dont think you travel often enough to make an airline loyalty program worth it, join one. This is your best chance of getting a flight upgrade (升级), even if you stay at a low point level.Get the Weekly Car Rental RateIts a bit puzzling that car rental companies charge more for driving less, but the weekly rate is often cheaper than driving just four days. You may be able to get the weekly rate for just five days, so keep the car a bit longer if you can. Ask the Crew about Free SouvenirsLots of free stuff is lying around cruise ships, such as Tshirts, crossword puzzles, and postcards. Make friends with the crew members and nicely ask what kind of freebies may be available for souvenirs. Just dont forget to tip!Ask for a Corner RoomWhen you check in at a hotel, ask if theres a comer room available. These are usually larger and quieter for the same price as ones in the middle of the hall. Upgrades are most often offered at the end of the day when hotels have a better sense of their occupancy. We hope that you found the tips on this page helpful and can put them to use on your next vacation. Whether you plan to fly, drive, or cruise, become an expert trip planner by using our travel comparison tool for all your transportation and hotel needs. Please visit us again and sign up for our newsletter (简报) to keep getting the best deals and moneysaving tips.篇章导读:本文是一篇应用文。穷游是时下年轻人的旅行方式,怎样更聪明的穷游,看看本篇文章中的省钱小妙招吧!1Which of the following statements is true?AIf you join an airline loyalty program, you will surely get a flight upgrade.BYou will have to pay more for car rental as your driving time increases.CIn different locations, rooms of the same price may vary in size and surroundings.DMake friends with crew members and you can take away all the souvenirs aboard.答案:C细节理解题。根据第四条建议中第二、三句可知在不同的地点,相同价格的房间在大小和环境上可能会有所不同。故选C。2Why is it more likely to be upgraded in a hotel at the end of the day?ABecause people usually check out.BBecause there are more rooms available.CBecause hotels make it a rule to offer upgrades at that time.DBecause hotels know better about the number of rooms used.答案:D细节理解题。根据第四条建议中的最后一句可知在一天结束的时候酒店更有可能升级因为这时酒店对使用的房间数量有更好的了解。故选D。3What does T focus on?AMeeting the need of every traveller.BReducing traveling cost.CEnabling people to travel with less driving.DHelping people travel in groups.答案:B推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“Please visit us again and sign up for our newsletter (简报) to keep getting the best deals and moneysaving tips.”可知T关注的是降低旅游成本。故选B。语法填空With the improvement of life standards, there are a _1_ (grow) number of people traveling each year, _2_ is a good way to enjoy life. Some people would like to take a package tour (跟团游), _3_ others would rather travel on their own. I prefer the latter, because I feel that its much more convenient and cheaper than taking a package tour as I _4_ (do) before.First of all, traveling on my own, I can arrange my time and route _5_ (free). For example, when I get to someplace I like, I choose to stay longer and dont have to think about others. Secondly, the schedule is relatively tight joining package tours, and tourists can only stay very short time in tourist attractions. _6_ is difficult to enjoy every landscape carefully. _7_ (three), in order to earn money, some travel agencies force tourists _8_ (buy)things. In the meantime, traveling on my own is much cheaper. Finally, the trip is designed to relax. However, many people say that package tours are not to make them feel really _9_ (relax), but even more tired.On the whole, I feel like _10_ (travel) on my own, which is more convenient.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。出游不一定要组团,有时候独自出门旅行也很有乐趣。1growing考查非谓语动词。growing意为“正在增长的”,此处是现在分词作前置定语。2which考查定语从句的引导词。本句是非限制性定语从句,which指代前边整个句子,而且在从句中作主语,故填which。3while考查连词。根据句意可知前后构成对比关系,while是并列连词表示对比,故填while。4did考查动词的时态。根据before可知是发生在以前的事,所以用过去时,故填did。5freely考查副词。此处是用副词修饰动词arrange,故填freely。6It考查代词。本句中it是形式主语,动词不定式to enjoy every landscape carefully是真正的主语,故填It。7Thirdly考查副词。根据前文“First of all”和“Secondly”,可知此处为thirdly,故填Thirdly。8to buy考查非谓语动词。force sb. to do sth.是固定搭配“强迫某人干某事”,故填to buy。9relaxed考查形容词。系动词feel后跟形容词作表语,故填relaxed。10traveling考查非谓语动词。feel like doing是固定搭配“喜欢做某事”,故填traveling。- 8 -


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