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2022年考博英语-宁波大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题People who let their dogs sleep with them or allow them to lick their faces are no more likely than other dog owners to have the same strains of E. coli bacteria as their dogs, a Kansas State University veterinarian reports.Dr. Kate Stenske, a clinical assistant professor at the universitys College of Veterinary Medicine, said its known that diseases can be shared between dogs and people and that about 75 percent of emerging diseases are transferrable between humans and other animals.She decided to focus on E. coli, which is common in the gastrointestinal tracts of both humans and dogs.For the study, Stenske analyzed fecal samples from dogs and their owners. She found that 10 percent of human-dog pairs had the same E. coli strains and that these strains were more resistant to common antibiotics than expected. However, owners had more multiple drug-resistant stains than their dogs.“This makes us think that dogs are not likely to spread multiple drug-resistant E. coli to their owners, but perhaps may spread them to their dogs,” Stenske said in a university news release. “What we learn from this is that antibiotics really do affect the bacteria within our gastrointestinal tract, and we should only take them when we really need toand always finish the entire prescription as directed.”There was no evidence that owners who sleep with their dog or allow face licking were more likely to have shared strains of E. coli, according to the study, which was expected to be published in an upcoming issue of the American Journal of Veterinary Research.However, the study did find an association between antibiotic-resistant E. coli and owners who didnt wash their hands after petting their dogs or before cooking meals.“We should use common sense and practice good general hygiene,” Stenske advised. She said the find that close human-dog bonding behaviors arent more likely to spread germs is good news because of the physical and psychological benefits of pet ownership. Surveys show that nearly half of all dog owners share their food with their dogs, and more than half allow their dogs to sleep with them and lick their face.“If you look at one study, 84 percent of people say their dog is like a child to them,” Stenske added.Future research might look at cat owners and shared E. coli. More Americans own cats than dogs, and cats interact with people in different ways than dogs, Stenske noted.21. What can we infer from the first paragraph?22. The reason why the study focuses on E. coli is that _.23. Which one is NOT the conclusion of the study?24. According to Stenske, people should practice general hygiene by _.25. The study has brought good news to the dog-owners in that _.问题1选项A.Close human-dog bonding behaviors arent more likely to spread germs.B.Dog owners should not let their dogs lick their faces or sleep with them.C.It is not hygienic to let dogs sleep with you or lick your face.D.The E. coli bacteria are spread from dogs to their masters.问题2选项A.the samples are easy to getB.it is a representative of bacterium found in human bowelsC.it is a common bacterium shared by dogs and mankind in bowelsD.it is a bacterium spread easily between human beings问题3选项A.Owners have multiple drug-resistant strains than their dogs.B.Dogs are not likely to spread multiple drug -resistant E. coli to their owners.C.We cannot take antibiotics casually, but only when we really need.D.Owners allow face licking are more likely to share strains of E. coli.问题4选项A.washing their hands before petting the dogsB.washing their hands before cooking the mealsC.severing their intimate bond with pet-dogsD.eating different food from their dogs问题5选项A.it allows dog-owners to maintain their intimate bond with dogs at easeB.dogs and their owners can be immune from viruses if keeping intimateC.dogs are more favorite than cats in mankinds viewD.it proves that dogs are dirtier than what we have imagined【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A【解析】21.【选项释义】21. What can we infer from the first paragraph? 21. 我们从第一段可以推断出什么?A. Close human-dog bonding behaviors arent more likely to spread germs. A. 人类和狗亲密的行为并不太可能传播细菌。B. Dog owners should not let their dogs lick their faces or sleep with them. B. 狗主人不应该让他们的狗舔他们的脸或和他们一起睡觉。C. It is not hygienic to let dogs sleep with you or lick your face. C. 让狗狗和你一起睡觉或舔你的脸是不卫生的。D. The E. coli bacteria are spread from dogs to their masters. D. 大肠杆菌从狗传播给它们的主人。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】定位第一段“与其他狗主人相比,让狗和自己一起睡觉或让狗舔自己的脸的狗主人身上携带的大肠杆菌菌株和狗身上的大肠杆菌菌株并不太可能相同(are no more likely)”,从中可以推断,狗主人和狗之间的亲密行为不太可能传播大肠杆菌,所以A项正确。【干扰项排除】C选项在第一段没提到,属于无中生有;B、D选项与文章意思相反,属于反向干扰。22.【选项释义】22. The reason why the study focuses on E. coli is that _. 22. 这项研究关注大肠杆菌的原因是_。A. the samples are easy to get A. 样本很容易得到B. it is a representative of bacterium found in human bowels B. 它是在人类肠道中发现的细菌的代表C. it is a common bacterium shared by dogs and mankind in bowels C. 它是狗和人类肠道中共同存在的一种细菌D. it is a bacterium spread easily between human beings D. 它是一种很容易在人与人之间传播的细菌【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】定位第三段“她决定把重点放在大肠杆菌上,这种细菌在人和狗的胃肠道中都很常见(common)”,可知,这项研究关注大肠杆菌的原因是人类和狗的胃肠道中都能找到这种细菌,句中提到了common,所以C选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项在该段并没有提到样本很容易拿到,属于无中生有;B选项中的representative没有提到,也是无中生有;D选项也没提到,无中生有。23.【选项释义】23. Which one is NOT the conclusion of the study? 23. 哪一个不是这项研究的结论?A. Owners have multiple drug-resistant strains than their dogs. A. 比起他们的狗,主人有多种耐药菌株。B. Dogs are not likely to spread multiple drug -resistant E. coli to their owners. B. 狗不太可能把多重耐药大肠杆菌传播给它们的主人。C. We cannot take antibiotics casually, but only when we really need. C. 我们不能随便服用抗生素,只有在真正需要的时候才服用。D. Owners allow face licking are more likely to share strains of E. coli. D. 允许舔脸的主人更有可能感染大肠杆菌。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】定位第六段“根据这项研究(study),没有证据(There was no evidence)表明和狗一起睡觉或允许狗舔脸的主人更有可能携带大肠杆菌”可知,D选项不是这项研究的结果。【干扰项排除】A选项定位第四段最后一句“然而,主人比他们的狗有更多的耐药菌株”可知,该项正确;B选项定位第五段第一句“狗不太可能把多重耐药性大肠杆菌传播给它们的主人,但可能会把它们传播给狗”可知,B项正确;C选项定位第五段第二句“我们从中学到的是,抗生素确实会影响我们胃肠道中的细菌,我们应该只在真正需要的时候服用(only take them when we really need to)”,可知C项正确。24.【选项释义】24. According to Stenske, people should practice general hygiene by _. 24. 斯滕斯克表示,人们应该通过_保持个人卫生。A. washing their hands before petting the dogsA. 在抚摸狗狗之前要洗手B. washing their hands before cooking the mealsB. 做饭前洗手C. severing their intimate bond with pet-dogsC. 切断了他们与宠物狗的亲密关系D. eating different food from their dogsD. 和他们的狗吃不同的食物【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】定位第七段“然而,这项研究确实发现了耐抗生素大肠杆菌与那些在抚摸狗狗后(after petting their dogs)或做饭前(before cooking meals)不洗手的主人之间的联系”,以及第八段第一句“Stenske建议我们应该运用常识(use common sense),保持良好的个人卫生(practice good general hygiene)”,综合可知,人们应该在抚摸狗后和做饭前洗手,来保持良好的个人卫生;B项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项正好与原文相反,属于反向干扰;C选项定位第八段第二句“人类和狗亲密的行为不会更容易传播细菌”,可知C选项属于反向干扰;D选项错误,狗不太可能传播大肠杆菌给人类,所以该项并不符合题干,属于反向干扰。25.【选项释义】25. The study has brought good news to the dog-owners in that _. 25. 这项研究给养狗的人带来了好消息,因为_。A. it allows dog-owners to maintain their intimate bond with dogs at easeA. 它可以让狗主人轻松地与狗保持亲密的关系B. dogs and their owners can be immune from viruses if keeping intimateB. 狗和它们的主人如果保持亲密关系,可以对病毒免疫C. dogs are more favorite than cats in mankinds viewC. 在人类看来,狗比猫更受欢迎D. it proves that dogs are dirtier than what we have imaginedD. 证明狗比我们想象的更脏【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】定位第八段第二句“人类和狗亲密的行为不会更容易传播细菌,这是一个好消息(good news),因为养宠物对身体和心理都有好处”,可知,这个研究带来的好消息就是狗主人可以和狗狗保持亲密的关系,A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、D选项没有提到,属于无中生有;C选项定位文章最后一句“养猫的美国人比养狗的多,而且猫与人交往的方式与狗不同”可知,猫比狗受欢迎只是对于美国人而言,并不代表全人类,所以该项曲解原文。2. 填空题Directions: In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-F to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There is one extra choice, which does not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Many people seem to think that creativity is producing the Big Ideaan idea from nowhere so clever and so profound that it defines creativity. (41) One of the key lessons of this book, and a clear message to the prospective client who rejected my proposals, is this: the instant Big Idea does not exist.(42) Ideas come through a series of small steps or moves. They build up each other to produce the final idea. Look back on any idea you have come up with; think back to precisely how the idea grew, and trace its lineage. (43) Rather than the creative idea being an instant revelation, it will more likely be characterized by a haphazard series of moves, steps and linkages.(44) (A study of the remaining 5 per cent of patents would, I suspect, reveal that they are the products of incremental thought.) Any truly great idea (possessing significant added value) will generally have emerged as a result of a series of incremental small steps in generating it, with much of its inherent added value gained in the subsequent implementation, or in how it was sold.Examine any field of activity where creative ideas are generated and used, whether it is the world of management, the arts, or television comedy. (45) Indeed, the management guru Tom Peters describes in his book A Passion for Excellence (Peters, 1996) several case studies where organizations made decisions to pursue a Big Idea: “In all of history it seems, from French fry seasoning at McDonalds to IBMs System/360 computer, the first and second prototypes dont work.” Often the key people in a project were simply intent on “making it work”; through trial and error they eventually succeeded. No Big Idea brought an instant solution.A. Creativity, and its task of generating ideas, is essentially incremental.B. Their ideas are created through a number of mini-steps, not via an instant, earth-shattering moment of inspiration.C. The blinding flash of inspiration will, if you are honest enough, be linked to an earlier idea or element that you may have been dealing with.D. In public relations work it may be the new campaign idea that no one else has thought of, which will achieve significant publicity, or the photocall gimmick that shows the product in a new light and generates extensive media coverage.E. It is much more convenient to believe great creative people somehow intuitively and instantly arrive at Big Ideas rather than recognize that creativity can be a messy, unglamorous and protracted process.F. This incremental nature of creativity is confirmed by the UKs Patent Office, which reports that 95 per cent of new patents are merely adaptations of existing ones.【答案】41.E42.A43.C44.F45.B【解析】【选项释义】A. Creativity, and its task of generating ideas, is essentially incremental. A. 创造力及其产生想法的任务本质上是递增的。B. Their ideas are created through a number of mini-steps, not via an instant, earth-shattering moment of inspiration. B. 他们的想法是通过许多小步骤创造出来的,而不是通过瞬间、惊天动地的灵感。C. The blinding flash of inspiration will, if you are honest enough, be linked to an earlier idea or element that you may have been dealing with. C. 如果你足够诚实的话,精彩的灵感闪现会与你之前处理过的想法或元素联系起来。D. In public relations work it may be the new campaign idea that no one else has thought of, which will achieve significant publicity, or the photocall gimmick that shows the product in a new light and generates extensive media coverage. D. 在公共关系工作中,这可能是一个其他人没有想到的新的宣传理念,它将取得重大的宣传效果,或者是以新的角度展示产品,并产生广泛的媒体报道的照片宣传噱头。E. It is much more convenient to believe great creative people somehow intuitively and instantly arrive at Big Ideas rather than recognize that creativity can be a messy, unglamorous and protracted process. E. 人们更容易相信,伟大的创意人士会以某种方式,凭直觉立即得出伟大的想法,而不是认识到,创造力可能是一个混乱、乏味和漫长的过程。F. This incremental nature of creativity is confirmed by the UKs Patent Office, which reports that 95 per cent of new patents are merely adaptations of existing ones. F. 英国专利局证实了创造力的这种渐进式性质,该局报告称,95%的新专利只是对现有专利的改编。41.空格前提到“很多人似乎认为创造力指突然产生一个特别聪明、宏大的想法”,这与E选项是对应的,所以该题选择E项。42.空格后一句提到“想法来自一系列的小步骤或行动(a series of small steps or moves)。”,这一句是对A项观点的具体说明和解释,故A项正确。43.根据该空前一句“回顾你想到的任何想法;准确地回想一下这个想法是如何发展起来的,并追溯它的沿袭”,其中提到了一个人称代词you,所以后面应该还是以第二人称为主,C项正确。44.后面括号里面提到了remaining 5 per cent of patents,所以该段第一句是对这个专利的描写,故F项正确。45.上一段最后一句还提到“任何真正伟大的想法通常都是由一系列渐进的小步骤产生的(a series of incremental small steps),其内在的附加价值大多是在后续的实施中获得的,或者是通过它的销售方式获得的”,接着该段就提到“检查任何产生和使用创造性想法(creative ideas)的活动领域”,可推测,第二句是要迎合上一段的最后一句,所以B项正确。3. 单选题A sense of smell is something we are born with. Or is it?Until recently scientists believed that the commonsense view was wrong: research had suggested that we learn to distinguish between pleasant and unpleasant smells by experience. From early experiments that involved asking children between three and five years old what they thought of certain smells, researchers concluded that children must learn their appreciation of pleasant and unpleasant smells as they get older, rather than being born with it. One of the most surprising results of these tests was that the children said they liked the smell of faeces nearly as often as they said they liked banana.Psychologist Hilary Schmidt understandably found this research hard to accept. She looked at the way the tests were conducted, and applied lessons from other work on child psychology to design her own experiments. She noted that children younger than five will often answer Yes to leading questions even if the answers are contradictory. She therefore decided to set her experiment up as a game. She asked the children if they would give a particular smelly thing to Oscar the Grouch, a popular television character who lives in a dustbin and likes smelly things, or to Big Bird, another television character who likes nice things. She found that the children distinguished between pleasant and unpleasant smells in much the same way as an adult. With the help of younger and younger subjects, she hopes to shed light on the importance of the inherited component of the sense.Children younger than seven or eight are notoriously bad at recognizing what an object is from its shape alone. Schmidt points to an experiment she has carried out with children under five who were given a large styrofoam ball and a small, but heavy, lead ball to compare. After they had a chance to feel the two, she took the balls away, and showed them another pair of Styrofoam and lead ball. When she asked them which of the two would be the heavier, they invariably pointed to the Styrofoam ball just because it was bigger. Despite their earlier experience, they had not grasped the idea of what an object is made ofits substanceas well as size and shape. But in other experiments when she introduced odors, she found that children under five understood that smell was an important characteristic of substance, and children could use a scent to recognize substance irrespective of the shape or size in which it was presented to them.Schmidt has also found that girls are more sensitive to smell than boys. The sex difference is well known in adults, but not in children. Explaining the difference in adults has centered on the suggestion that as girls get older, they tend to take part in activities such as cooking, which train them to distinguish between smells. Another suggestion was that after puberty, female hormones bring about some change in the olfactory equipment. But Schmidts observations that the sex difference exists in children does not fit in with either explanation.31. According to the text, it is well-known that our sense of smell is _.32. Which would Hilary Schmidt most probably agree to?33. Schmidts styrofoam and lead ball experiment shows that younger children _.34. The word “subjects” (Para. 3) most probably means _.35. From the last sentence of the text, we can infer that Schmidt may _.问题1选项A.acquiredB.trainedC.inherentD.tested问题2选项A.The contradictory answers of children are hard to understand.B.Children in a game have a quicker response to prompting questions.C.Younger children have a stronger sense of smell than older ones.D.In experiments childrens answers may sometimes be unreliable.问题3选项A.rely on earlier experiences in judging an objectB.are insensitive to size, weight and shapeC.cannot recognize the size of styrofoam ballsD.can understand what the ball is made of问题4选项A.pupilsB.adultsC.childrenD.researchers问题5选项A.overthrow the existing theories concerning the sex difference in smellingB.support the second explanation that hormones play a roleC.think that mature girls are less sensitive to smells than childrenD.agree that childrens sensitivity to smell is nurtured【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C第5题:A【解析】31.【选项释义】31. According to the text, it is well-known that our sense of smell is _. 31. 根据文章,众所周知,我们的嗅觉是_。A. acquired A. 后天习得的B. trained B. 训练出来的C. inherent C. 与生俱来的D. tested D. 被测试的【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据第二段第一句“研究表明,我们通过经验(by experience)学会区分令人愉悦的和令人不快的气味”,从中我们可知,嗅觉是后天通过经验获得的。所以,A项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项没有提到,属于无中生有;C选项与文章相反,属于反向干扰;D选项只是实验内容,属于出处错位。32.【选项释义】32. Which would Hilary Schmidt most probably agree to? 32. 希拉里施密特最有可能同意哪一个?A. The contradictory answers of children are hard to understand. A. 孩子们相互矛盾的回答让人难以理解。B. Children in a game have a quicker response to prompting questions. B. 游戏中的孩子对提示性问题的反应更快。C. Younger children have a stronger sense of smell than older ones. C. 小一点的孩子的嗅觉比大一点的孩子强。D. In experiments childrens answers may sometimes be unreliable. D. 在实验中,孩子们的答案有时是不可靠的。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第三段第三句“她指出,五岁以下的孩子通常会回答是,即使答案是矛盾的”,从中可知,即便答案可能是矛盾的,孩子们在回答时通常都会回答“是”,从而推断,孩子们的答案并不是可靠的。因此,该题选择D项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项定位第三段第一句“心理学家希拉里施密特认为这项研究难以接受是可以理解的(understandably)”可知,该项与原文相反,属于反向干扰;B选项没有提到,属于无中生有;C选项在文中并没有进行比较,属于无中生有。33.【选项释义】33. Schmidts styrofoam and lead ball experiment shows that younger children _. 33. 施密特的泡沫塑料和铅球实验表明,更小的孩子_。A. rely on earlier experiences in judging an object A. 在判断物体时依赖于早期的经验B. are insensitive to size, weight and shape B. 对大小、重量和形状不敏感C. cannot recognize the size of styrofoam balls C. 无法识别聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料球的大小D. can understand what the ball is made of D. 能够理解球是由什么制成的【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据第四段倒数第二句“尽管他们有过早期的经验,但他们并不了解物体是由什么物质构成的,也不了解物体的大小和形状”,从中我们可知,施密特的泡沫塑料和铅球实验表明,更小的孩子在判断物体时对物体的大小、重量和形状都不了解。因此,B项最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项中的早期经验并不是孩子们判断物体的依据,属于曲解原文;C选项不全面,属于以偏概全;D选项不符合原文,属于反向干扰。34.【选项释义】34. The word “subjects” (Para. 3) most probably means _. 34. 第三段的subjects 一词最有可能的意思是_。A. pupils A. 小学生B. adults B. 成年人C. children C. 孩子D. researchers D. 研究员【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】首先,根据题干定位到第三段最后一句“在越来越年轻的研究对象的帮助下,她希望阐明嗅觉的遗传成分的重要性”,结合上一句“她发现,孩子们能像成年人一样区分好闻和坏闻”,从中我们可知,这项研究的对象是children;综合理解,第三段的subjects指的就是孩子。因此,该题选择C项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项文中没提到,属于无中生有;B、D选项并不符合原文,属于曲解原文。35.【选项释义】35. From the last sentence of the text, we can infer that Schmidt may _. 35. 从文章的最后一句话,我们可以推断施密特可能_。A. overthrow the existing theories concerning the sex difference in smelling A. 推翻了现有的关于性别差异的嗅觉理论B. support the second explanation that hormones play a role B. 支持荷尔蒙起作用的第二种解释C. think that mature girls are less sensitive to smells than children C. 认为成熟的女孩对气味的敏感性不如儿童D. agree that childrens sensitivity to smell is nurtured D. 同意儿童嗅觉的敏感度是后天培养的【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】首先,定位至文章最后一句“但施密特关于儿童存在性别差异的观察并不符合这两种解释”,其中的两种解释是指上文提到的关于性别差异对于嗅觉敏感度的影响在儿童中并不明显的原因:一种认为女孩参加诸如烹饪之类的活动可以训练她们分辨气味;另一种认为女性荷尔蒙会使嗅觉器官发生一些变化。综合理解可知,施密特对于儿童性别差异的观察研究推翻了女孩比男孩对气味更敏感这两种解释,A选项意思与之相近。因此,该题选择A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C选项与原文不符,属于反向干扰;D选项与该段没有联系,属于出处错位。4. 单选题Traffic science is one of those disciplines that seems permanently poised on the verge of a breakthrough. Professional journals regularly publish promising research, and the press trumpets their importance. However, it turns out that traffic is a deceptively complicated problem. It could be said to resemble molecular physics, in fact, since its


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