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2022年考博英语-西北农林科技大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 填空题Opinion is a word that is used carelessly today. It is used to refer to matters of taste(1), and judgment. This casual use would probably cause little confusion if people didnt(2)too much importance to opinion. Unfortunately, most do attach great importance (3) it. I have as much right to my opinion as you to yours, and Everyones entitled to his opinion, are (4)expressions. In fact, anyone who would challenge anothers opinion is likely to be branded intolerant.Is that label accurate? Is it intolerant to challenge anothers opinion? It (5)on what definition of opinion you have in mind. For example, you may ask a (6)What do you think of the new Ford cars? And he may reply, In my (7), theyre ugly. In this case, it would not only be (8)to challenge his statement, but foolish. For its obvious that by opinion lie means his personal (9), a matter of taste. And as the old saying goes, Its pointless to argue about matters of taste.But consider this very different use of the term, a newspaper (10) that the Supreme Court has delivered its opinion in a controversial case. Obviously the justices did not share their personal preferences, their mere (11) and dislikes, they stated their considered judgment, painstakingly arrived at after thorough inquiry and deliberation.Most of what is referred to as opinion falls somewhere (12)these two extremes. It is not an expression of taste. Nor is it careful judgment. Yet it may(13)elements of both. It is a view or belief more or less casually arrived at, with or without (14)the evidence.Is everyone entitled to his opinion? Of course, this is not only (15), but guaranteed. We are free to act on our opinions only so long as, in doing so, we do not harm others.【答案】1.belief2.attach3.tomon5.depends6.friend7.opinion8.intolerant9.preference10.reports11.likes12.between13.contain14.examining15.permitted【解析】1.文章倒数第二段最后一句提到 “It is a view or belief more or less casually arrived at. 这是一种随意达成的观点或信念”中“belief”及该句前后出现的judgment正好与之形成对应,故此处选belief。2.“attach importance to sth. 着重于重视”为固定搭配,同时由下文“most do attach great importance”可知此处选attach。3.“attach importance to sth. 着重于重视”为固定搭配,故此处选to。mon “常见的;通常的”。前文提到“大多数人都很重视观点”, I have as much right to my opinion as you to yours我与你都有同样的权利去坚持各自的观点” Everyones entitled to his opinion每个人都有资格坚持自己的观点可知此处表示“常见表达方式”,故此处选common。5.“ depend on sth.依赖于,取决于”,固定搭配,根据前后文句意:这个标签是正确的吗?质疑别人的观点是心胸狭隘的吗?这取决于你对“观点”的定义,由此可知,此处应选depends。6.根据上下文句意:比如,你可能会问一个“你觉得新款福特车型怎么样”,他可能回答“在我看来有点丑”,可知此处选friend。7.“in ones opinion在某人看来”为 固定短语,故此处选opinion。8.前文提到“Is it intolerant to challenge anothers opinion?挑战他人的观点是心胸狭隘的吗?” 紧接着作者举例,正好与“intolerant”对应,故选intolerant。9.下文“a matter of taste一个喜好”是对空格处的补充说明,此处句意为:因为很明显,从意见上来说,谎言意味着他的个人偏好,也就是个人品味,可知选项preference “偏爱,喜好”最符合题意,故此处选preference。10.前文提到 “a newspaper”及下文新闻中的具体内容可知,此处选择reports “报 道”最符合题意,故此处选reports。11.下文提到“and dislikes 和厌恶”,由and可知此处应选择与“dislike”相对应的词,此处句意为:显然,大法官们并没有分享他们的个人偏好、他们的喜欢和不喜欢,故此处选likes。12.根据上下文“fall somewhere 落在某地”“these two extremes这两个极端”可知这里指“在之间”,故此处选between。13.根据上下文句意:它不是喜好的表达,也不是谨慎的判断。然而,它可能同时包含这两个要素,可知此处选“contain包含,容纳”最符合题意,故选contain。14.上下文句意:这是一种观点或信念,无论是否有审查证据;介词without后接名词或动名词,可知此处选examining “检查;审查”最符合题意,故此处选examining。15.上下文句意为:每个人都有资格坚持自己的意见吗?当然,这不仅是允许的,而且是有保证的;结合短语 “not only.but also.不仅而且”的用法,可知此处应选择与 “guaranteed被保证”意义相应的词,故此处选permitted “被允许”。2. 单选题I am afraid to sleep. I have been afraid to sleep for the last few weeks. I am so tired that, finally, I do sleep, but only for a few minutes. It is not a bad dream that wakes me; it is the reality I took with me into sleep. I try to think of something else.Immediately the woman in the marketplace comes into my mind.I was on my way to dinner last night when I saw her. She was selling skirts. She moved with the same ease and loveliness I often saw in the women of Laos. Her long black hair was as shiny as the black silk of the skirts she was selling. In her hair, she wore three silk ribbons, blue, green, and white. They reminded me of my childhood and how my girlfriends and I used to spend hours braiding ribbons into our hair.I dont know the word for “ribbons”, so I put my hand to my own hair and, with three fingers against my head, I looked at her ribbons and said “beautiful”. She lowered her eyes and said nothing. I wasnt sure if she understood me (I dont speak Laotian very well).I looked back down at the skirts. They had designs in them: squares and triangles and circles of pink and green silk. They were very pretty. I decided to buy one of those skirts, and I began to bargain with her over the price. It is the custom to bargain in Asia. In Laos bargaining is done in soft voices and easy moves with the sort of quiet peacefulness.She smiled, more with her eyes than with her lips. She was pleased by the few words I was able to say in her language, although they were mostly numbers, and she saw that I understood something about the soft playfulness of bargaining. We shook our heads in disagreement over the price; then, immediately, we made another offer and then another shake of the head. She was so pleased that unexpectedly, she accepted the last otter I made. But it was too soon. The price was too low. She was being too generous and wouldnt make enough money. I moved quickly and picked up two more skirts and paid for all three times as much before she had a chance to lower the price for the larger purchase. She smiled openly then, and, for the first time in months, my spirit lifted. I almost felt happy.The feeling stayed with me while she wrapped the skirts in a newspaper and handed them to me. When I left, though, the feeling left, too. It was as thought it stayed behind in marketplace. I left tears in my throat, I wanted to cry. I didnt, of course.I have learned to defend myself against what is hard; without knowing it, I have also learned to defend myself against what is soft and what should be easy.I get up, light a candle and want to look at the skirts. They are still in the newspaper that the woman wrapped them in. I remove the paper and raise the skirts up to look at them again before I pack them. Something falls to floor. I reach down and feel something cool in my hand. I move close to the cradle light to see what I have. There are five long silk ribbons in my hand, all different colors. The woman in the marketplace! She has given these ribbons to me!There is no defense against a generous spirit, and this time I cry, and very hard, as if I could make up for all the months that I didnt cry.1.The author of the story has been in sleep for the last few weeks.2.A woman in the marketplace comes into my mind because she reminded me of my childhood.3.The woman was selling skirts with designs of squares and triangles and circles of pink and green silk.4.The author could speak some Laotian though she did not speak it well.5.Bargaining is a custom in Asia and the author did not know how to do it.6.The author had wanted to buy one skirt, but she ended up with three because the skirts were so cheap and pretty.7.The author felt happy after the purchase because she had paid for the skirts at the price set so that the woman could make some money through this large purchase.8.The author surely comes from another part of Asia because she knows how to behave well in local culture.9.The woman in the market actually understood the author perfectly and knew very well that she liked those ribbons.10.The author cried eventually when she looked at the skirts because she was deeply moved by the womans generous spirit.问题1选项A.TB.F问题2选项A.TB.F问题3选项A.TB.F问题4选项A.TB.F问题5选项A.TB.F问题6选项A.TB.F问题7选项A.TB.F问题8选项A.TB.F问题9选项A.TB.F问题10选项A.TB.F【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:A第4题:A第5题:B第6题:B第7题:A第8题:B第9题:A第10题:A【解析】1.根据题干定位到文章第一段中的 I have been afraid to sleep for the last few weeks. I am so tired that, finally, I do sleep, but only for a few minutes.译为:在过去的几个星期,我一直都害怕入睡。 终于我实在是因为太累而入睡了,但是却也只是眯了几分钟。可知此题应选择F。2.根据题干定位到文章第三段 “In her hair, she wore three silk ribbons, blue, green, and white. They reminded me of my childhood.”译为:在她的头发中有三个丝带,分别是蓝色、绿色和 白色。这让我想起了童年的美好时光。因此题干表述错误,是姑娘头上的丝带让作者想到了童年的美好时光,而不是姑娘本身,选F。3.由题干可定位到文章第五段 “I looked back down at the skirts. They had designs in them: squares and triangles and circles of pink and green silk.” 译为:我重新把目光投向裙子,这些裙子上面粉红色和绿色丝带呈现出方形、三角形和圆形。题干表述正确,故选T。4.由题干可定位到文章第四段中 “I dont speak Laotian very well”中文翻译为:我的老挝语说得不好。以及第六段中 “She was pleased by the few words I was able to say in her language, although they were mostly numbers.” 中文翻译为:对于我能说一些他们国家的语言她感到非常开心,虽然我说的只是一些数字。可推断出作者能够说一些老挝语,虽然说得不怎么好,故选T。5.根据题干定位到文章中第五段 “I decided to buy one of those skirts, and I began to bargain with her over the price. It is the custom to bargain in Asia.”,中文翻译为“我决定将其中的一条裙子实回 去,并且开始和她讨价还价。在亚洲国家,讨价还价是一种习俗”。因此可知题干的前半部分表述正确,后半部分错误。故选F。6.根据题干定位到文章中第六段 “The price was too low. She was being too generous and wouldnt make enough money. I moved quickly and picked up two more skirts and paid for all three times as much before she had a chance to lower the price for the larger purchase.”,中文翻译为:这个价格实在是太低了。她太慷慨了,几乎赚不到什么钱。担心她因为我买得多而再次降低价格,我迅速地再挑了两条裙子,付钱,然后离开。可以推测出作者是因为觉得价格太低了想要补偿,于是多买了两条。题干表述错误,故选F。7.根据题干定位到文章中第六段 “for the first time in months, my spirit lifted. I almost felt happy.”中文翻译为:这是数月以来我第一次感到精神放松,几乎感到有些高兴。再联系上一题的分析。可以得知题干表述正确,选T。8.题干的中文翻译为:作者肯定来自亚洲的另一个地方,因为她知道在当地文化中如何举止得体。而文章内容并没有提及到该方面,故选F。9.题干的中文翻译为:市场上的女人其实完全理解作者,而且知道得很清楚作者喜欢那些丝带。根据文章内容可知这是正确的,故选T。10.题干的中文翻译为:当作者最终看到裙子时哭了,因为她被这个女人的慷慨精神深深感动。从文章中最后一段中 “There is no defense against a generous spirit, and this time I cry.”中文翻译为:对于她这种慷慨精神毫无防御,这次我哭了可知作者最终是因为被这位老挝姑娘的慷慨精神深深感动,故选T。3. 填空题English as an official language has gained momentum as proponents keep going to the ballot box with measures that discourage bilingual ballots, notices and documents. Thirty stales now have (1) specifying that official government communications be in English, says U.S. English, a group (2) promotes the laws. This year such bills are under(3)in 19 legislatures. Its multiplying tremendously, says Mauro Mujica, a Chilean immigrant and chairman and CEO of U.S. English. Weve made(4)progress.Critics do not see progress. Some say the increase in the measures nationwide sends a hostile(5)to newcomers. It just poisons the atmosphere in local communities, says John Trasvina, (6)and general counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Typically the proposed laws(7)that documents, ballots and other communications be published in English. Exemptions are communications to protect(8)health and safety or efforts to promote tourism.Advocates say they are not suggesting that English be the only language(9)but that it be the only language used in dealing with government. Mujica, who speaks Spanish in his home, says requiring English for official business encourages,(10)to learn English. That will help them to assimilate(11)U.S. society and prosper in its economy, he says. Were making it too easy for people to function in other languages, he complains.But the effectiveness of the movement is in question since federal sometimes trumps a states official English law. For(12), the Voting Rights Act requires certain localities to publish bilingual ballots. “Theyve raised the level of anger(13) languages other than English, (but) havent really changed the governments or businesses way of doing(14),”Trasvina said. Rob Toonkel, spokesman for U.S. English, says that is not true. He says the laws do not cover everything(15)ensure that things like drivers licenses, zoning forms and the day-to-day activities are overwhelmingly in English.【答案】1.laws2.that3.consideration4.huge5.message6.president7.require8.public9.spoken10.immigrants11.into12.instance13.against14.business15.but【解析】1.通过分析句子结构,此处应填入名词。结合本句翻译:目前三十个州规定英语为政府官方语言。因此推断出所填入的名词是laws,标示法律规定2.通过分析句子结构可知:“a group promotes the laws”这部分为U.S. English的同位语,其中“ promotes the laws”为定语从句修饰a group,故此处需填入引导词that。3.固定搭配。under consideration “在考虑之中的”。4.联系上文含义。上文中 “Its multiplying tremendously”的中文含义为:其正以惊人的速度成倍增加。推断出所填入的词为huge。5.固定搭配。send a message to“向传递信息”。6.通过分析句子结构可知26 and general counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund为John Trasvina的同位语。general counsel意为总顾问,由此可以推断出此处也应填入表示职位的名词。因此答案为president。7.分析句子Typically the proposed laws _ that documents, ballots and other communications be published in English.得出这里是虚拟语气在名词从句中的应用:“be published in English”在此处省略了should。由此可以推断所填入的词是一个表示 “命令、要求、建议等语气”的动词,因此答案为require。8.固定搭配。public health and safety 意为公共卫生安全。9.分析句子.that English be the only language but that it be the only language used in dealing with government结构可知:that it be the only language used in dealing with government为宾语从句。因此应填入的词与宾语从句中的used是对应关系,因此填入spoken。10.联系上下文可以推断出此处指的是“鼓励外来移民学习英语”,故所填入的词是 immigrants。11.固定搭配。assimilate into意为“使同化,(使)逐渐混合于(某更大的群体)”。12.固定搭配。For instance “例如”。13.分析句子结构可知:“ 33 languages other than English”做后置定语修饰anger。anger通常与介词 against搭配使用,故此处应填入against。14.固定搭配。way of doing business意为“经营方式”。15.句子He says the laws do not cover everything ensure that things like drivers licenses, zoning forms and the day-to-day activities are overwhelmingly in English.的中文翻译为:他说,这些法律并没有涵盖所有内容, 确保了像驾驶执照、分区表和日常活动都是用英语书写的。可知句子缺少表示转折的词,因此填入but。4. 写作题Suppose you will take part in a class debate next week, and you are given the debate question What should be in peoples diet, to have what one just wants or to just eat healthy food?Write a speech for the debate and clarify your own viewpoint towards whatever your position will be (just one position). But be sure that your argument will be supported with ample examples or evidence. Do remember to provide a title for your speech.The length of your speech is expected to be between 250 and 300 words. Write your speech on the ANSWER SHEET.【答案】略5. 单选题Bringing up children is hard work, and you are often to blame for any bad behavior of your children. If so, Judith Rich Harris has good news for you. Parents, she argues, have no important long-term effects on the development of the personality of their children. Far more important are their playground friends and neighborhood companions. Ms. Harris takes to beat the assumption which has dominated developmental psychology for almost half a century.Ms. Harriss attack on the developmentalists, “nurture” argument looks likely to reinforce doubts that the profession was already having. If parents matter, why is it that two adopted children, reared in the same home, are no more similar in personality than two adopted children reared in separate homes or that a pair of identical twins, reared in the same home, arc no more alike than a pair of identical twins reared in different homes?Difficult as it is to track the precise effects of parental upbringing, it may be harder to measure the exact influence of the peer group in childhood and adolescence. Ms. Harris points to how children from immigrant homes soon learn not to speak at school in the way their parents speak. But acquiring a language is surely a skill, rather than a characteristic of the sort developmental psychologists hunt for. Certainly it is different from growing up tense or relaxed, or from learning to be honest or hard-working or generous. Easy though as it may be to prove that parents have little impact on those qualities, it will be hard to prove that peers have vastly more.Moreover, mum and dad surely cannot be ditched completely. Young adults may, as Ms. Hams argues, be keen to appear like their contemporaries. But even in those early years, parents have the power to open door: They may initially choose the peers with whom their children associate, and pick that influential neighborhood. Moreover, most people suspect that they come to resemble their parents more in middle age, and that peoples child-rearing habits may be formed partly by what their parents did. So the balance of influences is probably complicated, as most parents already suspected without being able to demonstrate it scientifically. Even if it turns out that the genes they pass on and the friends their children play with matter as much as affection, discipline and good example, parents are not completely off the hook.1.According to Ms. Harris,( ).2.Which of the following views would the development a lists agree with?3.Which of the following statements summarizes the main point of Paragraph three?4.The word ditched (Para 4) could best be replaced by ( ).5.What is the authors main purpose?问题1选项A.parents have not invested enough time and energy in their childrenB.childrens personality is shaped by people they mix with outside the homeC.in the long run, parents will affect their childrens personalityD.nature rather than nurture has a significant effect on childrens personality development问题2选项A.Children tend to assume their parents personalityB.Children are more influenced by their peers than by their parents.C.Identical twins reared in the same home are similar in personality.D.Identical twins under the same parent develop separate personalities.问题3选项A.Parental influence is more important than the influence of the peer groups.B.To measure the exact influence of the peer group in childhood and adolescence is hard.C.Children subject to peer group influence often learn how to be honest, hard-working, or generous.D.Peers and parents have similar influence on a childs personality development.问题4选项A.provedB.emphasizedC.comparedD.ignored问题5选项A.To highly praise Ms. Harriss work.B.To counter Ms. Harriss work.C.To objectively report on Ms. Harriss work.D.To critically comment on Ms. Harriss work.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.事实细节题。A项“父母没有为他们的孩子投入足够的时间和精力”, D项“先天而非后天培养对儿童的个性发展有显著影响”文中没有提及;C项“从长远来看,父母会影响孩子的个性”,原文第一段提到“Parents, she argues, have no important long-term effects on the development of the personality of their children. 她(即Harris女士)称,父母对孩子的个性发展没有重要的长期影响”可推断C项错误;B项“孩子的性格受家庭外他们交往的人的影响”,文章第一段提到“Far more important are their playground friends and neighborhood companions(在小孩的性格形成上)有更重要影响的是孩子在操场上的朋友和街坊伙伴” 可推断B项正确。2.判断推理题。A项“孩子往往里呈现父母的性格”,文章只说影响,并未提及呈现父母的性格,不是心理学家的观点。B项“孩子更多受同龄人的影响,而不是父母的影响”是HarrisHairis女士的观点。D项“同一家庭的双胞胎性格不一样”为Harris的观点。C项“同一家庭抚养的相同双胞胎在性格上相似”正确。题干提问“发展心理学家”所认同的观点。文章第二段中提到Ms. Harriss attack on the developmentalists, “nurture” argument looks likely to reinforce doubts that the profession was already having. Harris女士对发展心理学家认为的养育论的攻击很可能强化了心理学家已有的怀疑”,接着提出疑问::“如果父母对孩子性格的形成有影响,为什么同一家庭抚养的两个收养的小孩的性格不相似,不同家庭分别抚养的两个收养的孩子性格也不相似?或者为什么同一个家庭的双胞胎性格不相似,不同家庭抚养的一对双胞胎在性格上也不相似呢? ”,反之可推断,发展心理学家所认为的观点是:同一家庭抚养的孩子在性格上是相似的,故选C项。3.事实细节题。A项“父母的影响比同龄人群体的影响更重要。”与原文相反,C项“受同龄人影响的儿童经常学习如何诚实、努力工作或慷慨”文中没有提及。D项“同龄人和父母对孩子的个性发展也有类似的影响。” 与原文不符。文章第三段提到“Difficult as it is to track the precise effects of parental upbringing, it may be harder to measure the exact influence of the peer group in childhood and adolescence. 虽然很难衡量父母教养的确切影响,但衡量同龄人群体在童年和青春期的确切影响更难。”可推断出B项“衡量同龄人群体在童年和青春期的确切影响是很困难的”正确;故选B。4. 词汇题。文章最后一段提到父母对小孩的影响如“选择孩子交往的对象和小孩生活的环境,及大多数人认为自己在中年时开始像自己的父母, 育儿习惯可能部分受父母影响”可推知“父母对小孩性格的形成的影响是不可忽视的”,由此知“ditched”的意思最可能为“被忽视的”,故D项正确。A项“被证实的”; B项“被强调的”;C项“被比较的”。5.观点态度题。A项“高度赞扬Harris女士的工作”;B项“反驳了 Harris女士的工作”;C项“客观地报道了 Harris女士的工作”。文章第三段中提到 “ But acquiring a language is surely a skill, rather than a characteristic of the sort developmental psychologists hunt for. 但获得一门语言肯定是一种技能,而不是发展心理学家所寻找的性格”,最后一段中“But even in those early years, parents have the power to open door: They may initially choose the peers


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