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2022年考博英语-云南大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题At this single point in the interior, there has been in some far distant age, a great sudden volcanic( ).问题1选项A.uprisingB.upliftingC.upheavalD.upbringing【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。uprising“升起的”;uplifting“令人振奋的”;upheaval“剧变”;upbringing“教养,抚育”。本句意为“内陆的这个地方,在遥远的年代曾发生过巨大的火山剧变”,upheaval符合题意。因此C正确。2. 单选题Lateral thinking, first described by Edward dc Bono in 1967, is just a few years older than Edwards son. You might imagine that Caspar was raised to be an adventurous thinker, but de Bono s name was so famous, Caspers parents worried that any time he would say something bright at school, his teachers might snap, “Where do you get that idea from?”“We had to be careful and not overdo it,” Edward admits. Now Casper is at Oxford which once looked unlikely because he is also slightly dyslexic. In fact, when lie was applying to Oxford, none of his school teachers thought he had a chance. “So then we did several thinking sessions,” his father says, “using my techniques and, when he went up for the exam, he did extremely well.” Soon after, Edward de Bono decided to write his latest book, “Teach Your Children How to Think”,in which he transforms the thinking skills he developed for brain-storming businessmen into informal exercises for parents and children to share.Thinking is traditionally regarded as something executed in a logical sequence, and everybody knows that children arent very logical. So isnt it an uphill battle, trying to teach them to think? You know,” Edward de Bono says, “if you examine peoples thinking, it is quite unusual to find faults of logic. But the faults of perception are huge! Often we think ineffectively because we take too limited a view.” “Teach Your Child How to Think” offers lessons in perception improvement, of clearly seeing the implications of something you are saying and of exploring the alternatives.1.What is TRUE about Casper?2.Casper succeeded in applying to Oxford because( ).3.It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that Edward( ).4.According to Paragraph 3, which of the following statements expresses Edward de Bonos view?5.Lateral thinking refers to the following EXCEPT( ).问题1选项A.He is Edwards son.B.He is an adventurous thinker.C.He first described lateral thinking.D.He is often scolded by his teacher.问题2选项A.he was careful and often overworkedB.all of his school teachers thought he had a chanceC.he used in the exam the techniques provided by his fatherD.he read the book Teach Your Child How to Think” before the exam问题3选项A.was likely to improve childrens logic with his bookB.gave a description of lateral thinking several years after his son was born.C.was prompted to study lateral thinking because his son was slightly dyslexicD.once taught businessmen how to think before he wrote for parents and children问题4选项A.Everybody knows that children arent very logical.B.It is an uphill battle trying to teach children to think.C.We often think ineffectively because we take too limited a view.D.Thinking is traditionally regarded as something executed in a logical sequence.问题5选项A.improving ones logic in thinkingB.improving ones perception in thinkingC.seeing the implications of what you are sayingD.exploring the alternatives for what you are saying【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。根据文章第一段第二句,“”You might imagine that Caspar was raised to be an adventurous thinker, but de Bono s name was so famous”,根据转折连词but,可判断你可以想象卡斯帕是一个敢于大胆的思考者,但是事实相反。选项B可排除。根据文章第一句, “Lateral thinking, first described by Edward dc Bono in 1967”,可知横向思维在1967年由爱德华波诺首次提出,所以不是卡斯帕首次提出的。根据文章第一段,“Caspers parents worried that any time he would say something bright at school, his teachers might snap”,可知卡斯珀的父母担心,每当他在学校说一些聪明的话时,他的老师可能会叱责他,可判断出卡斯珀被老师叱责是父母担心的事,并没有提到实际发生。根据排除法,选项A符合题意。2.细节事实题。根据文章第二段, “So then we did several thinking sessions, his father says, using my techniques and, when he went up for the exam, he did extremely well.”,可知然后他运用父亲的思考方式进行了练习,最后考试考得非常好。可判断出Casper成功考入牛津大学的原因是运用了父亲提供的方法和技巧。选项C符合题意。3.判断推理题。根据文章第二段,“he transforms the thinking skills.”,可知爱德华的书是用来传播他的思考技巧,是为了教孩子们如何思考,并未提及逻辑思维,选项A可排除。根据文章第一段第一句,“Lateral thinking, first described by Edward dc Bono in 1967, is just a few years older than Edwards son.”,可知1967年,爱德华波诺(Edward dc Bono)首次描述了“横向思维”,是在爱德华的儿子出生的前几年提出的。可判断出并不是在儿子出生后才描述了横向思维,选项B可排除。因为爱德华在儿子出生前几年就提出了横向思维,所以不是因为儿子的原因而去研究这种方法,选项C可排除。根据文章第二段最后一句,“he transforms the thinking skills he developed for brain-storming businessmen into informal exercises for parents and children to share.”,可知他将自己用来培养商人思维的技能转化为供父母和孩子们分享的非正式练习。可判断出爱德华在为父母和孩子写作之前,曾教商人如何思考。选项D符合题意。4.细节事实题。根据文章第三段,“Often we think ineffectively because we take too limited a view.”,可知爱德华认为我们常常思考效率低下,因为我们的视野太有限。选项C为文章的原话,选项C符合题意。5.细节事实题。根据文章第三段,“ Teach Your Child How to Think offers lessons in perception improvement, of clearly seeing the implications of something you are saying and of exploring the alternatives.”,可知教你的孩子如何思考这本书提供认知改善的课程,清楚地了解你所说的话的含义,并探索其他选择。可判断出横向思维涉及的方面包括提升思维认知能力,了解说话的含义以及探索自己所说的话的其他可供选择的表达,不包括提升逻辑思考能力。选项A符合题意。3. 单选题The early retirement of experienced workers is seriously harming the U.S. economy, according to a new report from the Hudson Institute, a public policy research organization. Currently, many older experienced workers retire at an early age. According to the recently issued statistics, 79 percent of qualified workers begin collecting retirement benefits at age 62; if that trend continues, there will be a labor shortage that will hinder the economic growth in the twenty-first century.Older Americans constitute an increasing proportion of the population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and the population of those over age 65 will grow by 60% between 2001 and 2020. During the same period, the group aged 18 to 44 will increase by only 4%. Keeping older skilled workers employed, even part time, would increase U.S. economic output and strengthen the tax base; but without significant policy reforms, massive early retirement among baby boomers seems more likely.Retirement at age 62 is an economically rational decision today. Social Security and Medicaid earnings limits and tax penalties subject our most experienced workers to marginal tax rates as high as 67%. Social Security formulas encourage early retirement. Although incomes usually rise with additional years of work, any pay increases after the 35-year mark result in higher social Security taxes but only small increases in benefits.Hudson Institute researchers believe that federal tax and benefit policies are at fault and reforms are urgently needed, but they disagree with the popular proposal that much older Americans will have to work because Social Security will not support them and that baby boomers are not saving enough for retirement. According to the increase in 401(k) and Keogh retirement plans, the ongoing stock market on Wall Street, and the likelihood of large inheritance, there is evidence that baby boomers will reach 65 with greater financial assets than previous generations.The Hudson Institute advocates reforming government policies that now discourage work and savings, especially for older worker. Among the reports recommendations: Tax half of all Social Security benefits, regardless of other income, provide 8% larger benefits for each year beyond 65; and permit workers nearing retirement to negotiate compensation packages that may include a lower salary but with greater healthcare benefits. However, it, may take real and fruitful planning to find the right solution to the early retirement of older experienced workers; any measures taken must be allowed to prolong the serviceability of older experienced workers.1.According to Hudson Institute researcher, the effect of the early retirement of qualified workers in the US economy is( ).2.The older experienced workers in America tend to retire early because their prolonged service may( ).3.The second paragraph is written chiefly to show that ( ).4.The word hinder” in the last sentence of Paragraph 1 refers to ( ).5.Which of the following statements is true?问题1选项A.constructiveB.significantC.inconclusiveD.detrimental问题2选项A.do harm to younger generationsB.end up with few or no benefitsC.give- play to their potentialsD.shed light on social trends问题3选项A.there will be an acute labor shortage in the near futureB.baby-boomers contribute much to the US economic outputC.government policies concerning older people are outdatedD.older workers are enthusiastic about collecting social benefits问题4选项A.helpB.preventC.promoteD.drag问题5选项A.Some government policies at present discourage work and savingsB.Senior citizens occupy the largest percentage of the population now.C.Income seldom rises with additional years of work.D.The Hudson Institute belongs to the Government Administrations【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。题目所问的是 “根据哈德逊研究所研究报道,在美国经济中有经验的合格工作人员提前退休的影响是什么?”文章第一段第一句话提到 “有经验的工作人员提前退休严重损害了美国的经济发展”(The early retirement of experienced workers is seriously harming the U.S. economy)。因此,选项D符合题意。constructive “建设性的” ;significant “重大的,有效的” ;inconclusive “不确定的” ;detrimental “有害的”。2.细节事实题。题目所问的是 “年龄大的经验工人往往会提前退休是因为他们的长期服务可以会怎么样?”文章第三段最后一句提到 “尽管随工作年限增长工资会增加,但是他们所缴纳的税也会增加,所获得的利润变少” (Although incomes usually rise with additional years of work, any pay increases after the 35-year mark result in higher social Security taxes but only small increases in benefits)。因此,选项B “获得很少甚至没有好处”符合题意。3.推理判断题。题目所问的是 “第二段主要是为了表明什么?”第二段作者通过对比老年人(65岁)和青壮年(11-44岁)的人口增长率,分别是60%和4%,说明美国社会劳动力的短缺。选项A “在不久的将来劳动力将会急剧短缺”符合题意。4.词义题。题目所问的是 “ hinder的意思是什么? ” hinder 出现的句子是there will be a labor shortage that will hinder the economic growth in the twenty-first century,在该句中,hinder的主语是a labor shortage,宾语是economic growth,根据前文可知这里提到的是年老工人的提前退休对经济发展有害,因此hinder在这里是否定意义, hinder the economic growth “阻碍经济发展”。因此,选项B符合题意。5.推理判断题。题目所问的是 “下列说法哪个是正确的?” 根据文章最后一段第一句提到“哈德逊研究所提倡改革政府那些不鼓励工作和存储的政策” (The Hudson Institute advocates reforming government policies that now discourage work and savings)可知美国政府目前所存在的问题就是 “目前一些政策阻碍了工作和存储”,因此选项A符合题意。4. 单选题A person who is found guilty of embezzlement may be required to( )his property as penalty.问题1选项A.concedeB.defrayC.forfeitD.gape【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析。Concede “承认,退让”;defray “支出,支付”;forfeit “丧失”;gape “裂开,张开”。句意:被发现犯有贪污罪的人,会被要求没收财产作为处罚。选项C符合题意。5. 单选题Even in the 1700s, during the early US settlements, ( )religious groups who opposed slavery, and later formed the backbone of the Abolitionist Movement.问题1选项A.there haveB.there areC.there wereD.have there been【答案】D【解析】语法(倒装)题目。空格前一句 “Even in the 1700s, during the early US settlements”是整个句子的时间状语,而当时间状语位于句首时,主句部分需要使用部分倒装,D选项正确。6. 单选题Prior to 1905, space and time were comfortable absolutes. Over 250 years of practical experience and experimentation had firmly established the supremacy of the physics of Sir Isaac Newton. The picture of the universe painted by Newton was one of amazing clarity and practical value. The motions of projectiles, Pendulums, steam engines, and even distant planets could be readily explained using the brilliant 17th century physicists theories. However, certain phenomena, including how light was able to travel in a vacuum and the exact nature of gravity continued to elude satisfactory scientific explanation.While searching for a solution to the failure of the now famous Michelson-Morely experiment, Albert Einstein (who left Germany when, the Nazis took power, and became an American citizen in 1940) discovered his Special, Theory of Relativity. A few years later, he explained his theory into an all-encompassing grand view of the universe. His General Theory of Relativity was the first to describe the nature of gravity. The General Theory of Relativity describes four dimensional universe in which the three spatial dimensions are coupled with a fourth, time. Any object in the universe with mass is described as causing a warp, or curve into the very structure of space-time itself. Gravity is shown to be a result not of some unforeseen, mysterious force, but as a function of the curvature of space itself. All matter, from the tiniest sub-atomic particle, to the most massive of galaxies, will induce this curvature.This idea is frequently explained by describing space as a rubber sheet, and a body such as the sun as a bowling ball. If, the ball is placed on the rubber sheet, the sheet will bend under the weight of the ball, forming a gravity well. Thus, the orbits of the planets can be seen to result from them rolling around the mouth of the suns gravity well. Of course, this analogy is but a shadow of the true nature of space. In reality, this gravity well is a four dimensional structure. Shortly after publication of the General Theory, physicists began to explore this strange new world.1.What does the passage mainly discuss?2.According to the passage, which of the following phenomena did Einstein describe in his General Theory of Relativity, which was not explained by Newtons theory?3.It can be inferred from the simplicity of the example of bowling ball and rubber sheet to describe Einsteins theory that( ).4.The word “analogy in line 21 is closest in meaning to( ).5.The author gives a synonym for which of the following words?问题1选项A.Albert Einsteins life and achievementsB.The Special Theory of RelativityC.Landmarks in understanding the universeD.How Einstein changed the way we look at the universe问题2选项A.The nature of gravityB.A solution to the Michelson-Morley experimentC.The motions of distant planetsD.How light could travel in a vacuum问题3选项A.this was how Einstein reached his conclusionsB.Einstein used this example to explain his theory to studentsC.any theory is just a way of trying to explain something for which, there is no certainty: so a simple example is sufficientD.the theory is so complex that a more detailed example would not allow most people to quickly understand the general idea问题4选项A.storyB.exampleC.explanationD.similarity问题5选项A.Phenomena(line 6)B.Warp(line 16)C.Gravity (line 17)D.Space(line 21)【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.试题解析:主旨大意题。文章第一段提出一些现象可以用牛顿的理论进行解释,然而还是有一些现象没有得到满意的科学解释;第二段引出了爱因斯坦的相对论;第三段举例进行解释。因此B选项“狭义相对论”符合题意。2.推理判断题。由文章第一段中的However, certain phenomena, including how light was able to travel in a vacuum and the exact nature of gravity continued to elude satisfactory scientific explanation.(然而,某些现象,包括光如何能够在真空中传播以及重力的确切本质,仍然没有得到令人满意的科学解释)和第二段中的His General Theory of Relativity was the first to describe the nature of gravity.(他的广义相对论首先描述了重力的本质)可知牛顿的理论没有解释重力的本质,因此选A。3.推理判断题。由文章第二段中的 Gravity is shown to be a result not of some unforeseen, mysterious force, but as a function of the curvature of space itself. All matter, from the tiniest sub-atomic particle, to the most massive of galaxies, will induce this curvature.(重力被证明不是某种不可预见的神秘力量结果,而是作为空间本身曲度的结果。所有物质,从最小的亚原子粒子,到质量最大的星系,都会产生这种曲度)和第三段中的This idea is frequently explained by describing space as a rubber sheet, and a body such as the sun as a bowling ball. If, the ball is placed on the rubber sheet, the sheet will bend under the weight of the ball, forming a gravity well.(这个想法经常通过把空间描述成橡皮片来解释,像太阳这样的物体就好比一个保龄球。如果把球放在橡胶片上,胶片就会在球的重量下弯曲,从而形成一个重力)可知是用一个简单的来解释这个符合的理论,因此选D。4.词义题。根据题干信息“analogy”定位至文章最后一段中,由Thus, the orbits of the planets can be seen to result from them rolling around the mouth of the suns gravity well. Of course, this analogy is but a shadow of the true nature of space. In reality, this gravity well is a four dimensional structure.(因此,行星的轨道可以被看成是由于它们绕着太阳重力井“滚动”而产生的。当然,这种只是空间真正本质的影子。实际上,该重力井是四维结构)可知行星因重力而围绕太阳旋转,说明“analogy(类比,比喻)”具有相似性,因此选D。5.细节事实题。由文章第二段中的Any object in the universe with mass is described as causing a warp, or curve into the very structure of space-time itself.(宇宙中任何有质量的物体都被描述为引起了扭曲,或弯曲到时空本身的结构中)可知warp的近义词为curve,因此选B。7. 单选题Three million people died of AIDS in 2000. As the pandemic grows, it forces the world to see what it may not want to see: that diseases arising among specific populationsprostitutes (known to HIV/AIDS specialists as “sex workers”)and their customers, drug users, and gay mencan flare into greater pandemics; that women in the developing world have little leverage to negotiate safe sex with their partners and are often abused for trying, that poverty, more than any single factor, drives the spread of AIDS by forcing young people into sex work or, as in Eastern Europe, leading them to the trap of injecting drugs; and that rich nations are often insensitive to the health problems of impoverished ones. Ninety-four out of every hundred HIV infected people live in developing nations, where currently available drug therapies are largely unaffordable. While such medicines do not prevent infection, they do lower the level of virus in the body and may, according to some experts, thus reduce transmission rates. Many public health officials say that the drugs coupled with prevention programs in developing nations could slow the pace of the pandemic.Debate over social and economic issues surrounding AIDS lay years away when the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevent (CDCP) sounded the first alarm in June 1981. That month the agency issued a warning about an unusual cellular-immune dysfunction found in “five previously healthy individuals without a clinically apparent underlying immunodeficiency, and a year later, the term AIDS was coined. As the disease took on the dimensions of a plague, it swept away notions that great pandemics belong to history. It added to the understanding that an exotic family of viruses called retroviruses, more commonly seen in animals, could infect humans and cause disease. And it confirmed growing data that viruses could cause cancer in humans.Some 20 years later “we know more about HIV than we know about any microbe ever studied.” says Robert Gallo, who headed the National Institutes of Health (NIH) team that contributed to the discovery of HIV in 1984. But we still dont understand exactly how the virus causes disease.HIV seems full of contradictions, it can overwhelm the human immune system, yet the virus itself is fragile. Cold viruses linger on hands, and sometimes for days on doorknobs, but fresh air dries and destabilizes HIV in hours or even minutes. Contact with rubbing alcohol chlorinated water quickly renders it inactive. Simple bar soap neutralizes HIV by breaking the chemical bonds of its lipids, or fats. And because so few cases of oral transmission have been documented, doctors concluded that the same antiviral compounds in saliva and stomach acids that protect us from a host of germs prove very effective against HIV in low concentrations.Once a person is infected with HIV, however, the virus attacks the very immune cells, called T cells, meant to fight it. “Think about trying to invade a fortress,” said Gary Nabel, director of NIHs Vaccines Research Center. “Would you start by setting off a grenade in front? No. You would sneak in quietly, penetrate the nucleus, and sit there. Youd clone yourself. Youd make lots of copies. Then when an opportune occasion came along, when there was a lot of commotion and people were distracted, youd say, Boom! Here I go.“Thats what HIV does, says Nabel. During a period of typically eight to ten years HIV lurks in the body, mutating rapidly that thus avoiding recognition. It reproduces massively, and waits. Finally, at the introduction of a disease that an unimpaired immune system would


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