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2022年考博英语-南京师范大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 写作题Directions: For this section, you are asked Io write a composition on the following topic. You are required to write no less than 150 words. Remember to write clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to so much information creates problems. Which view do you agree with?What is your opinion? Give your comments and write them down on the ANSWER SHEET. You should supply on appropriate title for your essay.【答案】略2. 单选题Rapid energy consumption will not only( )the environment, but also trigger serious social problems.问题1选项A.extractB.spoilC.disposeD.deteriorate【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。extract“提取;提炼”; spoil“糟蹋;溺爱;dispose“处理;处置;安排”;deteriorate“恶化”。 句意:能源迅速消耗不仅会使环境恶化,还会引发严重的社会问题。只有D项符合句意,故答案D。3. 翻译题Directions: For this section, you are asked to read the following short passage first and then to write a composition entitled Which one Do You Think Is More Important, Pleasure or Longevity? You should not copy any of the sentences in the following passage. You should write no less than 150 words. Remember to write clearly on the ANSWER SHEET. (15%) (Just for your reference)People are almost phobic(恐惧症)about having fun. increasingly viewing themselves as fragile, vulnerable, ready to develop cancer or heart disease at the slightest provocation(刺激). In the name of health, people give up many of their life enjoyments. We have no quarrel with the evidence that some pleasures, like cigarette smoking, high alcohol consumption, addictive drugs, driving much too fast, are unhealthy and should be knocked off. But worrying too much about anything including calories, salt, cancer, and cholesterol(胆固醇)-can rob your life of vitality. Living optimistically, with pleasure, zest, and commitment enriches if not lengthens life.Do you agree to the above point of view? Which one do you think is more important, pleasure or longevity (长寿)? Give your own comments and write them down on the ANSWER SHEET.【答案】略4. 单选题Youre responsible to( ) is in charge of sales.问题1选项A.whoB.whomC.whoeverD.that【答案】C【解析】考查引导词。该空在从句中作主语,并引导主语从句。who表示人,常引导宾语从 句,但不引导主语从句;而whoever表示“无论是谁”(anyone who ),可引导 主语从句。故C项正确。句意:你对任何负责销售的人负责。5. 单选题You arent going to the library, are you? ( ), Im not going to the library.问题1选项A.YesB.NoC.OKD.All right【答案】B【解析】考查反义疑问句。反义疑问句的回答根据实际情况作答,空格后为否定的情况,故用No.B项正确。6. 单选题I had to do a five hour written examination on horse and stable management; but you know I have to do it in order to get the( ).问题1选项A.civilizationB.assimilationC.revolutionD.qualification【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。civilization “文明,文化”;assimilation“同化,吸收”;revolution“革命,旋转”;qualification“资格,条件”。句意:我得参加5个小时的马匹管理课程笔试。但是你知道我是为了得到相关资质才这样做。只有D项符合句意。7. 单选题She made two copies of this poem and posted them( ) to different publishers.问题1选项A.sensationallyB.simultaneouslyC.strenuouslyD.simply【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。sensational 轰动的、耸人听闻的;simultaneously 同时地;strenuous 紧张的,费力的;simply 简单地。由前半句“她将这首诗复印了两份”以及后半句的“不同的出版商”可推知她同时将两份复印件寄给了不同的出版商。故B项正确。8. 翻译题“All nature is meant to make us think of paradise,” Thomas Merton observed. Because the Creation puts on a nonstop show, beauty is free and inexhaustible, but we need training in order to perceive more than the most obvious kinds. Even 15 billion years or so after the Big Bang, echoes of that event still linger in the form of background radiation, only a few degrees above absolute zero. Lust so, I believe, the experience of beauty is an echo of the order and power that permeate the universe. To measure background radiation, we need subtle instruments; to measure beauty, we need alert intelligence and our five keen senses.Anyone with eyes can take delight in a face or a flower. You need training, however, to perceive the beauty in mathematics or physics or chess, in the architecture of a tree, the design of a birds wing, or the shiver of breath through a flute. For most of human history, the training has from elders who taught the young how to pay attention.By paying attention; we learn to savor all sorts of patterns, from quantum mechanics to patchwork quilts. This predilection brings with it a clear evolutionary advantage, for the ability to recognize patterns helped our ancestors to select mates, find food, avoid predators. But the same advantage would apply to all species, and yet we alone compose symphonies and crossword puzzles, carve stone into status, map time and space.【答案】托马斯默顿曾感言:“天地万物欲使我们想到天堂。”上天造物,生生不息,犹如连番上演的舞台剧,美亦展示得无拘无朿、无穷无尽。若要从最显见的物类中获得更多 美的感悟,则须经专门训练。即使在宇宙大爆炸的一百五十亿年后,其反射仍以背景辐射的形式,略略徘徊于绝对零度之上。正因为此,人们对美的体验,实则是对宇宙间无处不在的秩序与力量的回应。测量背景辐射,要有精巧的仪器;体验美,则需机敏的智能与敏锐的五官了。凡眼见于俏脸、鲜花,无人不觉赏心悦目。然而,要参透数学、物理或棋弈之美,欣赏树之有形、鸟之翼趣,乃至对长笛奏出的悠悠颤音心领祌会,则必经专门训练方可体味。在人类大部历史上,这种训练就是学会如何观察,历来由长者教之于幼者。通过观察,人类学会鉴赏天地万化之模式,从量子力学到百纳被无所不包。此痴情所至,亦使人类在进化过程中占尽先机,能辨万化之象,有助于先人们择偶、觅食,逃避猛兽。按理,同一进化优势本应造福世间一切物种,然惟独人类能谱出交响曲、制作填字游戏、创造石雕艺术、标示时空天体。那么,是人类为获敏锐的感知而一味将其动物的本能需求推向了乖戾之极致,还是人脑构造与宇宙天体碰巧契合呢?9. 单选题Many of the scientists and engineers are judged( )how great their achievements are.问题1选项A.in spite ofB.in ways ofC.in favor ofD.in terms of【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。in spite of尽管;in favor of有利于,支持;in terms of 依据,按照,在方面。许多科学家和工程师从他们所取得的成就来被评价,只有D项符合题意。10. 单选题For 150 years scientists have tried to determine the solar constant, the amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth. Yet,even in the most cloud-free regions of the planet, the solar constant cannot be measured precisely. Gas molecules and dust particles in the atmosphere absorb and scatter sunlight and prevent some wavelengths of the light from ever reaching the ground.With the advent of satellites, however, scientists have finally been able to measure the Suns output without being impeded by the Earths atmosphere. Solar Max. a satellite from theNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), has been measuring the Suns output since February 1980. Although a malfunction in the satellites control system limited its observation for a few years, the satellite was repaired in orbit by astronauts from the space shuffle in 1984. Maxs observations indicate that the solar constant is not really constant after all.The satellites instruments have detected frequent,small variations in the Suns energy output generally amounting to no more than 0.05 percent of the Suns mean energy output and lasting from a few days to a few weeks. Scientists believe these fluctuations coincide with the appearance and disappearance of large groups of sunspots on the sunspots are relatively dark regions on the Suns surface that have strong magnetic fields and a temperature about 2.000 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the rest of the Suns surface. Particularly large fluctuations in the solar constant have coincided with sightings of large groups, in 1980,for example. Solar Maxs instruments registered a 0.3 percent drop in the solar energy reaching the Earth. At that time a sunspot group covered about 0.6 percent of the solar disk, an area 20 times larger than the Earths surface.Long-term variations in the solar constant are more difficult to determine. Although Solar Maxs data have indicated s slow and steady decline in the Suns output. Some scientists have thought that the satellites aging detectors might have become less sensitive over the years, thus falsely indicating a drop, in the solar constant. This possibility was dismissed; however, by comparing solar Maxs observations with data from a similar instrument operating on NASAs Nimbus 7 weather satellite since 1978.1. What does this passage mainly discuss?2. Why does the author mention “gas and “dust” in line 3?3. According to the passage, scientists believe variations in the solar constant are related to( ).4. Why did scientists think that Solar Max might be giving unreliable information?5. The attempt to describe the solar constant can best be described as( ).问题1选项A.The launching of a weather satellite.B.The components of the Earths atmosphere.C.The measurement of variations in the solar constant.D.The interaction of sunlight and air pollution.问题2选项A.They magnify the solar constant.B.They are found in varying concentrations.C.Scientific equipment is mined by gas and dustD.They interfere with accurate measurement of the solar constant.问题3选项A.sunspot activityB.unusual weather patternsC.increased levels of dustD.fluctuations in the Earths temperature问题4选项A.Solar Max did not work for the first few years.B.The space shuttle could not fix Solar Maxs instruments.C.Solar Maxs instrument was getting old.D.Nimbus 7 interfered with Solar.问题5选项A.an ongoing research effortB.an issue that has been resolvedC.a question that can never be answeredD.historically interesting, but irrelevant to contemporary concerns【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.主旨大意题。由第一段“For 150 years scientists have tried to determine the solar constant, the amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth. Yet,even in the most cloud-free regions of the planet, the solar constant cannot be measured precisely. 150年来,科学家们一直试图确定太阳常数,即到达地球的太阳能总量。然而,即使在地球上最无云的地区,太阳常数也无法精确测量。”可知本文的主题是solar constant太阳常数,主要讨论太阳常数的测量问题。故C项正确。2.判断推理题。Yet,even in the most cloud-free regions of the planet, the solar constant cannot be measured precisely. Gas molecules and dust particles in the atmosphere absorb and scatter sunlight and prevent some wavelengths of the light from ever reaching the ground. 而,即使在地球上最无云的地区,太阳常数也无法精确测量。大气中的气体分子和尘埃颗粒吸收和散射阳光,阻止某些波长的光到达地面。所以作者提到气体分子和尘埃颗粒是想说明这两者阻碍了对太阳常数的精确测量。故D项正确。3.细节事实题。由第三段“Scientists believe these fluctuations coincide with the appearance and disappearance of large groups of sunspots on the sunspots are relatively dark regions on the Suns surface that have strong magnetic fields and a temperature about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the rest of the Suns surface. 科学家们认为,这些波动与太阳黑子上大群太阳黑子的出现和消失相吻合。太阳黑子是太阳表面上相对黑暗的区域,具有很强的磁场,温度比太阳表面的其他部分低2000华氏度。可知太阳常数的波动与太阳黑子的活动有关,故A项正确。4.判断推理题。由最后一段“Although Solar Maxs data have indicated s slow and steady decline in the Suns output. Some scientists have thought that the satellites aging detectors might have become less sensitive over the years, thus falsely indicating a drop, in the solar constant. 尽管太阳活动极大期的数据显示太阳活动缓慢而稳定地减少。一些科学家认为,随着时间的推移,该卫星的老化探测器可能变得不那么敏感,从而错误地显示出太阳常数的下降。可知由于卫星的老化有可能使得探测不敏感,所以科学家认为太阳活动极大期的信息可能不准确。故C项正确,5.文章最后一段讲了对于太阳常数的研究已经展开,这是项复杂而艰巨的工程,需要持续不断的研究和努力。故A项正确。11. 单选题Free medical service is( ) to nearly all the college students in China.问题1选项A.favoriteB.availableC.convenientD.average【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。favorite“最喜爱的”;available“可获得的”;convenient“方便的”;average“普通的,平均的”。句意:所有中国大学生都( )免费医疗服务。只有B项符合句意,be available to可得到的,大学生能得到免费医疗服务。答案B12. 单选题( ) working on his composition the day before, he would have finished it by now.问题1选项A.Would he startB.Had he startedC.If he is to startD.If he was starting【答案】B【解析】考查虚拟语气。由the day before后半句would have finished by now可知空格处发生的动作发生在过去,是对过去事实的虚拟,从句用had+Ved.故B项正确。句意:如果他昨天就开始写作的话,他现在就已经完成了。故B项正确。13. 单选题A close analogy to study design is the rough sketch made by an artist before be commits his vision to canvas. The broad outlines are drawn, the proper perspective achieved, and the total impact of the picture-to-be can be partially appreciated in advance. So it is with the design of research; it specifies in advance the kinds of statements that can be made on the basis of its findings and fix the perspectives against which these findings are to be evaluated.One major purpose of this study was to demonstrate whether or not the newer social research techniques could help in broadening and deepening knowledge concerning juvenile delinquency. Construction of the design was guided by this goal of exploring new methods in the analysis of juvenile delinquency. However, research technique developed in one content cannot be mechanically transferred to another. A new application of a research technique requires substantial changes and it is these innovative modifications that this study offers as its contribution.Juvenile delinquency has been the subject of many previous studies using a variety of research techniques. This study makes an additional contribution by using a design specially planned to permit a comparison of several approaches. The drawing up of the study design profited greatly from an extensive survey of previous researches on crime, undertaken during the earliest stage of the project. It was found that most studies could be classified as belonging study and personal motivation study.Each type has its characteristic design and mode of interpretation and each has produced information of considerable importance. Yet no attempt was made in any of the studies to integrate one or more of these three design types. It became apparent that on of the major contributions a pilot study could make to both method and substantive findings would be to bring all three study types together in one design for the purpose of correlating their findings and evaluating their relative importance in producing data of use to the practitioner.1. The phrase the project (Paragraph 3) refers to( ).2. In Paragraph One the author draws an analogy between( ).3. The major contribution of this study is to( ).4. The subject under discussion in the passage is about( ).5. Three design types of previous researches are( ).问题1选项A.an extensive research on crimeB.a full exploration of research designsC.an elaborate investigation into new techniquesD.a comprehensive research of juvenile delinquency问题2选项A.a research and an artistB.doing research and drawing a sketchC.designing a research and making a sketchD.research finding and pictures perspectives问题3选项A.carry out a comprehensive analysis of juvenile delinquencyB.develop a new research technique easily transferred from one area to anotherC.modify creatively the previous research finding of juvenile delinquencyD.demonstrate the successful application of new research techniques in a new area问题4选项A.a research design concerning juvenile delinquencyB.application of analogy in studying juvenile delinquencyC.crime and juvenile delinquencyD.extensive survey of researchers in juvenile delinquency问题5选项A.interrelated to each otherB.supplementary to each otherC.to be modified considerablyD.to be integrated into one design【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.判断推理题。由第三段The drawing up of the study design profited greatly from an extensive survey of previous researches on crime, undertaken during the earliest stage of the project. 该研究设计的制定得益于项目早期对以往犯罪研究的广泛调查。可知这个项目早期就已经对青少年犯罪进行了广泛的研究。故D项正确。2.判断推理题。由第一段A close analogy to study design is the rough sketch made by an artist before be commits his vision to canvas. 学习设计的一个很好的类比就是艺术家在将他的视觉交付给画布之前所画的草图。可知此句将做研究设计与艺术家画草图进行类比。故C项正确。3.细节事实题。由题干关键词“contribution”可定位到第二段A new application of a research technique requires substantial changes and it is these innovative modifications that this study offers as its contribution. 一项研究技术的新应用需要实质性的变化,而本研究的贡献正是这些创新的改进。可知C项“创造性地改进了以往关于青少年犯罪的研究成果。”正确。4.主旨大意题。文章开头就表明了主题是关于研究设计的。再由第二段One major purpose of this study was to demonstrate whether or not the newer social research techniques could help in broadening and deepening knowledge concerning juvenile delinquency.这项研究的一个主要目的是证明新的社会研究技术是否能够帮助拓宽和加深有关青少年犯罪的知识。故A项“关于青少年犯罪的研究设计”正确。5.推理判断题。由最后一段Yet no attempt was made in any of the studies to integrate one or more of these three design types. It became apparent that on of the major contributions a pilot study could make to both method and substantive findings would be to bring all three study types together in one design for the purpose of correlating their findings and evaluating their relative importance in producing data of use to the practitioner. 然而,在任何研究中都没有试图将这三种设计类型中的一种或多种集成起来。很明显, 试点研究的一个主要的贡献是方法和实质性的结果将使三种类型的研究整合到一个设计中,从而将调查结果联合起来,并评估这些调查结果在为实践者提供数据中的相对重要性。可知这三种类型的研究将被整合到一个设计中。故D项正确。14. 论述题Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass You can give examples to illustrate your point and then explain what you will do to make your life more meaningful. You should write at least 200 words. Put your essay on Answer Sheet.Part I Cloze 【答案】略15. 翻译题1. “Teach Your Child How to Think” offers lessons in perception improvement, of clearly seeing the implications of something you are saying and of exploring the alternatives. (Passage One)2. Finding ways to get more and better sleep can be a challenge. Scientists have identified more than 80 different sleep disorders. Some sleeping disorders are genetic. But many problems are caused by staying up late and by traveling frequently between time zones or by working nights. (Passage Two)3. Selling online carried its own risks, however. With so many companies competing for consumers attention, price competition was intense and profit margins thin or nonexistent. (Passage Three)4. Road politeness is not only good manners, but good sense too. It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge when subjected to uncivilized behaviors. (Passage Four)5. Never mind something as complex as conversations: the most powerful computers struggle to reliably recognize the shape of an object, the most elementary of tasks for a ten-month-old kid. (Passage Five)【答案】1.教孩子如何思考一书讲述了如何提高孩子的洞察力,透彻理解话语的含义以及探讨话语的不同意图。2. 想办法获得更多更好的睡眠是一个挑战。科学家已经确认了80多种不同的睡眠障碍问题。有些睡眠障碍是遗传的。但许多问题是由熬夜、频繁地在不同时区之间旅行或夜间工作造成的。3. 然而,网上销售也有风险。由于有如此多的公司都争着要吸引消费者的注意力,价格竞争就会非常激烈,而利润就会越来越少,甚至毫无利润可言。4.道路礼貌行为不仅指具备良好的行为举止,同时也指具备良好的意识表现。当遇到不文明行为时,需要驾驶员报纸最清醒的头脑和很好的脾气来控制住心中报复的念头。5.更不用说像谈话这样复杂的事情,现在最先进的计算机正竭力地去认识物体的形状,而这是十个月大的孩子要完成的任务。16. 单选题I have trouble ( ) this task within this week.问题1选项A.in finishingB.to finishC.for finishingD.on finishing【答案】A【解析】考查语法。have trouble in doing sth做某事有麻烦。故A项正确。句意:我有困难在这周内完成这项任务。17. 单选题I came away from my years of teaching on the college and university level with a conviction enactment, performance, dramatization are the most successful forms of teaching. Students must be incorporated, made, so far as possible, an integral part of the learning process. The notion that learning should have in it an element of inspired play would seem to the greater part of the academic establishment merely silly, but that is nonetheless the case. Of Ezekiel Cheever, the most famous schoolmaster of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, his onetime student Cotton Mather wrote planned his lessons that his pupils “came to work as though they came to play, “and Alfred North Whitehead, almost three hundred years later, noted that a teacher should make his/her students “glad they were there.”Since, we are told, 80 to 90 percent of all instruction in the typical university is by the lecture method, we should give close attention to this form of education. There is, I think, much truth in Patricia Nelson Limericks observation that “lecturing is an unnatural act, an act for which God did not design humans. It is perfectly all right, now and then, for a human to be possessed by the urge to speak while others remain silent. But to do this regularly, one hour and 15 minutes at a time for one person to drag on while others sit in silence? I do not believe that


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