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2022年考博英语-湖南农业大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题A beautiful autumn day like this( )for the wet summer we have had.问题1选项A.compensatesB.revengesC.balancesD.compels【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项compensates“补偿”;B选项revenges“复仇”;C选项balances“平衡”;D选项compels“强迫”。句意:像今天这样美的秋天()我们经历的潮湿的夏天。根据句意排除B,D。C选项一般不与介词搭配,所以答案选A。compensate for“弥补,补偿”。2. 不定项选择题As fifteen-year-old Perry shuffled into my office, with his parents trailing tentatively behind, he glanced at me with a strained neutral expression that Id found usually masked either great anger or great distress; in Perrys case it was both. Although anorexia (厌食症) is a disorder most often associated with girls, Perry was the third in a line of anorexic boys I had recently seen.Perry refused to eat with his family, always claiming he wasnt hungry at the time and that he preferred to eat later in his room. New menus, gentle encouragement, veiled threats, nagging, and outright bribes had all been tried, to no avail. Why would an otherwise healthy fifteen-year-old boy be starving himself? The question hung urgently in the air as we all talked.Lets be clear from the outset: Perry was a smart, good kid, shy, unassuming, and generally unlikely to cause trouble. He was getting straight As in a challenging and competitive public school honors curriculum that spring. And he later told me that he hadnt gotten a B on his report card since fourth grade, in some ways he was every parents dream child.But beneath his academic success, Perry faced a world of troubles. One big problem was that while Perry was a strong achiever, he was not at all a happy one. “I hate waking up in the morning because theres all this stuff I have to do,” he said. “I just keep making lists of things to do and checking them off each day. Not just schoolwork, but extracurricular activities, so I can get into a good college.”Perry was gifted enough to jump through the academic hoops that had been set for him, but it felt like little more than hoop-jumping, and this ate at him. But that wasnt his only problem.Perry was well-loved by his parents, as are most of the young people we see. But in their efforts to nurture and support him, his parents inadvertently increased his mental strain. Over time, they had taken on all his household chores, in order to leave him more time for schoolwork and activities. “Thats his top priority,” they said almost in unison when I asked about this. Although removing the chores from Perrys plate gave him a bit more time, it ultimately left him feeling even more useless and tense. He never really did anything for anyone except suck up their time and money, and he knew it. And if he thought about backing off on his schoolwork well, look how much his parents were pouring into making it go well. Sandwiched between fury and guilt, Perry had literally begun to wither.1. This passage is narrated from the point of view of _.2. According to the passage, Perrys two biggest problems were _.3. The primary purpose of the passage is to _.4. The word “inadvertently” (Para. 6) most nearly means “ _”.问题1选项A.a professor studying the effects of overeating on young malesB.a concerned therapist who works with struggling young adultsC.a doctor who treats eating, compulsive and sleeping disordersD.a college student working on a thesis about eating disorders问题2选项A.being an unhappy achiever and the added mental strain from his parentsB.his poor attitude toward school and his feeling of wasting time and moneyC.his fury and guiltD.drug abuse and conflict within his family问题3选项A.analyze possible reasons why a young person may have an eating disorderB.compare one young persons special problems to those of a typical teenagerC.relate an emotional reaction to the shock of an eating disorderD.explain how todays youth often develop eating disorders问题4选项A.steadilyB.incrementallyC.mistakenlyD.surreptitiously【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:A第4题:C【解析】第1题:主旨大意题。根据题干定位到第一段第一句he glanced at me with a strained neutral expression that Id found usually masked either great anger or great distress; in Perrys case it was both.(他带着一种紧张的、不露声色的表情看了我一眼,我发现这种表情通常要么掩盖着巨大的愤怒,要么掩盖着巨大的痛苦;在佩里的案例中,两者都是。)最后一段最后一句话Sandwiched between fury and guilt, Perry had literally begun to wither.(在愤怒和内疚的夹缝中,佩里已经开始变得虚弱了。)由此判断答案选B“一位治疗处于困境的年轻人的专家”。C选项“治疗饮食睡眠不规律的医生”;D选项“在写关于饮食不规律论文的大学生”文章没有提及。A选项“研究男性暴饮暴食相关影响的专家”,作者是治疗厌食症的医生,所以A选项错误。第2题:事实细节题。根据题干定位到One big problem was that while Perry was a strong achiever, he was not at all a happy one.(有一个问题就是虽然佩里是一个赢家获得了很多成就,但他一点也不快乐。)最后一段第二句his parents inadvertently increased his mental strain.(他的父母无意中增加了他的精神负担。)所以这题选A选项“一个不开心的赢家和来自父母的精神压力”。B选项“他对待学校的消极态度以及浪费时间和金钱的感觉”和D选项“延误滥用和家庭矛盾”文章没有提及;C选项“愤怒和愧疚”这个是佩里的两种情绪并不是佩里的问题所在。第3题:主旨大意题。A选项“分析为什么一个年轻人有进食障碍”。B选项“比较让一个年轻人的特殊情况与那些普通年轻人的特殊情况相比较”;C选项“把情绪反应和进食障碍带来的冲击联系起来”D选项“解释为什么今天的年轻人经常出现进食障碍”。整篇文章都在分析佩里的症状出现的原因并没有和其他年轻人做比较,所以答案选A。第4题:词汇推断题。A选项“渐渐地”;B选项“递增地”;C选项“错误地”;D选项“偷偷地,秘密地”。定位到最后一段第一句话Perry was well-loved by his parents(佩里被自己的父母深切地热爱着)和最后一段二句话his parents inadvertently increased his mental strain.(他的父母无意中增加了他的精神负担),从这里可知,佩里的父母是爱自己的孩子的,不会故意在佩里状态已经很不好的时候来增加佩里的负担,所以答案应该选C。3. 单选题The plane was fatally crippled when the rear cargo door was( )in flight.问题1选项A.jammedB.openedC.pulled offD.crumpled up【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项“堵塞”;B选项“打开”;C选项“脱下,扯下,努力实现”;D选项“打垮,揉皱”。句意:这架飞机的后货舱门在飞行中()时,飞机严重损坏了。这里根据逻辑飞机在飞行途中,后货舱门出现某种故障,导致整个飞机损坏。这里答案选C,被扯下。4. 单选题By the time you have completed the essential training, you _ exposed to virtually every new feature of the course.问题1选项A.will have beenB.will beC.would have beenD.would be【答案】A【解析】考查时态。A将来完成时,表示将来某一时间开始,并将继续完成的动作;B一般将来时,将来可能发生的事情;C过去将来完成时,表示从过去观点看将来某时某动作已完成;D过去将来时,表示从过去的某一时间来看将来要发生的动作或呈现的状态。前面是由by the time引导的时间状语从句,且是现在完成时,根据时间状语从句主将从现的原则,所以答案选A。5. 单选题_ can be seen from the comparison of these figures, the principle involves the active participation of the patient in the modification of his condition.问题1选项A.AsB.WhatC.ThatD.It【答案】A【解析】考查从句引导词。句意:()从这些数字的比较可以看出,其原理涉及到病人积极参与病情的改善。两个句子之间缺少连词,所以不能只单独加主语,此句是非限制性定语从句。根据句意as引导非限制性定语从句来修饰整个主句最合适,所以答案选A。what和that都不能引导非限制性定语从句,所以B,C不选。6. 不定项选择题Some accept their fate. Others try to reason with the police officer who has pulled them over for some real or imagined traffic offense. But when law enforcement is represented by a computer-driven camera that has immortalized your violation on filmas is the case at hundreds of intersections in more than 100 cities around the U.S.its hard to talk your way out of a heavy fine. Yet that is precisely what some 300 motorists in San Diego succeeded in doing last week when a superior court judge rules that pictures taken by the so-called red-light cameras were unreliable and therefore unacceptable.The first U.S. Court decision to reject all the traffic violations caught on cameras; the ruling by Judge Ronald Styn has fueled debate over the growing use of the devices. Police departments swear, and studies indicate, that the robot cameras deter people from speeding and running red lights. A Lou Harris poll set for release this week finds that 69% of Americans support their use. Yet at least seven states have blocked proposals to implement them, and opponentsranging from House majority leader Dick Armey to the American Civil Liberties Unionargue that the cameras violate privacy and place profit above public safety.Part of the problem is that virtually all the devices in place are operated by private firms that handle everything from installing the machinery to identifying violationsoften with minimal police oversightand have an incentive to pull in as many drivers as they can. The companies get paid as much as $70 a ticket, and the total revenue is hardly chump change. San Diego has got in $15.9 million last year and Washington $12.8 million. “Its all about money,” says Congressman Bob Barr, a leading critic. Not so, insists Terrance Gainer, Washingtons executive assistant chief of police. “We have reduced fatalities. If some company is making money off that that is American way.”Critics counter that there must be other, less intrusive ways to make intersections safer, such as lengthening the yellow light and adding turn lanes. “I object to this fixation we have with cameras and electronically gathered information,” says Ban. “It places too much confidence in technology.” That confidence, as Washington residents have learned, can be misplaced. The city removed one camera last May that had generated more than 19,000 tickets at a particularly confusing intersection. In San Diego, faulty sensors made drivers appear to be going faster than they really were. The city suspended the system in July.Another concern is privacy. While systems in Washington, Maryland and North Carolina photograph nothing but the rear of the car, others in Arizona, California and Colorado take a picture of the drivers seat as wella bit of electronic monitoring that could land straying spouses in trouble a lot more serious than a traffic violation.In Europe, where robot cameras are deployed by the thousands and are even less popular than they are here, resentful drivers have started to take matters into their own hands, seeking out hidden cameras and knocking them over with their cars.1. It is mainly indicated in the first paragraph that _.2. The court decision last week _.3. Opponents arguments against cameras include all the following EXCEPT _.4. Police department believes that _.5. The phrase “chump change” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to _.6. According to the passage, Bob Barr _.7. The writers attitude towards robot cameras can be best expressed as _.8. Some drivers in European countries _.问题1选项A.most people respond intensively when caught in traffic offenseB.motorists can be wrongly accused by police officersC.speeders cannot defend themselves before red-light camerasD.computer-driven cameras sometimes do tell lies问题2选项A.triggered a dispute over the use of robot camerasB.excused few camera-caught violators from punishmentC.found fewer red-light camera supporters in AmericaD.deterred some states from implementing camera devices问题3选项A.they intrude into peoples privacyB.they give priority to the pursuit of profitC.they are operated by private firmsD.they are under the supervision of police问题4选项A.robot cameras should not be operated by private firmsB.robot cameras are effective in maintaining traffic orderC.speeding is the major cause of traffic fatalitiesD.companies operating cameras should not pursue money问题5选项A.trivialB.moderateC.enormousD.indefinite问题6选项A.is the majority leader in the House of RepresentativesB.is strongly against the American way of making moneyC.lacks confidence in modern technologyD.doubts the authenticity of electronically gathered information问题7选项A.positiveB.negativeC.indifferentD.uncertain问题8选项A.strongly supported the use of red-light camerasB.destroy thousands of the robot camerasC.take the initiative in the use of robot camerasD.take drastic measures with robot cameras【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A第6题:B第7题:D第8题:D【解析】第1题:推理判断题。题干提到第一段话暗示什么。文章第一段第一句话说Some accept their fate.(一些人接受了命运(被抓到真实的或者虚假的交通违规要罚款的命运),根据关键词some可知,A选项“大部分人被抓到交通违规之后反应很强烈”错误;B选项“摩托车司机可能会被警察错误地指控了”文中没有提及;C选项“超速者在被红灯摄像头抓到后不能为自己辩护”错误,第一段这个例子就是说300名驾车者在被红灯摄像头抓到违规,起诉交警部门后胜诉了,所以说超速者是可以为自己辩护的;第一段最后一句话pictures taken by the so-called red-light cameras were unreliable and therefore unacceptable (所谓的“红灯摄像头”拍摄的照片不可靠,因此不可接受),这就是说D选项“红路灯会说谎”正确。第2题:推理判断题。句意指法院的决定产生了什么样的影响。我们定位到第二段第一句话the ruling by Judge Ronald Styn has fueled debate over the growing use of the devices.(法官Ronald Styn这项决定更加激发了关于增加使用该设备的决定),从fueled这个词可知并不是这项判决引起的讨论,而是讨论本身就存在,判决加重了讨论,A选项“引发了关于是否使用摄像头的讨论”错误;B选项“判决赦免了少部分闯红灯被抓者的处罚”;C选项“判决发现支持红灯摄像头的人更少”,这两项文中都没有提及;定位到第二段第三句话A Lou Harris poll set for release this week finds that 69% of Americans support their use. Yet at least seven states have blocked proposals to implement them(Lou Harris将于本周发布的民意调查显示,69%的美国人支持使用该设备。但是,至少有7个州打回了关于安装这些设备的提案),所以D选项“阻止了一些州安装摄像头”正确。第3题:事实细节题。由题干关键词“Opponents”(反对者),我们定位到文章第二段倒数第三行opponentsargue that the cameras violate privacy and place profit above public safety.(反对者认为这些摄像头侵犯了隐私,而且把盈利置于公共安全之上),所以A、B可以排除;再定位到第三段第一句Part of the problem is that virtually all the devices in place are operated by private firms that handle everything from installing the machinery to identifying violationsoften with minimal police oversightand have an incentive to pull in as many drivers as they can.(部分问题在于,几乎所有的设备都是由私人公司操作的,他们负责从安装机器到识别违规行为的所有事情通常是在最少的警察监督下并有尽可能多地吸引司机的动机。),这里可知C选项“摄像头确实是私人公司安装的”排除;从关键词minimal可知D选项“摄像头是在警察的监控之下的”是错误的,所以答案选D。第4题:事实细节题。根据关键词police department believes我们定位到文章第二段第二句:Police departments swear, and studies indicate, that the robot cameras deter people from speeding and running red lights.(警察部门发誓,研究表明,机器人摄像头可以阻止人们超速和闯红灯。)第三段最后两句话Not so, insists Terrance Gainer, Washingtons executive assistant chief of police. “We have reduced fatalities.”(但事实并非如此,华盛顿警察局执行助理局长特伦斯盖纳(Terrance Gainer)坚持认为。“我们减少了死亡人数。”)这两句可以看出交警部门认为摄像头维持了交通秩序,所以选B选项“摄像头有效地维持了交通秩序”。A选项“摄像头不应该由私人公司运营”,D选项“公司运营摄像头的目的不应该赚钱”,这两个都不是交警部门的看法,C选项“超速是交通致死事故的主要原因”,文章没有提及。第5题:词汇推断题。A选项“细微的”;B选项“普遍的”;C选项“巨大的”D选项“无限的”。根据题干定位到“chump change”所在的句子,即第三段第二句话“The companies get paid as much as $ 70 a ticket, and the total revenue is hardly chump change.(该公司每张罚单能够收到多达70美元的罚款,因而该公司总收入相当可观)”,我们根据后面的第三段三四句San Diego has got in $15.9 million last year and Washington $12.8 million. “Its all about money,” says Congressman Bob Barr, a leading critic.(圣地亚哥去年入账1590万美元,华盛顿入账1280万美元。“这一切都是关于钱,”国会议员鲍勃巴尔如是说,他是主要的批评者。),从这句可以看出,华盛顿和圣地亚哥收到的交通罚款数量巨大,不然不会受到来自国会议员的批评。由此推测,答案选A。第6题:判断推理题。根据题干中的人名定位到文中提到该人物的地方,即第三段第四句“Its all about money”, says Congressman Bob Barr, a leading critic.(“这一切都是关于钱”国会议员鲍勃巴尔如是说,他是主要的批评者。)所以选B选项“鲍勃巴尔强烈反对美国特殊赚钱方式”。A选项“鲍勃巴尔是众议院的领导者”不符合文意,鲍勃巴尔是安装摄像头的主要的反对者但是不是众议院的领导者,排除A;C选项“鲍勃巴尔对技术是否充满信心”,文中没有提及,排除;D选项“质疑电子收集信息的权威性”文中也没有提及。第7题:观点态度题。A选项“积极”;B选项“消极”;C选项“漠不关心”;D选项“不确定”。整篇文章作者只是比较客观地描述了一些现象,文章中没有明显的句子或者词语表现出作者的态度,所以对于作者的态度我们是不明确的,答案选D。第8题:事实细节题。根据题干的关键词“drivers in European countries”,我们定位到最后一段“In Europe, where robot cameras are deployed by the thousands and are even less popular than they are here, resentful drivers have started to take matters into their own hands, seeking out hidden cameras and knocking them over with their cars.(在欧洲,部署了数以千计的摄像头并且这些摄像头甚至比在这里(美国)更不受欢迎,心怀不满的司机们已经开始采取行动,寻找隐藏的摄像头,并用汽车撞倒它们。)”,由此答案选D选项“采用极端的手段对付摄像头”,从最后一段可以看出,欧洲司机也不支持摄像头的安装,所以A选项“支持摄像头的安装”错误;B选项“数以千计的摄像头被毁坏”,数以千计的摄像头是总数而不是被毁坏的数量,所以不选;C选项“欧洲首先使用摄像头”文章没有提及,所以排除。7. 单选题The meetings been cancelled. Ann( ) all that work.问题1选项A.need to doB.need haveC.neednt have doneD.needed not to do【答案】C【解析】考查need的用法。句意:会议被取消了。安娜()所有工作。前面分句中的时态是过去完成时,所以这里的主句也是用过去时态。need作为情态动词时,表示“需要”或“必须”,没有性和数的变化,通常用于否定句和疑问句,A、B、C选项都不符合题意,所以答案选C选项,neednt have done 是做了不需要做的事情。翻译:会议已经被取消了,Ann做了不需要做的工作。8. 不定项选择题No one can be a great thinker who does not realize that as a thinker it is her first duty to follow her intellect to whatever conclusions it may lead. Truth gains more even by the errors of one who with due study and preparation, thinks for himself, than by the true opinions of those who only hold them because they do not suffer themselves to think. Not that it is solely, or chiefly, to form great thinkers that freedom of thinking is required. On the contrary, it is as much or even more indispensable to enable average human beings to attain the mental stature which they are capable of. There have been and may again be great individual thinkers in a general atmosphere of mental slavery. But there never has been, nor ever will be, in that atmosphere an intellectually active people. Where any of heterodox speculation was for a time suspended, where there is a tactic convention that principles are not to be disputed: where the discussion of the greatest questions which can occupy humanity is considered to be closed, we cannot hope to find that generally high scale of mental activity which has made some periods of history so remarkable. Never when controversy avoided the subjects which are large and important enough to kindle enthusiasm was the mind of a people stirred up from its foundations and the impulse given which raised even persons of the most ordinary intellect to something of the dignity of thinking beings.She who knows only her own side of the case knows little of that. Her reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if she is equally unable to refute the reasons of the opposite side; if she does not so much as know what they are, she has no ground for preferring either opinion. The rational position for her would be suspension of judgment, and unless she contents herself with that, she is either led by authority, or adopts, like the generality of the world, the side to which she feels the most inclination. Nor is it enough that she should hear the arguments of adversaries from her own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations. That is not the way to do justice to the arguments, or bring them into real contact with her mind. She must be able to hear them from persons who actually believe them: who defend them in earnest, and do their very utmost for them. She must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form; she must feel the whole force of the difficulty which the true view of the subject has to encounter and dispose of: else she will never really possess herself of the portion of truth which meets and removes that difficulty. Ninety-nine in a hundred of what are called educated people are in this condition; even of those who can argue fluently for their opinions. Their conclusion may be true, but it might be false for anything they know; they have never thrown themselves into the mental position of those who think differently from them and considered what such persons may have to say; and consequently they do not, in any proper sense of the word, know the doctrines which they themselves profess.1. The best title for this passage is( ).2. According to the author, it is always advisable to( ).3. According to the author, in a great period such as the Renaissance we may expect to find( ).4. According to the author, the person who holds orthodox beliefs without examination may be described in all of the following ways EXCEPT as( ).5. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to agree with?问题1选项A.The Age of ReasonB.The Need for Independent ThinkingC.The Value of RefutationD.Stirring Peoples Minds问题2选项A.have opinions which cannot be refutedB.adopt the point of view to which one feels the most inclinationC.be acquainted with the arguments favoring the point of view with which one disagreesD.suspend heterodox speculation in favor of doctrinaire approaches问题3选项A.acceptance of truthB.controversy over principlesC.inordinate enthusiasmD.a dread of heterodox speculation问题4选项A.enslaved by traditionB.less than fully rationalC.determined on controversyD.having a closed mind问题5选项A.A truly great thinker makes no mistakesB.Periods of intellectual achievement are periods of unorthodox reflectionC.The refutation


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