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2022年考博英语-中国财政科学研究院考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题During the course of its growth, a frog undergoes a true metamorphosis _ with a fishlike larval stage.问题1选项A.beginB.beganC.beginningD.is begin【答案】C【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:青蛙在成长过程中经历了从似鱼的幼虫阶段到真正成形的变化。横线到句尾是修饰undergoes a true metamorphosis的状语,根据frog和undergoes是主动关系确定用动词现在分词,C选项beginning符合题意。因此C选项正确。2. 单选题The poor girl spent over half a year in the hospital but she is now _ for it.问题1选项A.never worseB.none the betterC.none the worseD.never better【答案】B【解析】考查词义辨析。A选项“从来没有更糟的”;B选项“没有更好”;C选项“没有更差”;D选项“从来没有这么好”。句意:这个可怜的女孩在医院里住了半年多,但现在_。根据语境,这里指女孩在医院待了很久,病情没有好转,所以B选项“没有更好”符合题意。因此B选项正确。3. 单选题The sculptural legacy that new United States _ its colonial predecessors was far from a rich one, and in fact, in 1776 sculptures as an art form was still in the hands of artisans and craftspeople.问题1选项A.inherited fromB.inherited inC.adapted toD.adopted to【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项inherited from“从继承”;B选项inherited in非固定搭配;C选项adapted to“适应于”;D选项adopted to“采用”。句意:新美洲从其殖民前辈那里_的雕塑遗产远不是丰富的,事实上,在1776年,雕塑作为一种艺术形式仍然在工匠和手艺人手中。根据语境,A选项inherited from“从继承”搭配legacy“遗产”比较合理,意指从先辈那里继承的雕塑艺术遗产,符合题意。因此A选项正确。4. 单选题I could then realize that he was a fever specialist of world _.问题1选项A.renownB.domainC.prominenceD.authority【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项renown“声誉,名望”;B选项domain“领域;产业”;C选项prominence“显著;卓越”;D选项authority“权威;权力”。句意:那时我才意识到他是一位世界_的治疗发烧的专家。根据语境,这里指这位专家很出名,所以renown“声誉,名望”符合题意。因此A选项正确。5. 单选题The United States Food and Drag Administration has shown itself to be particularly wary with regard to alleged “miracle” drugs in recent years.问题1选项A.bellicoseB.exhaustedC.cautiousD.strange【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项bellicose“好战的”;B选项exhausted“精疲力竭的”;C选项cautious“谨慎的”;D选项strange“奇怪的”。句意:近年来,美国食品药品监督管理局对所谓的神药的态度开始特别谨慎。根据语境,C选项cautious“谨慎的”比较符合对miracle drugs“神药”的态度,和wary“谨慎的”同义,符合题意。因此C选项正确。6. 单选题Many innovative breakthroughs come about when people venture beyond their own areas of expertise, because often it takes an outsider to ask the naive question that may yield _ solution.问题1选项A.a constructiveB.an unconventionalC.an agreeableD.a practical【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项constructive“有建设性的”;B选项unconventional“非传统的;不依惯例的”;C选项agreeable“愉悦的;欣然同意的;可以接受的”;D选项practical“实际的;实用的”。句意:当人们在自己的专业领域之外冒险时,许多创新的突破会出现,因为通常需要一个局外人来问一个天真的问题,而这问题可能产生_解决方案。根据语境,这里指新人会问听起来很外行的问题,但就是这种问题引出解决方案,新人问的问题通常unconventional“非传统的;不依惯例的”。因此B选项正确。7. 单选题Exploration of the Solar System is continuing, and at the present rate of progress all the planets _within the next 50 years.问题1选项A.will have been contactedB.will have contactedC.will be contactedD.will contact【答案】A【解析】考查将来完成时。句意:对太阳系的探索仍在继续,以目前的速度,我们将在未来50年内与所有行星取得联系。根据语境,可知这个句子的时态是将来完成时,在这里表示在将来某一时间一直持续的动作,其结构是will(第二、三人称)+have+过去分词(done),A选项will have been contacted符合题意。因此A选项正确。8. 翻译题Section B Chinese to English (20 points)Translate the following text into English. Write your translation on your ANSWER SHEET.(40)土壤和土地资源支撑着全球可持续发展,它们还是我们与穷困、食品不安全和气候变化作斗争的关键元素。与其他自然资源复杂地交织在一起,土壤是水、能源和食品安全链条中(nexus)不可分割的组成部分。由于风沙和水的侵蚀,世界每年失去约240亿吨肥沃的土壤。(41)土壤和土地的恶化(degradation)不仅是一个物理或生物化学问题,而且常常与社会经济各方面相联系。贫穷和被边缘化的人口通常最容易受土壤和土地恶化的影响,因为通常是他们拥有这些恶化的土地。(42)为了使贫困的小规模农业耕种社区达到食品安全要求,并且根除(eradicate)极端贫困,我们需要处理与土地恶化相关的一系列复杂问题。土壤和土地恶化既是技术问题,也是管理(governance)问题。【答案】40. Soils and land resources underpin global sustainable development, and they are key elements in our fight against poverty, food insecurity and climate change. Intertwined with other natural resources complicatedly, soil is an integral part of the water, energy, and food security nexus. Due to the erosion of wind and dust as well as water, the world loses about 24 billion tons of fertile soil every year.41. Soil and land degradation not only involves physical or biochemical problems, but also often related to social and economic aspects. Poor and marginalized populations are usually the most vulnerable to soil and land degradation, as they are usually the ones who own the deteriorated land.42. In order for poor small-scale farming communities to meet food safety requirements and to eradicate extreme poverty, we need to address a set of complex issues associated with land degradation. Soil and land degradation is as much a matter of governance as of technology.9. 单选题The devil, as the old saying goes, is in the details. Or, in the case of the new Estonian law setting up a national genetic data bank, there is reason for concern that the devil may get involved in the actual workings of that countrys Human Gene Research Act.The authors of the 34-section act have made a serious effort to prevent misuse of the data and to protect gene donors rights and privacy. Participation in the project is strictly voluntary, on the basis of informed consent. It will be illegal to ask anyone if he or she is participating in the free program. People wont be paid for providing a tissue sample, medical, and family history to the Estonian Gene Bank. That information is immediately given “a unique code consisting of at least 16 random characters”. Genetic and medical data become and remain the property of the Estonian Gene Bankexcept that individual donors have the right, “at any time,” to request “destruction of the data which enables decoding.”They can also have their sample materials destroyed if their identity has been unlawfully disclosed.Donors are entitled to their own genetic data, at no charge, as are their designated physicians. No one else has lawful access to this information. Indeed, it is unlawful to askand the act contains specific paragraphs that forbid employers and insurance companies to gather such information, or to treat “people with different genetic risks” differently as employees or insurance clients. Genetic information may be released to researchers “only in coded form, as a set of data and on the condition that tissue samples or data concerning at least five gene donors are issued at a time.”Supporters of the project expect that the Estonian Gene Bank will become a favorite source of information for researchers associated with biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies that are expected to pay handsomely for access to the decoded (and anonymous) information. Some firms are expected to set up shop in Estonia, presumably in or near the University City of Tartu where most Estonian geneticists live and work. The project is expected to “put Estonia on the map” and lead to an economic bonanza for a newly independent country with few natural resources.Not everybody shares that view. Regardless of the favorable poll results, a number of objections have been published in Estonian-language newspapers. These range from the simplistic “If its such a great idea, how come the French and Germans arent doing it already?” to arguments that the start-up money could be spent on better things. Some commentators are also concerned about privacy. Information in the data bank could be used for blackmail and is there a data bank in the world that is truly secure from hackers? And what about leaks? Allegations of corruption are a fact of public life in post-Soviet independent states. Estonias scandals have been less lurid than those of other states, but there have been enough to engender considerable cynicism, not just about leaked data, but also about payoffs where lucrative contracts are involved.16. The saying “The devil is in the details” is used to imply that_.17. Under Estonian law, donors may request to have their tissue samples destroyed_.18. The phrase “put Estonia on the map” (para.5) most likely means _.19. From the last paragraph we can infer that, in regard to the new genetic data bank _.20. The authors attitude towards Estonias new laws governing the genetic data bank seems to be _.问题1选项A.Estonias new genetic data bank has immoral implicationsB.while the overall idea is good, the details of the genetic banks workings are flawedC.despite their efforts, the new laws may not prevent misuse of genetic dataD.it is inherently wrong to collect genetic data问题2选项A.at any timeB.if their secret code has been decodedC.if their identity has been revealed illegallyD.with their physicians approval问题3选项A.gain international fame for the Estonian governmentB.confirm Estonias post-Soviet independenceC.gain respect for genetics research conducted in EstoniaD.bring global recognition to this little-known country问题4选项A.public polling was most likely corruptB.most Estonians approve of itC.only less educated citizens are objecting to the new lawsD.Estonians are sharply divided on the issue问题5选项A.ambivalenceB.cautionC.approvalD.skepticism【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:B【解析】16.推理判断题。根据第一段The devil, as the old saying goes, is in the details. Or, in the case of the new Estonian law setting up a national genetic data bank, there is reason for concern that the devil may get involved in the actual workings of that countrys Human Gene Research Act.(正如一句老话所说,细节决定成败。或者,在爱沙尼亚建立国家基因数据库的新法律中,人们有理由担心魔鬼可能会参与该国人类基因研究法的实际运作。),第一句话的重点是细节,按照两句话的先后顺序,推理出作者想要表达基因数据库存在细节上的缺陷,B选项“虽然总体想法是好的,但基因数据库的工作细节是有缺陷的”正确。A选项“爱沙尼亚新的基因数据库有不道德的成分”,C选项“尽管他们做出了努力,新的法律可能不会防止基因数据的滥用”和D选项“收集基因数据本身就是错误的”不是这里表达的重点,不符合题意。因此B选项正确。17.事实细节题。根据第三段They can also have their sample materials destroyed if their identity has been unlawfully disclosed.(如果他们的身份被非法泄露,他们的样本材料也可能被销毁。),可知组织样本被销毁的条件是C选项“如果他们的身份被非法揭露”。A选项“随时”:根据第二段最后一句Genetic and medical data become and remain the property of the Estonian Gene Bankexcept that individual donors have the right, “at any time,” to request “destruction of the data which enables decoding.”(遗传和医疗数据成为并仍然是爱沙尼亚基因库的财产,但个人捐助者有权“在任何时候”要求“销毁可解码的数据”。),可知任何时候可以销毁的是可解码的数据,而非样本,故错误。B选项“如果他们的密码被破译”和D选项“得到他们的医生的批准”文章没有提到。因此C选项正确。18.推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句The project is expected to “put Estonia on the map” and lead to an economic bonanza for a newly independent country with few natural resources.(这个项目有望“让爱沙尼亚在地图上崭露头角”,并为这个刚刚独立、自然资源贫乏的国家带来经济上的巨大财富。),可知爱沙尼亚独立不久,需要国际社会的认可,这是一个国家在国际社会上基础的需求,D选项“为这个鲜为人知的国家带来全球认可”正确,A选项“为爱沙尼亚政府赢得国际声誉”是在被认可的基础上更进一步的需求,属于过度推断。B选项“确认爱沙尼亚在后苏联时代的独立”:爱沙尼亚已经独立了,不需要通过其他方式证明。C选项“在爱沙尼亚进行的遗传学研究获得了尊重”:不是表达的重点,不符合题意。因此D选项正确。19.事实细节题。根据第六段第二句Regardless of the favorable poll results, a number of objections have been published in Estonian-language newspapers.(不管民调结果如何,爱沙尼亚语报纸上刊登了许多反对意见。),句子是转折关系,表明前面想要表达大多数人赞成,B选项“大多数爱沙尼亚人赞成”正确。A选项“公众投票很可能是堕落的”:根据第六段倒数第二句Allegations of corruption are a fact of public life in post-Soviet independent states.(对堕落的指控是后苏联独立国家公共生活的一个事实。),这里指的是公共生活堕落的大背景,而非投票这件事,故错误。C选项“只有教育程度较低的公民反对新法律”:文中没有提到教育程度不同的人对此的看法,故错误。D选项“爱沙尼亚人在这个问题上有尖锐的分歧”:不是表达的重点,没有体现尖锐,故错误。因此B选项正确。20.观点态度题。作者首先客观地讲述这项立法的细则,再分别表达支持者和反对者的观点,而没有直接表达自己对此的看法,所以B选项“谨慎”正确,A选项“矛盾”,C选项“赞同”和D选项“怀疑”不符合题意。因此B选项正确。10. 单选题There comes a time in every mans life _.问题1选项A.then he has to thinkB.which he needsC.when he has to thinkD.therefore he has to work hard【答案】C【解析】考查定语从句。句意:每个人一生中都会有一个需要自己思考的时候。横线部分是修饰a time的定语从句;定语从句的关系词中关系代词which一般作从句的主语或宾语,作宾语时可省略,关系副词when作从句的时间状语。Then和therefore不引导定语从句,故A选项then he has to think和D选项therefore he has to work hard错误。C选项符合题意。因此C选项正确。11. 单选题She says more than one _ dismissed from this company.问题1选项A.have beenB.should beC.has beenD.had been【答案】B【解析】考查主谓一致和时态。句意:她说这家公司应该解雇的不止一个人。more than one表示复数意义,但是使用单数形式,A选项have been错误。现在完成时是过去的动作或状态持续到现在,对现在造成的影响,可能持续发生下去,这里没有强调对现在造成影响,C选项has been错误。过去完成时表示过去某一时间前就已经发生或完成了的动作,对过去的某一点造成的某种影响或是结果,用来指在另一个过去行动之前就已经完成了的事件,这里也不是过去完成时,D选项had been错误。B选项should be在这里表示猜测,是一般现在时,符合题意。因此B选项正确。12. 单选题These early clocks, operated by weights, were not particularly accurate, and it was not until the sixteenth century _.问题1选项A.any great reliability attained itB.then attained any great reliabilityC.that any great reliability was attainedD.when any great reliability attained【答案】C【解析】考查固定句型。It is not untilthat“直到才”,所以C选项“that any great reliability was attained”符合题意。句意:这些早期的钟通过砝码运行,并不是特别准确,直到16世纪才准确。其余选项不符合语法,故错误。因此C选项正确。13. 单选题The _ feature in Teds character was pride; he couldnt ever think of depending on anyone but himself.问题1选项A.controllingB.prevailingC.predominantD.primary【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项controlling“控制欲强的(含贬义)”;B选项prevailing“普遍的,盛行的”;C选项predominant“明显的;占优势的”;D选项primary“主要的,基本的”。句意:骄傲是泰德的性格中_的特点;除了他自己,他从不指望别人。根据语境,这里是指泰德非常骄傲,很容易看出来,所以predominant“明显的”符合题意。因此C选项正确。14. 翻译题(36) For many, the global financial and economic crisis has confirmed existing anti-globalization sentiments and is being reflected in opposition to more liberalized trade. Under the dislocation caused by the financial crisis, many countries are attempting to curtail imports or impose other restrictions on trade. At both the G-20 Leaders Summit and the meetings of finance ministers and central bank governors, participants agreed to fight all forms of protectionism and maintain open trade. However, in March 2009, World Trade Organization Director-General Pascal Lamy stated that members of the WTO were showing a “worrying tendency toward increased trade protectionism as a result of the deepening global economic crisis.”(37) The overt forms of protectionism or beggar-thy-neighbor policies are limited by rules countries have agreed to as members of the WTO. However, there is ample scope, for increases in trade barriers that are consistent with WTO rules and obligations, including increases in applied tariffs to higher bound levels. If all WTO members raised their currently applied tariff to todays WTO bound rates, tariffs worldwide would double. The WTO has said that such increases in trade barriers could cause world trade to shrink by up to 8% and reduce global welfare by up to $350 billion.Almost any government intervention into economic activity affects international trade and capital flows. Since government intervention generally is influenced by political considerations and may involve tax dollars, it usually favors domestic constituencies at the expense of foreign constituencies. (38) A danger in the process of recovering from the global financial crisis is that countries may try to capture a larger share of a declining volume of international trade rather than attempt to induce recovery in trade flows by helping their macro-economies return to health. In the United States, the “BUY American” provision in the February 2009 stimulus package has been characterized by some as a step down the slippery slope leading to protectionism and a sign, worrying to many, that the United States may not be a leader of the free-trade initiatives in the years ahead. The European Union has raised questions about whether its provisions are compatible with U.S. international trade commitments even though the provision applies only to steel, iron, and manufactured goods used in construction projects and language was included that the provision “shall be applied in a manner consistent with United States obligations under international agreements.” (39) The criticism from other nations of this provision appears to be based on both its presumed effects and the fear that even a relatively small “Buy American” provision at this time could set a precedent that could open the floodgates and provide the excuse for a cycle of “creeping protectionism” by other nations.【答案】36. 对许多人来说,全球金融和经济危机证实了现有的反全球化情绪,并且反映在反对更加自由化的贸易。在金融危机造成的混乱下,许多国家正试图减少进口或施加其他贸易限制。37. 对世贸组织成员国而言,公开形式的保护主义或以邻为壑的政策受限于他们所同意的规则。然而,符合世贸组织规则和义务的贸易壁垒仍有很大的增加空间,包括将适用关税提高到更高的上限。38. 在从全球金融危机中复苏的过程中,一个危险在于,各国可能会试图从不断下降的国际贸易量中分得更大的份额,而不是试图通过帮助其宏观经济恢复健康来促进贸易流动的复苏。2009年2月,美国发布经济刺激计划,其中包括“购买美国货”的条款,有的人把这视为导致保护主义的滑坡路,也是一个令许多人担心的迹象,这表明美国在以后可能不再领导自由贸易计划。39. 其他国家对这一条款的批评似乎是基于其假定影响和人们的担心,即使是目前规模相对较小的“购买美国货”条款也可能开创先例,进而打开闸门,为其他国家的“渐进式保护主义”循环提供借口。15. 单选题None of these students, including the one who passed todays test is _ the standard of last years students.问题1选项A.toB.up toC.withD.on【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项to the standard非固定搭配;B选项up to the standard“达到标准”;C选项with the standard非固定搭配;D选项on the standard“按照标准”。句意:包括通过今天测试的学生,没有学生_去年学生的标准。根据语境,这里up to the standard“达到标准”比较合理,是指和去年的学生相比,今年的学生没有那么优秀。因此B选项正确。16. 翻译题Human beings: in all times and places think about their world and wonder at their place in it. Humans are thoughtful and creative, possessed of insatiable curiosity. 41. Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies. Therefore, it is important to study humans in all their richness and diversify in a calm and systematic manner, with the hope that the knowledge resulting from such studies can lead humans to a more harmonious way of living with themselves and with all other life forms on this planet Earth.“Anthropology” derives from the Greek words anthropos “human” and logos “the study of.” By its very name, Anthropology encompasses the study of all humankind, Anthropology is one of the social sciences. 42. Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.Social science disciplines include geography, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology. Each of these social sciences has a subfield or specialization which lies particularly close to anthropology.All the social sciences focus upon the study of humanity. Anthropology is a field-study oriented discipline which makes extensive use of the comparative method in analysis. 43. The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with a cross-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science.Anthropology analysis rests heavily upon the concept of culture. Sir Edward Tylors formulation of the concept of culture was one of the great intellectual achievements of 19th century science. 44. Tylor defined culture as “.that complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” So profound in its simplicity, this insight opened up an entirely new way of perceiving and understanding human life. Implicit within Tylors definition is the concept that culture is learned, shared, and patterned behavior.45. Thus, the Anthropological concept of “culture”, like the concept of “set” in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding.【答案】41. 另外,人类还有能力改善自己的生存环境,从而使所有其他形态的生命服从于人类自己独特的想法和想象。42. 社会科学是知识探索的一个分支,它力图寻求像自然科学家研究自然现象那样,用理性、有序、系统和客观的方式研究人类及其行为。43. 重视收集第一手资料,结合在分析古今的文化现象时采用跨文化视角,使这一研究成为一门独一无二并且极为重要的社会科学。44. 泰勒把文化定义为“一个复合整体,(它包括人作为社会成员所获得的信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及其他能力和习惯。”45. 因此,人类学中“文化”的概念就像数学中“集合”的概念一样,是一个抽象概念,它使大量的具体研究和理解成为可能。17. 单选题What do you think of Toms proposal that _ put on the play at tonights ceremony?问题1选项A.we will notB.we notC.we hadntD.we wouldnt【答案】B【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:汤姆提议我们不在今晚的典礼上演出,你觉得怎么样?“一个坚持(insist)、两个命令(order, command)、三个建议(advise, suggest, propose)、四个要求(demand, require, request, ask)”这类虚拟语气由“should+动词原形”构成,其中的should在美国英语中通常可以省略,所以B选项we not符合题意。因此B选项正确。18. 单选题His violent behavior sometimes is _ his personality of shyness and self-consciousness.问题1选项A.on conditi


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