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2022年考博英语-西南林业大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题He quickly movedaside behind the trees to avoid being hurt by the stones thrown in his direction.问题1选项A.duckedB.evadedC.escapedD.dodged【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项ducked“躲避”,强调快速闪躲,后面一般接宾语;B选项evaded“逃避;规避;逃脱”;C选项escaped“逃离,逃脱;避开;泄出”;D选项 dodged“搪塞”,表示躲避时,目的是免受伤害,可作及物动词,也可以加副词或介词。句意:他迅速躲到树后,以免被朝他这个方向扔来的石头弄伤。结合此处关键词 behind(到后面),得知D选项正确。2. 单选题The destruction of the Earths ozone layer, for example, could contribute to the general process of impoverishment by allowing ultraviolet rays to harm plants and animals.问题1选项A.sufficientB.improvementC.prosperityD.poverty【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 sufficient “足够的;充分的”;B选项 improvement “改进,改善;提高”;C选项 prosperity “繁荣,成功”;D选项 poverty “贫困;困难;缺少;低劣”。句意:例如,地球臭氧层的破坏会使紫外线伤害动植物,从而加剧贫困化的进程。结合此处关键词 impoverishment “贫穷;致使贫乏或贫瘠之事物;穷困化状况”,得知D选项正确。3. 单选题By being over-zealous with food restriction, the dieter inadvertently makes a binge on forbidden foods far more likely and you may as well forget the idea of banning things.问题1选项A.may properlyB.had betterC.should surelyD.may probably【答案】B【解析】A选项 may properly “适当地”;B选项 had better “最好”;C选项 should surely “应该”;D选项 may probably “也许可能”。句意:过度热衷于限制食物,节食者很可能会无意中暴饮暴食,你最好还是忘记禁食的想法。结合此处关键词 may as well “最好”,得知B为正确答案。4. 单选题She can then maneuver the 3-D image on the computer screen to map the shortest, least invasive surgical path to the tumor.问题1选项A.operateB.contributeC.monitorD.send【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项operate“操作;经营;引起;行动”;B选项 contribute “贡献,出力;投稿;捐献”;C选项 monitor “监控”;D选项send“发送,寄;派遣;使进入;发射”。句意:然后,她可以在电脑屏幕上操纵3d图像,绘制出最短、侵袭性最小的肿瘤手术路径。结合此处关键短语map the shortest, least invasive surgical path “绘制出最短、侵袭性最小的肿瘤手术路径”,得知A选项最符合句意。5. 单选题Europa is the smallest of planet Jupiters four largest moons and the second moon out from Jupiter. Until 1979, it was just another astronomy textbook statistiC.Then came the close-up images obtained by the exploratory spacecraft Voyager 2, and within days, Europa was transformedin our perception, at leastinto one of the solar systems most intriguing worlds. The biggest initial surprise was the almost total lack of detail, especially from far away. Even at close range, the only visible features are thin, kinked brown lines resembling cracks in an eggshell. And this analogy is not far off the mark.The surface of Europa is almost pure water ice, but a nearly complete absence of craters indicates that Europas surface ice resembles Earths Antarctic ice cap. The eggshell analogy may be quite accurate since the ice could be as little as a few kilometers thicka true shell around what is likely a subsurface liquid ocean that, in turn, encases a rocky core. The interior of Europa has been kept warm over the eons by tidal forces generated by the varying gravitational tugs of the other big moons as they wheel around Jupiter. The tides on Europa pull and relax in an endless cycle. The resulting internal heat keeps what would otherwise be ice melted almost to the surface. The crack like marks on Europas icy face appears to be fractures where water or slush oozes from below.Soon after Voyager 2s encounter with Jupiter in 1979, when the best images of Europa were obtained, researchers advanced the startling idea that Europas subsurface ocean might harbor life. Life processes could have begun when Jupiter was releasing a vast store of internal heat. Jupiters early heat was produced by the compression of the material forming the giant planet. Just as the Sun is far less radiant today than the primal Sun, so the internal heat generated by Jupiter is minor compared to its former intensity. During this warm phase, some 4.6 billion years ago, Europas ocean may have been liquid right to the surface, making it a crucible for life.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?2. It can be inferred from the passage that astronomy textbooks prior to 1979 _.3. It can be inferred from the passage that Europa and Antarctica have in common which of the following?4. According to the passage, what is the effect of Jupiters other large moons on Europa?5. According to the passage, Voyager 2s images led researchers to develop which of the following theories?问题1选项A.The effect of the tides on Europas interiorB.Temperature variations on Jupiters moonsC.Discoveries leading to a theory about one of Jupiters moonsD.Techniques used by Voyager 2 to obtain close-up images问题2选项A.provided many contradictory statistics about EuropaB.considered Europa the most important of Jupiters moonsC.did not emphasize Europa because little information of interest was availableD.did not mention Europa because it had not yet been discovered问题3选项A.Both may have water beneath a thin, hard surfaceB.Both appear to have a surface with many cratersC.Both have an ice cap that is melting rapidlyD.Both have areas encased by a rocky exterior问题4选项A.They prevent tides that could damage Europas surfaceB.They prevent Europas subsurface waters from freezingC.They produce the very hard layer of ice that characterizes EuropaD.They assure that the gravitational pull on Europa is maintained at a steady level问题5选项A.Jupiter may be hotter today than it once wasB.Europa is far older than scientists originally thoughtC.Europas temperature is maintained by Jupiters vast store of internal heatD.The ocean waters of Europa could contain some forms of life【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。本文主要说明了一些关于木卫二的理论,因此C选项“这些发现导致了关于木星一颗卫星的理论”正确。A选项“潮汐对木卫二内部的影响”,B选项“木星卫星上的温度变化”,D选项“旅行者2号用来获得特写图像的技术”对应的都是文章中的一段,不全面。2.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第一段中“Europa is the smallest of planet Jupiters four largest moons and the second moon out from Jupiter. Until 1979, it was just another astronomy textbook statistic.”,中文翻译为:木卫二是木星四个最大的卫星中最小的,也是木星的第二个卫星。直到1979年,这只是天文学教科书上的数据。知C选项“没有强调木卫二是因为没有什么有趣的信息”正确。3.细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段“The surface of Europa is almost pure water ice, but a nearly complete absence of craters indicates that Europas surface ice resembles Earths Antarctic ice cap. The eggshell analogy may be quite accurate since the ice could be as little as a few kilometers thicka true shell around what is likely a subsurface liquid ocean that, in turn, encases a rocky core.”,中文翻译为:木卫二的表面几乎是纯净的水冰,但几乎完全没有陨石坑,这表明木卫二的表面冰类似于地球的南极冰盖。蛋壳的类比可能相当准确,因为冰层可能只有几公里厚一个真正的外壳,围绕着一个可能是地下液态海洋的地方,而这个海洋反过来又包裹着一个岩石核心。因此,A选项“两者在薄而坚硬的表面下都可能有水”正确。4.推理判断题。根据题干定位到原文第二段“The resulting internal heat keeps what would otherwise be ice melted almost to the surface. The crack like marks on Europas icy face appears to be fractures where water or slush oozes from below.”,中文翻译为:由此产生的内部热量使原本可能是冰的东西几乎融化到表面。在木卫二冰冷的表面上有类似裂缝的痕迹,似乎是水或泥浆从下面渗出的裂缝。故B选项“它们可以防止木卫二的地下水结冰。”最符合题意。5.推理判断题。根据题干可以定位尾段“Soon after Voyager 2s encounter with Jupiter in 1979, when the best images of Europa were obtained, researchers advanced the startling idea that Europas subsurface ocean might harbor life.”,中文翻译为:1979年,“旅行者2号”与木星相遇,获得了木卫二的最佳图像,之后不久,研究人员提出了一个令人吃惊的想法,即木卫二的地下海洋可能孕育着生命。可以得知D选项“木卫二的海水可能含有某种生命形式。”正确。6. 单选题Without departing from the fundamental laws of the selfish gene, we can see how cooperation and mutual assistance can _ even in a basically selfish worlD.问题1选项A.flourishB.flutterC.fluctuateD.flush【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项 flourish “繁荣,茂盛;茁壮成长,处于旺盛时期;挥舞;炫耀”;B选项 flutter “飘动;(鸟或昆虫)鼓翼;飞来飞去;(心脏等)怦怦乱跳;(人)奔忙”;C选项 fluctuate “波动;涨落;动摇”;D选项 flush “发红;使发光;因兴奋;冲洗,冲掉;把赶出隐藏地;使暴露;绽出新芽;嵌平”。句意:在不违背自私基因的基本规律的情况下,我们可以看到即使在一个基本自私的世界里,合作和互助也是可以繁荣发展的。结合句意,A为正确答案。7. 单选题In many countries now, smoking is not _ in public places.问题1选项A.permissiveB.permutableC.perniciousD.permissible【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项permissive“宽容的”;B选项 permutable “可排列的;能交换的”; C选项 pernicious“ 有害的;恶性的;致命的;险恶的”;D选项 permissible“可允许的;获得准许的”。句意:在许多国家,吸烟在公共场所是不。结合句意,A,B,C选项可以排除,D选项permissible(可允许的;获得准许的)最符合语意,吸烟在公众场合是不被允许的,因此选项D正确。8. 单选题The term “print” has several meanings, so it is important to understand exactly what is meant by the artistic terminology. A print in the artistic sense is not a reproduction of a work of art done in some other medium, such as painting or drawing. That can in no sense be considered a work of art, since the artist had no involvement with it. A print is an original work of art created by an indirect methoD.Instead of making an image directly on a surface, as in drawing or painting, the artist works on a master surface, which may be a sheet of metal, a block of stone, wood, plastic, or linoleum. From this master surface, numerous impressions may be made by inking the surface, laying a sheet of paper on it, and then subjecting both surface and paper to pressure, generally by means of a printing press.A print may exist in several versions. Sometimes the printmaker alters the image between impressions, so that each print is slightly different from the others. Any series of such prints is referred to as multiples. The number of impressions (known as the edition) that are possible from a single original varies with the material. Prints made from linoleum, which wears readily, will be fewer than those made from a metal plate, which is capable of striking fine-quality prints in the thousands. It is customary to number prints as they come off the press, the earlier impressions being the finest and therefore the most desirable.Prints incorporate the same compositional principles, as paintings. Line, shape, or texture may be the predominant element according to the printing technique useD.Some prints have obvious decorative qualities while others may be filled with emotional impact.Printmaking derives from two historical sources: early woodblocks into which an image was cut and used to illustrate a book or playing cards, and the medieval practice of decorating metal with incised designs, as in armor. Today most techniques fall into one of four categories: relief, intaglio, lithography, and serigraphy. However, there are many variations, combinations with photographic techniques, and considerable overlapping.1. In the artistic sense, a print is a work of art created by _.2. Which of the following is mentioned as an example of a master surface?3. It can be inferred that prints may differ from other works of art in terms of all of the following EXCEPT_.4. A metal plate is compared favorably with linoleum as a meter surface because a metal plate _.5. It can be inferred that prints may differ from other works of art in terms of all of the following EXCEPT _.问题1选项A.making a painting from an original drawingB.drawing or painting similar images many timesC.transferring an original image from one surface to anotherD.copying an original image made on paper onto a hard surface问题2选项A.a drawing or paintingB.a block of stoneC.a sheet of paperD.a printing press问题3选项A.compositional principlesB.use of line, shape, or textureC.decorative qualitiesD.emotional impact问题4选项A.lasts longerB.is less expensiveC.makes prints more quicklyD.produces a greater variety of prints问题5选项A.emotional impactB.use of line, shape, or textureC.decorative qualitiesD.compositional principles【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。由题干可以定位到原文第一段“Instead of making an image directly on a surface, as in drawing or painting, the artist works on a master surface, which may be a sheet of metal, a block of stone, wood, plastic, or linoleum. From this master surface, numerous impressions may be made by inking the surface, laying a sheet of paper on it, and then subjecting both surface and paper to pressure, generally by means of a printing press.”,中文翻译为:与在绘画或绘画中直接在一个表面上作画不同,艺术家在一个主表面上作画,主表面可以是一块金属板、一块石头、木头、塑料或油毡。在这个主表面上,通过在表面上涂上油墨,在上面铺上一张纸,然后用印刷机对表面和纸张进行压印,可以产生许多印痕。故判断C选项“将原始图像从一个表面转移到另一个表面”正确。2.推理判断题。由题干关键字“a master surface”可以定位到原文第一段 “Instead of making an image directly on a surface, as in drawing or painting, the artist works on a master surface, which may be a sheet of metal, a block of stone, wood, plastic, or linoleum.”,中文翻译为:与在绘画或绘画中直接在一个表面上作画不同,艺术家在一个主表面上作画,主表面可以是一块金属板、一块石头、木头、塑料或油毡。可知,B选项“一块石头”正确。3.推理判断题。由A选项“创作原则”可以定位到原文第一段“A print is an original work of art created by an indirect method. Instead of making an image directly on a surface, as in drawing or painting, the artist works on a master surface, which may be a sheet of metal, a block of stone, wood, plastic, or linoleum.”,中文翻译为:版画是一种间接创作的原创艺术作品。与在绘画或绘画中直接在一个表面上作画不同,艺术家在一个主表面上作画,主表面可以是一块金属板、一块石头、木头、塑料或油毡。则A选项正确,排除。由B选项“线条、形状或纹理的使用”可以定位到原文倒数第二段“Prints incorporate the same compositional principles, as paintings. Line, shape, or texture may be the predominant element according to the printing technique used.”,中文翻译为:版画和绘画一样,包含同样的构图原则。根据所使用的印刷技术,线条、形状或纹理可能是主要元素。可知B选项错误。由C选项“装饰的品质”D选项“情绪的影响”可以定位到原文倒数第二段“Some prints have obvious decorative qualities while others may be filled with emotional impact.”,中文翻译为:一些版画具有明显的装饰性,而另一些则可能充满情感的冲击。知C、D选项正确,排除。答案为B。4.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到原文第二段中“Prints made from linoleum, which wears readily, will be fewer than those made from a metal plate, which is capable of striking fine-quality prints in the thousands.”,中文翻译为:油毡制成的印刷品很容易磨损,它比金属板制成的印刷品要少,而金属板能印出成千上万张高质量的印刷品。可以得知C选项“使打印速度更快”正确。5.原试题即与3题重复。9. 单选题Congress delegates waited _ for the congratulatory telegram from Moscow when the new party was formed.问题1选项A.in termsB.in the long runC.in viewD.in vain【答案】A【解析】考查词组。A选项 in terms “明确地;毫不含糊地;焦急地”;B选项 in the long run “长远;终究”;C选项 in view “在视野范围内;在考虑中的;作为目标”;D选项 in vain “徒然;无效”。句意:当新政党成立时,国会代表们焦急地等待来自莫斯科的贺电。结合句意,判断出选项A为正确答案。10. 单选题Since the 1950s, conservation efforts including stricter hunting rules and measures like trapping the birds and then releasing them into healthy forests helped restore wild turkey populations.问题1选项A.protectionB.conspiracyC.compensationD.destruction【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项protection“保护;防卫;护照”;B选项 conspiracy “阴谋;共谋”;C选项compensation “补偿;报酬;赔偿金”;D选项 destruction “破坏,毁灭;摧毁”。句意:自20世纪50年代以来,保护措施包括更严格的狩猎规则和诱捕火鸡然后将它们放归健康的森林等措施帮助了野生火鸡数量的恢复。结合此处关键短语 helped restore wild turkey populations(帮助恢复了野生火鸡的数量),可排除B、D选项,C选项不符合题意,也可排除,得知A选项正确。11. 单选题That country is disturbed at the developments which seem unfavorable to its interests.问题1选项A.adverseB.adherentC.controversialD.disagreeable【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 adverse“不利的;相反的”;B选项 adherent “粘着的;遵守的”;C选项controversial“有争议的;有争论的”;D选项 disagreeable“不愉快的;厌恶的;不为人喜的”。句意:那个国家对似乎不利于其利益的事态发展感到不安。A选项adverse(不利的)最符合题意,B, C, D选项都可排除。结合句意,A选项正确。12. 单选题He made a _ speech that caused a great deal of argument.问题1选项A.successfulB.provocativeC.touchingD.hostile【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 successful“成功的;一帆风顺的”;B选项 provocative“刺激的;挑拨的;煽动的”;C选项 touching“动人的,令人同情的”;D选项 hostile“敌对的;敌方的;怀敌意的”。句意:他做了一个演讲引起了一番争论。根caused a great deal of argument(引起大量的争论)可推测B选项与其意思对应正确,因此选项B符合题意。13. 单选题Three labour economists suggest that effort at work is correlated with race. After rejecting a number of 1 explanations for why this might be, they finally 2 the discrepancy to unexplained “cultural differences”. Acutely 3 of the sensitivity of these findings, they delayed publication until after the 4 election. The paper may yet be 5 on by those who are keen to root out “political correctness” and are unhappy with current anti-discrimination laws. The studys method is straightforwarD.The data come from nearly 36,000 “daily diaries”, self-reporting on how Americans spent their working hours, 6 from 2003 to 2012. Relying on the 7 that workers are equally honest in admitting sloth, the authors calculate the fraction of time spent not working while on the job-spent-relaxing or eating, say- and find that it varies by race to a small but 8 significant degree. The gap remains, albeit in weaker form, even with the addition of extensive controls for geography, 9 and union status, among others. Non-white male workers spend an 10 1.1% of the day not working while on the job, or an extra five minutes per day.问题1选项A.excusableB.plausibleC.rationalD.accountable问题2选项A.subscribeB.conferC.dueD.attribute问题3选项A.awareB.consciousC.knowingD.ignorant问题4选项A.presidentB.presidencyC.presidentialD.presiding问题5选项A.attackedB.seizedC.criticizedD.pin-downed问题6选项A.respondedB.documentedC.gatheredD.collected问题7选项A.assumptionB.resumptionC.thesisD.hypothesis问题8选项A.datumB.statisticC.presumablyD.statistically问题9选项A.industryB.provinceC.facultyD.discrepancy问题10选项A.addingB.additionalC.deductionD.induction【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B第6题:D第7题:A第8题:D第9题:A第10题:B【解析】1.考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 excusable“可原谅的;可辩解的;可免除的”;B选项 plausible“看似可信的;花言巧语的,巧言令色的”;C选项rational“合理的;理性的”;D选项accountable“有责任的;有解释义务的”。根据上下文,以及关键字explanations(解释),可推测经济学家拒绝了许多合理的解释,由此可推测C选项正确。2.考查动词词义辨析。A选项subscribe“签署;赞成;捐助”;B选项 confer “授予;给予”;C选项 due to“由于;应归于”;D选项 attribute“归属;把归于”。根据上下文,以及关键字 discrepancy“矛盾”,可排除A、B选项,C选项due不能作为动词使用,也可排除。由此D选项正确。3.考查形容词词义辨析。A选项aware“意识到的;知道的”;B选项 conscious “意识到的;故意的;神志清醒的”;C选项knowing“明知的,故意的;认知的”;D选项ignorant“无知的;愚昧的”。根据关键字sensitivity(敏感性)判断出这几位科学家意识到这类发现有“敏感性”,以及后文they delayed publication(他们推迟出版)可排除C、D选项,B选项conscious(指内心的感觉,强调深刻的心理活动)因此也可排除,A选项aware(侧重感知,多与of连用),因此A选项正确。4.考查近义词词义辨析。A选项 president “总统;董事长;校长”;B选项 presidency “总统(或董事长、会长、大学校长等)的职位(任期)”;C选项 presidential“总统的;首长的;统辖”;D选项 presiding“主持;担任(会议)主席”。根据关键词theelection (选举)可排除D选项,B选项presidency(总统的职位)强调职位,也可排除,A选项president(总统)为名词,也可排除,中文翻译为:直到总统选举结束。判断出此处C选项正确。5.考查名词词义辨析。A选项 attacked “攻击;侵害”;B选项seized“逮住;咬住”;C选项 criticized“批评”;D选项 pin-downed“发现,查明;确定;使受约束”。句意:这份报告可能会被那些热衷于根除“政治正确性”并对现行反歧视法不满的人所利用。判断出B选项正确。6.考查动词词义辨析。A选项 responded“回答,回报;反应”;B选项 documented “记录”;C选项 gathered“聚集”;D选项 collected“收藏;聚集;聚积”。句意:他的数据来自于2003年至2012年收集的近36000份“每日日记”,这些日记是关于美国人如何度过工作时间的。根据关键词data(数据),A选项可排除。B选项,文中不是他本人所记录的,也可排除。C选项“gathered”,表示由少到多的收集,不符合题意,可排除。D选项“collect”表示有目的或有挑选的收集,可知D选项正确。7.考查名词词义辨析。A选项 assumption“假定;设想;担任”;B选项 resumption“恢复;重新开始;取回;重获”;C选项 thesis“论文;论点”;D选项 hypothesis“(凭空的)猜想”。根据下文workers are equally honest in admitting sloth(工人们同样坦诚地承认自己懒惰)可排除B、C选项。D选项hypothesis(凭空的)猜想也可排除,可知A选项正确。8.考查词义辨析。A选项 datum“数据,资料;基准点”;B选项statistic“统计资料;统计学”;C选项presumably“大概;推测起来;可假定”;D选项statistically“统计地;统计学上”。根据关键词significant(有意义的)可知前面应填副词,可排除A、B选项,C选项与文中significant不匹配,因此D选项正确。9.考查名词词义辨析。A选项 industry“产业;工业;勤勉”;B选项province“省;领域;职权”;C选项faculty“科,系;能力”;D选项discrepancy“不符;矛盾;相差”。根据关键词geography(地理)以及union status(工会地位)可推测,中间应填一个与其意思相近的名词,根据上下文,可知A选项正确。10.考查词义辨析。A选项 adding“增加”;B选项 additional“附加的,额外的”;C选项 deduction“扣除,减除;推论”;D选项induction“感应;归纳法;感应现象”。根据关键词“an”可排除C选项,根据1.1%可知应填形容词进行修饰,因此可排除A、D选项。可知B选项正确。14. 单选题Mr. Obama is the first president since Richard M. Nixon to be _ and elected while living in a city neighborhood.问题1选项A.appointedB.nominatedC.representedD.positioned【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项 appointed“任命;约定;命令;受权处置的”;B选项 nominated“提名为候选人;任命的”;C选项 represented“代表;表现;描写”;D选项 positioned “放置;确定的位置”。句意:奥巴马是自理查德M尼克松(Richard M. Nixon)以来,第一位居住在城市社区并被提名和选举的总统。根据句意,C项以及D项都可排除,A项appointed的意思是“任命;委任”,指不经过选择的官方委任,也可排除。B选项nominated通常指为某一公职的候选人,因此B选项正确。15. 单选题All the new knowledge which Dr. Smith has explained and provided is at length developed and established.问题1选项A.surelyB.eventuallyC.preciselyD.consequently【答案】B【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A选项 surely “当然;无疑;坚定地;稳当地”;B选项 eventually “最后,终于”;C选项 precisely “精确地;恰恰”;D选项 consequently “因此;结果;所以”。句意:史密斯博士解释并提供的新知识最终得到了发展和确立。结合此处关键词 at length “终究;终归;最终”,得知B为正确答案。16.


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