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2022年考博英语-福建师范大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Its harmful to ones health to ( )smoking and drinking问题1选项A.take onB.take toC.take inD.take off【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。take on意为“承担,接受”;take to意为“喜欢,养成的习惯”;take in意为“吸收,吸入”;take off意为“脱掉,起飞”。句意:吸烟喝酒有害人的身体健康。2. 单选题Marys mother had to ( )her dress because Mary is growing so tall.问题1选项A.let offB.let goC.let outD.let loose【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。let off意为“让下车,引爆”;let go意为“放开,释放,发射”;let out意为“泄露,放大,出租”;let loose意为“释放,放出,放任”。句意:玛丽的母亲不得不把玛丽的衣服改大,因为玛丽长得很高。3. 单选题When trapped in drifting sands, do not struggle, or you will be ( )in deeper.问题1选项A.absorbedB.pushedC.heavedD.sucked【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。absorb意为“吸收(液体、气体等)”;push意为“推,推动”;heave意为“举起”;suck意为“ 吸取,吸入,卷进入”,be sucked in意为“被吸进,被卷入”。句意:当被困在流沙中时,不要挣扎,否则你回被吸进去更深。4. 单选题The medical students studied the ( )of the human body.问题1选项A.frameworkB.outlineC.skeletonD.segment【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。framework意为“ 构架,框架”;outline意为“梗概,大纲,提纲”;skeleton意为“骨骼,骨架,骨骼标本”;segment意为“部分,段落”。句意:医学专业的学生研究了人体的骨骼。5. 单选题Although cats cannot see in complete darkness, their eyes are much more( )to light than human eyes.问题1选项A.glowingB.brilliantC.gloomyD.sensitive【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。glowing意为“灼热的,灼炽的”;brilliant意为“明亮的”;gloomy意为“黑暗的”;sensitive意为“敏感的”。句意:虽然猫无法在完全黑暗中看到,但是它们的眼睛比人类的眼睛对光敏感得多。6. 单选题According to new research of Prof. Randolph Mensal from the Free University in Berlin, the popular image of bees as the ultimate hard workers was inaccurate. “Although we see bees buzzing around tirelessly in spring and summer, the common belief in a bees busy nature is based on a misconception,” he said. People only really see bees when theyre out flying, or they look at a colony of bees and see thousands of them buzzing around. They dont get to pick them out as individuals. The professor, who this month won a German Zoological Society award for his work on bees, added that bees compensated for their apparent laziness with high intelligence: advanced memory skills and an ability to learn quickly.The suggestion that bees were not pulling their weight met with skepticism from British beekeepers. Glyn Davies, the President of the British Beekeepers Association, said that bees were not lazy but efficient. “At any particular stage in its life, a bee has a specific job to do. If they areunable to do that job, they conserve their energy by doing nothing. Each bee has a unit of life energy and the faster it works, the faster it dies. They are being very wise and perhaps humans should try to follow their example instead of running about like headless chickens.”The idea of the busy bee is several thousand years old. One current author who has nothing but admiration for the bee is Paul Theroux, the novelist and part-time beekeeper. “I have never seen a bee sleeping. My bees never stop working,” he said. Mr. Theroux, who keeps 85 hives each containing 300,000 bees in Hawaii, added that Prof. Mendels research could have been affected by his national origins. “Perhaps in comparison to the German rate of work, the bee does look lazy,” he said.Few people think that the busy bee idea will go away, despite the efforts of Prof. Mensah It performs too many useful functions in our culture. In fact, the worship of bees seems to be undergoing a renaissance. IBM recently ran a series of ads drawing on the “waggle dance” of bees, telling businessmen to “make your business waggle.”1.Prof. Randolph Mendels latest research ( ).2.According to Prof. Randolph Mensal, which of the following is NOT true?3.According to Glyn Davies, what should we learn from bees?4.The IBM ads in the passage are used to( ).问题1选项A.challenges our knowledge of the relations among beesB.confirms our knowledge of the relations among beesC.challenges our perception of the nature of beesD.confirms our perception of the mature of bees问题2选项A.Bees are hard working.B.Bees are quick learners.C.Bees have intelligence.D.Bees have good memory.问题3选项A.How to work faster.B.How to live longer.C.How to cooperate with each other.D.How to improve work efficiency.问题4选项A.show the popularity of the idea of busy beesB.emphasize the negative image of busy beesC.initiate public discussions on the busy bee imageD.question the comparison of busy bees to humans【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。由文章第一段中的the popular image of bees as the ultimate hard workers was inaccurate. the common belief in a bees busy nature is based on a misconception(人们普遍认为蜜蜂是终极的辛勤工作者,这种形象是不准确的人们对蜜蜂勤劳的天性的普遍看法是基于一种误解)可知Prof. Randolph Mendel的最新研究挑战了我们对蜜蜂本质的认识,因此选C。2.细节事实题。由文章第一段中的added that bees compensated for their apparent laziness with high intelligence: advanced memory skills and an ability to learn quickly(他补充说,蜜蜂用高智力来弥补他们明显的懒惰:先进的记忆技能和快速学习的能力)可知Prof. Randolph Mensal认为蜜蜂并不是勤劳的,因此选A。3.细节事实题。由文章第二段中的bees were not lazy but efficient. They are being very wise and perhaps humans should try to follow their example instead of running about like headless chickens.(蜜蜂不是懒惰,而是有效率的他们非常聪明,也许人类应该效仿他们,而不是像无头苍蝇一样到处乱跑)可知D选项“如何提高工作效率”符合题意。4.推理判断题。由文章最后一段中的In fact, the worship of bees seems to be undergoing a renaissance.(事实上,对蜜蜂的崇拜似乎正在经历复兴)以及此句话后便列举了蜜蜂做广告的例子,可推测勤劳的蜜蜂这种思想是受欢迎的,因此选A。7. 单选题I dont think the charge for overhauling the equipment is excessive in( )to its size.问题1选项A.correspondenceB.equationC.proportionD.dimension【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。correspondence意为“一致,符合”;equation意为“方程式,等式,相等”;proportion意为“份额,比例”,in proportion to意为“与成比例,与相称”;dimension意为“尺寸,规模”。句意:相对于它的尺寸来说,我认为大修这个设备所花的费用并不过分。8. 单选题When you pack the pears, please be careful so that they wont get ( ).问题1选项A.bruisedB.blushedC.injuredD.mature【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。bruise意为“撞伤,擦伤”;blush意为“脸红,羞愧”;injure意为“(尤指在事故中) 伤害,损害”;mature意为“成熟”。句意:当你打包梨子时,请小心点,不要把梨子摩擦坏了。9. 翻译题Translate the following sentences into ChineseIn the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and table tennis, he would work on the drafting of the final communique.John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.Noontime came and went; Nixon, who rarely had lunch, and Kissinger, who rarely missed it, skipped the meal and went right on talking for almost four hours.See-sawing between partly good and faintly ominous, the news for the next four weeks was never distinct.Mathematicians who have tried to use computers to copy the way the brain works have found that using even the latest electronic equipment they would have to build a computer which weighed over 10,000 kilos.We maintain that no peace situation is permanent which does not take into account the legitimate wishes of the majority of the people of any country.His eight-minute valedictory was everything that Gore wasnt during his eighteen-month campaign: graceful, authentic, inspiring.For a family of four, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home, with almost unlimited entertainment available, than to go out in search of amusement elsewhere.Ours is a profession which traditionally has been guided by a precept that transcends the virtue of uttering the truths sake, and that is “as far as do no harm.Dont be above asking about things you dont understand.【答案】晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演之后,他将起草最后公报。约翰是可以信赖的。他忠诚而守规矩。中午到了,又过去了;很少吃午饭的尼克松和很少错过午餐的基辛格跳过了这顿饭,他们直接洽谈了将近四个小时。在那以后的四个星期内,消息时好时坏,两种情况不断地交替出现,一直没有明朗化。试图使用计算机复制大脑工作方式的数学家发现,即使是使用最新的电子设备,他们必须制造一台体重超过1万公斤的计算机。我们认为没有任何和平局面是永久的,如果不考虑任何国家大多数人民的合法愿望。他八分钟的告别演讲很成功,Gore在他十八个月的竞选活动中却没有表现出来:优雅、真诚、鼓舞人心。例如,对于一个四口之家来说,与其外出到别的地方去找乐子,还不如舒适地坐在家里,因为更方便,也更便宜,而且几乎可以享受无限的乐趣。我们的职业传统上恪守一个信条,那就是尽可能的不造成伤害,这一信条胜过为讲真话而讲真话的美德。不懂的事,不要怕问。10. 单选题The USA has 10 percent of the total petroleum( )of the world in its own territory , and has been a major producer for decades.问题1选项A.reservationsB.reservesC.potentialsD.reservoirs【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。reservation意为“预约,保留地”;reserve意为“储备(量),储藏(量)”;potential意为“潜在的,有可能的”;reservoir意为“水库,蓄水池”。句意:美国在自己的领土上拥有世界石油总储量的10%,几十年来一直是主要的生产国。11. 单选题The local government is intensifying efforts to popularize ( )education in rural localities.问题1选项A.instinctiveB.impulsiveC.compulsoryD.voluntary【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。instinctive意为“天生的,生来的”;impulsive意为“冲动的”;compulsory意为“(因法律或规则而) 必须做的,强制的”;voluntary意为“自愿的,自发的”。句意:当地政府正在加大努力在农村地区普及义务教育。12. 单选题Do you agree with the saying that the monkey was the of the ( )human race?问题1选项A.offspringB.successorC.breederD.predecessor【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。offspring意为“子孙,后代”;successor意为“接替者,继任者”;breeder意为“饲养员”;predecessor意为“前辈,祖先”。句意:你同意猴子是人类的祖先的说法吗?13. 单选题A lot of small children often ( )why airplane can fly like birds while we humans cannot.问题1选项A.assureB.wonderC.anticipateD.assume【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。assure意为“向保证”;wonder意为“想知道,好奇”;anticipate意为“预料,预期”;assume意为“假定,认为”。句意:很多小孩经常好奇为什么飞机可以像鸟儿一样飞行,而我们人类不行。14. 单选题Every member of society has to make a ( )to struggle for the freedom of the country.问题1选项A.warrantyB.guaranteeC.resolveD.pledge【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。warranty意为“保证,担保”,通常指承诺退款,类似质保;guarantee意为“保证,担保”,通常指只负责修理,类似保修;resolve意为“决定”;pledge意为“保证,誓言”,make a pledge意为“宣誓,发誓”。句意:每个社会成员都必须宣誓为国家自由而奋斗。15. 单选题I dont really know john all that wells; hes just a ( )acquaintance.问题1选项A.randomB.formalC.haphazardD.casual【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。random意为“任意的”;formal意为“正规的”;haphazard意为“偶然的,随意的”,一般指的是物;casual意为“偶然的”,a casual acquaintance意为“点头之交,偶然相识”。句意:我并不怎么了解约翰;我们只不过是泛泛之交。16. 单选题David likes country life and has decided to ( )farming.问题1选项A.go in forB.go through withC.go back onD.go along with【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。go in for意为“从事,喜欢”;go through with意为“完成,把进行到底”;go back on意为“违背,背弃”;go along with意为“赞同,接受,服从”。句意:大卫喜欢乡村生活,并决定从事耕作。17. 单选题Your advice would be ( )valuable to him, who is at present at his wits end.问题1选项A.extensivelyB.exclusivelyC.excessivelyD.exceedingly【答案】D【解析】考查副词辨析。extensively意为“广大地,广泛地”;exclusively意为“唯一地”;excessively意为“过度地”;exceedingly意为“非常,极其”。句意:你的建议对他来说非常的有价值,他现在是无计可施了。18. 单选题I thought the boat only held six. How did you ( )seven seats?问题1选项A.reserveB.deserveC.preserveD.reverse【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。reserve意为“预定,预约,保留”;deserve意为“应得,应受”;preserve意为“保护,保存”;reverse意为“使反转,颠覆”。句意:我以为这船上只能载六个人。你怎么预定了七个位置呢?19. 单选题Your latest project has little( )of success.问题1选项A.predictionB.prophecyC.prospectD.preview【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。prediction意为“预测,预报”;prophecy意为“语言”;prospect意为“可能性,希望,前景”;preview意为“试映,预演”。句意:你最近的项目几乎没有成功的希望。20. 单选题A complete investigation into the causes of the accident should lead to improved standards and should ( )new operating procedures.问题1选项A.result inB.match withC.subject toD.proceed with【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。result in意为“引起,导致”;match with意为“与相配,与一致”;subject to意为“使服从,使遭受”;proceed with意为“继续做”。句意:对事故原因进行全面调查会导致标准改善和操作新程序的产生。


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