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2022年考博英语-中国政法大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Numerous studies show that the benefits of learning another language include greater mental flexibility, creativity, divergent thinking and higher-order thinking skills.问题1选项A.differentB.specializedC.convergentD.independent【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。divergent在句中是“分散的,不同的”,A选项different“不同的”;B选项specialized “专门的”;C选项convergent “汇聚的”;D选项independent“独立的”。句意:大量研究表明,学习另一种语言的好处包括更大的思维灵活性、创造性、发散性思维和高阶思维能力。因此A项符合句意。2. 单选题Todays success in weather forecasting stems from applied rather than pure science.问题1选项A.derives fromB.leads toC.concurs withD.benefits from【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。stem from表示“起源于”。A项derive from“源出,来自”,B项lead to“导致”,C项concur with“同意”,D项benefit from“得益于,得利于”;句意:今天天气预报的成功源于应用科学而非纯科学。根据句意该题选A。3. 单选题Once our attention has been ensnared, we still need to be sufficiently intrigued to read the story.问题1选项A.detractedB.drawnC.removedD.buffed【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。ensnared在句中是“引诱”,A选项detracted“转移”;B选项drawn“吸引”;C选项removed“迁移”;D选项buff“降低,缓冲”。句意:当我们的注意力被勾起时,我们仍需被激起足够的兴趣去阅读这个故事。根据句意B项正确。4. 单选题That is indeed a harsh standard, and not the one I want to govern my life or those of other people.问题1选项A.benefitB.affectC.damageD.direct【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。govern在句中是“管理,统治”,A选项benefit“有利于”;B选项affect“影响”;C选项damage“毁灭,损害”;D选项direct“指导,管理”。句意:那的确是一个严厉的标准,而不是我想要的可以用来指导我的生活或其他的人的生活的标准。根据句意D项正确。5. 翻译题我一直以为大学校长是高瞻远瞩、指导学术与教育大方向的决策人,而不是管馒头稀饭的保姆。这一类型的教育者的用心,毋庸置疑,当然是善意的。问题是,我们论“事”的时候,用心如何根本不重要,重要的是实际后果,而教育的后果何其严重!在这种过度呵护的幼稚教育下成长的大学生,遇事时,除了“眼泪汪汪”之外又能做些什么呢?【答案】参考译文:I have always considered university presidents to be far-sighted decisionmakers who conduct academic research and guide main directions of education rather than babysitters who are in charge of students daily life. Of course, there is no doubt that such educators have very good intentions. The problem is, when we make judgments on something, what matter are not intentions but the actual consequences. And how serious the consequences of education are! What can you expect the university students who are brought up in an educational system which treat them like babies to do except for seeing them to shed tears in face of an actual hardship problem?6. 单选题Parole is usually granted to prisoners as a reward for good conduct.问题1选项A.paid toB.ignored byC.given toD.requested by【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。grant to表示“授予,允许”;A项pay to“付款给”,B项ignore by“忽视,驳回诉讼”,C项give to“给予,提供”,D项request by“请求,需要”。句意:假释通常作为奖励给予表现良好的囚犯。根据句意该题选C。7. 单选题The United States Supreme Court has not always resolved legal issues of concern to Native Americans in a manner that has pleased the Indian nations. Many of the Courts decisions have been products of political compromise that looked more to the temper of the times than to enduring principles of law. But accommodation is part of the judicial system in the United States and judicial decisions must be assessed with this fact in mind.Despite the “accommodating” nature of the judicial system, it is worth noting that the power of the Supreme Court has been exercised in a manner that has usually been beneficial to Native Americans, at least on minor issues, and has not been wholly detrimental on the larger, more important issues. Certainly there have been decisions that cast doubt on the validity of this assertion. Some critics point to the patronizing tone of many Court opinions and the apparent rejection of Native American values as important points to consider when reviewing a case. However, the validity of the assertion can be illustrated by reference to two important contributions that have resulted from the exercise of judicial power.First, the Court has created rules of judicial construction that in general, favor the rights of Native American litigants. The Courts attitude has been conditioned by recognition of the distinct disadvantages Native Americans faced when dealing with settlers in the past. Treaties were inevitably written in English for the benefit of their authors, whereas tribal leaders were accustomed to making treaties without any written account, on the strength of mutual promises sealed by religious commitment and individual integrity. The written treaties were often broken, and Native Americans were confronted with fraud and political and military aggression. The Court recognizes that past unfairness to Native Americans cannot be sanctioned by the force of law. Therefore, ambiguities in treaties are to be interpreted in favor of the Native American claimants, treaties are to be interpreted as the Native Americans would have understood them, and, under the reserved rights doctrine, treaties reserve to Native Americans all rights that have not been specifically granted away in other treaties.A second achievement of the judicial system is the protection that has been provided against encroachment by the stales into tribal affairs. Federal judges are not inclined to view favorably efforts to extend states powers and jurisdictions because of the direct threat that such expansion poses to the exercise of federal powers. In the absence of a federal statute directly and clearly allocating a function to the states, federal judges are inclined to reserve for the federal governmentand the tribal governments under its chargeall those powers and rights they can be said to have possessed historically.61. According to the passage, one reason why the United States Supreme Court “has not always resolved legal issues of concern to Native Americans in a manner that has pleased the Indian nations” (lines 1-2) is that _.62. The authors attitude toward the United States Supreme Courts resolution of legal issues of concern to Native Americans can best be described as one of _.63. It can be inferred that the author believes that the extension of the states powers and jurisdictions with respect to Native American affairs would be _.64. The authors primary purpose is to _.65. It can be inferred that the author believes the United States Supreme Courts treatment of Native Americans to have been _.问题1选项A.Native Americans have been prevented from presenting their concerns persuasivelyB.the Court has failed to recognize that the Indian nations concerns are different from those of other groups or from those of the federal governmentC.the Court has made political compromises in deciding some casesD.the Court has been reluctant to curtail the powers of the federal government问题2选项A.wholehearted endorsementB.restrained appreciationC.detached objectivityD.cautious opposition问题3选项A.possible only with the consent of the Indian nationsB.favorably viewed by the United States Supreme CourtC.in the best interests of both state and federal governmentsD.detrimental to the interests of Native Americans问题4选项A.contrast opposing viewsB.reevaluate traditional beliefsC.reconcile divergent opinionsD.provide evidence to support a contention问题5选项A.reasonably supportive in most situationsB.irreproachable on legal groundsC.guided by enduring principles of lawD.misguided but generally harmless【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】61.【试题答案】C【试题解析】判断推理题。题干意思是“根据这篇文章,美国最高法院并不总是以一种让印第安人满意的方式解决印第安人关心的法律问题的一个原因是”。第一段第二句提到Many of the Courts decisions have been products of political compromise that looked more to the temper of the times than to enduring principles of law(最高法院的许多判决都是政治妥协的产物,这些妥协看起来更像是时代的缓和,而不是持久的法律原则),由此可知法院在案件的判决中做出了政治妥协,因此,C项“法院在判决一些案件时做出了政治妥协”符合题意;A项“美国原住民被阻止以有说服力的方式表达他们的担忧”,根据第二段第五行Some critics point to the patronizing tone of many Court opinions and the apparent rejection of Native American values as important points to consider when reviewing a case.(一些批评人士指出,许多法院意见的庇护语气和对印第安人价值观的明显拒绝,是复审案件时需要考虑的重要因素)可知,法院是拒绝美国原住民的价值观,而不是阻止他们以有说服力的方式表达自己的担忧,因此该项不正确;B项“法院没有认识到印第安民族的关注点不同于其他群体或联邦政府的关注点”,文中没有提到印第安人的关注点是什么;D项“法院一直不愿意削减联邦政府的权力”原文也没有提到;故该题选C。62.【试题答案】C【试题解析】观点态度题。题干意思是“作者对美国最高法院解决印第安人关心的法律问题的态度可以很好地描述为”。第二段第一句提到Despite the “accommodating” nature of the judicial system, it is worth noting that the power of the Supreme Court has been exercised in a manner that has usually been beneficial to Native Americans, at least on minor issues, and has not been wholly detrimental on the larger, more important issues.(尽管司法系统具有妥协性,值得注意的是美国本土居民在少部分事务上受惠于最高法院,而在重大问题方面,美国本土居民也并不因此受到损害),由此可知,作者对利弊都有表述,其态度是公正的,故C项“公平的客观”符合题意。A项“全心全意的支持”,第一段作者还提到了最高法院并不总是以一种让印第安人满意的方式解决印第安人关心的法律问题,所以全心全意的支持这种说法是错误的;B项“拘谨的感谢”,作者没有表达感谢,因此该项错误;D项“谨慎的反对”,作者表述了美国最高法院对印第安人关心的法律问题上有利有弊的解决方案,说作者是客观的态度更贴切题意;故该题选C。63.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“可以推断出作者相信各州在印第安人事务上的权力和管辖权的扩展将会是”。文章最后一段提到Federal judges are not inclined to view favorably efforts to extend states powers and jurisdictions because of the direct threat that such expansion poses to the exercise of federal powers.(联邦法官不倾向于赞成扩大各州权力和司法管辖权,因为这种扩大会对联邦权力的行使构成直接威胁),由此可知国家权力的扩张以及司法触及美国本土居民事务,联邦政府将会面临危险;该司法系统是国家提供的保护,所以,对于扩展各州在印第安人事务上的权力和管辖权是会得到美国最高法院的支持的,A项“只有得到印第安民族的同意才可能”过于绝对;B项“受到美国最高法院的认可”符合题意;C项“为了州和联邦政府的最大利益”,文章已经提到了会给联邦权力的行使构成直接威胁,所以该项错误;D项“对美国原住民的利益有害”,最后一段第一句提到A second achievement of the judicial system is the protection that has been provided against encroachment by the stales into tribal affairs.(司法制度的第二个成就是保护部落事务不受陈腐势力的侵犯),由此可知对美国原住民并不是有害的,因此该项错误;故该题选B。64.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“作者最主要的目的是”。最后两段句首作者用了first和second,可知作者是在举例论证,因此D项“提供证据支持论点”正确;A项“对比相反的观点”,文章最后两段的中心句是First, the Court has created rules of judicial construction that in general, favor the rights of Native American litigants.(首先,最高法院制定了一般有利于美国原住民诉讼当事人权利的司法构建规则)和A second achievement of the judicial system is the protection that has been provided against encroachment by the stales into tribal affairs.(司法制度的第二个成就是保护部落事务不受陈腐势力的侵犯),由此可知作者并没有对比相反的观点;B项“重新评估传统信仰”和C项“调和不同的意见” 文中没有提到;故该题选D。65.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“可以推断作者认为美国最高法院对印第安人的对待是”。本文主要讲到美国最高法院对美国本土居民的法律问题的处理是政治妥协,而并非遵循着法律原则,但是这种处理也是合情合理的,因为它并没有造成极大的危害。故A项“在大多数情况下都给予相当的支持”比较符合句意;B项“在法律上无可指责”,文章都提到了有时候法院对印第安人关心的法律问题没有遵循法律原则,所以该项错误;C项“受持久的法律原则指导”,文中提到也会受到政治妥协,该项也不正确;D项“被误导但一般无害”,文中没有提到误导;故该题选A。8. 单选题In this law, _, “state” means a territory or group of territories having its own law of nationality.问题1选项A.otherwise the context requiresB.unless the context requiresC.the context otherwiseD.unless the context otherwise requires【答案】D【解析】考查连词和固定搭配。在法律英语中,unless the context otherwise requires“除上下文另有所指”经常使用,Otherwise在这里是作为形容词“另外的”使用;A选项缺少连词,B选项“除非上下文要求”语义矛盾,C选项语义不完整;这句话句意是:在本条法令中,除上下文另有所指,“国家”指拥有自己的国籍法的一个领土或一组领土。根据句子结构和句意,只有D项是通顺且符合语法的。9. 翻译题为了保证刑法的正确实施,惩罚犯罪,保护人民,保障国家安全和社会公共安全,维护社会主义社会秩序,根据宪法,制定中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法。本法的任务是:保证准确、及时地查明犯罪事实,正确运用法律,惩罚犯罪分子,保证无罪的人不受刑事追究,教育公民自觉遵守法律,积极同犯罪分子做斗争,以维护社会主义法制,保护公民的人身权利、财产权利和其他权利,保证社会主义事业的顺利进行。【答案】参考译文:The Criminal Procedure Law of the Peoples Republic of China is enacted in accordance with the Constitution and for the purpose of ensuring correct enforcement of the Criminal Law, punishing crimes, protecting the people, safeguarding State and public security and maintaining socialist public order. The aim of this Law is: to ensure accurate and timely ascertainment of facts about crimes, correct application of law, punishment of criminals and protection of the innocent against being investigated for criminal responsibility; to enhance the citizens awareness of the need to abide by law and to fight vigorously against criminal acts in order to safeguard the socialist legal system; to protect the citizens personal rights, their property rights, democratic rights and other rights; and to guarantee smooth progress of the cause of socialist development.10. 单选题Habits can be consciously strengthened, as when a student of the violin practices and memorizes different fingerings.问题1选项A.convenientlyB.lastinglyC.intentionallyD.robustly【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。consciously表示“自觉地,有意识的”。A项conveniently“便利地,合宜地”,B项lastingly“持续地”,C项intentionally“故意地,有意地”,D项robustly“粗鲁地,坚定地”。句意:习惯可以有意识地加强,就像一个学小提琴的学生练习和记忆不同的指法一样。根据题意该题选C。11. 单选题The guilty verdict was widely expected, although harsher than many had predicted.问题1选项A.juryB.crimeC.convictD.judgment【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。verdict表示“结论,裁定”。A项jury“陪审团”,B项crime“罪行”,C项convict“罪犯”,D项judgment“意见,判断力”;句意:有罪判决是普遍预期的,尽管比许多人预期的要严厉。根据句意该题选D。12. 单选题In the villages of the English countryside there are still people who remember the good old days when no one bothered to lock their doors. There simply wasnt any crime to worry about.Amazingly, these happy times appear still to be with us in the worlds biggest community. A new study by Dan Farmer, a gifted programmer, using an automated investigative program of his own called SATAN, shows that the owners of well over half of all World Wide Web sites have set up home without fitting locks to their doors.SATAN can try out a variety of well-known hacking tricks on an Internet site without actually breaking in. Fanner has made the program publicly available, amid much criticism. A person with evil intent could use it to hunt down sites that are easy to burgle.But Farmer is very concerned about the need to alert the public to poor security and, so far, events have proved him right. SATAN has done more to alert people to the risks than cause new disorder. So is the Net becoming more secure? Far from it. In the early days, when you visited a Web site your browser simply looked at the content. Now the Web is full of tiny programs that automatically download when you look at a Web page, and run on your own machine. These programs could, if their authors wished, do all kinds of nasty things to your computer.At the same time, the Net is increasingly populated with spiders, worms, agents and other types of automated beasts designed to penetrate the sites and seek out and classify information. All these make wonderful tools for antisocial people who want to invade weak sites and cause damage.But lets look on the bright side. Given the lack of locks, the Internet is surely the worlds biggest (almost) crime-free society. Maybe that is because hackers are fundamentally honest. Or that there currently isnt much to steal. Or because vandalism isnt much fun unless you have a peculiar dislike for someone.Whatever the reason, lets enjoy it while we can. But expect it all to change, and security to become the number one issue, when the most influential inhabitants of the Net are selling services they want to be paid for.46. By saying “. owners of well over half of all World Wide Web sites have set up home without fitting locks to their doors” (Lines 3-4, Para. 2), the author means that _.47. SATAN, a program designed by Dan Farmer can be used _.48. Farmers program has been criticized by the public because _.49. The authors attitude toward SATAN is _.50. The author suggests in the last paragraph that _.问题1选项A.those happy times appear still to be with usB.there simply wasnt any crime to worry aboutC.many sites are not well-protectedD.hackers try out tricks on an Internet site without actually breaking in问题2选项A.to investigate the security of Internet sitesB.to improve the security of the Internet systemC.to prevent hackers from breaking into websitesD.to download useful programs and information问题3选项A.it causes damage to Net browsersB.it can break into Internet sitesC.it can be used to cause disorder on all sitesD.it can be used by people with evil intent问题4选项A.enthusiasticB.criticalC.positiveD.indifferent问题5选项A.we should make full use of the Internet before security measures are strengthenedB.we should alert the most influential businessmen to the importance of securityC.influential businessmen should give priority to the improvement of Net securityD.net inhabitants should not let security measures affect their joy of surfing the Internet【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】46.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“通过提到owners of well over half of all World Wide Web sites have set up home without fitting locks to their doors(第2段第3-4行),作者的意思是”。根据第二段第二句中的using an automated investigative program of his own called SATAN, shows that the owners of well over half of all World Wide Web sites have set up home without fitting locks to their doors.(用他自称为“撒旦”的自动调查程序所做的一项最新研究表明,超过一半以上的万维网网站主人建立的家都没有上锁)可知,许多网站没有得到很好的保护;A项“那些快乐的时光似乎还在我们身边”,B项“根本没有什么犯罪需要担心”,D项“黑客们在网站上尝试各种技巧,但实际上并没有入侵网站”都不是作者在这里想表达的。因此C项“许多网站没有得到很好的保护”正确。47.【试题答案】A【试题解析】判断推理题。题干意思是“撒旦,一个由Dan Farmer设计的程序可以被用来”。根据第二段第二句using an automated investigative program of his own called SATAN(用他自称为撒旦的自动调查程序)和第三段的第一句SATAN can try out a variety of well-known hacking tricks on an Internet site without actually breaking in.(“撒旦”可以对网站试验一系列众所周知的黑客攻击而不用真正闯入)可以推断出“撒旦”这个程序是用来检验网站是否安全,B项“完善互联网系统的安全性”,C项“阻止黑客闯入网站”,D项“下载有用的程序和信息”都不是“撒旦”的功能,因此A项“检验网站是否安全”正确。48.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“Farmer的项目受到了公众的批评,因为”。根据第三段第三句A person with evil intent could use it to hunt down sites that are easy to burgle.(一个有邪恶意图的人可以用它来搜索容易被盗窃的网站)可知D项“它可以被恶意的人利用”符合题意。A项“它会对网络浏览器造成损害”,和B项“它可以侵入互联网站点”不是“撒旦”造成的后果,也不是这个项目受到公众批评的真正原因;根据第四段第二行SATAN has done more to alert people to the risks than cause new disorder.(“撒旦”做的更多的是提醒人们注意风险,而不是引起新的混乱)可知,C项“它可以用来在所有的网站上造成混乱”错误。因此D选项正确。49.【试题答案】C【试题解析】作者态度题。题干意思是“作者对撒旦的态度是”。倒数第二段第一句提到But lets look on the bright side. Given the lack of locks, the Internet is surely the worlds biggest (almost) crime-free society.(但我们也要看到光明的一面,不考虑安全因素,因特网几乎是世界上最大的没有犯罪的社会)和最后一段第一句说道Whatever the reason, lets enjoy it while we can.(不管是什么原因,让我们在还能享受的时候尽情享受吧),由此可推断作者对“撒旦”的态度是积极的,因此C项“积极的”正确。A项“热心的”,B项“批评的”和D项“漠不关心的”都不符合。因此选C正确。50.【试题答案】A【试题解析】判断推理题。题干意思是“文章最后一段”。倒数第二段第一句提到But lets look on the bright side. Given the lack of locks, the Internet is surely the worlds biggest (almost) crime-free society.(但我们也要看到光明的一面,不考虑安全因素,因特网几乎是世界上最大的没有犯罪的社会)和最后一段第一句说道Whatever the reason, lets enjoy it while we can.(不管是什么原因,让我们在还能享受的时候尽情享受吧),由此可推断作者对“撒旦”的态度是积极的,因此C项“积极的”正确。A 项“热心的”,B项“批评的”和D项“漠不关心的”都不符合。因此选C正确。13. 单选题I wont have a whisky, thank you. Its not that I dont drink, _ that I dont drink and drive.问题1选项A.but ratherB.but alsoC.exceptD.otherwise【答案】C【解析】考查句子逻辑。前面和后面构成转折关系。A项but rather“而是,相反地”表示对比;B项but also“并且”表示强调;C项except“除了”,except that“只可惜,除了之外”表示转折;D项otherwise“否则”,一般是作为副词来使用,连接并列分句。句意:我不要威士忌,谢谢。不是我不喝,只可惜我不能喝,要开车。根据句意,正确答案为C。14. 单选题Once a political system has been corrupted, right from the very top leaders to the lowest ranks of the government, the problem is very complicated.问题1选项A.spoiledB.disintegratedC.rottenD.boiled【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。corrupted表示“腐败的”。A项spoiled“溺爱的,破坏的”,B项disintegrated“分裂的,崩溃的”,C项rotten“腐烂的,堕落的”,D项boiled“煮沸的”;句意:一旦一个政治体系腐败,从最高领导人到最低级别的政府,问题就变得非常复杂。根据句意该题选C。15. 单选题The life span of a sunfish is short, _ ten years.问题1选项A.more seldom thanB.more than seldomC.seldom more thanD.seldom than more【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。考查的是“不超过,不多于”的表达,一般我们用more/less than表示多于/少于,要表示不超过,不少于的时候,就在前面直接加seldom表示否定,不能够改变这个顺序,故只能选择C项。句意:翻车鱼的寿命很短,很少超过十年。因此,该题正确答案为C。16. 单选题Its hard to memorize through brute force the groceries we need to buy.问题1选项A.rudeB.skillfulC.emphasizedD.abnormal【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。brute在句中是“蛮力,强力”,A选项rude“粗鲁的”;B选项skillful“有技巧的”;C选项emphasized“强调的”;D选项abnormal“反常的”。句意:通过蛮力很难记住我们需要买的杂货。根据句意A项正确。17. 单选题_ we have all the materials ready, we should begin the new task at once.问题1选项A.Granted thatB.If onlyC.By nowD.Now that【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A项granted that“即使,假定”,表示条件;B项if only“要是


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