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2022年考博英语-南京艺术学院考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题The first thing people remember about failing at math is that it felt like sudden death. Whether the incident occurred while learning “word problems” in six grade, or coping with equations in high school, or first confronting calculus and statistics in college, failure came suddenly and in a very frightening way! If assume that the curriculum was reasonable, and that the new idea was but next in a series of learnable concepts, the feeling of utter defeat was simply not rational; yet “math anxious” college students and adults have revealed that no matter how much the teacher reassured them, they could not overcome that feeling.A common myth about the nature of mathematical ability holds that one either has or does not have a mathematical mind. Mathematical imagination and an intuitive grasp of mathematical principles may well be needed to do advanced research, but why should people who can do college-level work in other subjects not be able to do college-level math as well? Rates of learning may vary. Competency under time pressure may differ. Certainly low self-esteem will get in the way. But where is the evidence that a student needs a “mathematical mind” in order to succeed at learning math?Consider the effects of this mythology. Since only a few people are supposed to have this mathematical mind, part of what makes us so passive in the face of our difficulties in learning mathematics is that we suspect all the while we may not be one of “them”, and we spend our time waiting to find out when our non-mathematical minds will be exposed. Since our limit will eventually be reached, we see no point in being methodical of in attending to detail. We are grateful when we survive fractions-word problems or geometry. If that certain moment of failure hasnt struck yet, it is only temporarily postponed.Parents, especially parents of girls, often expect their children to be non-mathematical. Parents are either poor at math or they failed themselves. In either case, they unwillingly foster the idea that a mathematical mind is something one either has or does not have.1.According to the passage, who are likely to experience math anxiety?2.How would “math anxious” students probably react to their failure at math?3.Which of the following statements is true about “math anxious” students?4.The author believes that( ).5.The passage could best be entitled by( ).问题1选项A.Primary school students.B.High school students.C.College students.D.All of the above.问题2选项A.Slow down their lessons.B.Ask more questions than necessary.C.Go to the teacher for reassuranceD.Panic and accept the defeat.问题3选项A.They realize that the feeling of utter defeat is irrational.B.They assume that the curriculum is not reasonable.C.They feel the new ideas are too difficult for them to learn.D.They regard the new ideas as only something to be encountered next in a series of learnable concepts.问题4选项A.a person either has or does not have a mathematical mindB.a student needs a mathematical mind to succeed at learning college level mathC.people doing advanced research in math usually have what is called a “mathematical mind”D.parents who are poor at math themselves are more likely to expect their children to be non-mathematical问题5选项A.Math AnxietyB.Overcoming Math AnxietyC.Failing the Math ExamD.Math Anxious Students【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.推理判断题。题目问的是“根据文章内容,有可能遭受焦虑的人是”。文章第一段提到“不论这样的情况出现在六年级,或者在应对数学方程式的中,或者第一次面对微积分与统计学的大学”(Whether the incident occurred while learning “word problems” in six grade, or coping with equations in high school, or first confronting calculus and statistics in college, failure came suddenly and in a very frightening way!),由此可知,各个学习阶段都会碰上数学难题,选项D符合题意。2.推理判断题。题目问的是“遭遇数学焦虑的学生对自己数学不及格的可能反应是”。文章第一段提到“彻底失败的感觉是不理智的;然后数学焦虑的大学生和成年人发现,无论老师怎么安慰他们,他们都无法克服这种感觉”(the feeling of utter defeat was simply not rational; yet “math anxious” college students and adults have revealed that no matter how much the teacher reassured them, they could not overcome that feeling),选项D“恐慌并接受失败”符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“关于数学焦虑的学生,一下说法正确的是”。文章第二段提到“但是为什么那些能做其他学科的大学水平作业的人却不能做大学水平的数学题呢?”(but why should people who can do college-level work in other subjects not be able to do college-level math as well?),选项C“他们感觉自己很难学习新内容”符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“作者认为”。文章最后一段提到“他们不愿意树立这样一个观念,即有的人有数学头脑,有的人没有”(they unwillingly foster the idea that a mathematical mind is something one either has or does not have),因此选项A符合题意。5.推理判断题。题目问的是“本文最恰当的标题是”。全文讲的都是跟数学焦虑(math anxiety)相关的内容,因此选项A符合题意。2. 翻译题Put the following two passages into Chinese.The first snow came. How beautiful it was, falling so silently all day long, all night long, on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the living, on the graves of the dead! All white save the river, that marked its course by a winding black line across the landscape; and the leafless tress, that against the leaden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacies of their branches. What silence, too, came with the snow!Now we are all living in modem time. As the society has developed, euthanasia (安乐死)or mercy killing has returned to the worlds home page. Many reports about relevant cases and results of scholarly research often appear on the front page of the newspapers. Euthanasia is sometimes called mercy killing, doctors-assisted suicide or painless death. It is usually understood as a merciful act to relieve a terminally-ill patients unbearable physical pain. While the majority of society seems to favor this supposedly humanitarian practice, it still could take decades for the countrys legislative and judicial departments to deal with the highly controversial issue: No specific law of rule governs euthanasia as such in China, but the act fits the vague concept of “intentional killing” in the Criminal Code. Yet the voices calling for legislation on euthanasia have become louder in recent years.【答案】第一场雪来了。多么美啊!它整日整夜静静地飘着,落在山岭上,落在草地里,落在世人的屋顶上,落在死者的坟墓上!一片白茫茫中,只有河流在美丽的画面上划出了一道弯弯曲曲的黑线;树叶掉光了的老鼠,映衬着灰色的天空,枝丫交错,更显风姿。下雪的时候,一切多么安静啊!如今我们都生活在现代社会。随着社会的发展,安乐死或者怜悯致死术已经成为世界的关注点。许多相关案例和学术研究结果的报道经常出现在报纸的头版。安乐死有时被称为怜悯致死术、医生协助自杀或叫做无痛死亡。它通常被理解为一种仁慈的行为,用来减轻绝症病人无法忍受的疼痛。虽然大部分人似乎支持这种所谓的人道主义行为,但是对于一个国家的立法和司法部门来说,这是颇具争议的,起码需要数十年来解决这个问题。比如中国就没有专门的法律来管理安乐死,但是安乐死符合其刑法里的“故意杀人”这一模糊的概念。然而,今年来要求立法安乐死的呼声越来越高。3. 单选题The forest from which Man takes his timber is the tallest and most impressive plant community on Earth. In terms of Mans brief life it appears permanent and unchanging, save for the seasonal growth and fall of the leaves, but to forester it represents the climax of a long succession of events. No wooded landscape we see today has been forest for all lime. Plants have minimum requirements of temperature and moisture and, in ages past, virtually every part of Earths surface has at some time been either too dry or too cold for plants to survive. However, as soon as climatic conditions change in favor of plant life, a fascinating sequence of changes occurs, called a primary succession.First to colonize the barren land are the lowly lichens, surviving on bare rock. Slowly, the acids produced by these organisms crack the rock surface, plant debris accumulates, and mosses establish a shallow root hold. Ferns may follow and, with short grasses and shrubs, gradually from a covering of plant life. Roots probe even deeper into the developing soil and eventually large shrubs give way to the first tress. These grow rapidly, cutting off sunlight from the smaller plants, and soon establish complete domination-closing their ranks and forming a climax community which may endure for thousands of years.Yet even this community is not everlasting. Fire may destroy it outright and settlers may cut it down to gain land for pasture or cultivation. If the land is then abandoned, a secondary succession will take over, developing much faster on the more hospitable soil. Shrubs and trees are among the early invaders, their seeds carried by the wind, by birds and lodged in the coats of mammals. For as long as it stands and thrives, the forest is a vast machine, storing energy and many elements essential for life.1.What does the forest strike mankind as permanent?2.What has sometimes caused plants to die out of the past?3.In a “primary succession”,what makes it possible for mosses to take root?4.What conditions are needed for shrubs to become established?5.Why is a “secondary succession” quicker?问题1选项A.The trees are in community.B.The forest is renewed each season.C.Mans life is short in comparison.D.It is an essential part of our lives.问题2选项A.Interference from foresters.B.Variations in climate.C.The absence of wooded land.D.The introduction of new type of plants.问题3选项A.The type of rock.B.The amount of sunlight.C.The amount of moisture.D.The effect of lichens.问题4选项A.Ferns must take root.B.The ground must be covered with grass.C.More soil must accumulate.D.Smaller plants must die out.问题5选项A.The ground is more suitable.B.There is more space new plants.C.Birds and animals bring new seeds.D.It is supported by the forest.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。题目问的是“对于人类来说,森林的永恒之处在于”。文章第一段第二句提到“对于人类短暂的生命来说,森林似乎是永恒不变的”(In terms of Mans brief life it appears permanent and unchanging),因此选项C“相比之下,人类生命很短暂”符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“以前有时导致植物灭绝的因素是什么”。文章第一段提到“在过去,地球表面每个部分都曾因为太干或者太冷而使植物无法生存”(in ages past, virtually every part of Earths surface has at some time been either too dry or too cold for plants to survive),由此可知气候原因导致某些植物灭绝,选项B符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“在初级演替中,什么是苔藓生长成为可能”。文章第二段第一二句提到“首先在贫瘠土地上生长的是地衣,它们生长在光秃秃的岩石上。慢慢地,这些微生物产生的酸性物质破坏了岩石的表面,植物碎屑堆集,苔藓会建立一个很浅的根系”(First to colonize the barren land are the lowly lichens, surviving on bare rock. Slowly, the acids produced by these organisms crack the rock surface, plant debris accumulates, and mosses establish a shallow root hold),由此可知是因为有地衣,才有苔藓成长的可能。选项D符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“灌木稳固生长需要什么条件”。文章第二段第三句提到“紧接着可能出现的是蕨类植物,短草和灌木逐渐从植物覆盖的土壤中开始生长”(Ferns may follow and, with short grasses and shrubs, gradually from a covering of plant life),蕨类生长的前提是苔藓形成的土壤层,因此可知灌木要生长需要累积更多的土壤,选项C符合题意。5.细节事实题。题目问的是“第二次演替较快的原因是”。文章最后一段提到“如果这篇土地被废气了,就会发生第二次演替,在更适合生长的土壤将发展得更快”(If the land is then abandoned, a secondary succession will take over, developing much faster on the more hospitable soil),因此选项A符合题意。4. 单选题I came across an old country guide the other day. It listed all the tradesmen in each village in my part of the country, and it was impressive to see the great variety of services which were available on ones own doorstep in the late Victorian countryside.Nowadays a superficial traveler in rural England might conclude that the only village tradesmen still flourishing were either selling frozen food to the inhabitants or selling antiques to visitors. Nevertheless, this would really be a false impression. Admittedly there has been a contraction of village commerce, but its vigor is still remarkable.Our local grocers shop, for example, is actually expanding in spite of the competition from supermarkets in the nearest town. Women sensibly prefer to go there and exchange the local news while doing their shopping, instead of queuing up (anonymously) at a supermarket. And the proprietor knows well that personal service has a substantial cash value.His prices may be a bit higher than those in the town, but he will deliver anything at any time. His assistants think nothing of bicycling down the village street in their lunch hour to take a piece of cheese to an old age pensioner who sent her order by word of mouth with a friend who happened to be passing, the more affluent customers telephone their shopping lists and the goods are on their doorsteps within an hour. They have only to knit at a fancy for some commodity outside the usual stock and the grocer, a red faced figure, instantly obtains it from them. The village gains from this sort of enterprise, of course. But I also find it satisfactory because a village shop offers one of the few ways in which a modest individualist can still get along in the world without attaching himself to the big battalions of industry or commerce.Most of the village shopkeepers I know, at any rate, are decidedly individualist in their ways. For example, our shoemaker is a formidable figure: a thick set, irritable man whom children treat with marked respect, knowing that an ill judged word can provoke an angry eruption at any time. He stares with smouldering contempt at the pairs of cheap, mass produced shoes taken to him for repair: has it come to this, he seems to be saying, that he, a craftsman, should have to waste his skills upon such trash? But we all know he will in fact do excellent work upon them. And he makes beautiful shoes for those who can afford such luxury.1.The writer considered the old country guide interesting because he found in it( ).2.The local grocers shop is expanding even though( ).3.The writer implies that one disadvantage of town shops is that( ).4.The writer appreciates the village shop because( ).5.What is the village shoemakers reaction to mass produced shoes?问题1选项A.the names of so many of the shops in the village aroundB.the many people selling to, and doing jobs for, residents in local villages at the time it appearedC.the variety of shops and services available in Victorian days in BritainD.information about all the jobs there were in his own and surrounding villages at the time it appeared问题2选项A.women spend a lot of their time there just gossipingB.town shops are larger and rather cheaperC.people like to shop where they are less well knownD.people get personal service in his shop问题3选项A.their prices are higherB.people cannot telephone themC.their staff may take less trouble to satisfy customersD.one has to queue up in them问题4选项A.he welcomes competition with organized businessB.he likes the idea that a humble person can be successfulC.this is a case of individual success in a world of increasingD.he welcomes an example of private enterprise surviving in an age of giant companies问题5选项A.He considers they are not worth the effort of mending properly.B.He is angry with the customers for bringing to such rubbish.C.He despises their quality.D.He feels exasperated because people waste their money on inferior shoes.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:C第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。题目问的是“作者认为这本陈旧的乡下导游手册有趣,是因为他在那里发现了”。文章第一段提到这个导游手册列出了我所在地区每个村庄的每个商人,令人印象深刻的是,在维多利亚晚期的乡村,人们在家门口就可以得到各种各样的服务,由此可知选项B“很多人向当地乡下的居民销售商品或者提供服务”符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“当地杂货商的店铺正在扩张,尽管”。文章第三段第一句话提到“尽管有最近城镇的超市竞争,我们当地的杂货店实际在扩张”(Our local grocers shop, for example, is actually expanding in spite of the competition from supermarkets in the nearest town),城镇商店的竞争力主要体现在规模大,东西便宜,选项B符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“作者暗示城镇商店的劣势之一是”。文章第四段“乡下商人卖的商品的价格或许比城镇的高,但他们将在任何时间送任何商品,超市的助手不会想到在他们午饭的时间骑自行车去为一个靠养老金生活的老人送一块奶酪” (His prices may be a bit higher than those in the town, but he will deliver anything at any time. His assistants think nothing of bicycling down the village street in their lunch hour to take a piece of cheese to an old age pensioner),选项C“城镇商店店员不会花太多功夫去满足顾客”符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“作者欣赏乡下商店的原因是”。文章第四段最后一句“但我觉得它令人满意,因为乡村商店提供了为数不多的几种方式之一,一个谦虚的个人主义者仍然能在这个世界存活,而不必依附于工商业的大阵营”(But I also find it satisfactory because a village shop offers one of the few ways in which a modest individualist can still get along in the world without attaching himself to the big battalions of industry or commerce),选项B“他喜欢谦逊的人能成功的概念”符合题意。5.细节事实题。题目问的是“乡村鞋匠对批量生产的鞋子的反应是”。文章最后一段提到乡村鞋匠带着蔑视的眼光去看那些批量生产的鞋子(He stares with smouldering contempt at the pairs of cheap, mass produced shoes taken to him for repair: has it come to this, he seems to be saying, that he, a craftsman, should have to waste his skills upon such trash?),选项C符合题意。5. 单选题Massive changes in all of the worlds deeply cherished spoiling habits are under way. Whether its one of Londons parks full of people playing softball, and Russians taking up rugby, or the Super bowl rivaling the British Football Cup Final as a televised spectator event in Britain, the patterns of players and spectators are changing beyond recognition. We are witnessing a globalization of our spoiling culture.That annual bicycle race, the Tour de France, much loved by the French is a good case in point. Just a few years back it was a strictly continental affair with France, Belgium and Holland, Spain and Italy taking part. But in recent years it has been dominated by Colombian mountain climbers, and American and Irish riders. The people who really matter welcome the shift toward globalization. Peugeot, Michelin and Panasonic are multi-national corporations that want worldwide returns for the millions they invest in teams. So it does them literally a world of good to see this unofficial world championship become just that. This is undoubtedly an economic-based revolution we are witnessing here, one made possible by communications technology, blit made to happen because of marketing considerations. Sell the game and you can sell Coca Cola or Budweiser as well.The skillful way in which American football has been sold to Europe is a good example of how all sports will develop. The aim of course is not really to spread the sport for its own sake, but to increase the number of people interested in the major moneymaking events. The economics of the Super bowl are already astronomical. Willi scats at US $125, gate receipts along were a staggering $10,000,000. The most important statistic of the day, however, was the $100,000,000 in TV advertising fees. Imagine how much that becomes when the eyes of the world are watching.So it came as a terrible shock, but not really as a surprise, to learn that some people are now suggesting that soccer change from being a game of two 45-minutc halves, to one of four 25-minute quarters. The idea is unashamedly to capture more advertising revenue, without giving any thought for the integrity of a sport which relics for its essence on the flowing nature of the action.Moreover, as sports expand into world markets, and as our choice of sports as consumers also grows, so we will demand to see that they play at a higher and higher level. In boxing we have already seen numerous, dubious world title categories because people will not pay to see anything less than a “World Title” fight, and this means that the title fights have to be held in different countries around the world!1.Globalization of sporting culture means that( ).2.Which of the following is NOT related to the massive changes?3.As is used in the passage, globalization comes closest in meaning to( ).4.What is the authors attitude towards the suggestion to change soccer into one of four 25-minute quarters?5.Why should the title fights in boxing be held in different countries of the world?问题1选项A.more people are taking up sports.B.traditional spoils are getting popular.C.many local sports are becoming international.D.foreigners are more interested in local sports.问题2选项A.Good economic returns.B.Revival of traditional games.C.Communications technologyD.Marketing strategies.问题3选项A.commercializationB.“westernization”C.“speculation”D.“standardization”问题4选项A.Favorable.B.Unclear.C.Reserved.D.Critical.问题5选项A.Because they are very exciting.B.Because people do not want to pay to see them.C.Because people want to see the most exciting games.D.Because they are less exciting【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第


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