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2022年考博英语-扬州大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 翻译题1. Translate the following into Chinese. (10%)Interest in basketball in the United States peaks around three big championship events in the spring: the college championships for men and women in late March or early April and the professional playoffs that climax in June. But that s only organized basketball. Informally, the game has been learned by generations of American youths on city playgrounds and schoolyards, on lonely baskets put up in backyards of rural homes and on the driveway basketball courts of countless suburban homes.【答案】美国人对篮球的兴趣在春季三大锦标赛期间达到顶峰。这包括三月底或四月初举行的大学男篮锦标赛和大学女篮锦标赛,以及在六月份进入决赛高潮的职业篮球赛。上面说的只是有组织的正式比赛。在市内的运动场和学校的操场上,在农舍后院的简易篮球筐下,或是在无数市郊住宅的自家车道上划出的篮球场上,一代代的美国青少年在学习打篮球。2. 单选题Intensive requirements, rather than content, distinguish masters-level courses from undergraduate courses. The content is specialized, but often no more so than in upper-level undergraduate courses in British Commonwealth or European universities. First-year American graduate students are, in a sense, catching up. Yet they are also learning to work under more pressure than undergraduates in the United States of elsewhere.It is not quite accurate to equate first-year graduate study with the masters degree; in addition, most masters programs require more than a years work, and more than course work. They can be equated in their purpose: to acquaint the student with the literature, the current ideas, the methodologies, etc., of his or her field. The first year of graduate study is best characterized, then, as a reading program.All in all, the masters program is less easily defined than undergraduate curricula. The number of residence credits may be effectively determined by an accrediting agency (评审机构) and will vary from field to field. In some curricula (e.g. clinical psychology), a mandatory internship or practical training leads to 2 to 3 years of study, whereas an M.B.A may be completed in 18 months. The final requirement in a masters program may be a thesis, a comprehensive exam, or both, or course papers collected and bound as a thesis-substitute. There may or may not be a foreign language requirement.The masters degree itself may be defined as a certificate of competence in a reasonably specialized field. We may note here that many American educators oppose narrow specialization at masters and even at doctoral level; they complain of highly trained engineers who know nothing of the social sciences, of physicians who dont understand human psychology, and of literature Ph.D. s who ignorant of science. Effective graduate education, in this view, is the process of learning to find data, to evaluate it, and to organize it meaningfully.1.First-year American graduate students( ).2.It is suggested that( ).3.In order to get M.B.A, you must( ).4.Which one of the following final requirements is necessary in masters program?5.Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned?问题1选项A.are catching up with European UniversitiesB.are catching up with undergraduates in the Unites States or elsewhereC.are learning to work under more pressure than undergraduatesD.American undergraduates have no pressure问题2选项A.the first year graduates read a lotB.the first year graduates are working for the masters degreeC.the first year graduate are reading English literatureD.the first year graduates are just having course work问题3选项A.have internship or practical trainingB.study 18 monthsC.study a foreign languageD.study 2 or 3 years问题4选项A.Course creditsB.Foreign languagesC.A thesisD.A graduation project问题5选项A.American educators complain of highly trained engineers who dont know anything about social science.B.American educators complain of physicians who dont understand human psychology.C.American educators complain of literature Ph. D s who are ignorant of science.D.American educators complain of the graduate education, which is the process of learning to find date, to evaluate it, and to organize it meaningfully.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。第一段最后指出:First-year American graduate students are, in a sense, catching up. Yet they are also learning to work under more pressure than undergraduates in the United States of elsewhere(从某种意义上说,一年级美国研究生正在迎头赶上。然而,与美国其他地方的大学生相比,他们也在学习如何在更大的压力下工作)。因此C项正确。2.判断推理题。第二段最后一句指出:The first year of graduate study is best characterized, then, as a reading program (研究生学习的第一年最好被描述为“阅读阶段”),由此推断,研究生学习的第一年会阅读大量书籍。3.细节事实题。第三段指出:whereas an M.B.A may be completed in 18 months (而工商管理硕士学位可能在18个月内完成)。故选B项。4.细节事实题。第三段最后一句指出:The final requirement in a masters program may be a thesis, a comprehensive exam, or both, or course papers collected and bound as a thesis-substitute. There may or may not be a foreign language requirement (硕士课程的最终要求可能是一篇论文,一次综合考试,或者两者兼而有之,或者收集并装订成论文替代品的课程论文。可能有也可能没有外语要求)。因此C项正确。5.细节事实题。最后一段指出:they complain of highly trained engineers who know nothing of the social sciences, of physicians who dont understand human psychology, and of literature Ph.D.s who ignorant of science. Effective graduate education, in this view, is the process of learning to find data, to evaluate it, and to organize it meaningfully (许多美国教育工作者控诉训练有素的工程师对社会科学一无所知,医生不懂人类心理学,文学博士对科学一无所知。这样看来,有效的研究生教育,起作用的研究生教育是一个学习发现数据、评估数据并有意义地组织数据的过程)。由此可知,D项并不是美国教育工作者控诉的内容。3. 翻译题2. Translate the following into English. (10%)中国政府已做出了重大的努力,动员人民因地制宜地开展改善生态环境的工作。我们还要做出更大的努力来提高人们的环境意识。需要新闻媒体广泛宣传我国的环境政策,普及环境知识,使每一个人投入保护生态环境的行动中去。【答案】The Chinese government has made great efforts to mobilize people to improve ecological environment according to local conditions. We will double our effort to raise people s awareness of environment. The news media are needed to publicize the environmental policy in our country, popularize the knowledge about environment, making every citizen take an active part in ecological environment protection.4. 单选题In a society where all aspects of our lives are dictated by scientific advances in technology, science is the essence of our existence .Without the vast advances made by chemists, physicists, biologist, geologist, and other diligent scientists, our standards of living would decline, our flourishing, wealthy nation might come to an economic depression, and our people would suffer provided by science, yet our lives would be altered interminably without them.Health care, one of the aspects of our society that separates us from our archaic ancestors, is founded exclusively on scientific discoveries and advances. Without the vaccines created by doctors, disease such as polio measles, hepatitis, and the flu would pose a threat to our citizens, for although some of these disease may not be deadly, their side effects can be a vast detriment to an individual affected with the disease.In addition, science has developed perhaps the most awe-inspiring, vital invention in the history of the world, the computer. Without the presence of this machine, our world could exist, but the convenience brought into life by the computer are unparalleled.Despite the greatness of present-day innovators and scientists and their revelations, it is requisite to examine the amenities of science that our culture so blatantly disregards. For instance, the light bulb, electricity, the telephone, running water, and the automobile are present-day staples of our society; however, they were not present until scientists discovered them.Because of the contribution of scientist, our world is ever metamorphosing, and this metamorphosis economically and personally comprise our society, whether our society is cognizant of this or not.1.In the first paragraph the author implies that we( ).2.The author uses health care and vaccines to illustrate( ).3.Nothing,according to the author ,can match the invention of the computer in term of ( ).4.The author seems to be unhappy about( ).5.The authors tone in the passage is ( ).问题1选项A.would not survive without scienceB.take the amenities of science for grantedC.could have raised the standards of living with scienceD.would be free of disease because of scientific advances问题2选项A.how science has been developedB.what science means to societyC.what the nature of science isD.how disease affects society问题3选项A.powerB.noveltyC.benefitsD.complexity问题4选项A.peoples ignorance of their cultureB.peoples ignoring the amenities of scienceC.peoples making no contributions to societyD.peoples misunderstanding of scientific advances问题5选项A.criticalB.cognizantC.appreciativeD.paradoxical【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:C第4题:B第5题:C【解析】第1题:1.【试题答案】C【试题解析】判断推理题。第一段指出:Without the vast advances made by chemists, physicists, biologist, geologist, and other diligent scientists, our standards of living would decline (没有化学家、物理学家、生物学家、地质学家和其他勤奋的科学家所取得的巨大进步,我们的生活水平就会下降),由此推断C项“有了科学,我们的生活水平才得以提高”正确。2.【试题答案】B【试题解析】判断推理题。第二段开头指出:Health care, one of the aspects of our society that separates us from our archaic ancestors, is founded exclusively on scientific discoveries and advances(医疗保健是社会的一个方面,它将我们与古老的祖先区分开来,它完全建立在科学发现和进步的基础上),后面又以疫苗为例,其实是为了论证本文主题:科学对社会的重要性。故选B项。3.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。第三段指出:此外,科学已经发明出也许是世界历史上最令人敬畏、最重要的发明计算机。没有这台机器,世界的确可以存着,但是计算机给生活带来的便利是无与伦比的。因此C项“益处,用处”正确。4.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。倒数第二段开头指出:尽管如今的创新者和科学家奉献了他们的伟大成就和成果,但我们有必要审查(重视)科学带来的便利,这在我们的文化中往往是被公然漠视的。后面作者又举例说明是科学家们发明了灯泡、电、电话等必需品。因此,B项“人们忽视了科学带来的便利”正确。5.【试题答案】C【试题解析】观点态度题。作者通篇都在强调科学对我们的意义和重要性,通过“science is the essence of our existence”以及“ Because of the contribution of scientist, our world is ever metamorphosing”等字眼可以看出,作者的语气是感激的,欣赏的。故选C。第2题:第3题:第4题:第5题:5. 单选题Tomorrow morning I will have to( )a conference.问题1选项A.joinB.take partC.attend toD.participate in【答案】D【解析】考查近义词辨析。A选项join“加入;参加”;B选项take part“参与, 参加”;C选项attend to“注意;照料” D选项participate in“参加;分享”。句意:明天早上我要参加一个会议。A, B, D三个选项均有 “参加”的意思,但是join多指参加某组织,成为其中的一个成员,take part和participate in一般是说参加某项活动,而take part比participate in更有主动的感觉,且侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用。Participate是正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加。因此C项正确。6. 单选题One of the major pleasures(1)life is appetite, and one of our major duties should be to(2)it. Appetite is the(3)of living: it is one of the(4)that tells you that you are still curious to exist, that you still have an edge on your longings and want to bite into the world and taste its multitudinous(5)and juices.(6)appetite, of course, I dont mean just the desire for food, but any condition of(7)desire, any burning in the blood that proves you want more than youve got, and that you havent yet(8)your life. Wilde said he felt sorry for those who never got their hearts desire, but sorrier(9)for those who did. I got mine once only, and it nearly killed me, and Ive always preferred wanting(10)since.For appetite, for me, is this state of wanting, which keeps ones(11)alive. I remember learning this lesson long ago as a child, when treats and orgies were(12), and when I discovered that the(13)pitch of happiness was not in actually eating a toffee, but in(14)it beforehand. True, the first bite was delicious, (15)once the toffee was gone one was left with nothing, neither toffee nor lust.So, for me, one of the keenest(16)of appetite remains in the wanting, not the satisfaction. In this condition, of course, I know that the object of desire is always at its most flawlessly(17), which is why I would carry the preservation of appetite(18)of deliberate fasting, simply because I think that appetite is(19)to lose, too precious to be bludgeoned(20)insensibility by satiation and over-doing it.问题1选项A.forB.toC.inD.with问题2选项A.preserveB.deserveC.reserveD.serve问题3选项A.wantingB.interestC.keennessD.wishes问题4选项A.touchesB.hopesC.sensesD.expectations问题5选项A.dishesB.mealsC.smellsD.flavors问题6选项A.ByB.WithC.ThroughD.Of问题7选项A.dissatisfiedB.unsatisfiedC.dissatisfyingD.unsatisfying问题8选项A.used upB.used allC.used overD.finished问题9选项A.moreB.the sameC.evenD.still问题10选项A.to havingB.than havingC.instead of havingD.but not having问题11选项A.wantingB.desiringC.curiosityD.expectation问题12选项A.popularB.manyC.fewD.a few问题13选项A.biggestB.greatestC.mostD.largest问题14选项A.tastingB.imaginingC.bitingD.gazing at问题15选项A.butB.howeverC.andD.for问题16选项A.happinessB.delightsC.pleasuresD.well-being问题17选项A.goodB.bestC.perfectD.most问题18选项A.at a degreeB.to an extentC.to some extentD.to the extent问题19选项A.too goodB.so goodC.too hardD.too easy问题20选项A.forB.intoC.inD.to【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D第6题:A第7题:B第8题:A第9题:D第10题:A第11题:D第12题:C第13题:B第14题:D第15题:A第16题:C第17题:C第18题:D第19题:A第20题:B【解析】第1题:1.考查介词辨析。这里表示“渴望乃生活之一大乐事”,因此选介词in。2.考查动词辨析。A选项preserve“保存;保护;维持”;B选项deserve“应受,应得”;C选项reserve“ 预订” D选项serve“招待,供应”。句意:而心怀渴望则成为一项重要的任务。这里表示 “我们的主要职责之一就是保护好它”,因此A项符合句意。3.考查名词辨析。A选项wanting“缺少的;缺乏的”;B选项interest“兴趣,爱好”;C选项keenness“ 敏锐;锐利” D选项wishes“希望;祝福”。B选项放在空格处比较合适,表示 “渴望意味着对生活充满热情”。因此B项正确。4.考查名词辨析。A选项touches“绝技”;B选项hopes“希望”;C选项senses“感觉;意义” D选项expectations“期望;预期”。句意:这种表明你依然希冀生活。根据句意可知C项正确。5.考查名词辨析。A选项dishes“菜肴”;B选项meals“膳食”;C选项smells“气味” D选项flavors“滋味”。D项放在这里比较合适,taste its multitudinous flavors and juices表示 “历尽世间百味百态”。句意:这种感觉表明你依然希冀生活,热衷梦想,向往探索世界,历尽世间百味百态。因此D项正确。6.考查介词辨析。这里用介词by比较合适,By appetite表示 “说到欲望/渴望”。句意:欲者,并非专指食欲,而乃渴望而不及之状态。7.考查形容词辨析。A选项dissatisfied “不满意的;不高兴的”;B选项unsatisfied“未得到满足的”;C选项dissatisfying“使不满,使失望(dissatisfy 的现在分词)”; D选项unsatisfying“无法令人满足的”。句意:当然,我所说的“渴望”不单指对食物的欲望,而指所有欲求未满的状态。因此B项正确。8.考查短语辨析。A选项use up“用完,耗尽”;B选项use all 无此搭配;C选项use over 无此搭配; D选项finish“完成;结束”。句意:这炽热的激情证明你希望收获更多,你的生命力并未耗尽。因此A项符合句意。9.语义题。Still修饰形容词比较级,表示 “更加;.得多”。句意:王尔德曾说过,对未能梦想成真者,他深表惋惜;而对心愿已遂者,他则倍感遗憾。因此D项正确。10.考查固定搭配。prefer doing to doing表示 “更喜欢,不喜欢”。句意:我梦想成真过一次,这几乎要了我的命,从那以后,比起拥有,我更喜欢向往的状态。因此A项正确。11.考查名词辨析。A选项wanting(want 的现在分词)“想要;需要”;B选项desiring“渴望(desire 的现在分词)”;C选项curiosity“ 好奇” D选项expectation“期待;预期;指望”。句意:对我来说,渴望就是这种想往的状态,它使希望永存。因此D项正确。12.语义题。句意:我记得懂得这一点是在很久以前,还是个孩子的时候,那时有人款待和纵酒享乐的机会几乎没有。按上下文逻辑理解,这里表示 “有人款待和纵酒享乐的机会”在孩提时应是“几乎没有”的,因此C项正确。13.考查形容词最高级。句意:而我发觉最大的幸福不在于吃太妃糖,而在于吃前凝视它的那一段时间。这里表示 “最大程度的幸福”,因此用great的最高级greatest。因此B项正确。14.考查动词辨析。选项均为对应动词的动名词形式。A选项taste“品尝”;B选imagine“想象;猜想”;C选项bite“咬;刺痛”; D选项gaze at“盯住;凝视”。句意:而在于吃前凝视它的那一段时间。因此D项正确。15.考查连词辨析。句意:诚然,咬第一口时味道不错,但一旦太妃糖吃完了,一切皆化为乌有,无论是太妃糖还是欲望全都没了。空格前后是转折关系,故选A。16.考查名词辨析。A选项happiness“幸福”;B选项delights“高兴”;C选项pleasures“愉快;乐事”; D选项well-being“幸福;康乐”。句意:所以对我而言,欲望的最大乐趣之一在于对之渴求,而非满足感。因此C项正确。17.考查形容词辨析。A选项good“好的;优良的”;B选项best“最好的”;C选项perfect“ 完美的;最好的”; D选项most“多数的;最多的”。句意:在这些情况下,我当然知道渴望的目的通常在于其无瑕疵的完美。因此C项正确。18.考查短语辨析。A选项at a degree“在一定程度上”;B选项to an extent“在一定程度上”;C选项to some extent“ 在某种程度上”; D选项to the extent“到程度”。句意:这就是为什么我会刻意禁食来保持食欲。因此D项正确。19.考查固定搭配。句意:仅仅是因为我认为胃口太好了,不能失去,太珍贵了,不能因为饱足和过度进食而变得麻木。Tooto表示 “太而不能”,A项符合句意。20.考查固定搭配。be bludgeoned into在这里表示 “变得,成为状态”。句意:太珍贵了,不能因为饱足和过度进食而变得麻木。因此B项正确。第2题:第3题:第4题:第5题:第6题:第7题:第8题:第9题:第10题:第11题:第12题:第13题:第14题:第15题:第16题:第17题:第18题:第19题:第20题:7. 单选题To( )is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition that others may also share the enjoyment.问题1选项A.conserveB.conceiveC.convertD.contrive【答案】A【解析】考查形近词辨析。A选项conserve“保存,保护”;B选项conceive“构思,设想”;C选项convert“转变”;D选项contrive“谋划”。句意:保护就是保存和保护,把我们自己喜欢的东西留在如此好的条件下,别人也可以分享我们的乐趣。选项A符合句意。8. 单选题Starting with the( )that there is life on the planet Mars, the Russian and American scientists went on to develop their arguments.问题1选项A.premiseB.pretextC.preconditionD.presentation【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项premise“前提,假定,假设”;B选项pretext“借口,托辞”;C选项precondition“前提,先决条件”;D选项presentation“展示,描述”。句意:从火星上有生命这一假设出发,俄罗斯和美国的科学家继续展开他们的争论。火星上有生命这只是一个假设,所以选项A正确。9. 单选题He could tell by the( )in her lower lip that she was about to cry.问题1选项A.quiverB.stiffnessC.stillnessD.facilitation【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。quiver“颤抖,震动”;stiffness“僵硬,坚硬”;stillness“静止,沉静”;facilitation“简易化,助长,容易”。句意:他可以通过她下唇的颤抖判断出她要哭了。由she was about to cry可推断出下嘴唇是颤抖的,故A项正确。10. 单选题Techniques that create an atmosphere of suspense are commonly used by filmmakers to ( )their audience.问题1选项A.harassB.applaudC.exciteD.arrest【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项harass“骚扰”;B选项applaud“赞同;称赞”;C选项excite“使兴奋;刺激” D选项arrest“逮捕”。句意:电影制作者经常用制造悬念气氛的技巧来刺激观众。因此C项符合句意。11. 单选题As social beings we live with our eyes upon our reflection, but have no( )of the tranquility of the waters in which we see it.问题1选项A.warrantB.obligationC.assuranceD.certainty【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项warrant“根据,证明”,强调法律依据,确信无疑的证据;B选项obligation“职责,义务”;C选项assurance“保证,担保”;D选项certainty“必然,确实”。句意:作为社会上的人我们坚信眼见为实,但是没法保证我们所看到的一定就是真实的。选项C符合句意。12. 单选题One child per family has become the( )of family in most cities in China.问题1选项A.standardsB.criteriaC.normD.I tried hard【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项standards“标准;规格”;B选项criteria“标准,条件”;C选项norm“标准,规范” D选项touchstone“试金石;检验标准”。句意:一个家庭一个孩子已经成为中国大多数城市的家庭标准。A, B, C选项都有 “标准”的意思,它们的区别是:standard指法定的或一般公认的标准,用途比较广泛,criteria指有特殊的确实性,令人信服而用以判断,norm是一种社会习惯(标准),指规范、基准、定额、分配之工作量、准则。因此A选项正确。13. 单选题Judging from recent surveys, most experts in sleep behavior agree that there is virtually an epidemic(流行病) of sleepiness in the nation“I cant think of a single study that hasnt found Americans getting less sleep than they ought to,” says Dr. DavidEven people who think they are sleeping enough would probably be better off with more restThe beginning of our sleep-deficit(lack)crises can be traced back to the invention of the light bulb a century agoFrom diary entries and our personal accounts from the 18th and 19th centuries, sleep scientists have reached the conclusion that the average person used to sleep about 9.5 hours a night“The best sleep habits once were forced on us, when we had nothing to do in the evening down on the farm, and it was dark.” By the 1950s and 1960s, the sleep schedule had been reduced dramatically, to between 7.5 and 8 hours, and most people had to wake to an alarm clock“People cheat in their sleep, and they dont even realize theyre doing it,” says Dr. David“They think theyre okay because they can get by on 6.5 hours, when they really need 7.5, 8 or even more to feel ideally energetic. ”Perhaps the most merciless robber of sleep, researchers say, is the complexity of the dayWhenever pressures from work, family, friends and community increase, many people consider sleep the least expensive item on their programs“In our society, youre considered dynamic if you say you need only 5.5 hours sleepIf youve got to get 8.5 hours, people think you lack drive and ambition”To determine the consequences of sleep-deficit, researchers have put subjects through a set of psychological and performance tests requiring them, for instance, to add columns of numbers or recall a passage read to them only minutes earlier“Weve found that if youre in sleep deficit, performance suffers,” says DrDavid“Short-term memory is weakened, as are abilities to make decisions and to concentrate”1.People in the 18th and 19th centuries slept about 9.5 hours a night because they had( )2.According to Dr. David, Americans( ).3.Many Americans believe that( ).4.The word “ subjects”(first sentence,


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