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2022年考博英语-中国政法大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题A headline that is graphically salient in some way has a greater chance of capturing our eye.问题1选项A.attractiveB.brightC.specialD.entertaining【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。salient在句中是“突出的,显著的”,A选项attractive“具有吸引力的”;B选项bright“鲜明的,愉快的”;C选项special“特别的,突出的”;D选项entertaining“令人愉快的”。句意:一个标题,在一定程度上突出形象,便更加能吸引我们的眼球。根据句意C项正确。2. 单选题The acoustics of most of the cinema halls in the suburban districts _ deplorable.问题1选项A.is to beB.are to beC.isD.are【答案】D【解析】考查主谓单复数一致。Acoustics作单数,意思是“声学”,作复数用时,意思是“声音效果,音响设备”。句意:郊区大多数电影院大厅的音响效果很差。A项和B项表将来时,因此排除;根据句意这里的acoustics表示“音响设备”因此要用复数are,排除C项,故该题选D。3. 单选题The framework of the special theory of relativity can be constructed from the assumption of the absolute invariability of the speed of light.问题1选项A.definitionB.encouragementC.regulationD.supposition【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。assumption表示“假定,设想”。A项definition“定义,清晰度”,B项encouragement“鼓励”,C项regulation“管理,规则”,D项supposition“假定,推测”。句意:狭义相对论的框架可以从光速绝对不变性的假设来构建。根据题意该题选D。4. 单选题Since speech is such a familiar activity, it is often regarded as a universal endowment.问题1选项A.giftB.eventC.traitD.habit【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。endowment表示“捐赠,天资”。A项gift“天资,礼物”,B项event“事件”,C项trait“特性,品质”,D项habit“习惯,嗜好”。句意:由于演讲是令大家如此熟悉的意象活动,所以它被视为一种人人具备的天赋。根据题意该题选A。5. 单选题In the atmosphere, carbon dioxide acts rather like a one-way mirrorthe glass of a roof in a greenhouse which allows the suns rays to enter but prevents the heat from escaping.According to a weather experts prediction, the atmosphere will be 3 warmer in the year 2050 than it is today, if man continues to burn fuels at the present rate. If this warming up took place, the ice caps in the poles would begin to melt, thus raising sea level several meters and severely flooding coastal cities. Also, the increase in atmospheric temperature would lead to great changes in the climate of the northern hemisphere, possibly resulting in an alteration of the earths chief food-growing zones.In the past, concern about a man-made warming of the earth has concentrated on the Arctic because the Antarctic is much colder and has a much thinker ice sheet. But the weather experts are now paying more attention to West Antarctic, which may be affected by only a few degrees of warming: in other words, by a warming on the scale that will possibly take place in the next fifty years from the burning of fuels.Satellite pictures show that large areas of Antarctic ice are already disappearing. The evidence available suggests that a warming has taken place. This fits the theory that carbon dioxide warms the earth.However, most of the fuel is burnt in the northern hemisphere, where temperatures seem to be falling. Scientists conclude, therefore, that up to now natural influences on the weather have exceeded those caused by man. The question is: Which natural cause has most effect on the weather?One possibility is the variable behavior of the sun. Astronomers at one research station have studied the hot spots and “cold” spots (that is, the relatively less hot spots) on the sun. As the sun rotates, every 27.5 days, it presents hotter or “colder” faces to the earth, and different aspects to different parts of the earth. This seems to have a considerable effect on the distribution of the earths atmospheric pressure, and consequently on wind circulation. The sun is also variable over a long term: its heat output goes up and down in cycles, the latest trend being downward.Scientists are now finding mutual relations between models of solar-weather interactions and the actual climate over many thousands of years, including the last Ice Age. The problem is that the models are predicting that the world should be entering a new Ice Age and it is not. One way of solving this theoretical difficulty is to assume a delay of thousands of years while the solar effects overcome the inertia of the earths climate. If this is right, the warming effect of carbon dioxide might thus be serving as a useful counter-balance to the suns diminishing heat.41. It can be concluded that a concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would _.42. The article was written to explain _.43. Although the fuel consumption is greater in the northern hemisphere, temperatures there seem to be falling. This is _.44. On the basis of their models, scientists are of the opinion that _.45. If the assumption about the delay of a new Ice Age is correct, _.问题1选项A.prevent the suns rays from reaching the earths surfaceB.mean a warming up in the ArcticC.account for great changes in the climate in the northern hemisphereD.raise the temperature of the earths surface问题2选项A.the greenhouse effectB.the solar effects on the earthC.the models of solar-weather interactionsD.the cause affecting weather问题3选项A.mainly because the levels of carbon dioxide are risingB.possibly because the ice caps in the poles are meltingC.exclusively due to the effect of the inertia of the earths climateD.partly due to variations in the output of solar energy问题4选项A.the climate of the world should be becoming coolerB.it will take thousands of years for the inertia of the earths climate to take effectC.the man-made warming effect helps to increase the solar effectsD.the new Ice Age will be delayed by the greenhouse effect问题5选项A.the best way to overcome the cooling effect would be to burn more fuelsB.ice would soon cover the northern hemisphereC.the increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could warm up the earth even more quicklyD.the greenhouse effect could work to the advantage of the earth【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:D第4题:A第5题:D【解析】41.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“可以得出结论的是,大气中二氧化碳的浓度将会”。根据文章第一段carbon dioxide acts rather like a one-way mirrorthe glass of a roof in a greenhouse which allows the suns rays to enter but prevents the heat from escaping.(二氧化碳的作用就像一面单向镜子温室屋顶的玻璃,它允许阳光进入,但阻止热量逸出。)可知A项“阻止太阳光线到达地球表面”,内容与文章内容相反;B项“意味着北极的气候变暖”,第三段最后两句提到But the weather experts are now paying more attention to West Antarctic, which may be affected by only a few degrees of warming: in other words, by a warming on the scale that will possibly take place in the next fifty years from the burning of fuels.(但是,气象专家现在把更多的注意力放在了南极西部,那里可能只会受到几度的变暖的影响:换句话说,由于燃料的燃烧,在未来的50年里可能会出现这样的变暖),由此可知,现在南极气温更容易受气候变暖的影响,所以B项内容不准确;C项“导致了北半球气候的巨大变化”,内容与原文所说正相反,第五段第一句提到However, most of the fuel is burnt in the northern hemisphere, where temperatures seem to be falling.(然而,大部分燃料是在北半球燃烧的,那里的气温似乎正在下降),由此可知二氧化碳会使大气温度上升,但事实上气温却在降低,所以是无法用二氧化碳来解释北半球气温变化的,C项错误;根据第四段最后两句话The evidence available suggests that a warming has taken place. This fits the theory that carbon dioxide warms the earth.(现有的证据表明气候已经变暖。这符合二氧化碳使地球变暖的理论。)可知D项“提高地球表面的温度”符合题意。因此该题选D。42.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“文章是用来解释”。从全文来看,作者主要探讨了两种对大气温度变化产生影响的原因人为因素和自然因素。若以人为原因为主,现在的大气温度应比以前更高,但事实上相反,大气温度似乎在下降;若以自然原因为主,现在应该进入一个新的冰河时代,但是又没有,说明二氧化碳与太阳在相互影响着大气的温度,只有D项“影响天气的原因”全面表达了文章的内容,即解释影响天气的原因。A项“温室效应”和B项“太阳对地球的影响”都只是其中一个原因,不够全面。C项“太阳-天气相互作用的模型”太片面,也不选。因此该题选D。43.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“虽然北半球的燃料消耗较大,但那里的气温似乎在下降。这是”。根据题干定位到文章的第五段第二句Scientists conclude, therefore, that up to now natural influences on the weather have exceeded those caused by man. (因此,科学家得出结论,到目前为止,自然对天气的影响已经超过了人类造成的影响),接着作者在第六段提到One possibility is the variable behavior of the sun.its heat output goes up and down in cycles, the latest trend being downward.(一种可能是太阳的变化它的热量输出呈周期性上升和下降,最新的趋势是下降),由此可知,影响北半球气温下降的原因有一部分是自然的影响,因此D项“部分原因是太阳能输出的变化”符合题意。A项“主要是因为二氧化碳的含量在上升”,第七段提到If this is right, the warming effect of carbon dioxide might thus be serving as a useful counter-balance to the suns diminishing heat.(如果这是正确的,那么二氧化碳的变暖效应可能会起到有效的平衡太阳热量递减的作用),由此可知,大气中不断上升的二氧化碳浓度能平衡气温中不断消失的太阳热量,所以A项内容不正确;B项“可能是因为两极的冰盖正在融化”,与题干无关;C项“这完全是由于地球气候惯性的影响”,内容太绝对。因此该题选D。44.【试题答案】A【试题解析】事实细节题。题干意思是“根据他们的模型,科学家们认为”。根据文章的第七段的第二句话that the models are predicting that the world should be entering a new Ice Age(这些模型预测世界将进入一个新的冰河时代,但事实并非如此),由此可知科学家认为气候应该变得更冷,因此A项“世界的气候应该会变得更冷”符合题意。B项“地球气候的惯性将需要数千年才能起作用”,最后一段倒数第二句One way of solving this theoretical difficulty is to assume a delay of thousands of years while the solar effects overcome the inertia of the earths climate.(解决这一理论难题的一种方法是假设有数千年的延迟,而太阳效应克服了地球气候的惯性),根据这个句子可知文章提到太阳效应克服地球气候的惯性是用来对科学家们认为的模型预测世界将进入一个新的冰河时代的一种假设,不符合题意;C项“人为的变暖效应有助于增加太阳效应”,文章最后一句提到the warming effect of carbon dioxide might thus be serving as a useful counter-balance to the suns diminishing heat.(二氧化碳的变暖效应可能会起到有效的平衡太阳热量递减的作用),因此C项错误。D项“新的冰川期将被温室效应推迟”,文章中科学家做出的假设是太阳效应克服了地球气候的这种惯性,所以D项错误。因此该题选A。45.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“如果新冰河世纪延迟的假设是正确的,那么”。文章最后两句话提到One way of solving this theoretical difficulty is to assume a delay of thousands of years while the solar effects overcome the inertia of the earths climate. If this is right, the warming effect of carbon dioxide might thus be serving as a useful counter-balance to the suns diminishing heat.(解决这一理论难题的一种方法是假设有数千年的延迟,而太阳效应克服了地球气候的惯性。如果这是正确的,那么二氧化碳的变暖效应可能会起到有效的平衡太阳热量递减的作用),可知如果新冰河世纪延迟的假设是正确的,温室效应可以平衡太阳热量递减的作用,因此对地球是有利的,这与D项“温室效应可能对地球有利”符合;A项“克服这种冷却效应的最好方法是燃烧更多的燃料”原文未提及;B项“冰很快就会覆盖北半球”,第五段首句提到most of the fuel is burnt in the northern hemisphere(大部分燃料是在北半球燃烧的),所以B项内容不正确;C项“大气中二氧化碳含量的增加会使地球更快地变暖”,不是变暖,而是平衡太阳热量的递减,C项也不正确。因此该题选D。6. 单选题There are many reasons why the majority of silent films have been lost: the deterioration of highly volatile nitrate stock, fire, negligence, the destruction of prints and negatives. _21_ silent films, though, still 22_. Mary Pickfords 1911 short “Their First Misunderstanding” was recently found 23 an old bam and 24 by the Library of Congress. And it was 25 in 2010 that 75 American silent films 26 discovered at the New Zealand Film Archive, including John Fords lost 1927 “Upstream”, and repatriated to the major archivesthe Library of Congress, the Academy Film Archive, UCLA Film and Television Archive, the George Eastman House and the Museum of Modern Art.In fact the survey points out that 27 the 3,311 films that survive in 28 form, 886 were discovered in other countries24% of them have been repatriatedwith the Czech Republic_29_the largest collection of silent American films outside of the United States.The study was written by historian-archivist David Pierce, 30 also has created an inventory database of information 31 commercial and private holdings that, according to the study, 32 in repatriation of lost American films. The survey is one of several congressionally mandated studies of Americas film and 33 sound heritage.“Unfortunately, there is 34 thats already been lost,” said Steve Leggett, program coordinator 35 the National Film Preservation Board of the Library of Congress. “But this _36 identifies some that are around. You 37 just dont know sometimes 38 you get over to these international archivesthere may be other stuff unidentified because its 39_ a different language or they put American films aside because they focus on their own countries output. So hopefully, there are some more gems.” The study, he said give a “snapshot of what the current situation isjust to get a list of what titles we think survive and where they are. We are not going to be able to 40 to get all of them, but to prioritize some of the titles you might want to get.问题1选项A.LostB.OldC.LeftD.Hidden问题2选项A.are discoveredB.discoveredC.has discoveredD.are being discovered问题3选项A.onB.byC.inD.out of问题4选项A.observedB.preservedC.conservedD.reserved问题5选项A.announcedB.knownC.enactedD.promulgated问题6选项A.beingB.wereC.had beenD.have been问题7选项A.ofB.inC.withD.on问题8选项A.someB.anyC.certainD.special问题9选项A.dealing withB.findingC.holdingD.taking问题10选项A.heB.whichC.itD.who问题11选项A.forB.onC.ByD.with问题12选项A.aidsB.will aidC.is aidingD.was aided问题13选项A.subjectedB.leftC.drawnD.recorded问题14选项A.so manyB.muchC.so muchD.very much问题15选项A.forB.inC.fromD.with问题16选项A.studyB.statisticsC.projectD.plan问题17选项A.accidentallyB.reallyC.generallyD.unfortunately问题18选项A.afterB.wheneverC.untilD.then问题19选项A.byB.withC.forD.in问题20选项A.comeB.affordC.payD.amount【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A第6题:C第7题:A第8题:B第9题:C第10题:D第11题:B第12题:B第13题:D第14题:C第15题:A第16题:A第17题:B第18题:C第19题:D第20题:B【解析】21.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查上下文语义衔接。上一句是“There are many reasons why the majority of silent films have been lost”,意思是大部分的无声电影已经流失(丢失),其原因有很多,保存不当,火灾,副本和底片的损坏等。下文中接着讲的应该是“不过,丢失的无声电影一直在不断的被发现”。所以silent films前面应该填入与上文一致的形容词lost。因此A选项符合。22.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查时态和语态。这句话句意是:不过,丢失的无声电影一直在不断的被发现。无声电影是被发现的,因此此处应该用被动语态,B、C主动语态不符合;A项表示“被发现”,根据语义,“一直在不断被发现”用现在进行时更贴切。因此A选项符合。23.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查介词用法。on表示“在上面”,by表示“通过”,in表示“在里面”,out of 表示“在的外面”;根据语义,“ Mary Pickford的1911部短电影他们的第一次误会最近在一个旧车库里被发现”,因此C选项符合。24.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查动词辨析。Observe指以客观态度进行观察,也可指遵守遵循合同条款等;preserve主要指为防止损害、变质等而保存,使不受破坏,能长久保存下去;conserve强调对有价值的东西珍惜,合理使用,常用于保护资源和野生动物,或指节约使用资源;reserve指事先预留下来以备后用,也可用于预订房间、票、座位等。该句句意是:Mary Pickford的1911部短电影他们的第一次误会最近在一个旧车库里被发现并由国会图书馆保存。因此应该选B。25.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查词义辨析。Announce指“宣布、公布、声明”,know指“知道”,enact指“制定、颁布(法律)”,promulgate指“传播,颁布(法律)”。该句句意是2010年公布了有75部美国无声电影被发现于新西兰电影资料馆。根据句意,这里指一般的宣布,因此应该选A。26.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查时态。根据句子And it was announced in 2010 that 75 American silent films可以看出was announced“宣布”用的是一般过去时;该句句意是2010 年公布了有75部美国无声电影被发现于新西兰电影资料馆,be discovered“被发现”是发生在被宣布之前,所以应该用过去完成时 had been discovered, 因此应该选C。27.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查介词用法。of表示“的”,也可表示“在(数量)中有”;in表示“在里面”,多指地点、时间等;with表示“和一起”,多指伴随;on表示“在的上面”;根据句子In fact the survey points out thatthe 3,311 films that survive inform, 886 were discovered in other countries可知大概句意是:事实上,调查表明现在的3311部电影不管以形式存在,其中有886部是在其他国家发现的。因此A项更符合。28.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查语义和代词用法。Some指“一些”,与不可数名词或复数可数名词连用;any表示“任何”,与单数可数名词连用;certain指“某些”,做代词后面要跟名词复数;special表示“特别的”;文中的form用的是单数形式,且根据语境,该句句意是:事实上,调查表明现在的3311部电影不管以任何一种形式存在,故应选B。29.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查词义辨析。Deal with指“处理”;find指“发现”;hold指“拥有、保留”;take指“占据、取得”;另外,这是一个with介词的独立结构,因此动词用-ing的形式;这句句意是:在美国以外,捷克共和国保留着最大的无声电影收藏。因此,此项选C。30.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查定语从句。根据句子The study was written by historian-archivist David Pierce, also has created an inventory database of,可以看出这里是一个非限定性定语从句,先行词是David Pierce,指人应该用连接代词who;A项缺少连词and,B项which指物,C项不能指人;句意是:该研究是由历史档案管理学家David Pierce所做,他创立了一个详细目录数据库。因此,D项正确。31.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查介词用法。for指“对于、因为、给、为了”,on表示“在之上、关于”,by指“通过、被、由”,with表“伴随,和”。根据句子informationcommercial and private holdings推断出,句意是:关于商业和私人保留的信息;而information通常与on/about搭配,所以该题B项最符合。32.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查语义的判断和时态。根据句子that, according to the study, in repatriation of lost American films来看,这是一个定语从句,that后面引导的从句是修饰先行词an inventory database;句意是:根据研究,这个数据库将来会对无声电影的归还回国有帮助作用。因此要用将来时,所以选项B正确。33.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查语义衔接和词义辨析。Subjected表示“遭受的,臣服的”;left表示“剩下的,左边的”;drawn表示“憔悴的,扭歪的”,另外be drawn to 表示吸引;recorded表示“记录的(声音)”;根据句意“此调查是国会授权有关美国电影和记录的声音遗产的研究之一”可知recorded符合,所以D项正确。34.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查代词和语法。Many“许多”做代词指代可数名词复数;much“大量的,许多”,做代词指代不可数名词。句中“Thats already been lost”是一个定语从句,is决定了前面的先行词应该是单数,所以排除A;much做代词,不能用very修饰,排除D;根据句意“很遗憾,大多都丢失了”可知so much 比much更合适。因此选C。35.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查介词用法。For“为”,in“在里”,from“从来(地点)”,with“和”;根据句子program coordinatorthe National Film Preservation Board of the Library of Congress,结合上句语境可知句意是:国会图书馆电影保护局的项目协调员。用for最合适,表示为国会图书馆电影保护局做协调员,因此A选项正确。36.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查语义衔接。Study“研究、学习”,statistics“统计学”,project“项目、方案、工程”,plan“计划”。“But thisidentifies some that are around”这句话是Steve Leggett说的,从上文可以看到这一段都是Steve Leggett在对David Pierce的研究发表自己的见解和看法,因此此处应该填入study,所以A选项正确。37.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查词义辨析。Accidently“偶然地”,really“真正地”,generally“通常地”,unfortunately“不幸地”。根据句子Youjust dont know sometimesyou get over to these international archives得知句意为:你的确有时候不知道,直到进入这些国际性档案馆。所以,该题选B正确。38.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查连词用法。After“在之后”,whenever“无论何时”,until“直到”,then“然后”;固定搭配notuntil表示“直到才”,根据句意,“你的确有时候不知道,直到进入这些国际性档案馆”,可知该题选C正确。39.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查介词搭配。By“通过”,with“和”,for“为了、对”,in“用、在里”;根据句子itsa different language(以不同的语言呈现)可知,跟语言搭配介词一般用in,in+语言表示“以某种语言表达”,例如:in English, in Chinese。因此选D。40.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查动词词义辨析。Come“来、开始、发生”,afford“负担、承担”,pay“支付”,amount“总计、合计、等于”。根据句子We are not going to be able toto get all of them, but to prioritize some of the titles you might want to get.,可知句意为:我们不可能承担得起找出所有的无声电影,但可以优先一些可能想要的无声电影。根据句意,afford最合适,be afford to do表示“承担得起”,因此选项B正确。7. 单选题Sometimes, while living in a foreign country, one craves a special dish from home.问题1选项A.desiresB.eatsC.preparesD.orders【答案】A【解析】考查词义辨析。crave表示“渴望,恳求”;A项desire“想要,渴望”,B项eat“吃”,C项prepare“准备”,D项order“命令,下单”。句意:生活在异国他乡时,有时会想吃家乡的特色菜。因此A项正确。8. 单选题Fashion modeling sounds like an easy, glamorous job, _ only patient, persevering girls can stand the strain of it.问题1选项A.butB.andC.soD.as【答案】A【解析】考查语言逻辑。A项but“但是”表转折关系,B项and“和”表并列,C项so“因此”表因果,D项as“作为,因为”表方式或者原因。前一句话和后一句话存在意义上的转折关系,此处应填转折连词but,A项符合题意。句意:时装模特听起来像是一份简单、迷人的工作,但只有有耐心、有毅力的女孩才能承受它的压力。因此A项正确。9. 单选题The good news is that creativity training that aligns with the new science works surprisingly well. The University of Oklahoma, the University of Georgia, and Taiwans National Chengchi University each independently conducted a large-scale analysis of such programs. All three teams of scholars concluded that creativity training can have a strong effect. “Creativity can be taught.” says James C. Kaufman, professor at California State University, San Bernardino.Whats common about successful programs is they alternate maximum divergent thinking with bouts of intense convergent thinking, through several stages. Real improvement doesnt happen in a weekend workshop. But when applied to the everyday process of work or school, brain function improves.So what does this mean for Americas standards-obsessed schools? The key is in how kids work through the vast catalog of information. Consider the National Inventors Hall of Fame School, a new public middle school in Akron, Ohio. Mindful of Ohios curriculum requirements, the schools teachers came up with a project for the fifth graders: figure out how to reduce the noise in the library. Its windows faced a public space and, even when closed, let through too much noise. The students had four weeks to design proposals.Working in small teams, the fifth graders first engaged in what creativity theorist Donald Treffinger describes as fact-finding. How does sound travel through materials? What materials reduce noise the most? Then, problem findinganticipating all potential pitfalls so their designs are more likely to work. Next, idea-finding generate as many ideas as possible. Drapes, plants, or large kites hung from the ceiling would all baffle sound. Or, instead of reducing the sound, maybe mask it by playing the sound of gentle waterfall? A proposal for double-paned glass evolved into an idea to fill the space between panes with water. Next, solution-finding: which ideas were the most effective, cheapest, and aesthetically pleasing? Fiberglass absorbed sound the best but wouldnt be safe. Would an aquarium with fish be easier than water-filled panes?Then teams developed a plan of action. They built scale models and chose fabric samples. They realized theyd need to persuade a janitor to care for the plants and fish during vacation. Teams persuaded others to support themsometimes so well, teams decided to combine projects. Fin


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