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2022年考博英语-浙江工业大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Diaspora networksof Huguenots, Scots, Jews and many othershave always been a potent economic force, but the cheapness and ease of modern travel has made them larger and more numerous than ever before. There are now 215m first-generation migrants around the world: thats 3% of the worlds population. If they were a nation, it would be: little larger than Brazil. There are more Chinese people living outside China than there are French people in France. Some 22m Indians are scattered all over the globe. Small concentrations of ethnic and linguistic groups have always been found in surprising places.These networks of kinship and language make it easier to do business across borders. They speed the flow of information: a Chinese trader in Indonesia who spots a gap in the market for cheap umbrellas will alert his cousin in Shenzhen who knows someone who runs an umbrella factory. Kinship ties foster trust, so they can seal the deal and get the unbrellas to Jakarta before the rainy season ends. Trust matters, especially in emerging markets where the rule of law is weak. So does a knowledge of the local culture. That is why so much foreign direct investment in China still passes through the Chinese diaspora. And modern communications make these networks an even more powerful tool of business.Diasporas also help spread ideas. Many of the emerging worlds brightest minds are educated at Western universities. An increasing number go home, taking with them both knowledge and contacts. Indian computer scientists in Bangalore bounce ideas constantly off their Indian friends in Silicon Valley. Diasporas spread money, too. Migrants into rich countries not only send cash to their families; they also help companies in their host country operate in their home country. A Harvard Business School study shows that American companies that employ lots of ethnic Chinese people find it much easier to set up in China without a joint venture with a local firm.Such arguments are unlikely to make much headway against hostility towards immigrants in rich countries. Fury against foreigners is usually based on two notions: that because so many migrants claim welfare they are a drain on the public purse; and that because they are prepared to work harder for less pay they will depress the wages of those at the bottom of the pile.The first is usually not true, and the second is hard to establish either way. Some studies do indeed suggest that competition from unskilled immigrants depresses the wages of unskilled locals. But others find this effect to be small or non-existent. Nor is it possible to establish the impact of migration on overall growth. The sums are simply too difficult. Yet there are good reasons for believing that it is likely to be positive. Migrants tend to be hard-working and innovative. That spurs productivity and company formation. And, by linking the West with emerging markets, diasporas help rich countries to plug into fast-growing economies.Rich countries are thus likely to benefit from looser immigration policy; and fears that poor countries will suffer as a result of a “brain drain” are overblown. The prospect of working abroad spurs more people to acquire valuable skills, and not all subsequently emigrate. Skilled migrants send money home, and they often return to set up new businesses. One study found that unless they lose more than 20% of their university graduates, the brain drain makes poor countries richer.Government as well as business gains from the spread of ideas through diasporas. As for the old world, its desire to close its borders is understandable but dangerous. Migration brings youth to ageing countries, and allows ideas to circulate in millions of mobile minds. That is good both for those who arrive with suitcases and dreams and for those who should welcome them.1. According to the passage, which of the following best defines “diaspora networks”?2. Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning the merits of diaspora?3. What is the authors attitude towards diaspora?4. In paragraph 6 the word “overblown” most likely refers to( ).5. According to the passage, the author seems to suggest EXCEPT( ).问题1选项A.The ties of travelers, immigrants, emigrants, etc.B.Social connections of people who are dispersed from their homeland.C.The sense of kinship felt by ethnic minorities or people from developing countries.D.The social ties of migrants residing in varied countries.问题2选项A.It facilitates information acquisition.B.It provides emerging countries with more knowledge and technologies.C.It stimulates the establishment of foreign-funded enterprises in migrants home country.D.It infuses energy into the Western world.问题3选项A.favorableB.neutralC.criticalD.ambiguous问题4选项A.devastatingB.bloomingC.exaggeratedD.out-dated问题5选项A.brain drain will make poor countries richer than before if under controlB.sea turtles are willing to build a more democratic countryC.the developed country should be tolerant towards migrantsD.working abroad is alluring to people all around the world【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.判断推理题。全文讲到diaspora networks都是说的移民者之间的关系,在第二段中a Chinese trader in Indonesia who spots a gap in the market for cheap umbrellas will alert his cousin in Shenzhen who knows someone who runs an umbrella factory.(一个在印度尼西亚的中国商人发现了廉价雨伞市场的缺口,就会提醒他在深圳的表哥,而他的表哥认识一个开伞厂的人。)因此B选项“背井离乡的人们的社会联系”是最佳答案,原文也有讲述很多关于离开家乡的人在异国的发展,以及和家乡的联系;A选项“旅行者、移民、移民等的关系”;C选项“少数民族或发展中国家人民的亲近感”以及D选项“居住在不同国家的移民的社会关系”,都不够准确。2.事实细节题。A选项在第二段的第一句These networks of kinship and language make it easier to do business across borders. They speed the flow of information(这些亲属关系和语言网络使跨境贸易变得更容易。它们加快了信息的流通),因此A选项“方便信息获取”是文章提到的;B选项在第三段Diasporas also help spread ideas. Many of the . taking with them both knowledge and contacts.(散居者也有助于传播思想。许多新兴世界最聪明的人都在西方大学接受教育。越来越多的人带着知识和人脉回家。)因此B选项“它为新兴国家提供了更多的知识和技术”也是文章提及了的;C选项也在第三段A Harvard Business . without a joint venture with a local firm.(哈佛商学院的一项研究表明,雇佣大量华裔员工的美国公司发现,如果不与当地公司成立合资企业,在中国成立公司要容易得多。)也就说明他们更加愿意去那些移民者的原生国家,因此C选项“它刺激了外资企业在移民者原生国家的建立”文章也是有提及的;而D选项“它为西方世界注入了活力”没有直接的语句可以证明这一点,因此D选项当选。3.观点态度题。作者在文章中对这种移居现象是很支持的,在第五段中作者说到And, by linking the West with emerging markets, diasporas help rich countries to plug into fast-growing economies.(通过将西方与新兴市场联系起来,海外移民帮助富裕国家融入快速增长的经济体。)以及第六段中Rich countries are thus likely to benefit from looser immigration policy; and fears that poor countries will suffer as a result of a “brain drain” are overblown.(因此,富裕国家可能会从宽松的移民政策中获益;而对于穷国将因“人才外流”而受苦的担忧也是言过其实的。)都是表达了这种移民对于发达国家的益处;而在最后一段中则说到了这种移民对于发展中国家的益处,Government as well as business gains from the spread of ideas through . is good both for those who arrive with suitcases and dreams and for those who should welcome them.(政府和企业都从散居海外的思想传播中获益。至于旧世界,其关闭边界的愿望是可以理解的,但也是危险的。移民把年轻人带到老龄化国家,让思想在数百万流动的头脑中传播,这对那些带着手提箱和梦想来到这里的人和那些应该欢迎他们的人都有好处。)可见在作者看来这种移民无论是对于谁来说都是有益处的,因此作者对于这种移民应该是支持的,A选项“赞成的,赞许的”正确。B选项“中立的”;C选项“批评的”以及D选项“模棱两可的”都是不正确的。4.语义推测题。根据题干关键词定位到第七段Rich countries are thus likely to benefit from looser immigration policy; and fears that poor countries will suffer as a result of a “brain drain” are overblown.(因此,富裕国家可能会从宽松的移民政策中获益;而对于穷国将遭受“人才外流”而受苦的担忧也是言过其实的。)这里根据后面所说的Skilled migrants send money home, and they often return to set up new businesses.(技术移民寄钱回家,他们经常回来创办新企业。)可以看出来,作者在这句话中并不支持人才外流这种说法,因此他应该是认为这种说法过于夸张,因此C选项“夸张的”正确。A选项“毁灭性的,全然的”,语义过重;B选项“盛开的,妙龄的”,不符合句意;D选项“过时的”,不正确。5.判断推理题。A选项在第六段The prospect of working abroad spurs more people . the brain drain makes poor countries richer.(出国工作的前景促使更多的人获得有价值的技能。并不是所有的人随后都移居国外。有技术的移民会寄钱回家,他们经常回来创办新企业。一项研究发现,除非穷国失去超过20%的大学毕业生,否则人才外流会让穷国变得更富有。)可以看出A选项“如果能得到控制,人才外流将使贫穷国家比以前更富有”是文章中认为正确的;B选项在第三段Diasporas also help spread ideas. Many of the emerging worlds brightest minds are educated at Western universities. An increasing number go home, taking with them both knowledge and contacts.(散居者也有助于传播思想。许多新兴世界最聪明的人都是在西方大学接受教育的。越来越多的人带着知识和人脉回家。)而西方国家大部分都是民主国家,因此他们会将民主思想带回家,B选项“海龟们愿意建立一个更加民主的国家”正确;C选项“发达国家应该对移民持宽容态度”,在第五段中And, by linking the West with emerging markets, diasporas help rich countries to plug into fast-growing economies.(通过将西方与新兴市场联系起来,海外移民帮助富裕国家融入快速增长的经济体。)以及第六段中Rich countries are thus likely to benefit from looser immigration policy; and fears that poor countries will suffer as a result of a “brain drain” are overblown.(因此,富裕国家可能会从宽松的移民政策中获益;而对于穷国将因“人才外流”而受苦的担忧也是言过其实的。)也就是说,作者是鼓励西方国家接受移民的,C选项“发达国家应该对移民持宽容态度”,也是文章观点;D选项“在国外工作对世界各地的人都很有吸引力”是文章没有特别体现的。2. 单选题An important property of a scientific theory is its ability to( )further research.问题1选项A.renewB.arouseC.advocateD.stimulate【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项renew“使更新;续借”;B选项arouse“引起,唤醒,激起(某种情感)”;C选项advocate“提倡,拥护”;D选项stimulate“刺激,鼓舞,促进(某一事物的开始或进一步发展)”。句意:科学理论的一个重要特性是它能够激起对某一话题的_研究。这里表示的是它能够激起某一话题的进一步研究和思考,因此D选项符合题意。3. 翻译题我家后屋有一棵高大的白杨树,上面曾经有一个大大的鸟巢。在无数个从外地归来的日子里,远远地看见我家后面树上的鸟巢,心中立即就升腾起亲切温暖的感觉。我也曾经指点着那个鸟巢给我没过门的妻子说:“看见了吗?那下面就是我们的家。”后来鸟巢渐渐少了。村里没有了树木,也就没有了鸟巢。村西北角二里路的地方有一个鸟巢,成为我们村土地上唯一的一个鸟巢。其实,鸟巢实在是鸟儿们给人类的一种恩赐 (a special reward),是鸟儿们赏赐给人类保护自然、保护环境的勋章,是鸟儿们戴在人类头上的光荣的桂冠 (a laureate)。鸟儿越多,你的功劳越大,光荣也越多。没有鸟巢的村庄不能算村庄,要算也只能算是耻辱 (shame)的村庄。所幸的是在我们村庄周围,鸟巢又一个接一个地建起来了。【答案】Then the nests became fewer and fewer.When there are no trees in the village, there is no nest. Village northwest corner two miles of the place has a birds nest, become our village land only a birds nest.In fact, the birds nest is really a special reward. It is a medal for protecting nature and the environment, and a laureate that birds wear on a bucket of rice. The more birds you have, the more credit and glory you have. A village without a birds nest is not a village, but a village of shame.Fortunately, nests have been built one after another around our village.4. 单选题The company recommended that a new petrol station be built in the valley.问题1选项A.suggestedB.orderedC.demandedD.insisted【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项suggested“建议,推荐”;B选项ordered“命令,要求”;C选项demanded“要求,需求”;D选项insisted“坚持”。句意:公司建议在山谷里建一个新的加油站。A选项与划线词词义最近。因此A选项符合题意。5. 翻译题The average person sees tens of thousands of images a day-images on television, in newspapers and magazines, and on the sides of buses. Images also grace soda cans and T-shirts, and Internet search engines can instantly procure images for any word you type. Today, anyone with a digit camera and a PC can produce and alter an image. As a result, the power of the image has been diluted in one sense, but strengthened in another. It has been dilute by the ubiquity of images and the many popular technologies that give almost everyone the power to create, distort, and transit images. But it has been strengthened by the gradual surrender of the printed word to pictures.We love images and the democratizing power of technologies that give us the capability to make and manipulate images. What we are less eager to consider are broader cultural effects of a society devoted to the image. Historians have explored the story of mankinds movement from an oral-based culture to a written culture, and later to a printed one. But in the past several decades, we have begun to move from a culture based on the printed word to one based largely on images. In making images rather than texts our guide, are we opening up new vistas for understanding and expression, creating a new form of communication that is “better than print,” as some scholars have argued? Or are we merely making a peculiar and unwelcome return to forms of communication once ascendant in preliterate societies? Two things in particular are at stake in our contemporary confrontation with an image-based culture. First, technology has considerably undermined our ability to trust what we see, yet we have not adequately grappled with the effects of this on our notions of truth. Second, if we are indeed moving from the era of the printed word to an era dominated by the image, what impact will this have on culture?【答案】普通人每天会在电视上、报纸上、杂志上和公交车上看到成千上万的图像。汽水罐和T恤上也有图像,互联网搜索引擎可以立即为你输入的任何单词获取图像。今天,任何人只要有一台数码相机和一台电脑就可以制作和修改图像。因此,形象的力量在某种意义上被稀释了,但在另一种意义上被加强了。它已经被无处不在的图像和许多流行的技术冲淡了,这些技术几乎给了每个人创造、扭曲和传送图像的能力。但印刷文字逐渐向图片屈服,使其更加强大。我们喜欢图像,也喜欢技术的民主化,它让我们有能力制作和处理图像。我们不太愿意考虑的是一个致力于这一形象的社会所产生的更广泛的文化影响。历史学家探索了人类从口述文化到书面文化,再到印刷文化的发展历程。但在过去的几十年里,我们已经开始从一种基于印刷文字的文化转向一种主要基于图像的文化。让图像而非文本成为我们的向导,我们是否为理解和表达开辟了新的前景,创造了一种正如一些学者所说的“比印刷更好”的交流新形式?或者,我们仅仅是在以一种奇特的、不受欢迎的方式回归到曾经在文字出现前的社会中盛行的交流方式?在我们当代与以形象为基础的文化的对抗中,尤其有两件事会处于危险之中。首先,技术大大削弱了我们相信所见事物的能力,但我们还没有充分应对这对我们的真理观念所产生的影响。第二,如果我们真的从印刷文字的时代进入了一个以图像为主导的时代,这将对文化产生怎样的影响?6. 单选题I gave the car a thorough( )before buying it.问题1选项A.inspectionB.reviewC.surveyD.check-up【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项inspection“视察,检查(更加仔细)”;B选项review“回顾,检查”;C选项survey“调查”;D选项check-up“检查,核对(比较随意)”。句意:我把车_了一遍才买下来。本句表达的是“将车子彻底检查一遍才买下来”,因此A选项符合题意。7. 单选题The young performers captured and held the audiences attention from the moment the curtain went up.问题1选项A.gatheredB.caughtC.grabbedD.trapped【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项gathered“聚集”;B选项caught“捕捉”;C选项grabbed“抓住”;D选项trapped“诱捕”。句意:年轻的演员们从幕布升起的那一刻起就吸引住了观众的注意力。根据句意,C选项与划线词意思贴近,因此C选项符合题意。8. 单选题The English language contains a(n) ( )of words which are comparatively seldom used.问题1选项A.altitudeB.latitudeC.multitudeD.attitude【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项altitude“高度,海拔”;B选项latitude“纬度”;C选项multitude “大量,多数”;D选项attitude“态度,看法”。句意:英语中有_相对较少使用的词。这里表达的意思是“有大量较少使用的词”,因此C选项符合题意。9. 单选题The lecture was boring and the students could hardly( )their yawns.问题1选项A.depressB.suppressC.oppressD.press【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项depress“压抑,使沮丧”;B选项suppress“抑制,镇压,忍住(某种生理现象)”;C选项oppress“压迫”;D选项press“压,按”。句意:讲座很无聊,学生们几乎不能_他们的哈欠。本句表达的是学生不能忍住打哈欠,打哈欠是一种生理现象,因此B选项符合题意。10. 单选题She is extremely( ), always ready to agree with other peoples wishes.问题1选项A.mellowB.moderateC.adaptableD.supple【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项mellow“圆润的,柔和的,成熟的”;B选项moderate“稳健的,适度的,适中的”;adaptable“适应性强的,能适应的”;D选项supple“柔软的。灵活的,逢迎的(含贬义)”。句意:她_,总是乐于同意别人的想法。此处A、B和D代入原句都不通顺,只有C选项代入译为“她适应性极强”,因此C选项符合题意。11. 单选题Some people were just born to rebel; Charles Darwin was one of them.(16)Nicholas Copernicus, Benjamin Franklin and Bill Gates. They were(17)“laterborns”-that is, they had(18)one older sibling-brother or sister -when they were born.(19), laterborns are up to 15 times more likely than firstborns to(20)authority and break new(21), says Frank J. Sulloway, a researcher scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.In his book “Born To Rebel” being(22)this week, Sulloway claims that(23)someone is an older or younger sibling is the most important(24)shaping personality is more significant than gender, race, nationality (25)class.He spent 26 years(26)the lives - and birth orders - of 6, 566 historical(27)to reach his conclusions.A laterborn himself, Sulloway first(28)how birth order affected personality(29)a scholar of Darwin at Harvard University.“How could a somewhat(30)student at Cambridge become the most(31)thinker in the 19th century?” he said.Darwin, the first to(32)the belief that God created the world with his theory of evolution, was the fifth of six children. Most of his(33)were firstborns.Sulloways theory held(34)with Copernicus, the first astronomer to(35)that the Sun was the center of the universe, and computer revolutionary Gates of Microsoft.问题1选项A.LikewiseB.LikelyC.AlikeD.Unlike问题2选项A.bothB.neitherC.allD.either问题3选项A.at bestB.at leastC.at mostD.at worst问题4选项A.In shortB.In detailC.In allD.In fact问题5选项A.resistB.declineC.fleeD.prevent问题6选项A.baseB.landC.soilD.ground问题7选项A.dismissedB.releasedC.dischargedD.reminded问题8选项A.whetherB.ifC.sinceD.when问题9选项A.roleB.partC.factorD.case问题10选项A.besidesB.orC.exceptD.but问题11选项A.perceivingB.watchingC.arrangingD.studying问题12选项A.numbersB.figuresC.experiencesD.recordings问题13选项A.wonderedB.describedC.requestedD.posed问题14选项A.onB.asC.aboutD.by问题15选项A.neutralB.brilliantC.commonplaceD.promising问题16选项A.questionableB.evolutionaryC.traditionalD.revolutionary问题17选项A.provokeB.summonC.challengeD.reinforce问题18选项A.followersB.counterpartsC.opponentsD.proponents问题19选项A.exactB.trueC.genuineD.real问题20选项A.theorizeB.originateC.inventD.propose【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A第6题:D第7题:B第8题:A第9题:C第10题:B第11题:D第12题:B第13题:D第14题:B第15题:C第16题:D第17题:C第18题:C第19题:B第20题:D【解析】16.考查副词辨析。A选项likewise“同样地,照样地”;B选项likely“很可能的”;C选项alike“相同地,相似地”;D选项unlike“不同地,不相似地”。句意:_,尼古拉哥白尼,本杰明弗兰克林和比尔盖茨也都属于此列。从意思上来看,只有likewise和alike符合,但二者用法不同:alike一般用作表语,作副词时一般用于句末。而likewise可以用于句首和句中,在本题是用于句首。因此A选项符合题意。17.考查形容词辨析。A选项both“两者都”;B选项neither“两者都不”;C选项all“都”;D选项either“都不”。句意:他们_是“排行靠后的人”。英语的both和all都可用于表示“全,都”,上一句话提到了四个人物,但both只能用于两者,all用于三者或三者以上;neither表示“两者都不”; either表示“两者择其一”,均不合题意;因此C选项符合题意。18.考查短语辨析。A选项at best“最好”;B选项at least“至少”;C选项at most“至多”;D选项at worst“在最坏的情况下”。句意:他们出生的时候_有一个哥哥或者姐姐。根据语法知识,可知这句话是用来解释“laterborns”的,所以可推论他们至少应该有一个哥哥或姐姐。因此B选项符合题意。19.考查短语辨析。A选项In short“简而言之”;B选项In detail详细地;C选项In all总共;D选项In fact“事实上”。句意:麻省理工的一位研究学者弗兰克索罗卫说,_,与家里的老大相比,排行靠后的人敢于反对权威,勇于开辟新天地,这方面比老大强15倍。这句话旨在说明索罗卫的研究结果,表达的意思是“事实上”,因此D选项符合题意。20.考查动词辨析。A选项resist“抵抗,反抗,顶住”;B选项decline“拒绝,下降”;C选项flee“逃跑,逃避”;D选项prevent“阻止”。句意:事实上,后出生的孩子_权威和创新的可能性是第一个孩子的15倍。这里表达的是“反抗权威”,因此A选项符合题意。其余三项均不能于此空后面的authority形成合理的搭配。21.考查固定搭配。A选项base“基础,地基”;B选项land“陆地”;C选项soil“土壤”;D选项ground“地面,土地”。句意:事实上,后出生的孩子反抗权威和_的可能性是第一个孩子的15倍。break new ground为固定短语,“开垦处女地,开辟新天地,创新”。因此D选项符合题意。22.考查动词辨析。A选项dismiss“解散”;B选项release“发布,发行,释放”;C选项discharge“解雇”;D选项remind“提醒”。句意:索罗卫的书生来叛逆将于本周_。根据上下文可知,书的发行用release,因此B选项符合题意。23.考查连词辨析。A选项whether“是否”;B选项if“如果”;C选项since“因为”;D选项when“当时”。句意:他宣称,一个人出生时的排行是靠前还是靠后对其性格塑造是最重要的因素。此处的that后面是一个名词性从句,名词性从句的引导词表示“是否/是还是”的意思是只能用whether而不用if; since和 when用来引导原因状语从句或时间状语从句,因此A选项符合题意。24.考查名词辨析。A选项role“角色”;B选项part“部分”;C选项factor“因素,要素”;D选项case“事例,案例”。句意:他宣称,一个人出生时的排行是靠前还是靠后对其性格塑造是最重要的_。根据上下文不难看出,这里表示的是“因素”,因此C选项符合题意。25.考查连词辨析。A选项besides“除之外”;B选项or“或者”;C选项except“除了”;D选项but“但是”。句意:比性别、种族、国籍或社会阶层这些因素更为重要。而这几种因素在本句中都是并列关系,因此B选项符合题意。26.考查动词辨析。A选项perceiving“理解”;B选项watching“观看”;C选项arranging“安排”;D选项studying“研究”。句意:索罗卫花了26年时间_了6566名重要历史人物的生活以及出生排行,最终得出了上面的结论。这里表示的是“他研究了这些重要人物的生活”,因此D选项符合题意。27.考查名词辨析。A选项numbers“数字”;B选项figures“人物,图表”;C选项experiences“经历”;D选项recordings“记录”。句意:索罗卫花了26年时间研究了6566名重要历史_的生活以及出生排行,最终得出了上面的结论。这里表达的是“历史人物”,因此B选项符合题意,28.考查动词辨析。A选项wonder“惊奇,想知道”;B选项describe“描述”;C选项request“要求”;D选项pose“提出”。句意:索罗卫自己也是“排行靠后的人”,他首先_出生顺序是如何影响性格的这一问题。这里表达的是“提出问题”,因此D选项符合题意。29.考查介词辨析。A选项on“在上”;B选项as“正如,作为”;C选项about“关于”;D选项by“通过”。句意:(他)_哈佛大学专门研究达尔文的一名学者。这句话以及本段开头的都是用来解释索罗卫这个人的,此处的as意为“作为,以身份”,是来说明他的身份的,因此B选项符合题意。30.考查形容词辨析。A选项neutral“中立的”;B选项brilliant“聪明的,明智的”;C选项commonplace“平凡的”;D选项promising“有前途的”。句意:他说:“剑桥大学一个_的学生是怎么成为19世纪最具创新性的思想家的?”从句中become 以及全文的基调我们可以推测出,此处所说的变化应该是由一般变为突出。这里表达的是“他从原本的平凡变为最有创新的”,因此C选项符合题意。31.考查形容词辨析。A选项questionable“有问题的”;B选项evolutionary“进化的,发展的”;C选项traditional“传统的”;D选项revolutionary“变革的,创新的”。句意:他说:“剑桥大学一个平凡的学生是怎么成为19世纪最具_思想家的?”达尔文本身是一个非常具有创新精神的人,因此D选项符合题意。32.考查动词辨析。A选项provoke“激怒,挑拨,驱使”;B选项summon“召集,召唤”;C选项challenge“质疑,挑战”;D选项reinforce“加强,补充,增援”。句意:达尔文是第一个敢于用“进化论”_“上帝造人说”的人。文章后面提到达尔文的进化论,进化论就是对上帝创造万物的一种质疑,由此可见此处的意思应该是“质疑,挑战”,因此C选项符合题意。33.考查名词辨析。A选项fol


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