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2022年考博英语-中国社会科学院考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 翻译题Translate the following sentences into good English.1.两千余年来,丝绸之路作为中西交通的大动脉承载着中国与世界的交往、对话,彰显着古代中国开放的文化品格、不朽的文明成果。今天,“丝绸之路” 一词早已超越其历史含义,成为一种精神象征,为当今世界的和平与发展提供了价值典范。2.谈到美国文学时,不能断言它与欧洲文学截然不同。广义上说,美国和欧洲齐头并进。在任何时间,旅行者都会在两地发现同样风格的建筑、相同式样的服装,书店出售相同的书籍。思想如同人和商品一样会自由自在地跨越大西洋,尽管有时速度慢些。3.当人类逐渐了解自然,开始向自然索取并慢慢发展到企图征服自然,并愈演愈烈时,自然的和谐与平衡便遭到毁坏。荒漠化的地区出现了,灾难性的洪水来临了,连空气和水质也常受到污染,人类赖以生存的环境基础受到了破坏。【答案】1.The Silk Road, as the traffic artery connecting China and the West, has borne the weight of dialogue and communication between China and the world, and has also demonstrated an open cultural character of ancient China and immortal civilization for over two thousand years. Nowadays the word of the “Silk Road” has already exceeded its historical meaning, and become a spiritual symbol, providing a model of value for the peace and development of the present world.2.To speak of American literature we cant assert that it is entirely different from European literature. Broadly speaking, America and Europe have advanced side by side. At any time, the traveler could find the same styles in architecture, the same patterns in dress, the same books on the bookshops in two different places. Thoughts can span the Atlantic Ocean as freely as men and commodities, although sometimes the speed is slow.3.Human beings began to ask for something from nature and even tried to conquer it as they knew more and more about it. As the situation intensified, the harmony and equilibrium of nature were rudely demolished. There have been desertified zone and catastrophic flood. Even air and water were often polluted. The environment which we depend on for a living was deteriorated.2. 单选题A high life expectancy coupled with a high crude birthrate Amakes it difficult to increase per capita GNP. Finally, people have different views on Bwhat is the proper rate of population. Some feel that the earth is too crowded already and Cthat societies should work for zero population growththe condition in which the average number of births and deaths Dbalances so that a population stops growing.问题1选项A.makes it difficultB.whatC.thatD.balances【答案】B【解析】考查宾语从句。B选项处为宾语从句,如果使用what,主谓应为正序:what the proper rate of population is。因此此处应将what改为which。3. 单选题AAll people develop attitudes on public issues: some may not be interested in and others simply may not hear about them. The attitudes that are formed maybe held for various Breasons. Thus, four men may all be opposed to higher property taxes Cbut for very different reasons. One man may be for higher taxes in principle, but he Dopposes them because he is having trouble paying the mortgage on his house.问题1选项A.All peopleB.reasonsC.butD.opposes【答案】A【解析】考查语义。由冒号后句意“有些人可能不感兴趣,而另一些人可能根本就没听说过”可知并不是所有人对公众问题持有看法。应将A选项all people改为not all people。4. 单选题Unless the announced sale could be explained to the public on grounds other than anticipated future losses, the value of the stock would plummet and, like the old-time capitalists, major investors could cut their losses only by helping to restore their companies productivity.问题1选项A.enhanceB.maximizeC.restoreD.plunge【答案】D【解析】句意:除非宣布的出售能够以预期未来亏损以外的理由向公众解释,否则该公司股票的价值将,而且与过去的资本家一样,主要投资者只有帮助恢复公司的生产率,才能减少亏损。A选项enhance“提高;加强”;B选项maximize“最大化”;C选项restore“恢复”;D选项plunge“骤降”。联系句意与选项可知D选项符合题意。5. 单选题The poor suffered the most in the calamity, and they are now experiencing the brutalizing effects of what the activist journalist Naomi Klein has rightly termed “disaster capitalism”,as foreign corporations seek to profit from the reconstruction while the residents of the fishing villages that formerly occupied the area( ).问题1选项A.are being forced to relocateB.is being forced to relocateC.are being forced to be relocatedD.are forced to be relocated【答案】A【解析】考查时态和语态。While引导一个完整的句子,主语resident是复数,因此排除B选项。relocate“重新安置;迁移”,本句表明“居民被迫迁往他处”,因此relocate无须使用被动语态,排除C和D。主句使用现在进行时态,因此从句也表示现在正在发生的动作或状态,使用现在进行时。A选项符合题意。6. 单选题Alexander the Greats conquests in the Eastern Mediterranean initiated a series of profound cultural transformations in the ancient centers of urban civilization of the Fertile Crescent. The final destruction of native rule and the imposition of an alien elite culture instigated a cultural discourseHellenismwhich irrevocably marked all participants, both conquerors and the conquered. This discourse was particularly characterized by a transformation of indigenous cultural traditions, necessitated by their need to negotiate their place in a new social order. As Bowerstock has argued, the process of Hellenization did not accomplish the wholesale replacement of indigenous cultural traditions with Greek civilization. Instead, it provided a new cultural vocabulary through which much pre-existing cultural tradition was often able to find new expression. This phenomenon is especially intriguing as it relates to language and literacy. The ancient civilizations of the Syro-Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultural spheres were, of course, literate, possessing indigenous literary traditions already of great antiquity at the time of the Macedonian conquests. The disenfranchisement of traditional elites by the imposition of Greek rule had the related effect of displacing many of the traditional social structures where in indigenous literacy functioned and was taughtin particular, the institutions of the palace and the temple. A new language of power, Greek, replaced the traditional language of these institutions. This had the unavoidable effect of displacing the traditional writing systems associated with these indigenous languages. Traditional literacys longstanding association with the centers of social and political authority began to be eroded.Naturally, the eclipse of traditional, indigenous literacy did not occur overnight. The decline of Cuneiform and Hieroglyphic literacies was a lengthy process. Nor was the nature of their respective declines identical. Akkadian, the ancient language of Mesopotamian court and temple culture, vanished forever, along with cuneiform writing, in the first century CE. Egyptian lived on beyond the disappearance of hieroglyphic in the fourth century CE in the guise of Coptic, to succumb as a living, spoken language of daily social intercourse only after the Islamic conquest of Egypt. Even then, Coptic survives to this day as the liturgical language of the Coptic Orthodox Church. This latter point draws attention to an aspect of the decline of these indigenous literacies worthy of note: it is in the sphere of religion that these literacies are often preserved longest, after they have been superseded in palace circlesthe last dated cuneiform text we have is an astrological text; the last dated hieroglyphic text is a votive graffito. This should cause little surprise. The sphere of religion is generally one of the most conservative of cultural subsystems. The local need to negotiate the necessities of daily life and individual and collective identity embodied in traditional religious structures is slow to change and exists in ongoing dialogue with the more readily changeable royal and /or state ideologies that bind various locales together in an institutional framework.The process of “Hellenization” of the ancient cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean provides us, then, with an opportunity to observe the on-going effect on traditional, indigenous literacy of the imposition of a new status language possessed of its own distinct writing system. The cultural politics of written and spoken language-use in such contexts has been much discussed and it is clear that the processes leading to the adoption of a new languagein written form, or spoken form, or bothin some cultural spheres and the retention of traditional languages in others are complex. Factors including the imposition of a new language from above, adoption of a new language of social prestige from below, as well as preservation of older idioms of traditional status in core cultural institutions, must have affected different sectors of a conquered society in different fashions and at different rates.1.The languages that have to some extent managed to survive Hellenization did so in what area?2.Which aspect of society, according to the passage, is one of the most resistant to change?3.In the first paragraph, you saw the underlined word disenfranchisement. Choose, among the following expressions, the closest in similar meaning( ).4.Who was the leader of the Macedonian Conquest?5.According to the passage, can the imposition of a foreign language and culture bring about rapid change in all of the conquered peoples institutions?问题1选项A.In palace circles.B.In governmental institutions.C.In the religious sphere.D.In philological circles.问题2选项A.Monarchical institutions.B.Religious institutions.C.Linguistic norms.D.State ideologies.问题3选项A.The removal of power, right and/or privilege.B.A strong sense of disappointment.C.The prohibition of the right to conduct business.D.The loss of social position.问题4选项A.King Philip of Macedon.B.Pericles of Athens.C.Alexander the Great.D.The Ottoman Empire.问题5选项A.Yes,court life will change to remain functional, and it will affect all other institutions.B.No,apparently it affects different parts of society in different ways at different speeds.C.It isnt clear from the passage, but it may happen quickly.D.Yes, the speed at which a societys institutions are affected by a conquering power would be quite rapid.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】第1题:1.事实细节题。由题干关键词定位到文章第二段,提到“it is in the sphere of religion that these literacies are often preserved longest”,这些读写能力正是在宗教领域保持得最久,因此C选项符合题意。第2题:2.事实细节题。文章第二段第六句提到“Even then, Coptic survives to this day as the liturgical language of the Coptic Orthodox Church”,即使这样,科普特语至今仍是科普特东正教会的礼拜仪式语言,也就是宗教机构最抗拒改变。因此B选项符合题意。第3题:3.词义题。词语所在句表示“希腊的统治迫使传统经营的公民权被剥夺”,下一句紧接着说到,新的政权语言希腊语取代了这些机构的传统语言。因此disenfranchisement指的就是权利或特权的剥夺。A选项符合题意。第4题:4.判断推理题。文章第一段说到“Alexander the Greats conquests in the Eastern Mediterranean initiated a series of profound cultural transformations”,说明是亚历山大大帝在征服地中海东部后发起了一系列深刻的文化变革。因此C选项符合题意。第5题:5.判断推理题。文章第三段说到“Factors including the imposition of a new languagemust have affected different sectors of a conquered society in different fashions and at different rates.”强迫接受一种新语言会以不同的方式、速度影响到被征服社会的不同部门。因此B选项符合题意。7. 翻译题Translate the following sentences into good English.1.这些新设立的企业带动了上千万人就业,而且成长性强,是中国经济增长新的支撑力量。我们不仅降低市场准入门槛,采取“雪中送炭”的政策支持这些新设企业,还加强事中事后监管、创造公平竞争的市场环境,织密社会保障安全网、让创业创新者无后顾之忧,培植企业健康成长的沃土。2.中国是医疗卫生领域国际合作的倡导者、推动者和践行者,始终致力于实现国际人口与发展大会行动纲领,全面落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程特别是健康领域可持续发展目标,积极开展对外医疗援助和全球应急处置,认真履行健康领域国际公约,勇于承担国际人道主义责任。3.贫困的广泛存在严重妨碍人权的充分实现和享有。减缓和消除贫困,是人权保障的重要内容。多年来,中国政府坚持消除贫困、改善民生、逐步实现共同富裕,持续开展以农村扶贫开发为中心的减贫行动,努力实现脱贫致富。【答案】1. These new business have generated more than 10 million jobs, and have become a new pillar of Chinas economic growth thanks to their strong growth prospect. We have not only lowered the threshold of market access by offering much-needed policy support to these newly-established businesses, but also enhanced on-going and ex-post oversight, created a market environment featuring fair competition, and improved the social security network, so that those involved in entrepreneurship and innovation will have no additional worries and will grow healthily on the land we have fostered for them.2. China advocates, promotes and carries out international medical and health cooperation. It is firmly committed to realizing the Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, and implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, especially sustainable development goals relating to health. China actively provides medical aid to other countries, and promptly conducts global emergency responses. It earnestly implements international health conventions and shoulders its international humanitarian responsibilities.3. Poverty is so widespread that it has seriously hindered the fulfilment and enjoyment of human rights; reducing and eliminating poverty is therefore a major element of human rights protection. Over the recent decades, the Chinese government has preserved in its attempt to eliminate poverty, improve peoples well-being, and gradually realize common prosperity. It has made continuous development-oriented poverty-reduction efforts in rural areas to help those who are striving to escape from poverty and improve the quality of their lives.8. 翻译题Translate the underlined sentences into good Chinese.In every philosophical problem, our investigation starts from what may be called “data”, (1)by which I mean matters of common knowledge, vague, complex, inexact, as common knowledge always is, but yet somehow commanding our assent as on the whole and in some interpretation pretty certainly true. In the ease of our present problem, the common knowledge involved is of various kinds. There is first our acquaintance with particular objects of daily life furniture, houses, towns, other people, and so on. Then there is the extension of such particular knowledge to particular things outside our personal experience through history and geography, newspapers, etc. And lastly, there is the systematization of all this knowledge of particulars by means of physical science, which derives immense persuasive force from its astonishing power of foretelling the future. We are quite willing to admit that there may be errors of detail in this knowledge,(2)but we believe them to be discoverable and corrigible by the methods which have given rise to our beliefs, and we do not, as practical men, entertain for a moment the hypothesis that the whole edifice may be built on insecure foundations. In the main, therefore, and without absolute dogmatism as to this or that special portion, we may accept this mass of common knowledge as affording data for our philosophical analysis.The first thing that appears when we begin to analyse our common knowledge is that some of it is derivative, while some is primitive;(3)that is to say, there is some that we only believe because of something else from which it has been inferred in some sense, though not necessarily in a strict logical sense, while other parts are believed on their own account, without the support of any outside evidence. It is obvious that the senses give knowledge of the latter kind: the immediate facts perceived by sight or touch or hearing do not need to be proved by argument, but are completely self-evident.(4)Psychologists, however, have made us aware that what is actually given in sense is much less than most people would naturally suppose, and that much of what at first sight seems to be given is really inferred. This applies especially in regard to our space-perceptions. For instance, we instinctively infer the “real” size and shape of a visible object from its apparent size and shape, according to its distance and our point of view. When we hear a person speaking, our actual sensations usually miss a great deal of what he says and we supply its place by unconscious inference; in a foreign language, where this process is more difficult, we find ourselves apparently grown dear; requiring, for example, to be much nearer the stage at a theater than would be necessary in our own country. Thus the first step in the analysis of data, namely, the discovery of what is really given in sense, is full of difficulty. We will, however, not linger on this point; so long as existence is realized, the exact outcome does not make any very great difference in our main problem.The next step in our analysis must be the consideration of how the derivative parts of our common knowledge arise. Here we become involved in a somewhat puzzling entanglement of logic and psychology. (5)Psychologically, a belief may be called derivative whenever it is caused by one or more other beliefs, or by some fact of sense which is not simply what the belief asserts. Derivative beliefs in this sense constantly arise without any process of logical inference, merely by association of ideas or some equally extra-logical process. From the expression of a mans face we judge as to what he is feeling: we say we see that he is angry, when in fact we only see a frown. We do not judge as to his state of mind by any logical process: the judgment grows up, often without our being able to say what physical mark of emotion we actually saw. In such a case, the knowledge is derivative psychologically; but logically it is in a sense primitive, since it is not the result of any logical deduction. There may or may not be a possible deduction leading to the same result, but whether there is or not, we certainly do not employ it. If we call a belief “logically primitive” when it is not actually arrived at by a logical inference, then innumerable beliefs are logically primitive which psychologically are derivative.【答案】1.我说的资料是指常识性的东西,它们像常识一样模糊、复杂、不精确,然而就其整 体和在某种意义上而言却又值得我们认可为确定无疑的真理。2.但是,我们相信可以通过曾经使我们产生信念的那些方法来发现并改正它们。而且, 作为注重实际的人,我们绝对不能假设整个知识大厦可以建筑在不牢靠的基础上,即使是片刻也不可以。3.也就是说,我们只相信某些知识,是因为它们在某种意义上是从某种别的知识推论出来的,虽然未必是精确的逻辑推论;而另外那部分知识之所以被相信是由于其自身的原因, 无须任何外部证据的支持。4.不过,心理学家使我们认识到,感觉实际给予的东西比大多数人会自然设想的要少 得多;而且,初看似乎是给予了很多东西,实际上多数是推论出来的。这尤其适用于我们的空间知觉。5.在心理学上,一种信念无论是由另一种或更多的其他信念引起的,还是由某种感觉的事实(这不仅仅是信念所坚称的东西)引导的,都可以被称为派生的。9. 单选题Russias economy until recently one of the fastest growing in Europe is in dire straits. Traditional industries such as steel are hurting badly. The decade-long consumer boom has turned into a slump as unemployment soars. The government has cash to spend after years of sensible budget policies, but the central bank will be forced to keep interest rates high as long as inflation is stuck in double digits and trust in the ruble remains shaky.The reversal in Russias economic fortunes is particularly painful. Since 1998 the year of Russias last financial crisis the economy has expanded eight-fold. As oil prices rocketed, so did the countrys self-confidence. Not content with presiding over the economic boom, the President Vladimir Putin vowed to restore his countrys great power status. Talks about a partnership with the West gave way to belligerent statements about a new Cold War. In the summer of 2008, Russian tanks trundled into Georgia. In early 2009, a dispute with neighboring Ukraine led Russia to cut off gas flows, leaving people in some European Union countries freezing and factories idle. Most Europeans want to see Russia stable and well-off. But they also believe that the economic crisis might bring opportunities for a political rapprochement. Some hope that the recession might just make the Russian leadership a little more humble or at least trigger reforms that would make it easier for the E. U. to strengthen trade and investment links.But while Russias relations with the U. S. have been thawing since Barack Obama took over the White House, E. U.-Russia relations remain frosty. Talks about a new bilateral treaty on political and economic cooperation have made little headway. Hopes for a free trade agreement between Brussels and Moscow have withered after Russia put its application for membership in the World Trade Organization on ice. E. U. -Russia energy cooperation remains stuck, which increases the risk of yet another gas crisis. Europeans have responded to Moscows ideas about constructing a “new European security architecture” with a distinct lack of enthusiasm.Most importantly, perhaps, Russia is incensed about E. U. efforts to draw the countries that lie between the E. U. and Russia closer into it


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