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2022年考博英语-北京大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 填空题In Microsofts latest attempt to reach out to bloggers, the company recently gave away expensive laptops loaded (1) _ its new Windows Vista operating system. But the gifts generated controversy as well as good (2) _, with some bloggers accusing Microsoft of bribery and their peers (3) _ unethical behavior.Several bloggers reported last week that they had received Acer Ferrari laptops, which can sell (4) _ more than $ 2,200, from Microsoft.A spokeswoman for Microsoft confirmed Friday that the (5) _ had sent out about 90 computers to bloggers (6) _ wrote about technology and other subjects that could be (7) _ by the new operating system, like photography and, oddly, parenting.But while those on Microsofts mailing list initially greeted the machines with enthusiasm, many (8) _ bloggers soon objectednot because they had been left off the list but, they said, because bloggers are bound by the (9) _ rules as traditional journalists, who should not accept (10) _ gifts from companies they cover.Read the following passage carefully and then explain in your own English the exact meaning of the numbered and underlined parts. Put your answers on ANSWER【答案】1. with2. will3. of4. for5. company6. who7. affected/influenced8. other9. same10. expensive【解析】1. 考查固定搭配。句意表示微软公司最近出售的便携电脑都装载新开发的Windows Vista操作系统,表示装载时,load与with搭配。2. 考查语义。根据句意,The gifts体现了好意,也引起了争论。因此填入will,good will表示“善意”。3. 考查固定搭配。本句说到有些博客职责微软公司行贿,并列部分省略了“accusing”,表示还职责同行缺乏职业道德。表示职责时使用“accuse of”。4. 考查固定搭配。句中sell后面跟的是金额,说明卖了多少钱,此时使用固定搭配“sell for”。5. 考查语义。句中缺少的是宾语从句的主语。综合上下文,送出90台电脑给博主们的就是微软公司。此处只需填company即可。6. 考查语法知识。前半句“the company had sent out about 90 computers to bloggers”,后半句的谓语动词“wrote about”说明正是这些被送电脑的博客们写了些东西。因此这里缺的是定语从句的引导词,而这个词要在从句中充当主语指代bloggers,应填入who。7. 考查语法知识。本句说的是“其他可能会受新操作系统的技术和对象”,根据语义可知应填入“影响”。并且此处为被动语态,应填入过去分词形式,affected或influenced都可以。8. 试题分析:句中提到,有些博主不接受赠予是因为博主和传统的记者一样受到条款的制约,而不是他们不再列表式。前文提到接受赠予的额博主是在邮件列表上的,因此这些博主就用“other”修饰。9. 考查语义。这些博主与传统的记者受到的条款约束,此处应表示同样的。并且“sameas”表示“同样”的意思。因此填入same。10. 考查语义。根据上文提到电脑的售价,可知此处表示“他们不能接受他们所报道的公司的昂贵礼物”。因此填入expensive。2. 单选题_ active in commerce or the professions, most of the wealthy were not self-made, but had inherited family fortunes.问题1选项A.Except forB.DespiteC.AsD.Though【答案】D【解析】考查词语辨析。except for“除之外”;despite“尽管”,介词属性;as“如同”;though“尽管”。句意:大多数富人活跃在商业或职业领域,并非白手起家,而是继承了家族财富。B选项意义相通,despite不能用于形容词前,选项D符合题意。3. 单选题( ) last year and is now earning his living as an advertising agent.问题1选项A.He would leave schoolB.He left schoolC.He had left schoolD.He has left school【答案】B【解析】考查时态问题。left school在前,工作在后,只说明两个动作的先后,所以空格处应使用过去式。因此B选项符合题意。4. 单选题( ) sermons retained their preeminence in religious life during most of the twentieth century, they are gradually losing that central places as churches devote more energy to social activities.问题1选项A.AsB.ForC.WhileD.Although【答案】D【解析】考查逻辑知识。前半句中“sermons retained their preeminence”表示肯定意义,后半句提到“they are gradually losing that central places”,可知语气出现了转折。因此D选项符合题意。5. 单选题The contribution genes make to intelligence increases as children grow older. This goes against thenotion that most people hold that as we age,environmental influences gradually overpower the geneticlegacy we are bom with and may have implications for education. “People assume the genetic influencegoes down with age because the environmental differences between people pile up in life,”says RobertPlomin. “What we found was quite amazing, and goes in the other direction.”Previous studies have shown variations in intelligence are at least partly due to genetics. To find out whether this genetic contribution varies with age, Plomins team pooled data from six separate studies carried out in the US, the UK, Australia and the Netherlands, involving a total of 11,000 pairs of twins. In these studies, the researchers tested twins on reasoning, logic and arithmetics to measure a quantity called general cognitive ability, or “G”. Each study also included both identical twins, with the same genes, and fraternal twins, sharing about half their genes, making it possible to distinguish the contributions of genes and environment to their G scores.Plomins team calculated that in childhood, genes account for about 41 percent of the variation inintelligence. In adolescence, this rose to 55 percent; by young adolescence, it was 66 percent. No one knows why the influence from genes should increase with age, but Plomin suggests that as children getolder,they become better at exploiting and manipulating their environment to suit their genetic needs,and says “ Kids with high G will use their environment to foster their cognitive ability and choose friendswho are like-minded. ” Children with medium to low G may choose less challenging pastimes andactivities, further emphasizing their genetic legacy.Is there any way to interfere with the pattern? Perhaps. “The evidence of strong heritability doesntmean at all that there is nothing you can do about it,” says Susanne Jaeggi,“From our own work, theones that started off with lower IQ scores had higher gains after training. Plomin suggests that genetic differences may be more emphasized if all children share an identical curriculum instead of it being tailored to childrens natural abilities. “My inclination would be to give everyone a good education, but put more effort into the lower end,” he says. Intelligence researcher Paul Thompson agrees: “It shows that educators need to steer kids towards things drawing out their natural talents.”1.What is the common notion that people hold about genes?2.The study by Plomins team aims to find out ( )3.From the experiment with twins, Plomins team draws a conclusion that( ) .4.The word “pattern” in paragraph four is closest in meaning to( ) .5.Which of the following might Plomins team least agree to?问题1选项A.Humans can do little to change the genetic differences between people.B.Genetic influence becomes stronger when people receive education.C.Genes contribute more to ones intelligence than environmental factors.D.Environmental factors lessen the influence of genes on ones intelligence.问题2选项A.whether variations in intelligence are caused by genetic differencesB.how to overpower genetic factors with new educational approachesC.whether genetic contribution to ones intelligence varies with ageD.the relationship between environment and genes问题3选项A.genetic contribution increases when one grows olderB.genetic influence decreases when age increasesC.environment has more impact on fraternal twins than identical twinsD.it remains a mystery how genes and environment co-influence people问题4选项A.cognitive abilityB.strong heritabilityC.genetic legacyD.challenging pastimes问题5选项A.An identical curriculum to school children.B.A differentiated course design to children with varied IQ.C.More effort directed at children with medium or low G.D.Education tailored to childrens natural abilities.【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:A第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.细节题。题干:人们对基因的普遍看法是什么?由第一段第二句中的“as we age,environmental influences gradually overpower the genetic legacy we are bom with and may have implications for education”可知大多数人认为,随着年龄增长,“environmental influence环境影响”将逐渐大于“genetic legacy基因遗传”。因此选项D符合题意。2.细节题。题干:Plomin的研究小组的目的是找出_。根据关键词“Plomins team”定位到第二段第二句,往前有“To find out whether this genetic contribution varies with age”可知他们的目的是找出基因贡献是否随着年龄增长而增加。因此选项C符合题意。3.细节推理题。题干:从双胞胎的实验中,Plomin的团队得出了一个结论_。第二段最后提到了双胞胎实验,第三段开头讲到实验结论“Plomins team calculated that”,第三句中“No one knows why the influence from genes should increase with age”可推出实验结论就是基因影响随着年龄的增长而增加。因此选项A符合题意。4.词义推测题。题干:第四段中的“pattern”最接近_。定位点在第四段第一句,因此答案需往前文第三段找。第三段中,Plomin认为G较高的孩子会利用环境培养自己的认知能力并选择志同道合的朋友;而G较低的孩子可能会选择不那么有挑战的娱乐和活动,进而强化了他们的基因遗传。可知这里说的“pattern”就是孩子们认知能力的发展。因此选项A符合题意。5.细节题。题干:下面哪个选项可能是Plomin的团队最不同意的?由本文最后一段可知,Plomin的团队认为应该进行差异化教育,对于G中低等的孩子应投入更多精力。因此选项A符合题意。6. 单选题At first, movies were little more than amusing that appeared to move.问题1选项A.novelsB.noveltiesC.noticesD.novices【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。novel“小说”;novelty“新奇的事物”;notice“通知”;novice“初学者”。句意:起初,电影只不过是似乎会移动的有趣的。选项B符合题意。7. 单选题Some might consider it an ugly truth that attractive people are often more successful than those _ blessed with looks.问题1选项A.lessB.moreC.mostD.least【答案】A【解析】考查语法知识。根据题干中morethan结构可知空格处应填写比较级与之对应,因此排除C和D。而attractive与blessed with looks表达同义,无法比较,因此空格处应选择否定意义。句意:有些人可能会认为这是一个丑陋的事实,有吸引力的人往往比那些颜值没那么高的人更成功。因此A选项符合题意。8. 单选题The United Nations Population Fund has picked October 31 as the day the world will be home to 7billion people.For better and worse, its a milestone.And there will be more milestones ahead. Fourteen years from now, there are expected to be 8billion people on the planet. Most of the growth will occur in the worlds poorer countries.Proportionally, Europes population will decline, while Africas will increase. At around the same time,India will overtake China as the most populous nation on Earth.The growing global population is just one side of the coin. A recent report from the World HealthOrganization signaled the seriousness of the human population explosion: more than 3 billion people about half the worlds population are malnourished. Never before have so many, or such a largeproportion, of the worlds people been malnourished.And in a growing number of countries there is a seemingly unstoppable march toward sub-replacement fertility, whereby each new generation is less populous than the previous one, andpopulation aging.As a result of declining fertility and increasing longevity, the populations of more and morecountries are aging rapidly. Between 2005 and 2050, a rise in the population aged 60 years or over willbe visible, whereas the number of children (persons under age 15) will decline slightly.Population aging represents, in one sense, a success story for mankind, but it also poses profound challenges to public institutions that must adapt to a changing age structure.The latest national census in China shows the number of elderly people in the country has jumped tomore than 13. 3 percent of the population, an increase of nearly 3 percentage points on the percentagefrom the previous census in 2000. A quarter of the countrys population will be over 65 by 2050,according to the National Population and Family Planning Commission.The growing number of elderly is a challenge that the government needs to tackle ; we cant rely onthe ever-increasing population to support them or maintain the nations economic growth. Bettersolutions are needed, such as raising retirement ages to reflect the greater longevity and workingcapability of todays older adults and making adjustments so pension programs are more accessible.It was heartening to hear the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security spokespersonannounced in Beijing on Tuesday that the government will take retirement policy seriously andproactively.Shanghai began testing a flexible retirement system last October. Eligible employees in the privatesector are allowed to postpone retirement until the age of 65 for men and 60 for women. Publicservants, however, will continue to retire under the present system age 60 for men and 55 for women.1.According to the passage, India will_ in 14 years.2.What problem will result from the global population explosion?3.Population on aging represents the following EXCEPT( ).4.Todays older adults enjoy( ).5.What is the authors attitude toward the spokespersons announcement?问题1选项A.be a poorer countryB.be the most populous countryC.decline in populationD.increase investment in Africa.问题2选项A.Population aging.B.Increasing longevity.C.Declining fertility.D.Expanding malnourishment.问题3选项A.rapid economic developmentB.challenge to public institutionsC.success story of mankindD.changing age structure问题4选项A.more working yearsB.more accessible pension programsC.greater longevityD.greater government support问题5选项A.Angered.B.Delighted.C.Indifferent.D.Disappointed.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.细节题。题干:根据这篇文章,印度将在14年后_。根据关键词India 和14years定位到文章第三段最后一句“India will overtake China as the most populous nation on Earth”,印度将超越中国成为人口最大国。因此B选项符合题意。2.细节推理题。题干:全球人口激增将带来什么问题?文章第四段第二句提到“人口激增”。紧接着后文提到“more than 3 billion people about half the worlds population are malnourished”,可知营养不良的人口增多,范围会扩大。因此D选项符合题意。3.细节题。题干:人口老龄化带来的问题除了_。第七段提到人口老龄化的问题“Population aging represents, in one sense, a success story for mankind, but it also poses profound challenges to public institutions that must adapt to a changing age structure.”除了A选项的“经济快速发展”没有体现外,其他都是人口老龄化的问题。因此A选项符合题意。4.细节题。题干:现在的老年人享有_。文章第九段提到“Better solutions are needed, such as raising retirement ages toreflect the greater longevity and working capability of todays older adults and making adjustments so pension programs are moreaccessible”,可知,在(人口老龄化)这种情况下需要更好的解决方法,比如考虑到如今老年人的寿命越来越长,以及他们的工作能力,可以采取提高退休年龄的方法;也可作出政策调整,使养老金计划更改。由此可知,如今老年人的寿命是越来越长的。因此C选项正确。 5.态度题。题干:作者对发言人的声明持什么态度?关于发言人的生明出现在文章倒数第二段第一句,使用的语句是“it is heartening to hear振奋人心的”,可知作者对于声明持积极态度。因此B选项符合题意。9. 单选题The() British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking once said in an interview that heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.问题1选项A.imposingB.loftyC.prominentD.eminent【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。空格处应填入形容词修饰physicist。imposing“壮观的,威风的”;lofty“崇高的,高傲的”;prominent“突出的,显著的”;eminent“杰出的,有名的”。句意:英国杰出的理论物理学家斯蒂芬霍金曾在一次采访中说,天堂是为害怕黑暗的人准备的童话故事。因此D选项符合题意。10. 单选题The professor stopped for a drink and then( ) with his lecture on the Indian culture.问题1选项A.proceededB.processedC.preferredD.presented【答案】A【解析】考查短语辨析。proceed with“继续进行”;process和prefer没有与with搭配的用法; present with“赠礼物与”。句意:教授停下来喝了一杯,然后继续他关于印度文化的讲座。因此A选项符合题意。11. 单选题Under the Bush administration America has gone from a policy of “dual containment” of Iran and Iraq to one approaching dual failure. It removed the iron rule of Saddam Hussein, but created an anarchic void in Iraq into which Iran has extended its influence. Exhausted by the insurgency in Iraq, America now struggle to deal with the more acute threat of weapons of mass destruction posed by Irans nuclear programme. Americas Arab allies may be terrified by the strengthening of Iran,but they are even more terrified by the prospect of American military action to destroy Irans nuclear facilities.In Europe there is a degree of acceptance that, sooner or later, the world may have to deal with a nuclear-armed Iran. Some in the Bush administration though, regard that prospect as even more horrendous than the consequences of attacking Iran, which may include more instability in Iraq and elsewhere, more terrorism and the disruption of oil from the Persian Gulf. There is no certainly, moreover, about how far military strikes can set back the nuclear programme, if at all.George Bush has repeatedly said that “all opinions” remain on his table, by which he means the use of military force. But the one option he has seemed less keen on is the idea, advocated by many of seeking a “grand bargain” with Iran on a whole range of disputes, from the nuclear question to peace with Israel. When America was strong, it felt it did not need to deal with Iran. Now it is worried by the prospect of looking weak.Nevertheless, there has been a real change of policy since the days when Mr. Bush said Iran was part of the “axis of evil”. His administration has offered to join nuclear talks if Iran suspends uranium enrichment. Ray Takeyh, an expert on Iran, argues in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs says: better to deal with the pragmatists, and strengthen them, rather than give free rein to the radicals. He mayor may not be right.1.According to the passage, America failed to( ) .2.The phrase “that prospect” (Line 2, Para 3) refers to( ) .3.Ray Takeyh urged the America government to ( ) .问题1选项A.contain either Iran of IraqB.extend its influence in IranC.created an anarchic void in IraqD.remove the rule of Saddam Hussein问题2选项A.American military action on IranB.setback in Irans nuclear programC.an Iran armed with nuclear weaponsD.Americas threat in Irans weapons问题3选项A.stop seeing Iran as part of “the axis of evil”B.hold nuclear talks with Iran with no conditionsC.suspend the uranium enrichment program in IranD.adopt a pragmatic rather radical approach to Iran【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D【解析】1.细节题。题干:根据这篇文章,美国没有做到_。第一段第二句说到“It removed the iron rule of Saddam Hussein, but created an anarchic void in Iraq into which Iran has extended its influence”,说明美国推倒了萨达姆的统治,在伊拉克造成了统治空白,伊朗趁机扩大了影响力,选项A、C、D都是美国做成的,但是B选项没有。因此B选项符合题意。2.指代题。第二段第一句“In Europe there is a degree of acceptable that, sooner or later, the world may have to deal with a nuclear-armed Iran”说到伊朗核武器的问题让整个欧洲担心。因此“that prospect”说的就是“拥有核武器的伊朗”,C选项符合题意。3.观点题。题干:Ray Takeyh敦促美国政府_。文章最后一段提到“better to deal with the pragmatists, and strengthen them, rather than give free rein to the radicals”,更好的办法是,与伊朗方面的实用派谈判,而不是放任激进派。因此D选项符合题意。12. 单选题The school shooting triggered a barrage of transparently irrelevant proposed solutions, tossed out without regard to their relevance to the events that supposedly _ the proposals.问题1选项A.occasionedB.concernedC.illuminatedD.ensued【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。occasion“引起,惹起”;concern“涉及;使担心”;illuminate“阐明;照亮”;ensue“追求”。句意:学校枪击事件引发了一连串明显不相干的解决方案,而这些方案与引发这些方案的事件毫无关联。选项A符合题意。13. 单选题Although the false banknotes fooled many people, they did not ( ) close examination.问题1选项A.put up withB.keep up withC.stand up toD.look up to【答案】C【解析】考查短语辨析。put up with“忍受,容忍”;keep up with“赶得上;和保持联系”;stand up to“经得起;抵抗”;look up to“尊敬”。句意:虽然这些假钞愚弄了许多人,但他们经不起仔细检查。因此C选项符合题意。14. 单选题Cancer has always been with us, but not always in the same way. Its care and management have differed over time, of course, but so, too, have its identity, visibility, and meanings. Pick up the thread of history at its most distant end and you have cancer the crab so named either because of the ramifying venous processes spreading out from a tumor or because its pain is like the pinch of a crabs claw. Premodem cancer is a lump, a swelling that sometimes breaks through the skin in ulcerations producing foul-smelling discharges. The ancient Egyptians knew about many tumors that had a bad outcome, and the Greeks made a distinction between benign tumors ( oncos) and malignant ones (carcinos). In the second century A. D. , Galen reckoned that the cause was systemic, an excess of melancholy or black bile, one of the bodys four “humors” brought on by bad diet and environmental circumstances. Ancient medical practitioners sometimes cut tumors out, but the prognosis was known to be grim. Describing tumors of the breast, an Egyptian papyrus from about 1600 B. C. concluded: “There is no treatment. The experience of cancer has always been terrible,but,until modem times, its mark on the culture has been light. In the past, fear coagulated around other ways of dying: infectious and epidemic diseases (plague, smallpox, cholera, typhus, typhoid fever) ; “


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