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2022年考博英语-东北大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题On how the world has changed over the last 50 years, not all of it has been good. As you are looking for organic food information, you have obviously become aware that a better alternative exists and you are taking a critical look at the source and production practices of the companies producing the worlds food supplies.The purpose of organic food information is to give you an understanding of what is going into your food. You will see that there are many benefits to organic food that you didnt know before. The basis behind knowing about organic food information is the fact that farmers are resorting to using artificial fertilizers and pesticides(杀虫剂)to control disease and insect attack in order to produce more crops to satisfy growing demand. These artificial fertilizers leave something poisonous in and on the fruit and vegetables we consume which in turn is absorbed and stored by our bodies.Even the quality of food has gone down in recent years. Todays fruits have nowhere near the Vitamin C levels they did at one time. However, with organic food information you learn that organic food has fifty percent more nutrients, minerals and vitamins than any other form of produce that has been grown under intensive farming. If you are eating non-organic produce you will have to eat more fruit in order to make up for this deficiency. But then the dangerous cycle continues since you will be eating more chemicals that are worse for your health than they are good for you.Another aspect of organic food information is the production of meat and poultry (家食). Most only consider produce when it comes to organic food information disregarding the antibiotics and hormones that are given to both cattle and poultry that are being force fed. Ask yourself what happens to all these antibiotics and hormones when the animal is killed, the remaining of these antibiotics and growth hormones reside in the meat which are then consumed, digested and stored in human bodies. There is no way that an animal that isnt kept in healthy conditions can produce healthy food for humans to eat.You have nothing to lose by trying organic product, not only will it be healthy for you but you will also be able to eat produce and meat the way they are supposed to be. You will likely be so impressed with the taste of organic fruit that you will never return to the mass-produced fruit again. While cost and availability can be a big issue for some, you can do a bit of research online and find a local store that stocks organic produce for a reasonable price.1. It is stated in Paragraph 1 that organic food ( ).2. Farmers use artificial fertilizers and pesticides to ( ).3. According to Paragraph 3, which of the following statements is true?4. According to Paragraph 3, organic food ( ).5. What does the author say about meat and poultry?6. In the last paragraph, people are advised to ( ).7. This passage is mainly about ( ).8. What will be probably addressed if there is another paragraph after the last?问题1选项A.is considered as a better choiceB.is mostly supplied by world-famous companiesC.has become popular over the last 50 yearsD.reflects the change of production practices问题2选项A.satisfy peoples critical demandB.develop better farming technologyC.get a higher crop yieldD.keep people in better health问题3选项A.Fruits nowadays do not contain Vitamin CB.Fruits nowadays contain more Vitamin C than beforeC.Fruits nowadays contain less Vitamin C than beforeD.Fruits nowadays contain Vitamin C as much as before问题4选项A.has gone down in qualityB.has more nutrientsC.can replace mass-produced foodD.lacks Vitamin C问题5选项A.Organic meat and poultry is hardly availableB.A great amount of meat is consumed every yearC.Merciless killing of the animals lowers their qualityD.They may contain antibiotics and growth hormones问题6选项A.eat traditional produce and meatB.return to mass-produced fruitsC.do the cost and availability researchD.try organic product for better health and taste问题7选项A.the benefits of organic food informationB.the challenges facing the world food industryC.changes in food production practicesD.a growing demand high quality food问题8选项A.How farmers use artificial fertilizers and pesticides.B.How to find organic produce in local stores for a reasonable price.C.The production of meat and poultry.D.The future of organic produce.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D第6题:D第7题:A第8题:B【解析】1.【试题解析】细节事实题。第一段指出:你在寻找有机食品的信息时,你显然已经意识到存在更好的选择,并且在用批判地眼光看待食品公司的原产原料和生产实践,他们为世界提供着粮食供应。由此可知,A项“(有机食品)被认为是更好的选择”正确。2.【试题解析】细节事实题。第二段指出:The basis behind knowing about organic food information is the fact that farmers are resorting to using artificial fertilizers and pesticides to control disease and insect attack in order to produce more crops to satisfy growing demand.(了解有机食品信息背后的基础是这样一个事实:农民正在使用人工化肥和杀虫剂来控制病虫害,以便生产更多的作物,以满足日益增长的需求),因此C项“获得更高的作物产量”正确。3.【试题解析】细节事实题。第三段指出:Even the quality of food has gone down in recent years. Todays fruits have nowhere near the Vitamin C levels they did at one time.(近年来,食品的质量都下降了。现在水果的维生素C含量远不如以前)。因此C项“现在的水果所含的维他命C比以前少”正确。4.【试题解析】细节事实题。第三段指出:However, with organic food information you learn that organic food has fifty percent more nutrients, minerals and vitamins than any other form of produce that has been grown under intensive farming.(然而,通过了解有机食品的信息,你会发现有机食品的营养成分、矿物质和维生素比密集农业生产出来的农产品都要高50%),因此B项正确。5.【试题解析】判断推理题。第四段指出:Ask yourself what happens to all these antibiotics and hormones when the animal is killed, the remaining of these antibiotics and growth hormones reside in the meat which are then consumed, digested and stored in human bodies.(扪心自问,当动物被杀时,所有这些抗生素和激素都去哪儿了,这些残留的抗生素和生长激素保留在所食用的肉里,然后被消化和储存在人体内)。由此可知,D项“它们可能含有抗生素和生长激素”正确。6.【试题解析】判断推理题。最后一段大意是:食用有机食品很有益处,只是价格和购买是个问题。但可以做一些调查以找到当地合适的地方购买。因此可看出,作者在最后一段建议人们尝试食用有机产品。故选D项“为健康和口感而尝试有机产品”。7.【试题解析】主旨大意题。文章大意是:有机食品信息的目的是让人们知道食物中含有什么物质:有机食品不含化学肥料和杀虫剂,所含有的对人体有益成分较高。但近年来食品质量下降了。总之,有机食品健康口感好,只是价格和购买是个问题。但可以做一些调查以找到当地合适的地方购买。因此,A项“有机食品信息的好处”比较符合文章主旨。8.【试题解析】判断推理题。最后一段最后一句提出人们可以做一些调查而选择从当地价格合理的商店购买。由此推测,如果后文还有一段,可能会继续阐述这个话题,故选B项 “如何在当地商店找到价格合理的有机产品”。2. 单选题Hawaiis native minority is demanding a greater degree of sovereignty over its own affairs. But much of the archipelagos political establishment, which includes the white Americans who dominated until the Second World War and people of Japanese, Chinese and Filipino origin, is opposed to the idea.The islands were annexed by the U.S. in 1898 and since then Hawaiis native people have fared worse than any of its other ethnic groups. They make up over 60 percent of the states homeless, suffer higher levels of unemployment and their life span is five years less than the average Hawaiians. They are the only major U.S. native group without some degree of autonomy.But a sovereignty advisory committee set up by Hawaiis first native governor, John Waihee, has given the natives cause a major boost by recommending that the Hawaiian natives decide by themselves whether to re-establish a sovereign Hawaiian nation.However, the Hawaiian natives are not united in their demands. Some just want greater autonomy within the state as enjoyed by many American Indian natives over matters such as education. This is a position supported by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), a state agency set up in 1978 to represent to natives interests and which has now become the moderate face of the native sovereignty movement. More ambitious is the Ka Lahui group, which declared itself a new nation in 1987 and wants full, official independence from the U.S.But if Hawaiian natives are given greater autonomy, it is far from clear how many people this will apply to. The state authorities only count as native those people with more than 50 percent Hawaiian blood.Native demands are not just based on political grievances, though. They also want their claim on 660,000 hectares of Hawaiian crown land to be accepted. It is on this issue that native groups are facing. It is on this issue that native groups are facing most opposition from the state authorities. In 1933, the state government paid the OHA U.S. $136 million in back rent on the crown land and many officials say that by accepting this payment the agency has given up its claims to legally own the land. The OHA has vigorously disputed this.1. Hawaiis native minority refers to ( ).2. Which of the following statements is true of the Hawaiian natives?3. Which of the following is Not true of John Waihee?4.Which of the following groups holds a less radical attitude on the matter of sovereignty?5.Various native Hawaiians demand all the following Except ( ).问题1选项A.Hawaiis ethnic groupsB.people of Filipino originC.the Ka Lahui groupD.people with 50% Hawaiian blood问题2选项A.Sixty percent of them are homeless or unemployed.B.Their life span is 5 years shorter than average Americans.C.Their life is worse than that of other ethnic groups in Hawaii.D.They are the only native group without sovereignty.问题3选项A.He is Hawaii first native governor.B.He has set up a sovereignty advisory committee.C.He suggested the native people decide for themselves.D.He is leading the local independence movement.问题4选项A.American Indian natives.B.Office of Hawaiian Affairs.C.The Ka Lahui group.D.The Hawaiian natives.问题5选项A.a greater autonomy within the stateB.more back rent on the crown landC.a claim on the Hawaiian crown landD.full independence from the U.S.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:B【解析】1.推理判断题。根据题干关键词Hawaiis native minority可以定位到文章第二段第一句“The islands were annexed by the U.S., in 1898 and since then Hawaiis native peoples have fared worse than any of its other ethnic groups.”,中文翻译为:这个群岛于1898年被美国吞并,从那时起,夏威夷土著居民的遭遇比其他种族群体的遭遇更为悲惨。可以判断只有A项“夏威夷的种族群体”正确。2.细节事实题。由题干可以定位到原文第二段“since then Hawaiis native people have fared worse than any of its other ethnic groups.”,中文大意为:自那以后,夏威夷的土著居民比其他种族的境况更糟糕。C选项正确,符合题意。3.细节事实题。由A,B,C选项可定位到原文第三段中“But a sovereignty advisory committee set up by Hawaiis first native governor, John Waihee, has given the natives cause a major boost by recommending that the Hawaiian natives decide by themselves whether to re-establish a sovereign Hawaiian nation.”,中文翻译为:由夏威夷的第一位本土官员 John Waihee成立的主权咨询委员会对土著居民的事件起到了推动作用,该委员会建议夏威夷土著居民应该自主决定是否需要重新成立一个夏威夷主权国家。判断A,B,C选项正确,排除;D选项在文章内没有相关信息介绍,故选D。4.细节事实题。由题干关键词“a less radical attitude”可以定位到文章第四段第三句“This is a position supported by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), a state agency set up in 1978 to represent the natives interests and which has now become the moderate face of the native sovereignty movement.”,中文翻译为:这是夏威夷事务办公室(OHA)支持的态度,OHA作为一个国家机关成立于1978年,代表着当地人民的利益,如今在面对土著居民主权运动上保持着温和的态度。故选B。5.细节事实题。由题干可以定位到原文最后一段“They also want their claim on 660,000 hectares of Hawaiian crown land to be accepted.”,中文翻译为:他们还希望能够要回66万公顷的夏威夷公有土地。可知夏威夷是想美国政府承认其所有权而不仅仅是更多的租金。因此B选项“更多的拖欠皇家土地的租金”符合题意。3. 单选题Knowing that he was promoted, Jason could hardly be( )on the phone.问题1选项A.adherentB.adhesiveC.coherentD.inherent【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项adherent“附着的;黏着的”;B选项adhesive“黏着的;带黏性的”;C选项coherent“连贯的;清晰的;条理清楚的”;D选项inherent“固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的”。句意:在得知自己升职后,杰森在电话里几乎不能条理清楚地讲话。根据句意,C选项正确。4. 单选题They worked for the complete( )of slavery for so long that they contributed their youth to this ideal.问题1选项A.abortionB.absorptionC.abolitionD.abomination【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项abortion“流产,堕胎,(计划等)失败”;B选项absorption“吸收;全神贯注,专心致志”;C选项abolition“废除;废止”;D选项abomination“厌恶;憎恨;令人厌恶的事物”。句意:他们为彻底废除奴隶制度工作了如此长的时间,以至于将自己的青春奉献给了这个理想。结合句意,C选项正确。5. 单选题Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they have ( ) vision.问题1选项A.vigorousB.exactC.acuteD.vivid【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项vigorous“有力的;精力充沛的”;B选项 exact“准确的,精密的;精确的”;C选项acute“敏锐的;激烈的;尖声的”;D选项 vivid“生动的;鲜明的”。句意:尽管大多数鸟类只有微不足道的嗅觉,但是它们却有敏锐的视觉。根据句意可知C选项正确。6. 单选题The costs associated with natural disasters are increasing rapidly. As a result, officials in government and industry have focused more attention on disasters and their effects. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has estimated that disasters cost the country about $1 billion per week. Hurricane Andrew, the Midwest flood of 1993, and the Hanshin earthquake have shown that individual disasters can cost tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars. This increasing cost has resulted in greater funding from government and industry for the development of technologies related to disaster prediction, and has led to more research into the effective use of predictive information.The insurance industry has long been aware of the dangers of natural disasters; the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco, California, bankrupted scores of insurance companies. But the industry has focused particular attention on disaster prediction in recent years, as spiraling costs revealed that many companies had underestimated their financial exposure. For instance, prior to Hurricane Andrew in 1992, many insurance experts thought that the worst hurricane possible would do no more than $8 billion in damages to the industry. The damages caused by Hurricane Andrew, estimated at about $17 billion, shattered these beliefs. Today, estimates of worst-case disaster scenarios approach $100 billion.The insurance industry has therefore increased its support for research into disaster prediction. One such effort involves a number of companies that have joined together to support the Bermuda-based Risk Prediction Initiative, which funds disaster research. The expectation is that the resulting information will place the industry on a more solid foundation to make decisions about the risk of future disasters. The industry has also lobbied for the government to bear some of the financial burden of disaster insurance. Such a program already exists for flood insurance, set up in the late 1960s by the federal government to insure flood-prone areas. These types of programs, effectively implemented, could be increasingly necessary in the future to make insurance available in areas prone to disasters.Because the stakes are so high, the science of disaster prediction has a bright future. The various projects and programs illustrate that disaster prediction is a topic of concern to scientists and policy makers alike. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes all show that the effective use of disaster predictions not only requires advanced technology but also requires that society consider the entire process of prediction forecasts, communication, and use of information. Because they cannot predict the future with certainty, and because much remains to be learned, scientists warn that society must understand the limits of scientific predictions and be prepared to employ alternatives. Wisely used, however, disaster prediction has the potential to reduce societys vulnerability to natural disasters.1.The result of the increasing costs in natural disasters is ( ).2.The difference between the actual loss caused by Hurricane Andrew and the loss estimated by insurance companies before the hurricane is ( ).3.The purpose of insurance companies to support disaster prediction research is that ( ).4.The word “tsunamis” (Line 3, Para. 4) most likely refers to ( )?5.The key factor to reduce societys vulnerability to natural disasters is ( ).问题1选项A.great loss suffered by commercial companiesB.governments increased attention on disasterC.individuals awareness to natural disastersD.more funds to support the prediction research问题2选项A.1 billion dollarsB.8 billion dollarsC.9 billion dollarsD.17 billion dollars问题3选项A.companies want to make money from the insured placesB.companies may thus have a better idea of the future risksC.companies can get more sympathies from the governmentD.companies intend to make use of peoples trust in the industry问题4选项A.violent storm with whirling winds in the funnel-shaped cloudB.a series of huge and destructive waves, usually caused by large earthquakes beneath the oceanC.mountain from which lava, cinders, steam, gases escape through openings in the earths crustD.storm with a violent wind, esp. a cyclone in the West Atlantic问题5选项A.insurance companies should be wise enough in their estimates of lossesB.the government should bear some of the financial risks of disaster insuranceC.the general public should be made fully aware of the possible damagesD.technology should be improved and three phases of prediction be considered【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干关键词the increasing cost可以定位到原文首段“This increasing cost has resulted in greater funding from government and industry for the development of technologies related to disaster prediction, and has led to more research into the effective use of predictive information.”,中文翻译为:这种不断增加的损失已让政府和企业为开发与灾难预测相关的技术提供了更多的资金,且已带来对预测信息有效利用的更多研究。因此D选项“更多资金去支持预测研究”符合题意。2.【试题解析】推理判断题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段“For instance, prior to Hurricane Andrew in 1992, many insurance experts thought that the worst hurricane possible would do no more than $8 billion in damages to the industry. The damages caused by Hurricane Andrew, estimated at about $17 billion, shattered these beliefs.”,中文翻译为:例如,在1992年安德鲁飓风发生前,很多保险公司专家认为工业可能的最严重损失将至多80亿美元。而安德鲁飓风所造成的被估计大约为170亿美元的损失却打破了这些看法。可推断出C项“90亿美元”正确。3.【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可以定位到文章第三段“The expectation is that the resulting information will place the industry on a more solid foundation to make decisions about the risk of future disasters.”,中文翻译为:这种期望是,产生的消息将让该行业(即保险业)有更可靠的基础去决策未来灾害的风险。可知答案为B项“公司可能因此对未来风险有更好的了解”。4.【试题解析】词汇题。根据题干关键词tsunamis可以定位到文章第四段第三句话“Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes all show that”,中文翻译为:飓风、龙卷风、洪水、地震、海啸和火山都表明了可以判断出该单词为“海啸”,因此B项“一系列巨大且破坏性的波浪,通常是海底大地震导致的”正确。5.【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可定位到原文第四段第三句话“Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes all show that the effective use of disaster predictions not only requires advanced technology but also requires that society consider the entire process of prediction forecasts, communication, and use of information.”,中文翻译为:飓风、龙卷风、洪水、地震、海啸和火山都表明,有效利用灾害预测不仅需要先进的技术,而且需要社会考虑预测的整个过程预测、通信和信息的使用。可知答案为D“应该改进技术,考虑预测的三个阶段”。7. 单选题Just because Im( )to him, my boss thinks he can order me around without showing me any respect.问题1选项A.redundantB.subordinateC.versatileD.trivial【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项redundant“多余的;被解雇的;冗长的”;B选项subordinate“从属的;次要的”;C选项versatile“多才多艺的;通用的”;D选项trivial“不重要的,琐碎的;琐细的”。句意:只是因为我是他的下属,我的老板就认为,他可以在对我没有表示任何尊敬的情况下把我差来差去。根据句意可知B选项正确。8. 单选题Ever since the rise of industrialism, education has been( )towards producing workers.问题1选项A.harnessedB.hatchedC.motivatedD.geared【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。gear toward“专门朝向某事发展”。句意:自工业主义出现以来,教育一直专门生产工人。根据句意可知D选项正确。9. 单选题The most( )technological success in the twentieth century is probably the computer revolution.问题1选项A.solemnB.prominentC.prosperousD.prevalent【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项solemn“严肃的;隆重的,郑重的”;B选项 prominent“突出的,显著的;杰出的”;C选项prosperous“繁荣的;兴旺的”;D选项 prevalent“流行的;普遍的”。句意:20世纪最显著的技术成功或许是计算机革命。结合句意,选B。10. 单选题Well, no gain without pain, they say. But what about pain without gain? Everywhere you go in America, you hear tales of corporate revival. What is harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution that businessmen assume they presiding over is for real.The official statistics are mildly dis


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