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2022年考博英语-中国政法大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The debate over the environmental crisis is not new: anxiety about industrys impact on the environment has existed for over a century. What is new is the extreme polarization of views. Mounting evidence of humanitys capacity to damage the environment irreversibly coupled with suspicions that government, industry, and even science might be impotent to prevent environmental destruction have provoked accusatory polemics on the part of environmentalists. In turn, these polemics have elicited a corresponding backlash from industry. The sad effect of this polarization is that it is now even more difficult for industry than it was a hundred years ago to respond appropriately to impact analyses that demand action.Unlike todays adversaries, earlier ecological reformers shared with advocates of industrial growth a confidence in timely corrective action. George P. Marshs pioneering conservation tract Man and Nature (1864) elicited wide acclaim without embittered denials. Man and Nature castigated Earths despoilers for heedless greed, declaring that humanity “has brought the face of the Earth to desolation almost as complete as that of the Moon.” But no entrepreneur or industrialist sought to refute Marshs accusations to defend the gutting of forests or the slaughter of wildlife as economically essential or to dismiss his ecological warnings as hysterical. To the contrary, they generally agreed with him.Why? Marsh and his followers took environmental improvement and economic progress as givens; they disputed not the desirability of conquering nature but the bungling way in which the conquest was carried out. Blame was not personalized. Marsh denounced general greed rather than particular entrepreneurs, and the media did not hound malefactors. Further, corrective measures seemed to entail no sacrifice to demand no draconian remedies. Self-interest underwrote most prescribed reforms. Marshs emphasis on future stewardship was then a widely accepted ideal (if not practice). His ecological admonitions were in keeping with the Enlightenment premise that humanitys mission was to subdue and transform nature.Not until the 1960s did a gloomier perspective gain popular ground. Frederic Clements equilibrium model of ecology developed in the 1930s seemed consistent with mounting environmental disasters. In this view, nature was most fruitful when least altered. Left undisturbed, flora and fauna gradually attained maximum diversity and stability. Despoliation thwarted the culmination or shortened the duration of this beneficent climax: technology did not improve nature but destroyed it.The equilibrium model became an ecological mystique: environmental interference was now taboo, wilderness adored. Nature as unfinished fabric perfected by human ingenuity gave way to the image nature debased and endangered by technology. In contrast to the Enlightenment vision of nature, according to which rational managers construct an ever more improved environment, twentieth-century reformers vision of nature calls for a reduction of human interference in order to restore environmental stability.61. Which one of the following most accurately states the main idea of the passage?62. The author refers to the equilibrium model of ecology as an “ecological mystique” (line 1, last paragraph) most likely in order to do which one of the following?63. Which one of the following practices is most clearly an application of Frederic Clements equilibrium model of ecology?64. The passage suggests the George P. Marsh and todays ecological reformers would be most likely to agree with which one of the following statements?65. The passage is primarily concerned with which one of the following?问题1选项A.Mounting evidence of humanitys capacity to damage the environment should motivate action to prevent further damage.B.The ecological mystique identified with Frederic Clements has become a religious conviction among ecological reformers.C.The views of ecologists and industrial growth advocates concerning the environment have only recently become polarized.D.George P. Marshs ideas about conservation and stewardship have heavily influenced the present debate over the environment.问题2选项A.Express appreciation for how plants and animals attain maximum diversity and stability when left alone.B.Point out that the equilibrium model of ecology has recently been supported by empirical scientific research.C.Underscore the fervor with which twentieth-century reformers adhere to the equilibrium model.D.Indicate that the ideas of twentieth-century ecological reformers are often so theoretical as to be difficult to understand.问题3选项A.Introducing a species into an environment to which it is not native to help control the spread of another species that no longer has any natural predators.B.Setting areas of land aside to be maintained as wilderness from which the use or extraction of natural resources is prohibited.C.Using scientific methods to increases the stability of plants and animals in areas where species are in danger of becoming extinct.D.Developing incentives for industries to take corrective measures to protect the environment.问题4选项A.Regulating industries in order to protect the environment does not conflict with the self-interest of those industries.B.Solving the environmental crisis does not require drastic and costly remedies.C.Environmental improvement and economic progress are equally important goals.D.Human despoliation of the Earth has caused widespread environmental damage.问题5选项A.Outlining the background and development of conflicting viewpoints in a current debate.B.Explaining how conflicting viewpoints in a current debate are equally valid.C.Determining which of two conflicting viewpoints in a current debate is more persuasive.D.Providing examples of possible solutions to a current crisis.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:D第5题:C【解析】61.【试题答案】A【试题解析】主旨大意题。题干的意思是“下列哪个选项最准确地陈述了文章的主要思想?”。文章第一段中指出What is new is the extreme polarization of views. Mounting evidence of humanitys capacity to damage the environment irreversibly coupled with suspicions that government, industry, and even science might be impotent to prevent environmental destruction have provoked accusatory polemics on the part of environmentalists.(新出现的是观点的极端两极分化;越来越多的证据表明人类有能力不可逆转地破坏环境,再加上人们怀疑政府、工业甚至科学在防止环境破坏方面可能无能为力,这引起了环保主义者的指责性辩论),由此可知A项“越来越多的证据表明人类有能力破坏环境,应促使采取行动防止进一步的破坏”正确。B项“弗雷德里克克莱门茨(Frederic Clements)所推崇的生态神秘感,已成为生态改革者的一种宗教信仰”,最后一段第一句提到The equilibrium model became an ecological mystique: environmental interference was now taboo, wilderness adored.(生态平衡模式变成了一种生态的神秘性:环境干扰现在是荒野崇拜的禁忌),由此可知不是一种宗教信仰,B项错误;C项“生态学家和工业发展提倡者在环境问题上的观点只在最近才变得两极化”,only(只有)一词用的不恰当,C项错误;D项“George P. Marsh关于环境保护和管理的观点严重影响了目前关于环境的辩论”这只是一个例子,并不是通篇文章的主要意思,D项不选。因此该题选A。62.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干的意思是“作者将生态学的平衡模型称为生态的奥秘(最后一段第一行)最有可能是为了做以下哪一种?”。根据题干定位到文章最后一段environmental interference was now taboo, wilderness adored. Nature as unfinished fabric perfected by human ingenuity gave way to the image nature debased and endangered by technology. In contrast to the Enlightenment vision of nature, according to which rational managers construct an ever more improved environment, twentieth-century reformers vision of nature calls for a reduction of human interference in order to restore environmental stability.(环境干扰现在是荒野崇拜的禁忌;自然就像一件未完工的织物,由人类的聪明才智加以完善,已经被技术所贬低和危及的自然形象所替代;启蒙运动的自然观认为,理性的管理者构建了一个更加美好的环境;与之相反,20世纪改革者的自然观要求减少人类的干预,以恢复环境的稳定。),由此可知,作者在这里指出有些改革太过于理论化而很难理解,所以D项“表明20世纪生态改革者的思想往往理论性太强,难以理解”正确。A项“对动植物在不受干扰的情况下如何获得最大程度的多样性和稳定性表示赞赏”,根据第四段最后一句Despoliation thwarted the culmination or shortened the duration of this beneficent climax technology did not improve nature but destroyed it.(掠夺阻碍了这一高潮或缩短了这一有益的高潮的持续时间;技术并没有改善自然,而是破坏了它)可知,作者是对这一掠夺表示反对,对自然表示惋惜,A项内容理解错误;B项“指出生态学的平衡模型最近得到了实证科学研究的支持”,文中没有提到;C项“强调20世纪改革者对均衡模型的狂热”,文中内容没有提到改革者对均衡模型的狂热,C项不选。因此该题选D。63.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。题干的意思是“以下哪一个实践是弗雷德里克克莱门茨的生态平衡模型最明显地的应用?”。文章第四段中指出In this view, nature was most fruitful when least altered. Left undisturbed, flora and fauna gradually attained maximum diversity and stability. Despoliation thwarted the culmination or shortened the duration of this beneficent climax: technology did not improve nature but destroyed it.(从这个观点来看,大自然最少改变的时候是最富有成效的;未受干扰的动植物群落逐渐获得了最大的多样性和稳定性;掠夺阻碍了这一高潮或缩短了这一有益的高潮的持续时间:技术并没有改善自然,而是破坏了它。),由此可以推断B项“把一些土地划出来作为荒野加以维护,禁止使用或开采自然资源”是这一生态平衡模型的应用;A项“将一个物种引入非本地物种的环境,以帮助控制另一个不再有天敌的物种的传播”,将物种引入其他环境算是对自然的一种干扰,和生态平衡模型内容不符合;C项“在物种濒临灭绝的地区,用科学的方法来增加动植物的稳定性”和D项“制定企业激励,采取纠正措施保护环境”也是人为的干扰,都不符合这一平衡模型的内容。因此该题选B。64.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干的意思是“文章表明,George P. Marsh和今天的生态改革者最有可能同意下列哪一种说法?”。根据第二段最后两句话But no entrepreneur or industrialist sought to refute Marshs accusations to defend the gutting of forests or the slaughter of wildlife as economically essential or to dismiss his ecological warnings as hysterical.(但没有企业家或实业家试图反驳马什的指控,他认为砍伐森林或屠杀野生动物在经济上是必要的,也没有人认为他的生态警告是歇斯底里的)可知A项“为了保护环境而规范工业与这些工业的自身利益并不冲突”有提到;根据文章第三段第四句Further, corrective measures seemed to entail no sacrifice to demand no draconian remedies.(此外,纠正措施似乎不需要牺牲,不需要严厉的补救措施)可知B项“解决环境危机不需要激烈和昂贵的补救措施”有提到;根据文章第三段第一句Marsh and his followers took environmental improvement and economic progress as givens(马什和他的追随者把环境改善和经济发展视为既定事实)可知C项“环境改善和经济发展是同样重要的目标”也有提到;D项“人类对地球的掠夺造成了广泛的环境破坏”,根据文章第二段第三句Man and Nature castigated Earths despoilers for heedless greed, declaring that humanity “has brought the face of the Earth to desolation almost as complete as that of the Moon.”(人与自然谴责了地球的掠夺者,因为他们肆无忌惮的贪婪,宣称人类“已经使地球表面像月球表面一样遭到了彻底的毁灭)和文章末段最后一句twentieth-century reformers vision of nature calls for a reduction of human interference in order to restore environmental stability.(20世纪改革者的自然观要求减少人类的干预,以恢复环境的稳定)可推断,Marsh和今天的生态改革者都同意人类的掠夺对自然造成破坏,所以D项符合,A、B、C选项都是Marsh那个时期的观点,并不是当今生态改革者的观点,所以A、B、C选项都不正确。因此该题选D。65.【试题答案】C【试题解析】主旨大意题。题干的意思是“这篇文章主要是关于下列哪一个?”。作者首段提到The debate over the environmental crisis is not new: Anxiety about industrys impact on the environment has existed for over a century. What is new is the extreme polarization of views.(关于环境危机的争论并不新鲜:对工业对环境影响的担忧已经存在了一个多世纪。新出现的是观点的极端两极分化。),由此可知,文章开篇提到当今面对环境的争论出现了两极化,然后下文通过很多的例子说明,一种过于理论化的论述是不合乎逻辑的,C项“确定当前辩论中两个相互冲突的观点中哪一个更有说服力”符合题意。A项“概述当前辩论中相互冲突的观点的背景和发展”,概述背景和发展的目的是为了讨论出两个观点哪一个更有说服力,所以A项是一个论述过程,因此不选;B项“解释当前辩论中相互冲突的观点如何同样有效”也是讨论的一个过程,不是文章的主要讨论目的,B项不选;D项“为当前危机提供可能的解决方案”,文章并没有给出合适的解决方案,D项错误。因此该题选C。2. 单选题Public general hospitals originated in the almshouse infirmaries established as early as colonial times by local governments to care for the poor. Later, in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the infirmary separated from the almshouse and became an independent institution supported by local tax money. At the same time, private charity hospitals began to develop. Both private and public hospitals provided mainly food and shelter for the impoverished sick, since there was little that medicine could actually do to cure illness, and the middle class was treated at home by private physicians.Late in the nineteenth century, the private charity hospital began trying to attract middle-class patients. Although the depression of 1890 stimulated the growth of charitable institutions and an expanding urban population became dependent on assistance, there was a decline in private contributions to these organizations which forced them to look to local government for financial support. Since private institutions had also lost benefactors; they began to charge patients. In order to attract middle-class patients, private institutions provided services and amenities that distinguished between paying and non-paying patients and made the hospital a desirable place for private physicians to treat their own patients. As paying patients became more necessary to the survival of the private hospital, the public hospitals slowly became the only place for the poor to get treatment. By the end of the nineteenth century, cities were reimbursing private hospitals for their care of indigent patients and the public hospitals remained dependent on the tax dollars.The advent of private hospital health insurance, which provided middle-class patients with the purchasing power to pay for private hospital services, guaranteed the private hospital a regular source of income. Private hospitals restricted themselves to revenue-generating patients, leaving the public hospitals to care for file poor. Although public hospitals continued to provide services for patients with communicable diseases and-outpatient and emergency services, the Blue Cross plans developed around the needs of the private hospitals and the inpatients they served. Thus, reimbursement for ambulatory care has been minimal under most Blue Cross plans, and provision of outpatient care has not been a major function of the private hospital, in part because private patients can afford to pay for the services of private physicians. Additionally, since World War II,there has been a tremendous influx of federal money into private medical schools and the hospitals associated with them. Further, large private medical centers with expensive research equipment and programs have attracted the best administrators, physicians, and researchers. As a result of the greater resources available to the private medical centers, public hospitals have increasing problems attracting highly qualified research and medical personnel. With the mainstream of health care firmly established in the private medical sector, the public hospital has become a “dumping ground.”56. According to the passage, the very first private hospitals _.57. It can be inferred that the author believes the differences that currently exist between public and private hospitals are primarily the result of _.58. Which of the following would be the most logical topic for the author to introduce in the next paragraph?59. The authors primary concern is to _.60. The authors attitude toward public hospitals can best be described as _.问题1选项A.developed from almshouse infirmariesB.were established mainly to service the poorC.were supported by government revenuesD.provided better care than public infirmaries问题2选项A.political considerationsB.legislative requirementsC.economic factorsD.ethical concerns问题3选项A.A plan to improve the quality of public hospitals.B.An analysis of the profit structure of health insurance companies.C.A proposal to raise taxes on the middle class.D.A discussion of recent developments in medical technology.问题4选项A.describe the financial structure of the healthcare industryB.demonstrate the importance of government support for health-care institutionsC.criticize wealthy institutions for refusing to provide services to the poorD.identify the historical causes of the division between private and public hospitals问题5选项A.contemptuous and prejudicedB.enthusiastic and supportiveC.apprehensive and distrustfulD.concerned and understanding【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D【解析】56.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“根据文章,最早的私立医院”。文章第一段说到Public general hospitals originated in the almshouse infirmaries established as early as colonial times by local governments to care for the poor.(公立综合医院起源于殖民地时期地方政府为照顾穷人而建立的救济院医务室),由此可知由救济院医务室发展来的是公立医院,而不是私人医院,所以A项“由救济院医务室发展而来”错误;根据第一段最后一句Both private and public hospitals provided mainly food and shelter for the impoverished sick(私立医院和公立医院主要为贫困病人提供食物和住所)可知,最开始公立医院和私立医院都是为穷人提供服务的,因此B项“主要是为穷人服务而建立的”符合题意;C项“由政府收入支持”文中未提及;D项“提供比公立医院更好的护理”,最初的公立医院和私立医院都是为穷人服务,没有好坏之分,因此D项错误。故该题选B。57.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“可以推断,作者认为目前公立医院与私立医院之间存在的差异,主要是由于”。根据文章第二段Since private institutions had also lost benefactors; they began to charge patients. In order to attract middle-class patients, private institutions provided services and amenities that distinguished between paying and non-paying patients and made the hospital a desirable place for private physicians to treat their own patients. As paying patients became more necessary to the survival of the private hospital, the public hospitals slowly became the only place for the poor to get treatment. By the end of the nineteenth century, cities were reimbursing private hospitals for their care of indigent patients and the public hospitals remained dependent on the tax dollars.(因为私人机构也失去了捐助者;他们开始向病人收费。为了吸引中产阶级患者,私人机构提供了区分付费和非付费患者的服务和设施,使医院成为私人医生治疗自己患者的理想场所。随着付费病人对私立医院的生存变得更加必要,公立医院慢慢成为穷人获得治疗的唯一场所。到19世纪末,城市开始偿还私立医院对贫困病人的护理费用,而公立医院仍然依靠纳税人的钱),这一段详细阐述了私立医院是如何从不收费到收费,并且因为资金的慢慢累积而变得更好,而公立医院一直都依赖于政府的税收,很难发展。所以这是经济因素导致两者的差异,而不是政治,立法或者伦理原因。故A项“政治上的考虑”,B项“立法要求”和D项“伦理关怀”错误,C项“经济因素”符合题意。故该题选C。58.【试题答案】A【试题解析】判断推理题。题干意思是“下面哪一项会是作者在下一段中引入的最符合逻辑的主题?”。文章最后两句话说到As a result of the greater resources available to the private medical centers, public hospitals have increasing problems attracting highly qualified research and medical personnel. With the mainstream of health care firmly established in the private medical sector, the public hospital has become a “dumping ground.”(由于私人医疗中心拥有更多的资源,公立医院在吸引高素质的研究人员和医务人员方面面临越来越多的问题。随着主流医疗保健在私营医疗部门的牢固建立,公立医院已成为一个“垃圾场”),根据最后一段讲述了公立医院因为缺少资金找不高素质的医疗研究人员,导致其变成了一个垃圾场,根据逻辑推理,在接下来的文章中,作者极可能就此问题进行分析,并给出如何改进这一问题的方案,所以选择A项“提高公立医院质量的计划”;B项“健康保险公司利润结构分析”,C项“提高中产阶级税收的提案”和D项“对医学技术最近发展的讨论”都与改善公立医院无关。故该题选A。59.【试题答案】D【试题解析】主旨大意题。题干意思是“作者主要关心的是什么”。全文作者一开始就讲述了公立医院与私立医院的历史发展与变化和直到今天各自如此不同的各种原因,所以D项“找出私立医院和公立医院分离的历史原因”更能概括作者的意图。A项“描述医疗保健行业的财务结构”,过于片面,这只是说了私立医院与公立医院不同的一个方面,不够全面,故不选;B项“证明政府支持保健机构的重要性”,文中作者也没有说过政府支持对医院的重要性,所以B项错误;C项“批评富裕的机构拒绝为穷人提供服务”,作者整个态度是中立的,并没有批评哪一方面的意思,所以C项不选。故该题选D。60.【试题答案】D【试题解析】作者态度题。题干意思是“作者对公立医院的态度最好的描述是什么”。作者在全文中对于公立医院的来源于发展都是保持一种客观描述的态度,对公立医院今时今日的处境也表示理解与关心。所以选D项“关心和理解”更符合题意。文中作者并没有表示任何轻蔑或是十分热衷,所以A项“轻蔑和偏见”和B项“热情和支持”均不选;C项“不安和不信任”,文中针对公立医院的服务质量作者没有多做描述,不存在不信任或怀疑;因此该项也不选。故该题选D。3. 单选题The decision of the New York Philharmonic to hire Alan Gilbert as its next music director has been the talk of the classical-music world ever since the sudden announcement of his appointment in 2009. For the most part, the response has been favorable, to say the least. “Hooray! At last!” wrote Anthony Tommasini, a sober-sided classical music critic.One of the reasons why the appointment came as such a surprise, however, is that Gilbert, is comparatively little known. Even Tommasini, who had advocated Gilberts appointment in the Times, calls him “an unpretentious musician with no air of the formidable conductor about him.” As a description of the next music director of an orchestrathat has hitherto been led by musicians like Gustav Mahler and Pierre Boulez, that seems likely to have struck at least some Times readers as faint praise.For my part, I have no idea whether Gilbert, is a great conductor or even a good one. To be sure, he performs an impressive variety of interesting compositions, but it is not necessary for me to visit Avery Fisher Hall, or anywhere else, to hear interesting orchestral music. All I have to do is to go to my CD shelf, or boot up my computer and download still more recorded music from iTunes.Devoted concertgoers who reply that recordings are no substitute for live performance are missing the point. For the time, attention, and money of the art-loving public, classical instrumentalists must compete not only with opera houses, dance troupes, theater companies, and museums, but also with me recorded performances of the great classical musicians of the 20th century. Their recordings are cheap, available everywhere, and very often much higher in artistic quality than todays live performances; moreover, they can be “consumed” at a time and place of the listeners choosing. The widespread availability of such recordings has thus brought about a crisis in the institution of the traditional classical concert.One possib


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