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2022年考博英语-昆明理工大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题As the great low ebb of high tech sweeps through the world of online commerce, two kinds of sites are weathering the storm. The first group is often referred to as “clicks and mortar”online extensions of stores like Walmart or Sears. They take an existing, traditional business and extend it into the online arena. The second group provides a unique service made possible by the Internets special characteristics. Job sites and online auctioneer e-Bay are both good examples of the new breed of business that the Internet continues to foster.C is one of the latter group. Its a website that provides users with online stores where they can sell shirts, mugs, and mousepads customized with their own logos and/or slogans. By itself, this is a fairly useful service, and an example of how the Internet has changed the art of marketing and customer service.C, however, is rather remarkable for another reason. Customers dont need to print large lots of items. They dont need to worry about shipping the goods to their customers. And they dont need to talk to another human being to get their store “built” in the first place. The site lets you upload an image and choose what sort of item youd like it to appear on. You can then choose how much to mark the item upthe difference between the items base cost and your mark-up price is your profit.Base prices are high, but understandable when you consider what does for the initial investment. An 11-ounce mug starts at $10.99. For that, prints the mug on a piece-by-piece basis, provides the ordering software, handles the money, packs it, and ships it for you. The mugs purchaser pays shipping and handling costs; the store owners effort is limited to uploading the original image for the mug, setting the cost, and writing a brief description of the item.It seems to be catching on. “More and more companies come to us, who want to do some kind of merchandising, who want to offer a range of products to their users, but dont want the hassles(麻烦事)associated with it,” says Maheesh Jain, cafepress.corns co-founder and vice-president. “Thats where we come inwere one of the few companies that offer this kind of full-service solution.”But the most exciting aspect of is not its ability to help major corporations outsource(外包)and customize their merchandising efforts. Whats remarkable about the system is how simple it is to open a store. An average individual with an idea that could sell 50 T-shirts or mugs cant justify a traditional merchandising effort, but with , users can easily bring ideas to fruition(完成)with very little time and no financial risk. Moreover, the quality of the merchandise is good; Ive ordered a mug and a shirt from , and both were shipped relatively promptly, and arrived exactly as promised. C is an idea thats easy to get excited about. Its a smallbut tangible example of how the Internet can change the way we live.1.The expression “weathering the storm” in the first sentence means( ).2.The first kind of site differs from the second kind of site in that( ).3.Which of the following about C is NOT true?4.What kind of customers need C most according to its vice-president?5.What is the most outstanding about C according to the author?问题1选项A.surviving a crisisB.coming into beingC.struggling in the stormD.being dominated by a stormy high tech wave问题2选项A.the first kind sells commodities while the second offers serviceB.the first kind extends items sold beyond the traditional categoriesC.the second kind is rising while the first kind is declining in the world of online commerceD.the second kind offers untraditional jobs to people experienced ill auctioning问题3选项A.Its customers are those who want to sell things rather than buy things.B.It, along with similar sites, has changed the traditional way of marketing.C.It keeps its profit to a minimum in order to attract online customers.D.Its users dont have to transact the items to be sold face-to-face with their customers.问题4选项A.Those who sell a great variety of items.B.Those who sell unconventional commodities.C.Those who want to avoid the trouble of negotiating with clients.D.Those who have problem keeping their commodities moving.问题5选项A.The help it offers major companies in marketing their commodities.B.The conveniences it gives to companies in selling their commodities.C.The high quality of the merchandise it offers to customers.D.The speed and security it offers users to put their ideas into practice.【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:C第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.词义题。“weather the storm”中的the storm是指前面的“the great low ebb of high tech(高科技的低谷)”,由文章第一段中的最后一句Job sites and online auctioneer e-Bay are both good examples of the new breed of business that the Internet continues to foster.(Job sites和online auctioneer e-Bay都是互联网继续培育的商务新品种的好例子)可推测“two kinds of sites(两类网站)”经受住了这次高科技的低谷,并生存了下来,因此A选项“危机中生存”符合题意。2.细节事实题。根据题干的关键词the firs kind of site和the send kind of site定位到文章第一段中,由第一段第二三四句The first group is often referred to as “clicks and mortar” online extensions of stores like Walmart or Sears. They take an existing, traditional business and extend it into the online arena. The second group provides a unique service made possible by the Internets special characteristics.(第一种通常被称为“实体与虚拟结合的商店”Walmart 或Sears等商店的在线扩展。他们将现有的传统业务扩展到在线领域。第二种提供了一种独特的服务,这是由于互联网的特殊性而得以实现的) 可知第一种卖产品,而第二种卖服务,因此A选项“第一种是销售商品,第二种是提供服务”符合题意。3.细节事实题。由文章第四段第一句Base prices are high, but understandable when you consider what does for the initial investment.(基础价格很高这是可以理解的,考虑到CafeP为初始投资所做的工作)可知C选项“为了吸引在线客户,它将利润降到最低”表示不正确。4.细节事实题。根据题干关键词vice-president定位到文章倒数第二段中,由More and more companies come to us, who want to do some kind of merchandising, who want to offer a range of products to their users, but dont want the hassles associated with it(越来越多的公司来找我们,他们想做某种商品销售,他们想向他们的用户提供一系列的产品,但他们不想做与之相关的麻烦事)可知C选项“那些想避免与客户谈判的麻烦的人”符合题意。5.细节事实题。根据题干关键词the most outstanding about C定位到文章最后一段中,由Whats remarkable about the system is how simple it is to open a store(这个系统值得注意的是,开一家商店是多么简单)和but with , users can easily bring ideas to fruition with very little time and no financial risk(但是,使用,用户可以轻松地将想法在短时间内实现,而且没有财务风险)可知D选项“它为用户提供了快速将他们的想法付诸实践的安全性”符合题意。2. 单选题The brilliance of his satires was ( )make even his victims laugh.问题1选项A.so as toB.such as toC.so thatD.such that【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。分析句子结构,可知was后面缺少表语,so是副词不可做表语,排除A、C选项。such as to表示“到如此程度以致,如此以致”,其中的such为代词,在句中作表语;such that表示“到这样的程度”,结合选项意思及句意选B。句意:他写的讽刺作品十分精彩,即便是被他讽刺的那些人也忍不住要笑。3. 单选题Teachers complain that English learners( )these tests without being able to speak English on a daily topic and write a decent essay.问题1选项A.look throughB.carry throughC.sail throughD.put through【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项look through“逐一查看,浏览”;B选项carry through“(常指艰难地)做,完成”;C选项sail through“顺利地通过,轻易地做成”;D选项put through“为接通电话,使遭受(不愉快的经历)”。由these tests(这些考试)及语境可知选C。句意:老师们抱怨说,英语学习者能顺利的通过这些考试,却不能用英语进行日常交流,写一篇像样的文章。4. 单选题( )scientists have observed increased pollution in the water supply.问题1选项A.LateB.LaterC.LatterD.Lately【答案】D【解析】考查形近词辨析。A选项late“晚的”;B选项later“后来的,以后,其后”;C选项latter“(刚提及的两者中)后者的,(系列中)最后的”;D选项lately“最近,近来”。根据have observed可知句子为现在完成时,因此选D。句意:最近,科学家们观察到供水中的污染增加了。5. 翻译题Translate the following paragraph into English电子邮件对我们职业生涯和个人生活的影响非同一般。相隔千里的人们可以在短短 的几秒钟之内发送并接受详尽的文件资料。这就使得人们能够以一种前所未有的方式齐 心协力,共同承担大量的工程项目。通过电子邮件与国外的人通信、交换文件已成为司 空见惯的事情。唯一的障碍是时区的不同。【答案】The effect of e-mail on our career and personal life is extraordinary. People thousands of miles way away from each can send and receive detailed documents within just a few seconds. This allow people to work together and jointly undertake a great deal of projects in an unprecedented way. It has become a common practice to communicate and exchange files with people overseas by e-mail. The only obstacle is the difference in time zones.6. 翻译题Read the following paragraph carefully and then translate it into Chinese.A fulfilling marriage begins when two people make time together their No. 1 priority. If we hope to find love, we must first find time for loving. Unfortunately, current psychology rests on the model of the independent ego. To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness. We must go beyond what psychologist Abraham Maslow called “self-actualization” to “us-actualization”. We have to learn to put time where love is. The lasting marriage is never sure of the separate “selves” that make it up. But it has complete confidence that the relationship will grow in a never-ending process of learning. There is a powerful healing energy that emanates from loving. Lasting love can learn to sense it, send it and make it grow. We are energized by love if we put our energy into loving.【答案】当两个人都把抽出时间多聚在一起作为他们的第一要务时,一段美满的婚姻就开始了。如果我们希望找到爱,我们首先必须找到时间去爱。遗憾的是,当前的心理学依赖于独立自我的模式。为了维持长久的婚姻,我们必须克服以自我为中心的思想。我们必须超越心理学家亚伯拉罕马斯洛所说的“自我实现”而转向“共同实现”。我们必须学会把时间放在爱上。持久的婚姻永远无法确定组成婚姻的独立“自我”。但有一点可以确信的是,这种关系将在一个永无止境的学习过程中成长。有一种强大的治愈能量来自于爱。持久的爱可以使人学会感知,释放并使这种能量增长。如果我们把精力投入到爱中,我们就会受到爱的激励。7. 单选题As the head of the department was away on a business trip, I was asked to( )the weekly staff meeting.问题1选项A.chairB.introduceC.presideD.dominate【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项chair“担任(会议、讨论等的)主席,主持(会议、讨论等)”,是及物动词;B选项introduce“介绍,引入”;C选项preside“主持,指挥,担任会议主席”,是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,故排除;D选项dominate“支配,控制”。由the weekly staff meeting(每周员工会议)可知A选项符合语境。句意:由于部门主管出差,我被要求主持每周的员工会议。8. 单选题Customers may also be permitted to( )their current accounts for a short period in anticipation of a credit item coming in.问题1选项A.overextendB.overdrawC.overvalueD.overpay【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项overextend“过分张开,过分扩展”;B选项overdraw“透支”;C选项overvalue“对估价过高,高估”;D选项overpay“付款过多,多付报酬”。根据current accounts(往来账户)可知B选项符合语境。句意:客户如预知有一笔存入款项即将办理,也可短时期透支其往来账户。9. 单选题Barry had an advantage over his mother ( )he could speak French.问题1选项A.since thatB.in thatC.at thatD.so that【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项since that“从那以后”;B选项in that“因为,在于”;C选项at that“而且,因此”;D选项so that“以便”。根据逻辑关系可知空格后面表示的是原因,因此选B。句意:Barry比他妈妈有优势,因为他会讲法语。10. 单选题Had the explosion broken out, the passengers in the plane should have been killed, for it was( )timed with the planes take-off.问题1选项A.simultaneouslyB.instantaneouslyC.spontaneouslyD.conscientiously【答案】A【解析】考查形近词辨析。A选项simultaneously“同时地”;B选项instantaneously“突如其来地,即刻”;C选项spontaneously“自然地,自发地”;D选项conscientiously“凭良心地,认真地”。当虚拟条件句中的谓语含有were,had, should时,可省略连词if,将were,had, should置于句首。Had the explosion broken out=If the explosion had broken out(如果爆炸突然发生),由“爆炸发生”与“飞机上的乘客死亡”可推测这两个动词应是同时发生的,因此选A。句意:如果爆炸突然发生,飞机上的乘客就会被杀死,因为爆炸发生的时间和飞机起飞的时间是同一时间。11. 单选题Generous public funding of basic science would( )considerable benefits for the countrys health, wealth and security.问题1选项A.result fromB.settle downC.lie inD.lead to【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项result from“产生于, 由引起”;B选项settle down“定居”;C选项lie in“在于,位于”;D选项lead to“导致,把带到”。根据句子之间的逻辑关系可知选D,表示慷慨的公共资助会给国家带来好处。句意:对基础科学慷慨的公共资助将为国家的健康、财富和安全带来可观的好处。12. 单选题Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, ( )themselves.问题1选项A.expandingB.prolongingC.stretchingD.extending【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项expand“扩大,增加”;B选项prolong“延长,拉长”;C选项stretch“伸展”;D选项extend“延伸”。此处表示“伸展身体”,因此选C。句意:早上的工作做完后,职员们站在桌子后面伸展身体。13. 单选题No woman can be too rich or too thin. This saying often attributed to the late Duchess of Windsor embodies much of the odd spirit of our times. Being thin is deemed as such a virtue.The problem with such a view is that some people actually attempt to live by it. I myself have fantasies of slipping into narrow designer clothes. Consequently, I have been on a diet for the better or worse part of my life. Being rich wouldnt be bad either, but that wont happen unless an unknown relative dies suddenly in some distant land, leaving me millions of dollars.Where did we go off the track? When did eating butter become a sin, and a little bit of extra flesh unappealing, if not repellent? All religions have certain days when people refrain from eating and excessive eating is one of Christianitys seven deadly sins. However, until quite recently, most people had a problem getting enough to eat. In some religious groups, wealth was a symbol of probable salvation and high morals, and fatness a sign of wealth and well-being.Today the opposite is true. We have shifted to thinness as our new mark of virtue. The result is that being fator even only somewhat overweightis bad because it implies a lack of moral strength.Our obsession with thinness is also fueled by health concerns. It is true that in this country we have more overweight people than ever before, and that, in many cases, being over-weight correlates with an increased risk of heart and blood vessel disease. These diseases, however, many have as much to do with our way of life and our high-fat diets as with excess weight. And the associated risk of cancer in the digestive system may be more of a dietary problemtoo much fat and a lack of fiberthan a weight problem.The real concern, then, is not that we weigh too much, but that we neither exercise enough nor eat well. Exercise is necessary for strong bones and both heart and lung health. A balanced diet without a lot of fat can also help the body avoid many diseases. We should surely stop paying so much attention to weight. Simply being thin is not enough. It is actually hazardous if those who get (or already are) thin think they are automatically healthy and thus free from paying attention to their overall life-style. Thinness can be pure vainglory.1.In the eyes of the author, an odd phenomenon nowadays is that( ).2.Swept by the prevailing trend, the author( ).3.In human history, peoples views on body weight( ).4.The author criticizes womens obsession with thinness( ).5.Whats the authors advice to women who are absorbed in the idea of thinness?问题1选项A.the Duchess of Windsor is regarded as a woman of virtueB.looking slim is a symbol of having a large fortuneC.being thin is viewed as a much desired qualityD.religious people are not necessarily virtuous问题2选项A.had to go on a diet for the greater part of her lifeB.could still prevent herself from going off the trackC.had to seek help from rich distant relativesD.had to wear highly fashionable clothes问题3选项A.were closely related to their religious beliefsB.changed from time to timeC.varied between the poor and the richD.led to different moral standards问题4选项A.from an economic and educational perspectiveB.from sociological and medical points of viewC.from a historical and religious standpointD.in the light of moral principles问题5选项A.They should be more concerned with their overall lifestyle.B.They should be more watchful for fatal diseases.C.They should gain weight to look healthy.D.They should rid themselves of fantasies about designer clothes.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。由文章第一段中的This saying often attributed to the late Duchess of Windsor embodies much of the odd spirit of our times. Being thin is deemed as such a virtue.(这句常被认为是温莎公爵夫人的名言,体现了我们这个时代许多古怪的精神,瘦被认为是一种美德)可知C选项“瘦被认为是一种非常理想的品质”符合题意。2.细节事实题。由文章第二段中的I myself have fantasies of slipping into narrow designer clothes. Consequently, I have been on a diet for the better or worse part of my life.(我自己也幻想着穿上狭窄的名牌衣服。因此,为了我的生活中更好的或更差的一方面,我也节食)可知A选项“为了生活中更好的部分不得不节食”符合题意。3.推理判断题。由文章第一段中的可知在温莎伯爵夫人的那个时代是以瘦为美;由第三段中的最后一句可知,在某些宗教团体中,以胖为财富;由第四段中的第一二句可知,如今人们又以瘦为美。因此人们在不同的年代,对体重的看法不同,因此选B。4.推理判断题。由文章第五段中的Our obsession with thinness is also fueled by health concerns.(我们对瘦的痴迷也源于对健康的担忧)中的also可知这是从医学角度上来讲的,另一角度是前面第四段提到的当今社会以瘦为美,这是从社会角度来讲的,因此B选项“从社会学和医学的角度”符合题意。5.细节事实题。由文章最后一段中的It is actually hazardous if those who get (or already are) thin think they are automatically healthy and thus free from paying attention to their overall life-style.(实际上,如果那些变瘦(或已经变瘦)的人认为自己天生健康,因而不必关注自己的整体生活方式,这是很危险的)可知A选项“他们应该更加关注他们的整体生活方式”符合题意。14. 单选题The protests were part of their( )against the proposed building development in the area.问题1选项A.commissionB.campaignC.commitmentD.convention【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项commission“委员会,佣金,回扣”;B选项campaign“活动,运动(为社会、商业或政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动),战役”;C选项commitment“承诺,许诺”;D选项convention“惯例,大会,协定”。由against the proposed building development(反对提议建设开发)可知B选项符合逻辑搭配。句意:这些抗议是他们反对该地区拟议建设开发活动的一部分。15. 单选题The law exists in every civilized society so that Governments, the rich and the powerful can not( )their position.问题1选项A.abuseB.eradicateC.legalizeD.threaten【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项abuse“滥用,妄用(权力、所知所闻)”;B选项eradicate“根除,消灭”;C选项legalize“使合法化,使得到法律认可”;D选项threaten“威胁,恐吓”。空格处为谓语动词,其宾语为their position,因此A选项符合逻辑搭配。句意:法律存在于每一个文明社会,因此政府、富人和权贵不能滥用其职权。16. 单选题I wish( )to Stockholm when I was in Sweden. I hear its a beautiful city.问题1选项A.I wentB.I had goneC.to goD.to have gone【答案】B【解析】考查虚拟语气。wish后的宾语从句用一般过去时表示与现在相反的情况,用过去完成时表示与过去相反的情况,用would/could do表示与将来相反的情况。由“when I was in Sweden”可知此处是对过去的虚拟,故wish后的宾语从句用过去完成时,因此选B。17. 单选题The foreman read the( )of guilty fourteen times, one for each defendant.问题1选项A.prejudiceB.verificationC.verdictD.punishment【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项prejudice“偏见,成见”;B选项verification“检验,检查,审核”;C选项verdict“(陪审团的)裁定,裁决,(经过检验或认真考虑后的)决定,结论”;D选项punishment“刑罚,惩罚”。由句中的guilty(有罪的)和defendant(被告)可知选C。句意:陪审团主席宣读了14遍有罪判决书,每个被告一份。18. 单选题( )the way, we set off on foot into the dark night.问题1选项A.The guide ledB.With the guide leadingC.With the guide to leadD.With the guide lead【答案】B【解析】考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词的不定式表示将来或目的,过去分词表示被动,现在分词表示主动。句中的guide(导游)与lead(带领)之间表示主动关系,因此选B。句意:在导游的带领下,我们在黑夜里步行出发了。19. 单选题Reporters and photographers alike took great( )at the rude way the actor behaved during the interview.问题1选项A.annoyanceB.resentmentC.offenceD.irritation【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项annoyance“恼怒,生气,烦恼”;B选项resentment“愤恨,怨恨”;C选项offence“犯罪,罪行,冒犯”;D选项irritation“生气,气恼”。只有offence可用于短语take offence at sth.表示“对生气”。句意:记者和摄影师们都对那位演员在采访过程中的粗鲁表现感到不满。20. 单选题The( )language of local officials makes them seem very ignorant and rude.问题1选项A.artificialB.livelyC.indecentD.humorous【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项artificial“人工的,人造的”;B选项lively“精力充沛的,生气勃勃的”;C选项indecent“不得体的,不合适的,粗鄙的”;D选项humorous“滑稽有趣的,有幽默感的”。由very ignorant and rude(非常无知和粗鲁)可知地方官员的语言应该是“不得体的,粗鄙的”。句意:地方官员的不得体语言使他们显得非常无知和粗鲁。


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