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2022年考博英语-中南大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The scheme should be in operation by the end of the year, and companies will be disciplined, even disconnected, if they( )phoning any consumers whose names appear on the register.问题1选项A.stay onB.wait upC.indulge inD.persist in【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项stay on“继续停留”;B选项wait up“不睡而等候”;C选项indulge in“沉湎于”;D选项persist in“坚持;固执于”。句意:该计划将在今年年底前开始实施,如果企业 给登记在案的消费者打电话,它们将受到处罚,甚至被切断网络连接。“企业给消费者打电话”这一行为要受到惩罚的话,应是“执着于打电话”符合题意。因此D选项正确。2. 单选题By creating value, a powerful message, you can get people to come to you, instead of trying to ( )them with your message and brand.问题1选项A.substantiateB.authenticateC.satiateD.smother【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。substantiate“证实”;authenticate“鉴定”;satiate “充分满足”;smother“使窒息,抑制”。句意:通过创造价值和强有力的信息,你就能让大家来到身边,而不要尝试用自己的信息和品牌让来让他们感到窒息。instead of表转折,而不要尝试通过 可知空格处所填单词应为贬义词,故答案为D。3. 单选题Although the feeding activities of whales and walruses give the seafloor of the Bering Shelf a devastated appearance, these activities seem to be actually ( )to the area, enhancing its productivity.问题1选项A.destructiveB.rehabilitativeC.beneficialD.detrimental【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。destructive “破坏的;有害的”;rehabilitative “复原的”;beneficial “有益的;有利的”;detrimental “不利的”。句意:尽管鲸和海象的觅食活动给白令海大陆架的海底带来表面上的毁坏,但是这些活动似乎在实际上对这个区域是有益的,提高了它的生产力。由 enhancing its productivity可知C项符合语境。4. 单选题Although she gives badly( )titles to her musical compositions, they incorporate unusual combinations of materials including Gregorian chant, Asian scale patterns and rhythms, electronic sounds, and bird songs.问题1选项A.exoticB.eccentricC.imaginativeD.conventional【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。exotic异国的,外来的eccentric古怪的,反常的;imaginative虚构的,富于想象的;conventional符合习俗的,日常的。 句意:尽管她糟糕地给她的音乐作品赋以寻常的(传统的)题目,但是这些作品却体现出对一些材料的不寻常整合,比如罗马教的圣歌、亚洲的音阶风格节奏、 古怪的声响和鸟鸣。由although 及unusual可知 空格处所填单词应与unusual相反,故答案为D。5. 单选题At the same time, the public will not admit the random, ( )alteration of plans, nor without complain the changeableness of plans.问题1选项A.capriciousB.randomicityC.unpublicizedD.sedentary【答案】A【解析】考查形容词及名词辨析。capricious “反复无常的”;randomicity“任意性”;unpublicized “未公布的”;sedentary “静坐的”。句意:同时,民众将不会容许对计划进行任意和反复无常的变更,也不会毫无怨言的容许计划的易变性。由 random及 changeableness of plans可知A项符合题意。答案A。6. 单选题Besides cold temperatures, short growing seasons and heavy snows also prevent ( )at high elevations.问题1选项A.and growth of treesB.the growth of treesC.trees are growingD.grow trees【答案】B【解析】考查主谓结构。句意:除了寒冷的气温,在高海拔地区,较短的生长季节和严重的降雪也会阻止树的生长。prevent为谓语,其后接宾语,应用名词形式。只有B项符合题意。7. 单选题In the seventeenth century, people believed that maggots came from decaying things. But Francesco Redi, a scientist, could not believe this. “How could living things come from deal things?”he asked.Redi began to believe that all worms found in the meat were derived from the droppings of flies, and not from the decaying meat. This, of course, was a guess and not a conclusion. Scientists call a good guess like this a “working hypothesis” because it gives the scientist an idea of how and where to start his work.Then Redi began to gather and record facts to find out if his hypothesis was correct. He did this by carrying out many experiments, which were designed to help him get the facts he needed.Redi prepared three jars with a piece of meat in each. He left one open; another was covered with cheesecloth; and the third was airtight. He observed not once, but many times, that the flies flew to the open jar and laid their eggs on the meat.These eggs hatched into maggots. Flies also flew to the jar covered with cheesecloth, although they could not get into the jar to lay their eggs on the meat. Flies rarely flew to the airtight jar. From many such observations, Redi concluded that maggots came from flies eggs and not from the meat.Redi was not satisfied with doing just one experiment, Rather, he performed this experiment many times before arriving at his conclusion. In this m“”anner he eliminated the possibility that his results were due to chance (luck).1.In his experiment Redi left one jar open ( ).2.According to the passage, an essential part of proper scientific experimental procedure is to( ).3.What would scientist Redi probably comment on the theory that life on Earth evolved from basic chemicals present in the Earths primitive atmosphere and seas?4.According to the passage, the significance a“working hypothesis” is that it ( ).问题1选项A.because he had run out of lids and cheeseclothB.so that the flies would have access to the meatC.accidentallyD.only once问题2选项A.watch everything that happens to living creaturesB.ensure that many varieties of a substance are usedC.vary the experimental conditions to guarantee good resultsD.perform numerous trials to reduce the intrusion of random effects问题3选项A.The theory was ver reasonable.B.Such developments are highly unlikely.C.Other theories of creation were possible.D.More data is needed to test the truth of this hypothesis.问题4选项A.gives the“scientist something”to play with in his mindB.provides a model of the true universeC.allows useful structuring of experimentsD.provides employment for scientists【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:D第4题:A【解析】1.判断推理题。定位到第一段:“Redi began to believe that all worms found in the meat were derived from the droppings of flies, and not from the decaying meat. 及第三段“He observed not once, but many times, that the flies flew to the open jar and laid their eggs on the meat.” Redi开始相信所有在肉中发现的蠕虫都来自苍蝇的粪便,而不是腐烂的肉。他不止一次,而是很多次地观察到苍蝇飞到打开的罐子里,在肉上产卵。”与B项相符。2.判断推理题。由第三段:He observed not once, but many times可知D项“进行多次尝试来减少随机效应”正确。A项“观察所有发生在生物身上的事情”;B项“确保使用多种物质”;C项“改变实验条件,保证实验结果良好”;D项“进行大量试验以减少随机效应的干扰”。3.判断推理题。由“Then Redi began to gather and record facts to find out if his hypothesis was correct. He did this by carrying out many experiments, which were designed to help him get the facts he needed.以及Redi was not satisfied with doing just one experiment, Rather, he performed this experiment many times before arriving at his conclusion. In this manner he eliminated the possibility that his results were due to chance (luck). 然后,雷迪开始收集和记录事实,以确定他的假设是否正确。他做了许多实验,目的是帮助他得到他所需要的事实。以及雷迪并不满足于做一个实验,相反,他执行这个实验多次到达他的结论。他用这种方法消除了他的结果是由于偶然(运气)的可能性。”可知Redi是一个注重过程,注重事实的科学家。故答案为D。4.判断推理题。由第一段“Scientists call a good guess like this a “working hypothesis” because it gives the scientist an idea of how and where to start his work. 科学家们称这样的猜测为“有效假说”,因为它让科学家知道如何以及从哪里开始工作。”可知A项“有效假说让科学家知道该如何开始工作”符合题意。8. 单选题To test the ( )of borrowing from one field of study to enrich another, simplyinvestigate the extent to which terms from the one may, without forcing, be utilized by the other.问题1选项A.efficacyB.universalityC.decorumD.rate【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。efficacy “功效”;universality “广泛性”;decorum “礼仪”;rate “比率,速度”。句意:要想测试从一个研究领域借用过来的东西在充实其他领域的有效性,可以简单地调查一个研究领域的术语可以毫不勉强地被另一个研究领域所使用的程度。 由“the extent to which terms from the one may, without forcing, be utilized by the other. 一个研究领域的术语可以毫不勉强地被另一个研究领域所使用的程度” 可知A项正确。9. 单选题In scientific studies, supporting evidence is much more satisfying to report than are discredited hypotheses, but, in fact, the ( )of errors is more likely to be useful than is the establishment of probable truth.问题1选项A.formulationB.correctionC.detectionD.accumulation【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。formulation “规划;配方”;correction “改正”;detection“侦查;探测”;accumulation“积聚,堆积物”。句意:从科学研究上来说,虽然有证据支撑的报告比不可靠的假说更令人满意,但是事实上与发现错误相比确立可能的真理可能更有用。由discredited hypotheses“名誉扫地的假设”可推断应该是发现不可靠假说的错误,故C项 正确。10. 单选题As serious as she is about the bullfight, she does not allow respect to ( )her sense of whimsy when painting it.问题1选项A.inspireB.provokeC.suppressD.satisfy【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项inspire“激发;鼓舞”;B选项provoke“驱使;激怒”;C选项suppress“抑制;镇压;废止”;D选项satisfy“满足;说服”。句意:尽管她认为斗牛是一件严肃的事,但在绘画斗牛时,她并没有让敬意 自己的奇思异想。“敬意”与“奇思异想”在本句中应为“抑制与被抑制”的关系,才可体现句中的转折含义。因此C选项正确。11. 单选题The specious arguments used by the ( ) were certain to deceive many people.问题1选项A.candidateB.politicianC.theologianD.demagogue【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项candidate“候选人;应试者”;B选项politician“政客;政治家”;C选项theologian“神学者;空头理论家”;D选项demagogue“煽动者;煽动政治家”。句意: 使用的似是而非的论据肯定会欺骗许多人。句中提到“似是而非的论据”,可知正确答案为C“空头理论家”。12. 单选题In spite of the increasing ( )of their sentiments, the group knew they had to arrive at a consensus so that the award could be presented.问题1选项A.impartialityB.polarityC.incisivenessD.judiciousness【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。impartiality 公平,公正;polarity 两极;incisiveness 深刻,敏锐;judiciousness 头脑精明的。句意:尽管他们的意见越来越分化,但是这个小组知道他们必须达成共识以便奖项能够被颁发。由in spite of及下文可知双方有矛盾分歧,B项符合题意。13. 单选题A major goal of law of any country, to deter potential criminals by punishing wrongdoers, is not served when the penalty is so seldom invoked that it ceases to be a ( )threat.问题1选项A.seriousB.coerciveC.deceptiveD.credible【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。serious “严肃的;危急的”;coercive “强制的;胁迫的”;deceptive “欺骗性;虚伪的”;credible “可靠的”。句意:当惩罚很少被执行,因而它已经不再是一种可靠的震慑时,任何国家法律的主要目标一一通过惩罚做坏事的人来阻止潜在的犯罪就没有得到保证。由关键词A major goal is not served.可知法律不再是一种有效的震慑。D项符合语义。14. 单选题The team should have projected trouble ahead when the road ( )into a gravel path.问题1选项A.interrogatedB.dwindledC.transformedD.collapsed【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。interrogated 质问,审问;dwindled 减少,缩小;transformed 转换,改变;collapsed 倒塌,瓦解。句意:当道路变为砂砾路时,这个团队本应该提前预测到困难。C项符合句意。15. 单选题It is so mild and moist as I saunter along by the wall east of the Hill that I remember, or anticipate, one of those warm(1) in the spring, when the earth is just laid bare, the wind is south, and the cladonia lichens are(2) and lusty with moisture, your foot sinking into them and pressing the water out as from a sponge, and the(3)places also are drinking it in. You wander(4) in a beaded coat, wet to the skin of your legs, sit on moss-clad rocks and stumps, and hear the(5)of migrating sparrows flitting amid the shrub oaks, sit long at a time, still, and have your thoughts. A rain which is as serene as fair(6) , suggesting fairer weather than was ever seen. You could hug the clods that(7) you. You feel the fertilizing influence of the rain in your mid. The part of you that is wettest is fullest of life, (8) the lichens. You discover evidences of immortality not known to(9) .You cease to die. You detect some buds and sprouts of life. Every(10)in the old rye-field is on virgin soil.And then the rain comes thicker and faster than before, thawing the(11) frost in the ground, detaining the migrating bird, and turn your back to it, full of serene, contented(12) , soothed by the steady dropping on the withered leaves, more at home for being abroad, more comfortable for being wet, sinking at each step (13)into the thawing earth, gladly(14)the gray rotting ice. The dullest sounds seem sweetly modulated by the air. You leave your tracks(15) spring rye, scaring the fox-colored sparrows along the woodsides. You cannot go home yet; you stay and sit in the rain. You(16) along the distant woodsides, full of joy and expectation, seeing(17)beauty, hearing nothing but music, as free as the(18)sparrow, seeing far ahead, a courageous(19) ,a great philosopher, not indebted to any academy or college for this(20),but chiefly to the April rain, which descend on all alike.问题1选项A.showersB.pitfallsC.blizzardsD.rainstorms问题2选项A.swollenB.springeC.windedD.swabbed问题3选项A.sunnyB.saggyC.sandyD.faddy问题4选项A.absolutelyB.indefinitelyC.consequentlyD.magnificently问题5选项A.vibrationB.murmuringC.uproarD.lisping问题6选项A.skyB.weatherC.moistureD.climates问题7选项A.defileB.deveinedC.doxasticD.granulate问题8选项A.simulate toB.dislike toC.likeD.likewise问题9选项A.snobbismB.stealsC.geniusD.divines问题10选项A.stepB.pressC.cornerstoneD.episode问题11选项A.restrainingB.upstandingC.demandingD.remaining问题12选项A.believeB.thoughtC.entrustD.perception问题13选项A.deepB.hoveringC.shadowD.paraffined问题14选项A.disturbed inB.breaking upC.interruptionD.breaking through问题15选项A.perspectiveB.in respects ofC.in fields ofD.aspects of问题16选项A.glideB.slideC.corrodedD.crush问题17选项A.no other thanB.nothing butC.thereafterD.withstanding问题18选项A.color of foxB.fox colorC.color like foxD.fox-colored问题19选项A.patriotB.coregencyC.knightD.armor问题20选项A.extravagationB.expenditureC.expectationD.expansion【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D第6题:B第7题:A第8题:C第9题:D第10题:A第11题:D第12题:B第13题:A第14题:D第15题:C第16题:A第17题:B第18题:D第19题:C第20题:D【解析】(1)考查名词辨析shower“阵雨”;pitfall “陷阱;诱惑”;blizzard “暴风雪”;rainstorm“暴风雨 ” 。由空格后in the spring与sit long at a time可知D项符合题意。答案D。(2)考查形容词词义辨析。由空格后“your foot sinking into them and pressing the water out as from a sponge” “你的脚陷进去,像海绵一样把水挤出来”可知本句指代“石蕊属地衣因水分而变得膨胀”, swollen “膨胀的”;springe “用圈套捕捉”;winded “喘气的;通风的”; swab “打扫,擦拭”;故A项正确。答案A。(3)考查形容词词义辨析。由 “also are drinking it in”“也在吸水”可知C项sandy places符合题意。sunny “阳光充足的”;saggy “下垂的;松懈的”;sandy “沙地的,多沙子的”;faddy “流行的”。答案C。(4)考查副词词义辨析。由“in a beaded coat, wet to the skin of your legs 穿着一件带水珠的外套,雨水渗透到自己双脚的皮肤”可知这里指代“(视觉)模糊地漫步” B项符合题意。absolutely “绝对地”;indefinitely “不确定地,模糊地”;consequently “因此”;magnificently “壮丽地,壮观地”。答案B。(5)考查名词词义辨析。由空格后“migrating sparrows flitting amid the shrub oaks”迁徙的麻雀在灌木橡树间飞来飞去和“have your thoughts”有了自己的想法,可知 “口齿不清的发音”更符合语境。vibration “振动;murmuring “轻微连续的声音”; uproar“骚动;喧嚣”;lisping “口齿不清的发音,咬舌的” ,答案D。(6)考查名词词义辨析。由 suggesting fairer weather than was ever seen预示着比以往任何时候都要晴朗的天气可知空格处指代“天气”,答案B。(7)考查动词词义辨析。由 “You could hug the clods你可能拥抱土块”可知“弄脏”符合语境, defile “污损,染污”;devein “除去(虾)背部的黑色静脉,去肠”;doxastic“信念的”;granulate 成粒状;使表面粗糙”。 答案A。(8)考查词组辨析。由 “The part of you that is wettest is fullest of life你最湿的部分最有生机”与 “the lichens这些地衣(即吸水而膨胀的地 衣)”可知“如同”符合语境,故C项正确。答案C。(9)考查名词词义辨析。由“immortality”与 “You cease to die”可推知“神学家”符合语境,snobbism “势利”;steal “偷窃;断球”;genius “天才; 天赋”;divine“牧师;神学家”。 答案D。(10)考查名词词义辨析。由 “as I saunter along by the wall east of the Hill当我沿着小山东边的墙壁溜达时”可知“脚步”符合语境 。step“步骤;步伐”;press“压;出版社”;cornerstone“基础;地基”;episode “插曲;一段情节” ,答案A(11)考查形容词词义辨析。由And then the rain comes thicker and faster than before“然后雨比以前下得更大更快” 与thawing“融合”可知“剩下的” 符合语境,restraining “抑制的”; upstanding “正直的;直立的”;demanding “苛求的;费力的”;remaining “剩下的”。答案D(12)考查近义词辨析。由contented“满足的”可知thought“想法”符合语境,故 B项正确。believe “相信;认为”;thought “思想;思考;关心”; entrust “v. 委托;信托”;perception “知觉;感觉;看法”。答案B。(13)考查形容词和动词词义辨析。由sinking与into the thawing earth进入融化的泥土中可知deep“深深地”符合语境。 deep “深入地;深深地”;hover “徘徊;犹豫”;shadow “遮蔽;使朦胧”;paraffin “用石蜡处理”。答案A。(14)考查词组辨析。disturb in “(在某方面)打扰”;break up “打碎;结束;解散”;interruption “中断;干扰”;break through “突破;冲破”。由第33 题的分析“每一个脚步都深深地沉入到正融化的泥土中”与the gray rotting ice可知“突破”更符合语境,答案D(15)考查词组辨析。由第一段末句中in the old rye-field可知C项 “in fields of” 正确。perspective “观点;远景”;in respects of “关于;涉及”;aspects of “ 的方面”。答案C。(16)考查动词词义辨析。由along the distant woodsides沿着远处的树林的边缘”可知“滑行”符合语境。glide “滑翔;消逝”;slide “滑动”;corrode “侵蚀;损害”;crush “压碎;弄皱”。答案A。(17)考查词组辨析。no other than “只有; 就是”;thereafter “其后;从那时以后”;withstanding “抵挡;禁得起;反抗”。由hearing nothing but music可知B项“nothing but只有”正确。答案B。(18)考查形近词词义辨析。由 “fox-colored sparrows狐色雀鹀”可知D项正确。答案D。(19)考查名词词义辨析。由You cannot go home yet; you stay and sit in the rain.和a courageous可知“骑士”符合语境,故C项正确。patriot “爱国者”;coregency “共同摄政”;knight “骑士,爵士”;armor“装甲” 答案C。(20)考查名词词义辨析。由文章主题 “春天的一场暴风雨让作者经历了不同的视觉和心理感觉” 可知D选项更符合语境,故D项正确。extravagation “游荡,漫游”;expenditure “支出;消费额”;expectation “期待;指望”;expansion “膨胀”。答案D 。16. 单选题In most developed countries, men have higher salaries, on average, than women. Much of the salary differential results from the tendency of women to be in lower-paying occupations. The question of whether this occupational employment pattern can be attributed to sex discrimination is a complex one. In fact, wage differentials among occupations are the norm rather than the exception. Successful athletes commonly earn more than Noble Prize-winning academics; gifted artists often cannot earn enough to survive, while mediocre investment bankers prosper. Given such differences, the question naturally arises: talent and ability being equal, why does anyoneman or womanenter a low-paying occupation? One obvious answer is personal choice. An individual may prefer, for example, to teach math at a modest salary rather than to become a more highly paid electrical engineer.Some people argue that personal choice also explains sex-related wage differentials. According to this explanation, many women, because they place a high priority on parenting and performing household services, choose certain careers in which they are free to enter and leave the work force with minimum penalty. They may choose to acquire skills, such as typing and salesclerking, that do not depreciate rapidly with temporary absences from the work force. They may avoid occupational specialties that require extensive training periods, long and unpredictable hours, and willingness to relocate, all of which make specialization in domestic activities problematic. By choosing to invest less in developing their career potential and to expend less effort outside the home, women must, according to this explanation, pay a price in the form of lower salaries. But women cannot be considered the victims of discrimination because they prefer the lower-paying occupations to higher-paying ones.An alternative explanation for sex-related wage differentials is that women do not voluntarily choose lower-paying occupations but are forced into them by employers and social prejudices. According to proponents of this view, employers who discriminate may refuse to hire qualified women for relatively high-paying occupations. More generally, subtle society-wide prejudices may induce women to avoid certain occupations in favor of others that are considered more suitable. Indeed, the “choice” of women to specialize in parenting and performing household services may itself result from these subtle prejudices. Whether the discrimination is by employers in a particular occupation or by society as a whole is irrelevant; the effect will be the same. Further, if such discrimination does occur, women excluded from certain occupations will flood others, and this increase in supply will have a depressing effect on wages in occupations dominated by women.1.In stating that “successful athletes commonly earn more than Nobel Prize-winning academics”,the authors primary purpose is to ( ).2.Which one of the following cases is least likely to involve sex discrimination, as it is described in the passage?3.Which one of the following statements is the best completion of the last paragraph of the passage?4.The authors attitude toward sex discrimination as an explanation for wage differentials can best be characterized as ( ).5.Which one of the following is the best title for the passage?问题1选项A.Demonstrate that education has little to do with making moneyB.Suggest that people with talent and ability should not enter low-paying occupationsC.Show that highly paid occupations generally require long hours and extensive trainingD.Give an example of how certain occupations are better paid than others regardless of inherent worth or talent required问题2选项A.An emp


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