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2022年考博英语-中南大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题It eliminates the complicated ( ),do not have to spend time around friends, you just need to sit at home and can easily be completed.问题1选项A.engagementB.dateC.itineraryD.appointment【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。engagement约会; date日期itinerary路线, 旅程;appointment任命。 句意:它除去了繁琐的行程安排,不必花时间和朋友在一起,你只需要坐在家里就可以轻松完成。根据空格后的内容可知,空格处应填C。2. 翻译题Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.(1)Because analysis ultimately rests with the thinking and choices of the researcher, qualitative studies in general are limited by researcher subjectivity. Therefore, an overriding concern is that of researcher bias, framing as it does assumptions, interests, perceptions, and needs. (2)One of the key limitations of this study is the issue of subjectivity and potential bias regarding the researchers own participation in a doctoral program first as a student and currently as a faculty member.(3) A related limitation was that interviewees may have had difficulty adjusting totheresearcher taking on the role of interviewer, a phenomenon referred to by Maxwell as participant reactivity. Because a few of the participants know the researcher, their responses may have been influenced or affected.(4)They may have tried overly hard to cooperate with the researcher by offering her the responses they perceived she was seeking or which they perceived might be helpful to her.Alternatively, because of familiarity with the researcher, these few participants might have been guarded and therefore less candid in their responses. Recognizing these limitations, the researcher took the following measures.(5)To reduce the limitation of potential bias during data analysis, the researcher removed all participant names and coded all interview transcripts blindly so as not to associate any material or data with any particular individual. Furthermore,she made a conscious attempt to create an environment that was conducive to honest and open dialogue. Experience as an interviewer, as well as prior research experience, was helpful in this regard.【答案】由于分析最终取决于研究者的思维和选择,定性研究一般受到研究者主体性的限制。本研究的主要局限性之一是,研究人员以学生身份和教师身份参与博士项目的主观性和潜在偏见问题。与此相关的一个限制是,受访者可能难以适应研究人员扮演采访者的角色,麦克斯韦将这种现象称为参与者反应。他们可能过于努力地与研究人员合作,向她提供他们认为她正在寻找的答案,或者他们认为可能对她有帮助的答案。为了减少数据分析过程中潜在偏见的限制,研究者删除了所有参与者的姓名,盲目地对所有访谈记录进行编码,不将任何材料或数据与任何特定的个体相关联。3. 单选题Today, we who read Latin return far more often to the exuberance of Apuleius than to the carefully molded ( )of Cicero.问题1选项A.platitudesB.objectsC.piraciesD.redundancies【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。platitude “陈词滥调”;object“目标”;piracy “海盗行为”;redundancy “信息冗余”。句意:今天,相比精心塑造的西塞罗的陈词滥调,阅读拉丁文的我们更经常回想起奥里利乌斯的慷慨激昂。由exuberance及than可知空格处与exuberance意思相反。4. 单选题A major goal of law of any country, to deter potential criminals by punishing wrongdoers, is not served when the penalty is so seldom invoked that it ceases to be a ( )threat.问题1选项A.seriousB.coerciveC.deceptiveD.credible【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。serious “严肃的;危急的”;coercive “强制的;胁迫的”;deceptive “欺骗性;虚伪的”;credible “可靠的”。句意:当惩罚很少被执行,因而它已经不再是一种可靠的震慑时,任何国家法律的主要目标一一通过惩罚做坏事的人来阻止潜在的犯罪就没有得到保证。由关键词A major goal is not served.可知法律不再是一种有效的震慑。D项符合语义。5. 单选题The research suggests a wave of possible protectionism in 2010 as such investigations lead to the ( )of anti-dumping penalties.问题1选项A.dispositionB.distributionC.impositionD.allocation【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。disposition “处置;倾向”;distribution “分布;分配”;imposition “征收;强加”;allocation “分配”。 句意:研究表明,此类调查会导致一系列反倾销惩罚措施出台,在2010年可能会掀起一股保护主义热潮。只有C项能与anti-dumping penalties搭配。6. 单选题A near revolution has occurred over the past decade in our understanding of the impacts of climate change. Both the natural science and the economics underlying predictions of climate-change impacts have altered dramatically. Climate scientists have reduced the magnitude of predicted warming, suggesting milder future climate scenarios. Ecologists have shifted from predicting ecosystem collapse to predicting that net primary productivity will likely increase over the long run. And economists are no longer predicting large damages, but rather a mixture of damages and benefits.These changes are so dramatic that it is not clear whether the net economic effects from climate change over the next century will be harmflil or helpful. The new research further suggests that effects are likely to vary across the planet. We now expect temperate and polar countries to enjoy small economic gains, whereas tropical countries are more likely to suffer economic losses.Of course, we have not banished all uncertainty, which will always haunt future projections of outcomes. The dynamics of ecosystems are poorly understood; carbon cycles may change over time; polar ice may generate unwelcome surprises; and the effects of change on tropical regions have not yet had the thorough study they require. Nonetheless, the recent scientific and economic findings create a new perspective on the greenhouse-gas problem, and this new vision, in turn, calls for new strategies and new political outcomes.The reduction in damage-estimates removes the urgency to engage in costly crash abatement programs. Our initial perspective on greenhouse gases suggested that we were rapidly approaching the edge of a cliff. Those fears now appear unfounded, for the impacts from climate warming seem to be relatively small for the next century. There will be damages to be sure, but they will be offset by benefits. The net expected effect now is closer to zero rather than to 2 percent of GDP. As a consequence, the new abatement policies should be designed for the long run, and should be inexpensive and cost-effective.1.The overall purpose of the passage is to ( ).2.The author suggests that the “new perspective” (Para. 3) is the result of a shift from( ).3.The author of the passage would most likely agree that( ).4.The author assumes that the reader( ).问题1选项A.point out flaws in current methods of climate analysisB.raise awareness of the potentially devastating impact of global warmingC.proposes a new method for studying the effects of global warmingD.suggest policy changes in light of recent scientific findings问题2选项A.scientific analysis to economic analysisB.dreadful predictions to moderate predictionsC.a focus on the past to a focus in the futureD.a focus on polar regions to a focus on tropical regions问题3选项A.governments should act swiftly to curb greenhouse gas emissionsB.it is unclear whether carbon dioxide contributes to global warmingC.economic analysis should be considered when formulating a policy for dealing with global warmingD.the impacts from global warming will be very high in the coming century问题4选项A.is concerned more with the benefits of policies than their costsB.is concerned with curbing the emissions of greenhouse gasesC.is willing to consider long-term economic effectsD.has a weakness for inefficient cars and appliance【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:C【解析】1.判断推理题。定位到最后一段中“As a consequence, the new abatement policies should be designed for the long run, and should be inexpensive and cost-effective. 因此,新的减排政策应着眼长远,而且应是廉价和具有成本效益的。”可知与D项“政策的改变应以最近的科学发现为依据”正确。A项“指出当前气候分析方法的不足”;B项“提高对全球变暖潜在破坏性影响的认识”;C项“提出了一种研究全球变暖影响的新方法”D项“根据最近的科学发现建议政策的改变”。2.细节事实题。定位到第三段中的Nonetheless, the recent scientific and economic findings create a new perspective on the greenhouse-gas problem. 尽管如此,最近的科学和经济发现温室气体问题上有一个新的视角。可知new perspective 是由于the recent scientific and economic findings而产生的,结合第一段中 “Climate scientists have reduced the magnitude of predicted warming,Ecologists have shifted from predicting ecosystem collapse to predicting that net primary productivity will likely increase over the long run. And economists are no longer predicting large damages, but rather a mixture of damages and benefits. 气候科学家已经降低了预测的变暖幅度生态学家已经从预测生态系统崩溃转向预测,净初级生产力可能会长期增加。经济学家们不再预测损失会很大,而是预测损失和收益的混合体。可知B项“从可怕的预测到温和的预测”相符。3.判断推理题。定位到最后一段中“As a consequence, the new abatement policies should be designed for the long run, and should be inexpensive and cost-effective. 因此,新的减排政策应着眼长远,而且应是廉价和具有成本效益的。”可知C项“在制定应对全球变暖的政策时,经济分析应该被考虑到”正确。由“The reduction in damage-estimates removes the urgency to engage in costly crash abatement programs. 损失估算的减少消除了实施代价高昂的坠机事故消除计划的紧迫性”可知A项“各国政府应迅速采取行动,遏制温室气体排放”不对,B项“目前还不清楚二氧化碳是否对全球变暖有贡献”没有提及。由“Those fears now appear unfounded, for the impacts from climate warming seem to be relatively small for the next century. 现在看来,这些担忧似乎毫无根据,因为气候变暖对下个世纪的影响似乎相对较小。可知D项“未来一个世纪,全球变暖的影响将是巨大的”不对。4.判断推理题。由最后一段中“As a consequence,the new abatement policies should be designed for the long run, and should be inexpensive and cost-effective. 因此,新的减排政策应该从长远来设计,应该是便宜的和具有成本效益的。可知C项“作者假定读者愿意考虑长期的经济影响”正确。7. 单选题At the same time, the public will not admit the random, ( )alteration of plans, nor without complain the changeableness of plans.问题1选项A.capriciousB.randomicityC.unpublicizedD.sedentary【答案】A【解析】考查形容词及名词辨析。capricious “反复无常的”;randomicity“任意性”;unpublicized “未公布的”;sedentary “静坐的”。句意:同时,民众将不会容许对计划进行任意和反复无常的变更,也不会毫无怨言的容许计划的易变性。由 random及 changeableness of plans可知A项符合题意。答案A。8. 单选题There are some people who will use any kind of argument, no matter how illogical, so long as they can ( )an opponent.问题1选项A.rebuttalB.dispute withC.score offD.scorn with【答案】C【解析】考查词组及名词词义辨析。rebuttal“反驳;反证”;dispute with“与 争论”;score off “驳倒;挫败”;“scorn with轻蔑;嘲笑”。句意:只要能驳倒对手,有些人将会使用任何一种论点,不管该论点是多么不合逻辑的。只有C项符合题意。9. 单选题The need for solar electricity is clear. It is safe, ecologically sound, efficient, continuously available, and it has no moving parts. The basic problem with the use of solar photovoltaic devices is economics, but until recently very little progress has been made toward the development of low-cost photovoltaic devices. The larger part of research funding has been devoted to study of single-crystal silicon solar cells, despite the evidence, including that of the leading manufacturers of crystalline silicon, that the technique holds little promise. The reason for this pattern is understandable and historical. Crystal-line silicon is the active, element in the very successful semiconductor industry, and virtually all of the solid state devices contain silicon transistors and diodes. Crystalline silicon, however, is particularly unsuitable to terrestrial solar cells.Crystalline silicon solar cells work well and are successfully used in the space program, where cost is not an issue. While single-crystal silicon has been proven in extraterrestrial use with efficiencies as high as 18 percent, and other more expensive and scarce materials such as gallium arsenide can have even higher efficiencies, costs must be reduced by a factor of more than 100 to make them practical for commercial use. Beside the fact that the starting crystalline silicon is expensive, 95 percent of it is wasted and does not appear in the final device. Recently , there have been some imaginative attempts to make polycrystalline and ribbon silicon, which are lower in cost than high quality single crystals; but to date efficiencies of these apparently lower-cost arrays have been unacceptably small. Moreover, these materials are cheaper only because of the introduction of disordering in crystalline semiconductors, and disorder degrades the efficiency of crystalline solar cells.This dilemma can be avoided by preparing completely disordered or amorphous materials. Amorphous materials have disordered atomic structure as compared to crystalline materials: that is, they have only short-range order rather than the long-range periodicity of crystals. The advantages of amorphous solar cells are impressive. Whereas crystals can be grown as wafers about four inches in diameter, amorphous materials can be grown over large areas in a single process. Whereas crystalline silicon must be made200 microns thick to absorb a sufficient amount of sunlight for efficient energy conversion, only 1 micron of the proper amorphous materials is necessary. Crystalline silicon solar cells cost in excess of $ 100 per square foot, but amorphous films can be created at a cost of about 50c per square foot.Although many scientists were aware of the very low cost of amorphous solar cells, they felt that they could never be manufactured with the efficiencies necessary contribute significantly to the demand for electric power. This was based on a misconception about the feature which determines efficiency. For example, it is not the conductivity of the material in the dark which is relevant, but only the photoconductivity, that is, the conductivity in the presence of sunlight. Already, solar cells with efficiencies well above 6 percent have been developed using amorphous materials, and further research will doubtless find even less costly amorphous material with efficiencies.1.The author is primarily concerned with ( ).2.The author mentions recent attempts to make polycrystalline and ribbon silicon primarily in order to( ).3.Which of the following pairs of terms does the author regard as most nearly synonymous?4.The material in the passage could best be used in an argument for( ).问题1选项A.advocating increased government funding for research on alternative energy sourcesB.explaining the functioning of solar cellsC.presenting a history of research on energy sourcesD.describing a possible solution to the problem of the cost of photovoltaic cells问题2选项A.minimize the importance of recent improvements in silicon solar cellsB.demonstrate the superiority of amorphous materials over crystalline siliconC.inform the reader that an alternative type of solar cell existsD.contrast crystalline silicon with polycrystalline and ribbon silicon问题3选项A.solar and extraterrestrialB.photovoltaic devices and solar cells.C.crystalline silicon and amorphous materialsD.amorphous materials and higher efficiencies问题4选项A.discontinuing the space programB.increased funding for research on amorphous materialsC.further study of the history of silicon crystalsD.increased reliance on solar energy【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:A第4题:B【解析】1.主旨大意题。由“The basic problem with the use of solar photovoltaic devices is economics, but until recently very little progress has been made toward the development of low-cost photovoltaic devices. 使用太阳能光伏设备的基本问题是经济问题,但直到最近,在开发低成本光伏设备方面几乎没有取得进展。”以及第三段amorphous materials的优点可知作者关心寻找低成本的可替代能源。可知D项“描述了光伏电池成本问题的一种可能解决方案”相符。2.判断推理题 从“Recently,there have been some imaginative attempts tomake polycrystalline and ribbon silicon, which are lower in cost than high quality single crystals; but to date efficiencies of these apparently lower-cost arrays have been unacceptably small. Moreover, these materials are cheaper only because of the introduction of disordering in crystalline semiconductors, and disorder degrades the efficiency of crystalline solar cells. 但到目前为止,这些成本明显较低的阵列的效率一直小得令人无法接受。此外,这些材料更便宜只是因为晶体半导体中无序的引入,无序降低了晶体太阳能电池的效率。”由此可以推理,这种尝试改进没有多大的价值,可知A项“尽量减少近期硅太阳能电池改进的重要性”正确。B项“说明非晶态材料优于晶态硅材料”; C项“告诉读者,有一种替代类型的太阳能电池存在”D项“对比晶体硅与多晶硅和带状硅”。3.判断推理题。由第一段“The basic problem with the use of solar hotovoltaic devices is economics使用太阳能光电器件的基本问题是经济问题”下文多次用solar cells替代photovoltaic devices可知photovoltaic devices和solar cells是同义词。4.判断推理题。由第三段“This dilemma can be avoided by preparing completely disordered or amorphous materials. Amorphous materials have disordered atomic structure as compared to crystalline materials: that is, they have only short-range order rather than the long-range periodicity of crystals. The advantages of amorphous solar cells are impressive. 这种困境可以通过制备完全无序或非晶态的材料来避免。与晶体材料相比,非晶态材料具有无序的原子结构,即它们只具有短期的有序,而没有晶体的长期周期性。非晶态太阳能电池的优点令人印象深刻。”中的amorphous material的优点以及最后一段中“further research will doubtless find even less costly amorphous material with efficiencies. 进一步的研究无疑会发现成本更低、效率更高的非晶态材料。”可知amorphous material有望成为太阳能的替代能源,故应该增加对其的投资。B项“增加对非晶材料的研究经费”符合题意。10. 单选题When people are happy, they tend to give ( )interpretations of events they witness: the eye of the beholder is colored by the emotions of the beholder.问题1选项A.charitableB.elaborateC.conscientiousD.coherent【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义。charitable “慷慨的;仁慈的”;elaborate “精心制作的;详尽的”;conscientious “认真的;小心谨慎的”;coherent “一致的”。句意:人在快乐时倾向于对自己所见的事情给出仁慈的解释,即旁观者的观点被自身的情绪所影响。由the eye of the beholder is colored by the emotions of the beholder可知A项符合题意。11. 单选题Before about 1960, virtually all accounts of evolution assumed most adaptation to be a product of selection at the level of populations; recent studies of evolution, however, have found no basis for this ( )view of selection.问题1选项A.controversialB.pervasiveC.unchallengedD.renowned【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项controversial“有争议的”;B选项pervasive“普遍的;到处渗透的”;C选项unchallenged“不成问题的;未引起争论的”;D选项renowned“著名的;有声望的”。句意:大约在1960年以前,几乎所有的进化理论都认为适应性是种群水平上的选择的结果;然而,对于这种 的选择观点,进化论的最新研究却没有找到任何依据。前部分提到“几乎所有进化理论都认为 ”,可知这种观点是“普遍的”,B选项正确。12. 单选题Follow the money and you will end up in space. Thats the message from a first-of-its-kind forum on mining beyond Earth.Convened in Sydney by the Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research, the event brought together mining companies, robotics experts, lunar scientists, and government agencies that are all working to make space mining a reality.The forum comes hot on the heels of the 2012 unveiling of two private asteroid-mining firm.Planetary Resources of Washington says it will launch its first prospecting telescopes in two years, while Deep Space Industries of Virginia hopes to be harvesting metals from asteroids by 2020. Another commercial venture that sprung up in 2012, Golden Spike of Colorado, will be offering trips to the moon, including to potential lunar miners.Within a few decades, these firms may be meeting earthly demands for precious metals, such as platinum and gold, and the rare earth elements vital for personal electronics, such as yttrium and lanthanum. But like the gold rush pioneers who transformed the western United States, the first space miners wont just enrich themselves. They also hope to build an off-planet economy free of any bonds with Earth, in which the materials extracted and processed from the moon and asteroids are delivered for space-based projects.In this scenario, water mined from other worlds could become the most desired commodity. “In the desert, whats worth more: a kilogram of gold or a kilogram of water?” asks Kris Zacny of Honeybee Robotics in New York. “Gold is useless. Water will let you live.”Water ice from the moons poles could be sent to astronauts on the International Space Station for drinking or as a radiation shield. Splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen makes spacecraft fuel, so ice-rich asteroids could become interplanetary refueling stations.Companies are eyeing the iron, silicon, and aluminum in lunar soil and asteroids, which could be used in 3D printers to make spare parts or machinery. Others want to turn space dirt into concrete for landing pads, shelters and roads.1.In the passage the author mentions several companies primarily to ( ).2.The author indicates that space mining could have which positive effect?3.As used in the passage the word “demands” underlined most nearly means( ).4.What function does the discussion of water in last part of the passage?问题1选项A.note the technological advances that make space mining possibleB.provide evidence of the growing interest in space miningC.emphasize the large profits to be made from space miningD.highlight the diverse ways to carry out space mining operations


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