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2022年考博英语-河北农业大学考试名师点拨押题密卷(含答案详解)1. 单选题Its cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella._.问题1选项A.Yes, take it easy.B.Well, it just depends.C.OK. Just in ease.D.All right, youre welcome.【答案】C【解析】考查句意理解。句意:外面多云,请带伞。_。所以回答应该是:好的,为了以防万一。A项“是的,慢慢来”;B项“仅仅取决于”;D项“不客气”。根据句意选C。2. 单选题There are always _ and religious disputes between Israel and Palestine.问题1选项A.eligibleB.engagedC.proneD.prospective【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项eligible“合格的;中意的”;B选项engaged“使用中的;占线的”;C选项prone“有做倾向的”;D选项prospective“预期的;前瞻性的”。句意:以色列和巴勒斯坦之间总是存在着_和宗教性的争议。根据语境,D选项prospective“预期的;前瞻性的”搭配disputes“争议”比较合理,意思指色列和巴勒斯坦的争议是迟早的事。因此D选项正确。3. 单选题Although _ happened in that developed country sounds like science fiction, it could occur elsewhere in the world.问题1选项A.whatB.whichC.howD.it【答案】A【解析】考查主语从句。句意:尽管发生在那个发达国家的事情听起来像科幻小说,但它也可能发生在世界其他地方。横线加happened in that developed country部分为主语从句,发生的事件用what作先行词,所以A选项what符合题意。因此A选项正确。4. 翻译题除了干旱时期,人们从不把水看成宝贵的自然资源。诚然,水不是世界上的稀有之物。如果天不下雨,农民会抱怨,但在有可靠供水系统的城区,很少有人感到缺水。我们想当然地以为水与空气一样不值钱,到处都有。然而,部分因为人口增加,部分因为可怕的浪费,在当今世界许多地方,供水已成为一大挑战。这是一个不可忽视的严重问题。如果不降低需求,减少浪费,人类在不久的将来就会面临灾难。【答案】In addition to the dry period, people have never regarded water as a valuable natural resource. It is true that water is not a rare thing in the world. If it does not rain, the farmers will complain, but in the city with reliable water supply system, few people feel water shortage. We take it for granted that water is no more valuable than air. However, in part because of the increase in population, partly because of the terrible waste, water supply has become a big challenge in many parts of the world. This is a serious problem that cant be ignored. If we do not reduce blood cells, reduce waste, mankind will face disaster in the near future.5. 单选题The study of genetics has given rise to a profitable new industry called biotechnology. As the name suggests, it blends biology and modern technology through such techniques a genetic engineering. Some of the new biotech companies, as they are called, specialize in agriculture and are working enthusiastically to patent seeds that give a high yield, that resist disease, drought, and frost, and that reduce the need for hazardous chemicals. If such goals could be achieved, it would be most beneficial. But some have raised concerns about genetically engineered crops.“In nature, genetic diversity is created within certain limits,” says the book Genetic Engineering, Food, and Our Environment. “A rose can be crossed with a different kind of rose, but a rose will never cross with a potato” Genetic engineering, on the other hand, usually involves taking genes from one species and inserting them into another in an attempt to transfer a desired property or character. This could mean, for example, selecting a gene which leads to the production of a chemical with antifreeze properties from an arctic fish, and joining it into a potato or strawberry to make it frost-resistant. It is now possible for plants to be engineered with genes taken from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. In essence, then, biotechnology allows humans to break the genetic walls that separate species.Like the green revolution, what some call the gene revolution contributes to the problem of genetic uniformitysome say even more so because geneticists can employ techniques such as cloning and tissue culture, processes that produce perfectly identical copies, or clones. Concerns about the erosion of biodiversity, therefore, remain. Genetically altered plants, however, raise new issues, such as the effects that they may have on us and the environment. “We are flying blindly into a new era of agricultural biotechnology with high hopes, few constrains, and little idea of the potential outcomes,” said science writer Jeremy Rifkin.1. According to the author, biotech companies are _.2. Now biotech products are made _.3. In nature, genetic diversity is created _.4. Biotechnology has made it possible _.5. According to the author, with the development of biotechnology _.问题1选项A.mostly specialized in agricultureB.likely to have big returns in their businessC.mainly concerned about the genetically engineered cropsD.those producing seeds of better properties问题2选项A.safer than those without the use of biotechnologyB.without the interference of humansC.by violating laws of natural geneticsD.within the limits of natural genetics问题3选项A.within the species itselfB.by mixing different speciesC.through natural selectionD.through section or contest问题4选项A.for us to solve the food shortage problem in the worldB.for humans to assume the cold-resistant propertyC.for plants to be produced with genes of humansD.to grow crops with the taste of farm animals问题5选项A.humans will pay for its side effectB.the species of creatures will be reducedC.we will suffer from fewer and fewer diseasesD.our living environment will be better than it is now【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.观点态度题。根据第一段第一句The study of genetics has given rise to a profitable new industry called biotechnology.(遗传学研究催生了一个有利可图的新产业生物技术。),可知B选项“可能因为业务收获颇丰”正确。A选项“主要研究农业”,C选项“主要关注基因工程作物”和D选项“生产品种更好的种子”:根据第一段第二句it blends biology and modern technology through such techniques a genetic engineering.(它通过基因工程技术将生物学和现代技术结合起来。),可知生物技术是将生物学和现代技术结合,不仅仅是涉及农业,关注基因工程作物和生产更好品种的种子也只是一部分,不能概括生物技术公司的业务范围,故错误。因此B选项正确。2.语义推测题。根据第二段第一、二句In nature, genetic diversity is created within certain limits,” says the book Genetic Engineering, Food, and Our Environment. “A rose can be crossed with a different kind of rose, but a rose will never cross with a potato” Genetic engineering, on the other hand, usually involves taking genes from one species and inserting them into another in an attempt to transfer a desired property or character.(“在自然界中,基因多样性是在一定范围内产生的,”基因工程、食物和我们的环境一书中说。“玫瑰可以与另一种玫瑰杂交,但玫瑰永远不会与马铃薯杂交”另一方面,基因工程通常是从一种植物中提取基因,然后将其插入另一种植物中,以转移所需的特性或特性。),可知如今的生物技术违背自然遗传规则,C选项“违背自然遗传学的规则”正确,B选项“没有人类的干扰”和D选项“在自然遗传学的范围内”错误。A选项“比不使用生物技术的更安全”根据第一段最后一句But some have raised concerns about genetically engineered crops.(但一些人对转基因作物表示担忧。),文章没有提到生物技术更安全,反而提出有的人担忧其安全性。因此C选项正确。3.推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“In nature, genetic diversity is created within certain limits,” says the book Genetic Engineering, Food, and Our Environment. “A rose can be crossed with a different kind of rose, but a rose will never cross with a potato”(“在自然界中,基因多样性是在一定范围内产生的,”基因工程、食物和我们的环境一书中说。“玫瑰可以与另一种玫瑰杂交,但玫瑰永远不会与马铃薯杂交”),可知在自然界中,基因多样化发生在物种本身内,A选项“在物种本身内”正确。B选项“通过混合不同物种”,C选项“通过自然选择”和D选项“通过分离或竞争”不符合题意。因此A选项正确。4.推理判断题。根据第二段倒数第二句It is now possible for plants to be engineered with genes taken from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans.(现在,用细菌、病毒、昆虫、动物甚至人类的基因改造植物已经成为可能。),可知C选项“用人类基因生产植物”正确。B选项“让人类具有耐寒的特性”根据第二段倒数第三句This could mean, for example, selecting a gene which leads to the production of a chemical with antifreeze properties from an arctic fish, and joining it into a potato or strawberry to make it frost-resistant.(这可能意味着,例如,选择一种可以从北极鱼中产生具有防冻特性的化学物质的基因,并将其加入土豆或草莓中,使其具有抗冻性。),可知这里指的是让植物耐寒而非人类。A选项“为我们解决世界粮食短缺问题”和D选项“种植有农场动物味道的作物”文中没有提到。因此C选项正确。5.观点态度题。作者在第一段提出有人对转基因的担忧,在第二段解释基因如何违反自然规律,在第三段提出转基因可能带来的一些影响,最后引用科学家的话中暗含基因技术会带来消极影响,所以A选项“人类会为它的副作用付出代价”正确。B选项“生物的种类会减少”,C选项“我们将患的疾病种类越来越少”和D选项“我们的生活环境将比现在好”文章没有提到,故错误。因此A选项正确。6. 单选题We must improve the farming method _ we may get high yields.问题1选项A.thereforeB.as.C.in order thatD.if【答案】C【解析】考查词义辨析。A选项therefore“所以”,副词,修饰动词,后面不接句子;B选项as“因为”,连词,后面加句子;C选项in order that“为了;以便”,后面加从句;D选项if“如果”,连词,后面加句子。句意:_获得高产量,我们必须改进耕作方法。根据语境,这里提高产量是目的,C选项in order that“为了;以便”符合题意。因此C选项正确。7. 单选题While he was climbing the high mountain, he had his leg_.问题1选项A.brokeB.breakC.brokenD.breaking【答案】C【解析】考查宾语与宾语补足语之间的关系。此句中的had为使役动词,其后的宾语与宾语补足语之间的关系是逻辑上的动宾关系,根据英语语法,此处应用过去分词。本句句意:他在爬那座高山时,摔断了腿。8. 单选题For decades, arms control talks centered on nuclear weapons. This is hardly surprising, since a single nuclear bomb can destroy an entire, city. Yet, unlike smaller arms, these immensely powerful weapons have not been used in war in over 50 years.Respected military historian John Keegan writes: “Nuclear weapons have, since August 9, 1945, killed no one. The 50,000,000 who have died in war since that date have for the most part, been killed by cheap, mass-produced weapons and small ammunition, costing little more than the transistor radios and dry-cell batteries which have flooded the world in the same period. Because small weapons have disrupted life very little in the advanced world, outside the restricted localities where drug-dealing and political terrorism flourish, the populations of the rich states have been slow to recognize the horror that this pollution has brought in its train.”No one knows precisely how many small arms and light weapons are in circulation, but experts estimate that military-style firearms may number about 500million. In addition, tens of millions of civilian-type rifles and pistols are owned by private citizens. What is more, new weapons are produced and fed into the market each year:Why have small arms become the weapons of choice in recent wars? Part of the reason lies in the relationship between conflict and poverty. Most of the wars fought during the 1990s took place in countries that are poortoo poor to buy sophisticated weapon systems. Small arms and light weapons are a bargain. For example, 50 million dollars, which is approximately the cost of a single modern jet fighter, can equip an army with 200,000 assault rifles.Another reason why small weapons are so popular is that they are lethal. A single rapid-fire assault rifle can fire hundreds of rounds a minute. They are also easy to use and maintain. A child of ten can be taught to strip and reassemble a typical assault rifle. A child can also quickly learn to aim and fire that rifle into a crowd of people.The global traffic in guns is complex. Huge supplies of guns pass legally from nation to nation. After the Cold War, armies in both the East and the West were reduced, and governments gave or sold excess equipment to friends and allies. According to an estimate since 1995 the United States alone has given away more than 800,000 rifles, pistols, machine guns, and grenade launchers. It is reasoned that giving weapons away is cheaper than dismantling or storing and guarding them.The illegal trade, however, may be much larger. Black-market weapons usually have to be purchased. In some African wars, paramilitary groups have bought hundreds of millions of dollars worth of small arms and light weapons, not with money, but with diamonds seized from diamond-mining areas.Weapons are also linked to the illegal trade in drugs. It is not unusual for criminal organizations to use the same routes to smuggle drugs in one direction as they use exchange to smuggle guns in the other.1. It is implied in the passage that_.2. All of the following are the reasons why small arms have become the choice in recent wars except_.3. Why did US government give away a large number of small arms?4. We can conclude from the passage that_.5. The best title for this passage is probably_.问题1选项A.small arms control is even more important than nuclear arms-controlB.it is hardly surprising that the nuclear arms-control talks have not reached an agreementC.nuclear weapons power to kill people has been exaggeratedD.nuclear weapons are not as powerful as small weapons问题2选项A.small arms are cheapB.Small arms are powerful antipersonnel weaponsC.small arms are easier to useD.small arms are easier to get问题3选项A.Because it wants to arm their friends and allies.B.Because it is less expensive than keeping them.C.Because it wants to save the resources.D.Because it is better to store and guard them in other countries.问题4选项A.small arms are not expensive in the black-marketB.it is unfair to exchange small arms for diamondC.criminals use the same passage to smuggle drugs and small armsD.where there are drugs, there are small arms问题5选项A.Small Arms Talks, Not Nuclear Arms TalksB.Neglect of Small Arms ControlC.Global Traffic in Small ArmsD.Small Arms, Big Problems【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.推理判断题。文章第一段对人们对于核武器与小型武器的重视程度和各自使用频率进行对比,第二段对比两种武器伤害的人的数量,可知这篇文章想要人们更重视小型武器,所以A选项“小型军备控制甚至比核军备控制更重要”正确,C选项“核武器杀伤力被夸大”和D选项“核武器不如小型武器强大”不是表达的重点,故错误。B选项“核军备控制谈判没有达成协议不足为奇”:文章没有涉及,故错误。因此A选项正确。2.事实细节题。A选项“小型武器很便宜”:根据第四段第四句Small arms and light weapons are a bargain(小武器和轻武器很便宜。),所以便宜是小型武器运用在近年战争的原因,故A选项错误。B选项“小型武器杀伤性强”:根据第五段第一句Another reason why small weapons are so popular is that they are lethal.(小型武器如此流行的另一个原因是它们的是致命性。),故B选项错误。所以C选项“小型武器使用更容易”:They are also easy to use and maintain.(它们也易于使用和维护。),故C选项错误。D选项“小型武器更容易买到”:根据第六段第一句The global traffic in guns is complex.(全球枪支贩运很复杂。),可知小型武器不容易买,故正确。因此D选项正确。3.语义推测题。根据第六段最后一句It is reasoned that giving weapons away is cheaper than dismantling or storing and guarding them.(有理由认为,交出武器要比拆除、储存和看守它们便宜。),可知美国送出武器是因为经济原因,所以B选项“因为这比保留它们更便宜”正确,C选项“因为它想节约资源”和D选项“因为放在其他国家储存和保护更好。”不具体,故错误。A选项“因为它想武装自己的朋友和盟友。”文章没有提到,故错误。因此B选项正确。4.语义推测题。A选项“黑市上的小型武器并不贵”和B选项“用小武器交换钻石不公平”:根据第七段最后一句not with money, but with diamonds seized from diamond-mining areas(不是用钱,而是用从钻石矿区夺得的钻石),用钻石交换武器来说明在黑市小型武器很贵,没有提到公平与否,故错误。C选项“罪犯利用同一途径走私毒品和小型武器”和D选项“哪里有毒品,哪里就有小型武器”:It is not unusual for criminal organizations to use the same routes to smuggle drugs in one direction as they use exchange to smuggle guns in the other.(犯罪组织利用走私毒品的途径走私枪支的现象并不罕见。),可知C选项正确,不代表毒品走私和小型武器走私一定连在一起,故D选项错误。因此C选项正确。5.主旨大意题。文章在开头点出人们对小型武器的忽视,再点出小型武器在杀伤力、生产、保存、贩卖等各个方面带来的问题,可知这篇文章主要讲小型武器带来的问题,要人们重视小型武器,所以D选项“小型武器,重大问题”正确,B选项“对小型武器控制的忽视”和C选项“全球小型武器贩运”是其中的一方面,不能概括全文,故错误。A选项“小型武器谈判,而非核武器谈判”:文章没有重点讲谈判,故错误。因此D选项正确。9. 单选题Many women, according to this_, would rather work than marry.问题1选项A.hypothesisB.hierarchyC.synthesisD.syndrome【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项hypothesis“假设”;B选项hierarchy“等级制度”;C选项synthesis“结合;(人工的)合成”;D选项syndrome“综合征;典型表现”。句意:根据这一_,许多女性宁愿工作也不愿结婚。根据语境,许多女性宁愿工作也不愿结婚更可能是一个假设,A选项hypothesis“假设”符合题意。因此A选项正确。10. 单选题He thought that he might be able to avoid paying some of his taxes by taking advantages of the _ in the law.问题1选项A.circleB.misunderstandingC.exceptionD.loop holes【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项circle“周期”;B选项misunderstanding“误解”;C选项exception“例外;异议”;D选项loop holes“漏洞”。句意:他认为他也许可以利用法律上的_来逃避缴纳一些税款。根据语境,这里是指钻法律的空子避税,D选项loop holes“漏洞”符合题意。因此D选项正确。11. 单选题The doctor has difficulty _ this infection.问题1选项A.for treadingB.to treatC.in treatingD.being treating【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:医生在治疗这个感染病上遇到困难。做某事遇到困难用sb. have difficulty (in) doing sth.,所以C选项in treating符合题意,故正确。其余选项语法错误。因此C选项正确。12. 单选题A mysterious black cloud approaches the earthour planets weather is severely affected.Throughout the rest of June and July temperatures rose steadily all over the Earth. In the British Isles the temperature climbed through the eighties, into the nineties, and moved towards the hundred mark. People complained, but there was no serious disaster.The death number in the U. S. remained quite small, thanks largely to the air-conditioning units that had been fitted during previous years and months. Temperatures rose to the limit of human endurance throughout the whole country and people were obliged to remain indoors for weeks on end. Occasionally air-conditioning units failed and it was then that fatalities occurred.Conditions were utterly desperate throughout the tropics as may be judged from the fact that 7943 species of plants and animals became totally extinct. The survival of Man himself was only possible because of the caves and cellars he was able to dig. Nothing could be done to reduce the hot air temperature. More than seven hundred million persons are known to have lost their lives.Eventually the temperature of the surface waters of the sea rose, not so fast as the air temperature, but fast enough to produce a dangerous increase of humidity. It was indeed this increase that produced the disastrous conditions just remarked. Millions of people between the latitudes of Cairo and the Cape of Good Hope were subjected to a choking atmosphere that grew damper and hotter from day to day. All human movement ceased. There was nothing to be done but to lie breathing quickly as a dog does in hot weather.By the fourth week of July conditions in the tropics lay balanced between life and total death. Then quite suddenly rain clouds appeared over the whole globe. The temperature declined a little, due no doubt to the clouds reflecting more of the Suns radiation back into space. But conditions could not be said to have improved. W arm rain fell everywhere, even as far north as Iceland. The insect population increased enormously, since the burning hot atmosphere was as favorable to them as it was unfavorable to Man and many other animals.1. In the British Isles the temperature _.2. Few people in the United States lost their lives because _.3. Millions of people in Cairo and the Cape of Good Hope were subjected to a choking atmosphere because _.4. By the fourth week of July conditions in the tropics were such that _.5. The insect population increased due to _.问题1选项A.stayed at eightyB.ranged from eighty to ninetyC.approached one hundredD.exceeded the hundred mark问题2选项A.the temperature was tolerableB.people remained indoors for weeksC.the government had taken effective measures to reduce the hot temperatureD.people were provided with the most comfortable air-conditioners问题3选项A.the temperature grew extremely hotB.the temperature became damper and hotter as the humidity of the surface waters of the sea increasedC.their conditions were too dangerousD.nothing could be done with the hot temperature问题4选项A.human survival would be impossibleB.more and more people would lose their livesC.fewer people could be savedD.survival or death was still undecided问题5选项A.the hot airB.the tropical climateC.the rain cloudsD.the damp atmosphere【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.事实细节题。根据第二段第二句In the British Isles the temperature climbed through the eighties, into the nineties, and moved towards the hundred mark.(在不列颠群岛,温度从80度上升到90度,并接近100度。),可知不列颠群岛的温度快接近100度,故C选项“接近100”正确。A选项“保持在80度”,B选项“从80上升到90度”和D选项“超过100度”错误。因此C选项正确。2.事实细节题。根据第二段第一句The death number in the U. S. remained quite small, thanks largely to the air-conditioning units that had been fitted during previous years and months.(美国的死亡人数仍然很少,这在很大程度上要归功于前几年和前几个月安装的空调设备。),可知,在美国很少人因为高温而丧生得益于空调,故D选项“人们装有最舒适的空调”正确。A选项“温度还可以忍受”和B选项“人们在室内待了几个星期”:根据第三段第二句Temperatures rose to the limit of human endurance throughout the whole country and people were obliged to remain indoors for weeks on end.(全国各地气温上升到人类承受能力的极限,人们被迫连续数周待在室内。),可知这气温已超出承受范围,故A选项错误,并且因为气温太高人们不得不待在室内,这是高温带来的影响而非只有少数人死亡的原因,故B选项错误。C选项“政府已经采取了有效的措施来降低高温”:文章没有提到政府做了什么,故错误。因此D选项正确。3.实细节题。根据第五段第一句Eventually the temperature of the surface waters of the sea roseto produce a dangerous increase of humidity.(最终,海水表层的温度上升了致命的湿度增加。)和第三句grew damper and hotter from day to day(天气一天比一天潮湿和炎热),可知是海水温度和湿度增加影响的开罗和好望角地区,故B选项“随着海洋表层海水湿度的增加,温度变得更潮湿、更热”正确,A选项“温度变得非常热”中仅仅因为温度变化不至于造成这样的结果。C选项“他们的条件太危险了”:这是对这情况的描述而非原因,故错误。D选项“他们对高温无计可施”:根据第四段第二句The survival of Man himself was only possible because of the caves and cellars


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