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2022年考博英语-中国海洋大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Mary wanted to turn natural history into a science that would ( )physics and chemistry.问题1选项A.be the same asB.rank withC.be at issueD.take on【答案】B【解析】句意:玛丽想要将自然历史变成与物理和化学并列的一门学科。考查短语辨析。be the same as与相同; rank with 与并列; be at issue争论不休; take on承担,呈现,接纳,雇用。故B符合句意。2. 单选题The manager needs an assistant that he can ( )to take care of problems in his absence.问题1选项A.count inB.count onC.count upD.count out【答案】B【解析】句意:这个经理需要一位靠得住的助手,以便他不在时去处理问题。考查短语辨析。count in把算入,包括; count on预计,指望,依靠,依赖; count up计算(或清点)总数; count out不把算在内。根据句意可知B正确。3. 单选题He is among those lucky students who have won ( )to first-rate university.问题1选项A.permissionB.admittanceC.professionD.admission【答案】D【解析】句意:他是那些能幸运地进入一流大学的学生中的一员。考查近义词辨析。permission 允许,许可,一般用于give sb. permission to do sth.允许某人做某事;admittance 进入,入场权(尤指公共场所);profession 职业,声明,宣布;admission 入学,承认,录用。因此D符合句意。4. 单选题Parks and similar recreation areas act as a kind of barrier between residential and industrial areas. The government is making efforts to preserve this “Green Belt” to halt the spread of industrial growth and excessive suburban sprawl into the surrounding countryside. Planning permission to build a new factory complex or housing estate is often refused for this reason.People nowadays have become very conscious of the threat which modern living poses to our natural environment. They are becoming concerned about the quality of present-day life and are giving vigorous support to conservation policies which aim to safeguard the countryside that is still untouched, and to clean and restore what has already been spoiled. This involves clearing town centers of all motor traffic with its polluting fumes and gases, preventing agricultural land from being sold to unscrupulous property developers, and launching a powerful campaign against the serious chemical pollution of many of our rivers, lakes and coastal waters. There is even some talk about making our elaborate canal system viable again for the transportation of goods such as coal, which would then lessen the amount of heavy traffic on our already overloaded roads.Neither is it all empty talk; for the first time in decades fish are being caught in the lower reaches of the Thames. For the conservationists this represents a real victory and gives them well-deserved satisfaction.1.Motor traffic is banned from many town centers because ( ).2.The Green Belt in line 2 refers to( ).3.The fact that fishes are now being caught in the lower reaches of the Thames shows that( ).4.What threat does modern living pose to our natural environment?5.The campaign against serious pollution of rivers was launched because( ).6.According to the passage, in what other way can the canal system be used?问题1选项A.there is too much traffic alreadyB.it contaminates the air with fumes and gasesC.the smell of the fumes and gases is terribleD.it is noisy and dangerous问题2选项A.the surrounding countrysideB.the trees planted along the city roadsC.recreational areasD.industrial areas问题3选项A.the campaign to clean up rivers has brought about a change in the natural environmentB.the government has no interest in clearing up the middle and upper reaches of the riverC.the rest of the river is still pollutedD.there is no fish in the middle and upper reaches of the river问题4选项A.The rising cost of living.B.The excessive growth of suburban areas.C.The rapid expansion of industry.D.The deterioration of the quality of life.问题5选项A.the government wanted to preserve the cleanliness of the riversB.the government wanted to raise fish in the riversC.the government wanted to lessen the traffic burdens on the roadD.the government wanted to safeguard the countryside问题6选项A.As a fishing pond.B.As a boating center.C.As a means to carry goods.D.As a recreational area【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D第6题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。第二段指出: This involves clearing town centers of all motor traffic with its polluting fumes and gases (这个(即环境保护政策)涉及清除城镇中心所有产生污染烟雾和气体的机动车),由此可知B项“它的烟雾和气体污染空气”正确。2.词义题。Green Belt所在句的前一句为: Parks and similar recreation areas act as a kind of barrier between residential and industrial areas (公园和类似的休闲区成为住宅区和工业区之间的一种屏障),而后说:政府正努力保护这种 “绿色地带”,由此可知Green Belt指代“休闲区”。3.判断推理题。最后一段指出: For the first time in decades fish are being caught in the lower reaches of the Thames. For the conservationists this represents a real victory and gives them well-deserved satisfaction (数十年来,泰晤士河下游首次捕获鱼类。对自然资源保护者来说,这是一个真正的胜利,给了他们应得的满足),由此可知A项“清洁河流的活动己带来环境方面的改变”正确。4.细节事实题。第二段指出: They are becoming concerned about the quality of present-day life and are giving vigorous support to conservation policies which aim to safeguard the countryside that is still untouched, and to clean and restore what has already been spoiled (人们担忧如今的生活质量,且正在给予旨在保护未被影响的乡村、清洁和恢复被破坏环境的环境保护政策大力的支持)。故D项“恶化了的生活质量”正确。5.判断推理题。第二段指出: They are becoming concerned about the quality of present-day life and are giving vigorous support to conservation policies which aim to safeguard the countryside that is still untouched, and to clean and restore what has already been spoiled (他们开始关注现在的生活质量,并大力支持旨在保护仍未被破坏的农村、清洁和恢复已经被破坏的土地的保护政策),后面指出“这些政策包括发起强有力的活动来反对我们对很多河流、湖泊和沿海水域的严重化学污染”,由此可知D项“政府想耍保护乡村”正确。6.细节事实题。根据题干关键词canal system定位至第二段: There is even some talk about making our elaborate canal system viable again for the transportation of goods such as coat which would then lessen the amount of heavy traffic on our already overloaded roads (甚至有一些人说让我们复杂的运河系统再次变得可以运输如煤等商品,那么这将让我们己超载的路上的交通量减少),故C项“作为运输物品的一种方式”正确。5. 单选题( ) the accident, they would have arrived earlier.问题1选项A.Except forB.But forC.BesidesD.Save for【答案】B【解析】句意:要不是这个事故,他们会更早地到达。考查短语辨析。except for除了以外; but for要不是; besides此外,而且; save for除之外。句子后半句“they would have arrived earlier”为对过去的虚拟,那次推测空格处应该表示“要不是”。6. 单选题We should ( )our human and material resources if we are to succeed in the joint venture.问题1选项A.pourB.plungeC.poolD.pick【答案】C【解析】句意:如果我们想要办成合资企业的话,就应该集中我们的人力和物力资源。考查动词辨析。pour使(液体)连续流出,倾倒,倒出倾泻;plunge 使陷入,使投入,使插入;pool 共用,聚拢(资金、知识、设备等);pick 拾取,精选,采摘。因此C符合句意。7. 单选题The hotel ( )only $50 for a double room in the slack season.问题1选项A.claimsB.pricesC.chargesD.demands【答案】C【解析】句意:在淡季,这家旅馆的双人间只需要50美元。考查固定搭配。charge for 索价,要价。8. 单选题The skiers would rather ( )through the mountains than go by bus.问题1选项A.to travel by trainB.traveled by trainC.travel by trainD.traveling by train【答案】C【解析】句意:这些滑雪者宁可坐火车穿越群山而不愿意坐公交。考查固定搭配。would rather do sth. 宁愿、宁可、最好。9. 翻译题Translate the following paragraph into English.钓鱼是一项能够陶冶性情的运动,有益于身心健康。著名的词作家乔羽说:“钓鱼 可以分为三个阶段:第一阶段是吃鱼;第二阶段是吃鱼和情趣兼而有之;第三个阶段主要是钓趣,面对一池碧水,将忧心烦恼全都抛到一边,使自己的身心得到充分休息。”【答案】Fishing is a sport that can help improve ones temperament. It is good for physical and mental health. The well-known songwriter Qiao Yu said : “Fishing falls into three stages. The first stage is just for eating fish. The second stage is for enjoying the pleasure of fishing as well as eating fish. The third stage is mainly for the pleasure of fishing-facing a pool of clear water, one casts aside all anxieties and worries and enjoys a good mental and physical rest.10. 单选题David felt obliged ( )for Nancy when the teacher singled her out for criticism.问题1选项A.to put a wordB.putting a wordC.to put in a wordD.putting in a word【答案】C【解析】句意:当老师把Nancy单独叫出去批评吋,David觉得有必要为她说几句。考查固定搭配。Be obliged to do sth. 被迫做某事,不得不做。put in a word for sb. 为某人说话。11. 单选题We now come to the vital topic of money. First, we must remember that science, on any significant scale, exists only in economies where there is surplus of goods and services. A prosperous economy forms a necessary base for scientific work. Tragically, the economies of the underdeveloped countries, where the need is overwhelming, have not supported-nor have they been capable of supportingany substantial scientific and technical training or research. Read the speech of P.M.S. Blackette, President of the Royal Society, in which the existing great disparity between the have and have-not economies is considered. The primary theme of his address is that the gap is not closing; on the contrary, it steadily grows wider.The United States, as the most wealthy industrial nation, spends a greater amount on research and development than any other nations. It is beyond the scope of this book to consider in detail whether the amount spent is adequate, either in relation to our own economy or in relation to our position in the world. At best the question is an open one.In the last few years, financial support for science has changed significantly. It is frustrating to report that, in spite of numerous statements about the extent and nature of these changes, it has been impossible to find sufficient agreement to be sure just what has happened. Two points do appear clear. First, there has been an overall cut in research funds, further reinforced by substantial inflation of prices. Second, there has been increased emphasis on relevant research-that is research with immediate practical applications.One report that reflects most closely our own estimate of the situation was made by a five-member committee from the National Academy of Sciences. This group investigated funding of chemistry projects by the National Institutes of Health. The committee concluded that funding had been declined by an average of 20% and that the section most closely related to basic research had funds cut in half. The committee found that various institutes, in-house research, administrative budgets, and continuing extramural (校外的)grants had been protected with the result that new and renewal grants had become a disaster area. Other reports stating that federal institutes funds have had only limited cuts have apparently ignored the point made by the National Academy Committee.1.Which of the following is true about the underdeveloped countries?2.Which of the following words means nearly the same as “disparity” used in line 6 of paragraph one?3.“At best the question is an open one” in the second paragraph means that ( ).4.Which area of research has suffered most from the cuts in the federal institutes funds?5.Which of the following could be best used for the title of the passage?问题1选项A.They need scientific and technical training or research badly.B.They are too poor to spare enough for the development of science.C.They have other priorities instead of spending a decent amount of money on science.D.All of above问题2选项A.DisputeB.DiversionC.InequalityD.Argument问题3选项A.the question has to be left to the public to decideB.the question is too self-evident to be discussed any furtherC.different people may have different opinion about this questionD.more information has to be collected before the question can be finally answered问题4选项A.Applied researchB.Basic researchC.Chemistry projectsD.New research projects问题5选项A.Dispute about research fundingB.Trends of research fundingC.Research and developmentD.Basic and applied researches【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。A: 他们对科学技术培训和研发有极强的需求,B: 他们太穷,以至于没有足够的科学发展资金,C: 他们有其他需要优先考虑的事情,而不是花大量资金在科研上。根据题干关键词the “underdeveloped” countries定位至第一段: Tragically, the economies of the underdeveloped” countries, where the need is overwhelming, have not supported-nor have they been capable of supporting-any substantial scientific and technical training or research(可悲的是,欠发达国家有很强的科研需求,但其经济却无法支持,或者没有能力支持任何一项实质的科学技术培训或研发),由此判断此题选D“以上所有选项”。2.词义题。“disparity”所在句为: Read the speech of P.M.S. Blackette, President of the Royal Society, in which the existing great disparity between the have and have-not economies is considered (阅读皇家学会主席P.M.S.Blackette的演讲,其中就考虑了“有”和“没有”经济体之间存在的巨大),由此推测, “disparity”表示 “不同”或者 “差异”。四个选项中,C项 inequality(不同)与之意思最为接近。3.语义题。“At best the question is an open one ”表示“充其量是一个开放的问题”,因此C项“对此问题,不同的人有不同的观点”比较符合这句话意思。4.细节事实题。第四段指出: The committee concluded that funding had been declined by an average of 20% and that the section most closely related to basic research had funds cut in half (委员会得出的结论是,资金平均己经削减了20%,与此最密切相关的基础研究的基金减少一半)。故选B “基础研究”。5.主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了财政对科研的支持的不同报道和不同观点。经济实力强的国家能为科研提供更多支持,经济欠发达国家更需要发展科研,但是却没有足够的资金支持,因此人们对于财政支持科研发展有不同的观点看法。因此A项 “关于研究经费的讨论”比较适合做文章标题。12. 单选题Mr. Morgan can be very sad( ),though in public he is extremely cheerful问题1选项A.in personB.in privateC.by himselfD.as individual【答案】B【解析】句意:尽管在公共场合非常高兴,但是在私底下Morgan先生可能非常伤心。考查短语辨析。in person亲自,本人; in private 私底下; by himself靠他自己; as individual作为个人。因此B符合句意。13. 单选题She blushed( )the mention her ( )fiances name.问题1选项A.of, atB.on, byC.at, ofD.by, on【答案】C【解析】句意:一提到未婚夫的名字她就脸红。考查固定搭配。at the mention of 提到时,一提起。14. 单选题( ) , I do not like him as a man.问题1选项A.I admire him as much as a writerB.As I admire him as a writerC.Much as I admire him as a writerD.As much I admire as a writer【答案】C【解析】句意:尽管我钦佩他是一名作家,但是我却不喜欢他这个人。语法题。考查as引导的让步状语从句。As引导让步状语从句表示“尽管,即使”时要使用部分倒装结构:副词+as+主语+谓语,故选C。15. 单选题( ) . a car knocked her down.问题1选项A.Walking homeB.While walking homeC.As she was walking homeD.Having walked home【答案】C【解析】句意:在她回家的路上,一辆汽车把她撞到了。语法题。考查时间状语从句。题干后半部分已经是完整句子,联系选项判断空白处需要填时间状语。从句的逻辑主语和主句主语不一致,因此不能用分词作状语,排除A,B,D。as可以引导时间状语从句。故选C。16. 单选题I could not imagine that ( )possible.问题1选项A.beB.beingC.isD.was【答案】A【解析】句意:我简直不能想象那是有可能的。语法题。考查特殊虚拟语气。imagine之后的that引导的宾语从句需要用 虚拟语气:should+动词原形,此时should可以省略。17. 单选题Born in 1830 in rural Amherst, Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson spent her entire life in the household of her parents. Between 1858 and 1862, it was later discovered, she wrote like a person possessed, often producing a poem a day. It was also during this period that her life was transformed into the myth of Amherst. Withdrawing more and more, keeping to her room, sometimes even refusing to see visitors who called, she began to dress only in whitea habit that added to her reputation as an eccentric.In their determination to read Dickinsons life in terms of a traditional romantic plot, biographers have missed the unique pattern of her life her struggle to create a female life not yet imagined by the culture in which she lived. Dickinson was not the innocent, lovelorn and emotionally fragile girl sentimentalized by the Dickinson myth and popularized by William Luces 1976 play, the Belle of Amherst. Her decision to shut the door on Amherst society in the 1850s transferred her house into a kind of magical realm in which she was free to engage her poetic genius. Her seclusion was not the result of a failed love affair, but rather a part of a more general pattern of renunciation through which she, in her quest for self sovereignty, carried on an argument with the puritan fathers, attacking with wit and irony their cheerless Calvinist doctrine, their stern patriarchal God, and their rigid notions of “true womanhood”.1.Whats the authors main purpose in the passage?2.Which of the following is not mentioned as being one of Emily Dickinsons eccentricities?3.According to the passage, biographers of Emily Dickinson have traditionally ( ).4.The author implies that many people attribute Emily Dickinsons seclusion to( ).5.It can be inferred from the passage that Emily Dickinson lived in a society that was characterized by( ).问题1选项A.To interpret Emily Dickinsons eccentric behavior.B.To promote the popular myth of Emily Dickinson.C.To discuss Emily Dickinsons failed love affair.D.To describe the religious climate in Emily Dickinsons time问题2选项A.Refusing to eat.B.Wearing only whiteC.Avoiding visitors.D.Staying in her room问题3选项A.criticized most of her poemsB.ignored her innocence and emotional fragilityC.seen her life in romantic termsD.blaming her parents for restricting her activities问题4选项A.physical illnessB.a failed love affairC.religious fervorD.her dislike of people问题5选项A.strong Puritan beliefsB.equality of men and womenC.the encouragement of nonconformityD.the appreciation of poetic creativity【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.主旨大意题。文章主要在解释艾米莉迪金森生活行为古怪的原因。故选A“解释艾米莉迪金森古怪的行为”。2.细节事实题。四个选项为:A:拒绝进食,B:只穿白色衣服,C:拒绝见来访者,D:待在房间。第一段指出: Withdrawing more and more, keeping to her room,sometimes even refusing to see visitors who called, she began to dress only in whitea habit that added to her reputation as an eccentric (她越来越远离社会,呆在自己的房间里,有时拒绝面见来访者,而她开始只穿白色的衣服这样的习惯使她蒙上了怪人的名声),因此只有A项未提及。答案选A。3.细节事实题。第二段指出: In their determination to read Dickinsons life in terms of a traditional romantic plot, biographers have missed the unique pattern of her life her struggle to create a female life not yet imagined by the culture in which she lived (传记作者在决心用传统的浪漫情节去理解迪金森的生活上,忽视了她生活的独特方式,即她奋力去创造一个她生活的文化无法想象的女性生活)。因此C“从浪漫角度看待她的生活”正确。4.判断推理题。最后一段指出: Her seclusion was not the result of a failed love affair, but rather a part of a more general pattern of renunciation.( 她的隐退不是失败的风流韵事的结果,而是一个更一般的放弃模式的一部分)。因此在作者看来, 很多人认为艾米莉迪金森的隐退是因为失败的风流韵事,故选B “失败的风流韵事”。5.判断推理题。最后一段指出: .carried on an argument with the puritan fathers, attacking with wit and irony their cheerless Calvinist doctrine, their stern patriarchal God, and their rigid notions of true womanhood”((艾米莉迪金森)与清教徒的父亲们进行争吵,用智慧去讽刺他们阴郁的加尔文教义,刻板的德高望重的上帝和他们对真正女性的严格定义),由此可知A项“强大的清教徒信仰”正确。18. 单选题The year was 1959. Location: the central African city of Leopoldville, now called Kinshasa, shortly before the waves of violent rebellion that followed the liberation of the Belgian Congo. A seemingly healthy man walked into a hospital clinic to give blood for a western-backed study of blood diseases. He walked away and was never heard from again. Doctors analyzed his sample, froze it in a test tube and forgot about it. A quarter century later, in the mid-1980s, researchers studying the growing AIDS epidemic took a second look at the blood and discovered that it contained H.I.V, the virus that causes AIDS.And not just any HIV. The Leopoldville sample is the oldest specimen of the AIDS virus ever isolated and may now help solve the mystery of how and when the virus made the leap from animals (monkeys or chimpanzees) to humans, according to a report published last week in Nature. Dr. David Ho, director of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center in New York City and one of the studys authors, says a careful genetic analysis of the samples DNA pushes the putative origin of the AIDS epidemic back at least a decade to the early 50s even the 40s.1.What is the passage about?2.That AIDS spread to other places besides Africa. The origin of the AIDS epidemic was thought to begin in the ( ).3.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?4.According to the passage, the man who carried HIV gave blood because he wanted to( ).问题1选项A.The fact that HTV and the AIDS virus were first discovered in Africa.B.The role that Leopoldvilles sample plays.C.That Leopoldvilles sample contributes to solving the puzzle on the origin of AIDS.D.That AIDS spread to other places besides Africa问题2选项A.1940sB.1950sC.1960sD.mid-1980s问题3选项A.The AIDS v


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