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2022年考博英语-东北财经大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题He sustained his claims to the property with authentic documents.问题1选项A.genuineB.completeC.thoroughD.well-prepared【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. genuine 真的;非伪造的 B. complete 完全的;彻底的C. thorough 完全的;仔细周到的 D. well-prepared 准备充分的【答案】A【考查点】形容词辨析【解题思路】原句语义为“他用_文件证明他对财产的要求是合法的”,原词authentic“真实的”,A选项genuine“真的;非伪造的”最符合原句语义。【干扰项排除】B选项complete“完全的;彻底的”,侧重于指包含全部的、最大程度的,不符合原句语义;C选项thorough“完全的;仔细周到的”,侧重于指透彻的,不符合原句语义;D选项well-prepared“准备充分的”,不符合原句语义。【句意】他用真实的文件证明他对财产的要求是合法的。2. 单选题Factory and accompanying prosperity muted memories of the Great Depression and made him a national hero.问题1选项A.transpireB.upbraidC.muffleD.twist【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. transpire 为人所知 B. upbraid 训斥C. muffle 使(声音)降低 D. twist 使弯曲【答案】C【考查点】动词辨析【解题思路】划线词的主语为“工厂和随之而来的繁荣”,宾语为“关于大萧条的记忆”,根据常理推断,繁荣冲淡了人们对大萧条的记忆;原词muted“消音;减弱”。因此,C选项muffle“使(声音)降低”最接近原句句意。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合原句句意。【句意】工厂和随之而来的繁荣掩盖了人们对大萧条的记忆,并且使他成为了民族英雄。3. 翻译题It is a common problem in the non-family owned private limited company: shareholder/director wants to retire or leave the business, but one or more of his fellow shareholders/directors want to continue. 1. It is easy enough for a director to retire, but the likelihood is that he will want to cash in on his shares which have accumulated some value over the period of his participation in the business. Frequently, though, his fellow shareholder/director(s) do not have the financial resources to acquire the shares at their market value. A wide variety of options exist, but purchase of own shares by the company is one of the most useful.Purchase of own shares is exactly what says it is: the company acquires the shares from the shareholders. In principle, it is a simple concept but one which is covered by a number of very important legislative provisions, both in company and tax law. 2. Although at first sight the legislation appears to obstruct what might otherwise be a simple process, it actually exist to facilitate the purchase, while protecting the creditors (so far as company law is concerned). In fact, the provision are too numerous to cover in detail in a few words and this article is designed to outline the rules, regulations and options.3. It was always the case that a company could not acquire its own shares, because in doing so it was obtaining ownership of itself, which is contrary to the most fundamental legal principles surrounding the nature and existence of companies. The Company Act 1981 changed all that and the provisions it introduced are now incorporated into the Company Act 1985.4. In essence, provided a company is permitted to do so by its Memorandum and Articles of Association, any company can now acquire its own shares (subject to there being at least one left). Because purchase of own shares is a relatively recent innovation, many companies Memorandum and Articles of Association do not contain this provision but appropriate provisions can be included by Special Resolution, requiring a 75% majority.5. Although the purchase must normally be made out of the proceeds of a fresh issue of shares and or of distributable profits, important provision exist for private companies to make the purchase out of capital. If distributable profits are insufficient then, provided the company is solvent after the redemption and is believed by directors to be going concern for a further year, then the purchase can go ahead.【答案】1. 对一个董事来说,只是想退休很容易,但他可能想要将他在参与公司经营期间积累了一定价值的股份变现。2. 虽然乍一看,这项立法似乎阻碍了原本可能简单的程序,但它实际上是为了在促进购买的同时保护债权人(就公司法而言)的权利。3. 通常情况下,一个公司不能购买自己的股份,因为这样做是获得自己的所有权,这违反了关于公司的性质和存在的最基本的法律原则。4. 从本质上来说,只要一家公司的组织大纲和章程允许它这样做,任何公司现在都可以收购自己的股份(前提是至少还有一股剩下)。5. 尽管这种购买通常必须用新发行的股票和(或)可分配利润的收益进行,但对私营公司来说,也存在可以用资本购买的重要规定。4. 单选题Researchers have studied the poor as individuals, as families and households, as members of poor communities, neighborhoods and regions, as products of larger poverty creating structures. They have been analyzed as victims of crime and criminals, as members of minority cultures, as passive consumers of mass culture and active producers of a “counterculture”, as participants in the informal economy, as inventions of survival strategies, as an economic burden and as a reserve army of laborto mention just some of the preoccupations of poverty research.The elites, who occupy the small upper stratum within the category of the non-poor, and their functions in the emergence and reproduction of poverty are as interesting and important an object for poverty research as the poor themselves. The elites have images of the poor and of poverty which shape their decisions and actions. So far, little is known about those images, except as they are sketchily portrayed in popular stereotypes. The elites may well ignore or deny the external effects of their own actions (and omissions) upon the living conditions of the poor. Many social scientists may take a very different view. As poverty emerged and was reproduced, legal frameworks were created to contain the problems it caused with profound, and largely unknown, consequences for the poor themselves. In general, political, educational and social institutions tend to ignore or even damage the interests of the poor. In constructing a physical infrastructure for transport, industry, trade and tourism, the settlements of the poor are often the first to suffer or to be left standing and exposed to pollution, noise and crowding.Most important are the economic functions of poverty, as, for lack of other options the poor are forced to perform activities considered degrading or unclean. The poor are more likely to buy second-hand goods and leftover foodstuffs, thus prolonging their economic utility. They are likely to use the services of low-quality doctors, teachers and lawyers whom the non-poor shy away from. Poverty and the poor serve an important symbolic function, in reminding citizens of the lot that may befall those who do not heed the values of thrift, diligence and cleanliness, and of the constant threat that the rough, the immoral and the violent represent for the rest of society.Physically, the poor and the non-poor are kept apart, through differential land use and ghettoization. Socially, they are separated through differential participation in the labor market, the consumption economy, and in political, social and cultural institutions. Conceptually, they are divided through stereotyping and media clich. This separation is even more pronounced between the elites and the poor.1. According to the author, studying the elites also sheds light on poverty research because _.2. While social scientists are devoting much of their effort to poverty research, _.3. In the eyes of the society, _.4. The word “pronounced” in the last sentence of the passage probably means _.5. In the passage, the author is mainly concerned with _.问题1选项A.they are also members of the same society as the poorB.they play an important role in creating and reproducing povertyC.solution of the poverty problem is at their mercyD.they know the living conditions of the poor better than other groups问题2选项A.not enough legal frameworks have been created to relieve the condition of the poorB.they have done little to actually provide relief programs for the poorC.they ignore the role of the elites as an object for poverty researchD.the poor people themselves do not much appreciate such effort问题3选项A.the poor tend to symbolize what lazy and evil people turn out to beB.the poor are not worthy of the sympathy the society shows themC.economic prejudice is more of an obstacle to the solution of povertyD.the non-poor should show more sympathy for the poor问题4选项A.sympatheticB.conspicuousC.identifiableD.unbridgeable问题5选项A.analyzing a problemB.providing a solutionC.defining a situationD.outlining a proposal【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:C第5题:C【解析】第1题:【选项释义】According to the author, studying the elites also sheds light on poverty research because _. 根据作者的说法,研究精英阶层也有助于贫困研究,因为_。A. they are also members of the same society as the poor A. 他们和穷人是同一个社会的成员B. they play an important role in creating and reproducing poverty B. 他们在制造和再造贫穷方面发挥着重要作用C. solution of the poverty problem is at their mercy C. 贫困问题的解决取决于他们D. they know the living conditions of the poor better than other groups D. 他们比其他群体更了解穷人的生活条件【答案】B【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词the elites和poverty research定位到原文第二段第一句,该句提到“精英阶层在贫困产生和再生中的作用(their functions in the emergence and reproduction of poverty),与穷人本身一样,都是贫困研究中有趣而重要的研究对象(an object for poverty research)。”由此可知,研究精英阶层也有助于贫困研究,是因为他们在贫困产生和再生中的作用是贫困研究的研究对象。因此,B选项“他们在制造和再造贫穷方面发挥着重要作用”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“他们和穷人是同一个社会的成员”,原文并未提及,且与题干无关,该选项属于无中生有;C选项“贫困问题的解决取决于他们”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有;D选项“他们比其他群体更了解穷人的生活条件”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有。第2题:【选项释义】While social scientists are devoting much of their effort to poverty research, _. 虽然社会科学家们正致力于贫困研究,但是_。A. not enough legal frameworks have been created to relieve the condition of the poor A. 没有建立足够的法律框架来缓解穷人的状况B. they have done little to actually provide relief programs for the poor B. 他们几乎没有为穷人提供实际的救济项目C. they ignore the role of the elites as an object for poverty research C. 他们忽视了精英阶层作为贫困研究对象的作用D. the poor people themselves do not much appreciate such effort D. 穷人自己并不怎么感激这种努力【答案】C【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】根据题干关键词poverty research定位到原文第一、二段。原文第一段介绍了“贫困研究的一些关注点(some of the preoccupations of poverty research)”;第二段第一句提到“精英阶层(The elites)在贫困产生和再生产中的作用,是贫困研究的研究对象(an object for poverty research)”;第二句提到“精英们对穷人和贫困的印象(images of the poor and of poverty)影响了他们的决策和行动”;第三句提到“到目前为止,人们对这些形象知之甚少(little is known about those images)”。综上所述,关于“精英们对穷人和贫困的印象”,社会科学家们了解得很少,那么关于“这些印象对精英们决策和行动的影响作用”的研究也很少,即社会科学家们很少研究精英阶层在贫困产生和再生产中的作用。因此,C选项“他们忽视了精英阶层作为贫困研究对象的作用”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“没有建立足够的法律框架来缓解穷人的状况”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有;B选项“他们几乎没有为穷人提供实际的救济项目”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有;D选项“穷人自己并不怎么感激这种努力”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有。第3题:【选项释义】In the eyes of the society, _. 在社会的眼中,_。A. the poor tend to symbolize what lazy and evil people turn out to be A. 穷人往往代表着懒惰和邪恶的人B. the poor are not worthy of the sympathy the society shows them B. 穷人不值得社会对他们的同情C. economic prejudice is more of an obstacle to the solution of poverty C. 经济偏见更多的是解决贫困问题的障碍D. the non-poor should show more sympathy for the poor D. 非穷人应该对穷人表示更多的同情【答案】A【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】根据题干关键词the society定位到原文第三段。本段最后一句提到“贫穷和穷人发挥着重要的象征作用,它提醒公民,如果不遵守(do not heed)节俭、勤奋和爱干净的(thrift, diligence and cleanliness)价值观,将会遭遇厄运,并提醒他们粗鲁、不道德和暴力(the rough, the immoral and the violent)对社会构成的持续威胁。”由此可知,在社会的眼中,穷人的形象是“不节俭、不勤奋、不爱干净、粗鲁、不道德、暴力”,因此,A选项“穷人往往代表着懒惰和邪恶的人”符合原文。【干扰项排除】B选项“穷人不值得社会对他们的同情”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有;C选项“经济偏见更多的是解决贫困问题的障碍”。原文虽然提到了穷人被迫从事一些有辱人格或不干净的工作,也只能享受得起质量不高的服务,但是,原文并没有说,在社会看来,这是解决贫困问题的障碍,该选项属于无中生有;D选项“非穷人应该对穷人表示更多的同情”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有。第4题:【选项释义】The word “pronounced” in the last sentence of the passage probably means _. 文章最后一句中的“pronounced”可能是_的意思。A. sympathetic A. 同情的B. conspicuous B. 出色的C. identifiable C. 可辨认的D. unbridgeable D. 无法弥合的【答案】C【考查点】词汇推测题【解题思路】根据题干关键词pronounced和the last sentence定位到原文最后一句,该句提到“在精英和穷人之间,这种分离更为_。”由此可知,pronounced修饰的是“分离”。前文讲的是穷人和非穷人在物理、社会以及概念上的分离,而定位句讲的是精英与穷人之间的分离,根据常识,这种分离应该是更明显的。另外,pronounced的本意是“明显的”,因此,C选项“可辨认的”最符合原文。【干扰项排除】A选项“同情的”、B选项“出色的”、D选项“无法弥合的”,不符合原文语义衔接。第5题:【选项释义】In the passage, the author is mainly concerned with _. 在本文中,作者主要关注的是_。A. analyzing a problem A. 分析问题B. providing a solution B. 提供解决办法C. defining a situation C. 明确一个状况D. outlining a proposal D. 概述一项提议【答案】C【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】原文第一段主要内容,研究人员对穷人进行了研究并列出了贫困研究的一些关注点;第二段主要内容,精英阶层在贫困产生和再生中的作用也是贫困研究的研究对象,但是精英们很可能会忽视或否认他们自己的行为(和疏漏)对穷人生活条件的外部影响,接着介绍了一些不好的影响;第三段主要内容,贫穷的经济功能;第四段的主要内容,穷人与非穷人(以及精英)之间的分离。综上所述,本文主要围绕贫困研究的研究对象之一精英阶层在贫困产生和再生中的作用展开,着重介绍了精英们的行为的影响下,穷人及贫困的现状。因此,C选项“明确一个状况”更符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“分析问题”,虽然说原文“明确精英们的行为的影响下,穷人及贫困的现状”也算是在分析贫困问题,但是C选项“明确一个状况”表述更准确,作者主要关注的是贫困问题研究中的这一个现状。如果说作者主要关注的是分析问题的话,就会详细分析这个问题的原因、解决办法等,而原文并没有这么做,该选项属于推理过度。B选项“提供解决办法”,原文并未提出任何解决办法,该选项属于无中生有;D选项“概述一项提议”,原文并未提出任何提议,该选项属于无中生有。5. 单选题Neither of the young men who had applied for the position in the university _.问题1选项A.has been acceptedB.have been acceptedC.was acceptedD.were accepted【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. has been accepted 已经被录取 B. have been accepted 已经被录取C. was accepted 被录取 D. were accepted 被录取【答案】C【考查点】主谓一致与时态一致【解题思路】本句主语为neither of the young men,neither做主语时谓语动词可以用单数也可以用复数,但是用单数更正式,单选题中单复数同时出现,选择单数形式为最佳;另外,原文中定语从句部分使用了过去完成时(had applied),因此主句部分也应使用一个过去的时态,通常是一般过去时。因此,C选项was accepted“被录取”符合要求。【干扰项排除】A选项has been accepted时态不对,现在完成时是表示现在的时态;B选项have been accepted,复数没有单数合适,时态也不对;D选项were accepted,复数没有单数合适。【句意】两个申请这个大学的职位的年轻人都没有被录取。6. 单选题Structurally, the inside of early Christian churches was quite simple.问题1选项A.layoutB.designC.interiorD.content【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. layout 布局 B. design 设计C. interior 内部 D. content 内容【答案】C【考查点】名词辨析【解题思路】原句中与划线词搭配的是“早期基督教教堂”和“很简单”,并且根据Structurally可知,“很简单”是从结构上来说的;另外,原词inside“内部”。因此,C选项interior“内部”最接近原句句意。【干扰项排除】A选项layout“布局”,不符合原句句意;B选项design“设计”,不符合原句句意;D选项content“内容”,与“早期基督教教堂”搭配不当,且原句指的是教堂的内部结构。【句意】从结构上看,早期基督教教堂的内部相当简单。7. 翻译题1. 社会需要竞争,因为它的发展基于优胜劣汰。2. 在过去的十几年里,可能没有任何其他话题比领导艺术更受到管理研究者的关注。3. 必须采取更严厉的措施来防止假冒伪劣产品充斥市场。4. 没有现代科技的运用,我们国家的工业、农业和国防现代化的实现是难以想象的。5. 我们正享受着前所未有的生产力,但这并不意味着我们有权利奢侈浪费。【答案】1. The Society needs competition because its development is based on the principal of the survival of the fittest.2. In the last decade or so, perhaps no other topic has received more attention from management researchers than the art of leadership.3. More severe measures must be taken to prevent fake and inferior products from flooding into the market.4. Without the application of modern science and technology, the modernization of our countrys industry, agriculture and national defense is beyond imagination.5. We are enjoying unprecedented levels of productivity, but that doesnt mean that we have the right to be extravagant.8. 单选题The effort _ skepticism from psychologists who find it frivolous.问题1选项A.protestsB.proposesC.probatesD.provokes【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. protests 抗议 B. proposes 建议C. probates 核实遗嘱 D. provokes 引起【答案】D【考查点】动宾搭配【解题思路】空格处所填动词搭配的宾语为“心理学家的怀疑”,只有D选项provokes“引起”可以与之搭配。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项与宾语“心理学家的怀疑”搭配不当。【句意】这种努力引起了心理学家的怀疑,他们认为这种努力毫无意义。9. 单选题Contrary to the suggestion made last week by Eliot Spitzer, the New York State attorney General, long-term mutual fund investors are not significantly worse off because of short-term trading by marker timers. But trading in foreign stock mutual funds constitutes a major exception to this general rule.Spitzers comments came on Wednesday, when he said that some fund companies had allowed favored clients to buy or sell their funds after the stock market close. Not only would this be illegal, but it would also violate investors trust that mutual, funds put the individual and institutional investors on an equal footing.Mr. Spitzer announced that he had reached a $40 million settlement with Edward J. Stem and his hedge fund, Canary Capital Partners, which did not admit wrongdoing. The attorney general said further investigations of the mutual fund industry were under way.He did not allege that market timing frequent switching between funds and cash, generally to sidestep market declines was itself illegal. But he hinted that because market timing sometimes had a detrimental effect on long term fund investors, funds might have violated their fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders by allowing it.It is easy to understand how this may be so. The large cash flows that result from market timers frequent trading can lead to significant transaction costs, which are borne by all shareholders, not just by the traders themselves.This is why, according to Jeffrey C. Keil, a vice president at Lipper Inc. almost all funds include language in their prospectuses reserving the right to reject share purchase from investors deemed to be market timers. In practice, however, according to Keil, few funds actually prohibit someone from investing in them, though many impose fees that discourage short-term trading.One reason that few funds completely close the door to market timers may be that the costs imposed by market timers in most cases are insignificant. According to William N. Goetzmann, a finance professor at Yale, dealing with the inflows and redemptions induced by market timers is little more than a “minor cash-management problem” for most fund managers.Professor Goetzmann, points to the performance of index funds. Even though they are used heavily by market timers, their returns are typically close to those of the market averages that are their benchmarks. He contends that this would not be the case if market timers were causing a significant diminution in fund returns.But market timing does have adverse consequences for long-term shareholders of foreign stock funds. Consider a fund based in the United States that invests in Japanese stocks. Because Japans stock market will have been closed for hours when this fund calculates the value of its net assets at 4 p.m. in New York, its share price will not reflect any news from the last several hours.Market timers can use this stale pricing to make an easy profit without having to get help from a mutual fund to trade after the market close in New York. Traders can buy foreign funds immediately before the close on any day the stock market in the United States has risen strongly, and sell whenever the market has sharply declined.If you are a long-term investor in foreign stock funds, your best defense against such market timers is to invest in a fund that discourages short-term trades. Funds that rely on redemption fees are preferable to those that use back-end loads. Back-end loans are paid to the funds sales representatives, while a redemption fee is typically paid back into the fund itself to reimburse shareholders for the costs of the trade.1. From the sentence “Contrary to the suggestion” we know Spitzer predicted that long-term mutual fund investors _.2. Spitzer suggested that allowing market timing was _.3. According to the authors view _.4. The author thinks that market timers can make easy profit in the foreign stocks _.5. Term “back-end loads” in the last paragraph means _.问题1选项A.would begin to have a very hard timeB.would suffer further lossesC.would be beaten by market timersD.would collapse soon问题2选项A.illegalB.unethicalC.disloyalD.criminal问题3选项A.there are no regulations or measures to discourage market timingB.there are regulations to discourage but such regulations are not seriously implementedC.many funds implemented the regulations to prohibit market timing; it is a short-term tradingD.all imposes fees that will discourage market timing问题4选项A.by making others follow the lead of their practiceB.by buying foreign funds immediately before the close of the stock market on any dayC.by making full use of the time differenceD.by calculating the value at 4 p.m.问题5选项A.entry chargesB.deposit chargesC.exit chargesD.investment charges【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:C【解析】第1题:【选项释义】From the sentence “Contrary to the suggestion” we know Spitzer predicted that long-term mutual fund investors _. 从“与建议相反”这句话,我们知道Spitzer预测长期共同基金投资者_。A. would begin to have a very hard time A. 将开始一个非常艰难的时期B. would suffer further losses B. 将遭受进一步损失C. would be beaten by market timers C. 将被市场择机者击败D. would collapse soon D. 很快就会崩溃【答案】A


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