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2022年考博英语-湘潭大学考试名师点拨押题密卷(含答案详解)1. 单选题Changes in residence and jobs place a tremendous(1)of stress and pressure on people(2) they try to adjust themselves to new people and places. Yet transient relationships are not(3) only to people and places. Objects move in and out of our lives at an astonishing rate. America, the “consumer society”, has also(4) the name the throw away society”. Every year we throw away(5) quantities of bottles, cans, paper, and on and on. Buildings are tom(6) around us, and new ones take their place, for they are(7) to replace than to repair.(8)every major change, our places feel(9) familiar. Our lives become filled with a sense of impermanence and uncertainty.The rate at which new and sometimes contradictory information comes at us(10) contributes to our feelings of instability and transience. Its estimated that 90 percent of all scientists who ever lived are(11) today. New scientific discoveries are being made every day of the week, (12) unlike in other ages, new ideas are quickly in practical ways. The (13) of new technology on our lives is felt almost immediately.As we look(14) on history, we think in terms of large periods of time, from the ten thousand years of the agricultural revolution to the three hundred years of the industrial(15).Today time(16) like it s accelerating. We no longer(17) to think of change in terms of centuries(18) in terms of(19): the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. The day may come when we think of great(20) of historical change in terms of years, even months.问题1选项A.numberB.amountC.sumD.series问题2选项A.untilB.sinceC.asD.so that问题3选项A.adaptedB.referredC.appliedD.limited问题4选项A.earnedB.takenC.givenD.called问题5选项A.credibleB.incredibleC.credulousD.incredulous问题6选项A.awayB.upC.offD.down问题7选项A.fasterB.lighterC.cheaperD.better问题8选项A.InB.ByC.WithD.Through问题9选项A.lessB.moreC.quiteD.too问题10选项A.evenB.everC.fartherD.further问题11选项A.aliveB.deadC.long-livedD.short-lived问题12选项A.soB.butC.forD.or问题13选项A.resultB.forceC.influenceD.impression问题14选项A.downB.roundC.outD.back问题15选项A.dateB.ageC.timeD.day问题16选项A.feelsB.looksC.shouldD.would问题17选项A.manageB.inclineC.tendD.intend问题18选项A.but ratherB.or ratherC.would ratherD.rather than问题19选项A.pentathlonsB.decathlonsC.pentadsD.decades问题20选项A.dealsB.periodsC.timesD.portions【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B第6题:D第7题:D第8题:C第9题:A第10题:D第11题:D第12题:B第13题:C第14题:D第15题:B第16题:B第17题:C第18题:A第19题:D第20题:D【解析】(1)量词用法辨析。A选项a number of意为“大量的”,后接可数名词的复数形式;B选项a amount of意为“大量的”,后面可以跟不可数名词;C选项a sum of 意为“总计,合计”;D选项a series of意为“一系列的”。空后的stress and pressure为不可数名词所以B选项正确,a tremendous amount of.数目非常巨大的。(2)连词用法辨析。A选项until表示“直到”;B选项since通常用于现在完成时态中;C选项as一般引导原因状语从句,表示原因或者表示“正如,好像”;D选项so that通常引导结果或目的状语从句。本句句意为“居住地和工作地的改变给人们带来了巨大的压力因为他们要努力让自己适应新的人和新的环境。”根据句意确定是因果关系,C 选项正确。(3)动词词义辨析。A选项adapt “适应于”;B选项refer “参考,查阅”;C选项apply “应用于”;D选项 limit “限制,局限”。根据本句开头的yet可知句意转折,因此句意为“然而这种短暂的关系不仅仅对人和地方有限制”。D选项正确。(4)动词词义辨析。A选项earn “赚钱,挣得,获得”;B选项take “携带”;C选项give “给予”;D选项call “呼叫”。本句句意为“美国,又称消费合作社,也获得一个名字叫做东西用过就扔的社会。”A选项正确。(5)形容词词义辨析。A选项credible “可靠的,可信的”; B选项incredible “不可靠的, 不可信的”; C选项credulous “轻信的”; D选项incredulous “怀疑的,不轻信的”。句意为“每年我们都扔掉难以置信的数量的瓶子、罐子、纸等等”。根据句意可知这里强调的是数量大得惊人,让人难以置信, B选项正确。(6)固定动词短语词义辨析。torn是tear的过去分词,A选项tear away “疾驰”;B选项tear up “撕毁,撕碎”;C选项tear off “撕下,撕掉”; D选项tear down“拆卸,撕毁”。本句是指很多建筑物被拆掉然后新的又重新建起,强调拆建筑物,D选项正确。(7)形容词比较级辨析。A选项faster “更快”; B选项lighter “更轻”;C选项cheaper “更便宜,更廉价”; D选项better “更好”。句意“我们周围的建筑物被拆掉,然后新的建筑物又在原地重建,因为它们比起重修,重建更好些。” D选项正确。(8)介词词义辨析。A选项in “在里面”; B选项by “通过,被”;C选项with “伴随,有”;D选项through “通过”。句意为“随着每一个主要的变化,我们的地方变得不再熟悉了。” C项选表示伴随正确。(9)副词比较级辨析。A选项less “更少”; B选项more “更多”; C选项quite “相当,很”;D选项too “也”。句意为“随着每一个主要的变化,我们的地方变得不再熟悉了。”也就是说,随着周围的不断变化,熟悉感就会越来越少,A选项less表示更少正确。(10)副词词义辨析。A选项even “甚至”; B选项ever “曾经”,多用于完成时态;C选项farther “更远”;D选项further “更深一层”。本句句意为“新的有时候也充满矛盾的信息不断涌向我们的频率更加深了我们的不稳定感和无常感。”此处强调程度深,D选项正确。(11)形容词词义辨析。A选项alive “活着的,活泼的,有生气的”;B选项dead “无生命 的,呆板的”; C选项long-lived “长命的,历时长久的”; D选项short-lived “短命的”。句意为 “据报道所有的科学家中有90%寿命很短。”D选项正确。(12)连词词义辨析。A选项so表示因果关系;B选项but表示转折关系;C选项for表示因果关 系;D选项or表示选择关系以及“否则”的意思。本句句意为“新的科学发现每周每天都在创造,但是不像在其他时代一样,新的想法很快就付诸实践了。”前后句意转折,B选项正确。(13)名词词义辨析。A选项result“结果”; B选项force“力量”; C选项influence“影响”; D选项impression “效果,印象,印记,感想”。句意为“我们生活中的新科技的影响几乎立刻就能感知到。”C选项正确。(14)固定动词短语词义辨析。四个选项与look搭配意为:A选项look down“轻视”; B选项look round “环顾四周”; C选项look out “小心,向外看”; D选项look back on “回顾,回忆”。句意“随着我们回顾历史”,D选项正确。(15)名词词义辨析。A选项date “日期”; age “年代,年龄”;C选项time “时间,时代”;D选项day “天,每天”。此处与空前的the agricultural revolution “农业改革”相对应的应该是“工业时代”, “the industrial age”,B选项正确。(16)动词和情态动词辨析。A选项feels “感觉”; B选项looks “看”,与like搭配意为“看起来像”;C选项should“应该”; D选项would“想要”。句意为“当今时代看起来好像是加速的”。B选项正确。(17)动词词义辨析。A选项manage “管理,控制”; B选项incline “使倾斜,倾斜于”;C选项tend “倾向”;D选项intend “打算,有打算”。本句句意为“我们不再倾向于从世纪的角度思考改变了而是从比如20世纪60年代,20世纪70年代以及20世纪80年代这样的年代的角度。” tend to do sth.意为“倾向于做某事”,C选项正确。(18)固定搭配辨析。A选项but rather “而是,而宁可说是;B选项or rather “更精确地说,不如说”;C选项would rather “宁愿”;D选项rather than “而不是”。句意“而是从比如20世纪60年代,20世纪70年代以及20世纪80年代这样的年代的角度。”可知A选项正确。(19)名词词义辨析。A选项pentathlon “五项全能运动”; decathlons “十项运动”; C选项 pentad “五个一组”;D选项decades “十年”。根据句意“我们不再倾向于从世纪的角度思考改变了而是从比如20世纪60年代,20世纪70年代以及20世纪80年代这样的年代的角度。”以及空后的the 1960s,1970s 以及1980s的举例可知这里是和年代有关的,D选项正确。(20)名词词义辨析。A选项deals “交易,协议”;B选项periods “时期”;C选项times “时代”; D选项portions “部分”。句意为“以后的日子里我们可能需要根据几年甚至几个月来考虑历史的变化的问题。”根据句意确定D选项正确。2. 翻译题写给未来的自己一封信当你10年、20年或更多年后回顾过去时,你会吃惊地发现,随着时光的流逝,你也发生了很大的变化。你的经历、朋友、家庭和工作造就了现在的你。但是再过几年你会在哪里呢?你会如何变化呢?这样反思性的写作,会是思考未来你想要什么的一种好的方式。你也许以前试过给过去的自己写信,向年轻时的自己传授一些人生的智慧和观点, 你希望那时候的自己就能知道这些。现在我们换个角度看问题,如果让你给未来的自己写封信,你会写点什么?想象一下,给5年后的自己写一封信,当5年后你打开那封信时,你会产生多少 共鸣。这是实现目标的一种有用的辅助工具,因为当你给未来的自己写信时,你会慢慢理清希望自己在人生旅途的那个特定时刻变成什么样子。当你在未来读这封信时,你可以看看有多少事情是像你过去期望的那样,你也会思考为什么会这样。很多时候,我们设定目标在实现的过程中会受到沿途中各种因素的影响,因为会遇到各种各样的困难、各种意外情况并需要不断调整优先级。这封信能让你从宏观的角度上去看自己最初的愿景,让你意识到自己现在的想法和过去相比有多么不同。当你以后看信时,你会把过去的自己和现在的自己进行比较。这会让你看清从写 信时起你发生了哪些变化,这种体验是非常有趣的。光看看从你写信开始发生了哪些 变化就很有趣了。现在就拿出笔和纸,开始给未来的自己写封信吧。找个合适的时间,想象你在那 段时间内会是什么样子,然后开始写信。想一想你想成为哪种人,你在生活中的位置、 那时你的成就、你会有什么样的想法和感觉,诸如此类的内容。写完信,把它装到信封里,在信封的封面上写上日期,把它妥善保管起来。在自 己的日历中标记一下打开这封信的日期。当你以后打开信时,你可能会更好地洞察自己以及自己过去的生命历程。【答案】When you look back on yourself in the past-10, 20, 30 or more years ago-its surprising to see how much you have changed over time. Your experiences, your friends, your family and your work have all shaped who you are right now.It is a useful supplementary tool to be used in goal achievement, because when you write the letter to your future self, it helps crystallize exactly how you anticipate yourself to become at that specific moment down the road.Often times, the goals we set and our goal achievement process are subjected to a lot of changes along the way, due to varying obstacles, unanticipated circumstances and changing priorities.The letter gives you a macro-view of your initial vision and lets you recognize how your current vision differs from the past.When you open this letter sometime in the near future, you might gain additional insights about yourself and your journey in the past few years that you were oblivious to.3. 单选题This month Singapore passed a bill that would give legal teeth to the moral obligation to support ones parents. Called the Maintenance of Parents Bill, it received the backing of the Singapore Government.That does not mean it hasnt generated discussion. Several members of the Parliament opposed the measure as un-Asian. Others who acknowledged the problem of the elderly poor believed it is a proportionate response. Still others believe it will subvert relations within the family: cynics dubbed it the “Sue Your Son” law.Those who say that the bill does not promote filial responsibility, of course, are right. It has nothing to do with filial responsibility. It kicks in where filial responsibility fails. The law cannot legislate filial responsibility any more than it can legislate love. All the law can do is to provide a safety net where this morality proves insufficient. Singapore needs this bill not to replace morality, but to provide incentives to shore it up.Like many other developed nations, Singapore faces the problems of an increasing proportion of people over 60 years of age. Demography is inexorable. In 1980, 7.2% of the population was in this bracket. At the turn of the century that figure grew to 11%. By 2030, the proportion is projected to be 26%. The problem is not old age per se. It is that the ratio of economically active people to economically inactive people will decline.But no amount of government exhortation or paternalism will completely eliminate the problem of old people who have insufficient means to make ends meet. Some people will fall through the holes in any safety net.Traditionally, a persons insurance against poverty in his old age was his family. This is not a revolutionary concept. Nor is it uniquely Asian. Care and support for ones parents is a universal value shared by all civilized societies.The problem in Singapore is that the moral obligation to look after ones parents is unenforceable. A father can be compelled by law to maintain his children. A husband can be forced to support his wife. But, until now, a son or daughter had no legal obligation to support his or her parents.In 1989, an Advisory Council was set up to look into the problems of the aged. Its report stated with a tinge of complacency that 95% of those who did not have their own income were receiving cash contributions from relations. But what about the 5% who arent getting relatives support? They have several options: (a) get a job and work until they die; (b) apply for public assistance (you have to be destitute to apply); or (c) starve quietly. None of these options is socially acceptable. And what if this5% figure grows, as it is likely to do, as society ages?The Maintenance of Parents Bill was put forth to encourage the traditional virtues that have so far kept Asian nations from some of the breakdowns encountered in other affluent societies. This legislation will allow a person to apply to the court for maintenance from any or all of his children. The court would have the discretion to refuse to make an order if it isunjust.Those who deride the proposal for opening up the courts to family lawsuits miss the point. Only in extreme cases would any parent take his child to court. If it does indeed become law: the bills effect would be far more subtle.1.The Maintenance of Parents Bill( ).2.By quoting the growing percentage points of the aged in the population, the author seems to imply that( ).3.Which of the following statements is CORRECT?4.The author seems to suggest that traditional values( ).5.The author thinks that if the Bill becomes law, its effect would be( ).问题1选项A.received unanimous support in tile Singapore ParliamentB.was believed to solve all the problems of the elderly poorC.was intended to substitute for traditional values in SingaporeD.was passed to make the young more responsible to the old问题2选项A.the country will face mounting problems of the old in futureB.the social welfare system would be under great pressureC.young people should be given more moral educationD.the old should be provided with means of livelihood问题3选项A.Filial responsibility in Singapore is enforced by law.B.Fathers have legal obligations to look after their children.C.It is an acceptable practice for the old to continue working.D.The Advisory Council was dissatisfied with the problems of the old.问题4选项A.play an insignificant role in solving social problemsB.are helpful to the elderly when they sue their childrenC.are very important in preserving Asian uniquenessD.are significant in helping the Bill get approved问题5选项A.indirectB.unnoticedC.apparentD.contradictory【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。根据本文第一句内容This month Singapore passed a bill that would give legal teeth to the moral obligation to support ones parents.”可知虽说新法受到了新加坡政府的支持,但是在第二段中说了议会中有些成员反对此法,所以A选项得到了新加坡议会的一致支持错误。作者虽然介绍了此法的一些作用,但并没有说新法将会解决贫穷老人所有的问题,所以B选项被认为是解决所有贫困老人的问题错误。由本文倒数第二段看出新法不仅不会取代新加坡的传统价值观,反而会在保持传统美德方面起重要作用,所以C选项是为了取代新加坡的传统价值观错误。运用排除法确定只有D选项“新法能让年轻人对自己的父母更负责任”正确。2.推理判断题。作者通过新加坡老龄人口比率的迅速增长来暗示这个国家将会面临很多由人口老龄化带来的问题。而第四段最后一句“It is that the ratio of economically active people to economically inactive people will decline. 经济活跃人口与经济不活跃人口的比例将会下降。”表明问题已经是经济上的问题了,所以A选项这个国家未来将面临越来越多的老年人问题正确。3.细节事实题。根据本文第七段第二句内容“A father can be compelled by law to maintain his children. 法律可以强迫父亲抚养孩子。”确定B选项父亲有照顾孩子的法律义务。正确。4.细节事实题。根据本文倒数第二段第一句话“The Maintenance of Parents Bill was put forth to encourage the traditional virtues that have so far kept Asian nations from some of the breakdowns encountered in other affluent societies. 赡养父母法案的提出是为了鼓励传统美德,这些美德迄今使亚洲国家避免了其他富裕社会所遭遇的一些崩溃。”确定作者认为传统美德会保持亚洲的独特性,所以C选项保持亚洲的独特性很重要正确。5.推理判断题。题目的意思是作者认为,如果该法案成为法律,其效果将是.文章最后说 “Only in extreme cases would any parent take his child to court. 只有在极端情况下,父母才会把孩子告上法庭。”在接下来的几段里,作者讲到赡养父母是个人的责任,并非社会的责任。 而有些人碍于情面,不得不重新考虑赡养父母的问题。因此该议案起到了间接的作用。A选项间接的正确。B选项unnoticed表示“被忽视的”;C选项apparent表示“明显的”;D选项contradictory表示“矛盾的”。4. 单选题Some people view life as a(n)( )conflict between the forces of good and evil.问题1选项A.externalB.internalC.maternalD.eternal【答案】A【解析】形容词词义辨析题。根据句意一些人把生活看作是正义力量与恶势力之间的一种外部冲突。可知是将生活看作是一种外部冲突。A选项external “外部的,外部”; B选项internal “内部的”;C选项maternal “母性的”; D选项eternal “永恒的”。A选项正确。5. 单选题It is the high humidity that makes London winters so chilly,( ).问题1选项A.not the low temperaturesB.not lowness of temperaturesC.since low temperatures are not as presentD.not that its temperatures are being low【答案】A【解析】语法题。这是个强调句,题目强调的是high humidity,并且需填入的部分与the high humidity是并列成分,根据句意使伦敦的冬季如此之冷的是高湿度而不是低气温确定A选项正确。6. 翻译题Samsung issued an apology to Chinese consumers on Wednesday after Chinas state-run media criticized the Korean electronics giant for selling handsets with allegedly faulty memory chips.The company offered to provide free repairs and extended warranties on seven models after a broadcast on the influential China Central Television on Tuesday reported how Samsung handsets, including the Galaxy S and Galaxy Note series, crash several times a day due to the memory chips. The report said the issue could be resolved with a $100 chip upgrade that was not covered under current warranties.In a statement posted to Samsungs China Web site, the electronics giant apologized for the inconvenience, which it blamed on “management problems”. It also pledged to repair affected devices, refunds on previously repaired devices, and replacement handsets in some casesSamsung is not the first tech coming to come under CCTV scrutiny for its warranty practices. In April, Apple CEO Tim Cook issued an apology over its warranty policies in China and promised improved services. The initial report claimed Apple repaired only broken or otherwise faulty parts within its products for customers in China, versus providing new replacements in other countries.Cooks apology came during Apples continuing efforts to land an iPhone distribution deal with the worlds largest mobile carrier. Support from China Mobile, which has about 745 million customers, would open up a vast number of new customers for Apple.Meanwhile. Samsung hopes its apology goes a long way toward helping it maintain its lead position in Chinas smart phone market. The company sold 30 million devices in the country last year for a 17.7 percent market share, outpacing the 11 percent share commanded by No. 3 Apple.【答案】三星在周三向中国消费者道歉,此前中国官方媒体批评这家作为韩国电子巨头销售据称内存芯片有问题的手机。周二,在颇具影响力的中央电视台播出的一则报道称,包括Galaxy S和Galaxy Note系列在内的三星手机,由于内存芯片问题导致一天内多次死机之后,三星提出为七款手机提供免费维修服务并延长保修期。三星并不是第一家因保修问题受到中央电视台审查的科技公司。之前的报告称,苹果只为中国客户维修其产品中损坏的或其他有缺陷的部件,而在其他国家却对其提供更换手机服务。与此同时。三星希望其道歉能在很大程度上帮助其保持在中国智能手机市场的领先地位。7. 单选题Just imagine the shock of the Prime Minister when three of his senior cabinet colleagues( ) and resigned in protest on Friday night.问题1选项A.revolvedB.resolvedC.revivedD.revolted【答案】D【解析】动词词义辨析题。根据句意试想一下,当他的三个高级内阁同僚都在周五晚上向他递交了辞呈并进行抗议,这对这位首相的打击有多大。可知这里应选与resigned in protest “辞职抗议”为并列关系的动词。A选项revolve “旋转”; B选项resolve “解决”; C选项revive “使复活,使恢复”; D选项revolt “反叛,起义”。 D选项的revolted与protest相对应, D选项正确。8. 单选题Antarctica has actually become a kind of space station- a unique observation post for detecting important changes in the worlds environment. Remote from major sources of pollution and the complex geological and ecological systems that prevail elsewhere, Antarctica makes possible scientific measurements that are often sharper and easier to interpret than those made in other parts of the world.Growing numbers of scientists therefore see Antarctica as a unique observation distant-early-warning sensor, where potentially dangerous global trends may be spotted before they show up to the north. One promising field of investigation is glaciology. Scholars from the United States, Switzerland, and France are pursuing seven separate but related projects that reflect their concern for the health of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, a concern they believe the world at large should share.The Transantarctic Mountain, some of them more than 14,000 feet high, divide the continent into two very different regions. The part of the continent to the east” of the mountains is a high plateau covered by an ice sheet nearly two miles thick. West of the mountain, the half of the continent south of the Americas is also covered by an ice sheet, but there the ice rests on rock that is mostly well below sea level. If the West Antarctic Ice Sheet disappeared, the western part of the continent would be reduced to a sparse cluster of island.While ice and snow are obviously central to many environmental experiments, others focus on the mysterious dry valley of Antarctica, valleys that contain little ice or snow even in the depths of winter. Slashed through the mountains of southern Victoria Land, these valleys once held enormous glaciers that descended 9,000 feet from the polar plateau to the Ross Sea. Now the glaciers are gone, perhaps a casualty of the global warming trend during the 10,000 years since the ice age. Even the snow that falls in the dry valleys is blasted out by vicious winds that roar down from the polar plateau to the sea. Left bare are spectacular gorges, rippled fields of sand dunes, clusters of boulders sculptured into fantastic shapes by 100-mile-an-hour winds, and an aura of extraterrestrial desolation.Despite the unearthly aspect of the dry valleys, some scientists believe they may carry a message of hope of the verdant parts of the earth. Some scientists believe that in some cases the dry valleys may soak up pollutants faster than pollutants enter them.1.What is the point the author made in Paragraph One?2.How are east and west of Transantarctic Mountain different from each other?3.What would the result be if the West Antarctic Ice Sheet disappeared?4.Which of the following about dry valleys is true?5.What is the best title for this passage?问题1选项A.Antarctica is a space station established by USA .B.Antarctica imitates world environment.C.Antarctica has serious pollutions.D.Antarctic


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