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2022年考博英语-中央民族大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Questions 14-16 are based on the following interview with Sherman Alexie, an American Indian poet. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 14-16.14. Why did Sherman Alexie only take day jobs?15. What was his original goal at collage?16. Why did he take the poetry writing class?问题1选项A.He could bring unfinishied work home.B.He might have time to persue his interests.C.He might do some evening teaching.D.He could invest more emotion in his family.问题2选项A.To teach in high school.B.To write his own books.C.To be a medical doctor.D.To be a mathematician.问题3选项A.To follow his father.B.For an easy grade.C.To change his specialty.D.For knowledge of poetry.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:B【解析】第1题:第2题:第3题:2. 不定项选择题Most British newspapers are not necessarily careful about language, but they are careful about bad words anyway. The phrase “family newspaper” is an inevitable part of our lives. Newspapers are not in the business of giving unjustified offence. It is a limitation of newspaper writing, and everybody in the business, whether writing or reading, understands and accepts. There are many other necessary limitations, and most of these concern time and space.Newspapers have dominated sportswriting in Britain for years. But ten years ago, a new player entered the game. This was the phenomenon of mens magazines. GQ was the pioneer and it leads the way still, leaving the rest panting distantly in its wake.Sports, of course, a blindingly obvious subject for a mens magazine but it could not be tackled in a blindingly obvious way. Certainly, one of the first things GQ was able to offer was a new way of writing about sport, but this was not so much a cunning plan as a necessity. The magazine was doomed, as it were, to offer a whole new range of freedoms to its sportswriters. Freedom of vocabulary was simply the most obvious one and, inevitably, it appealed to the schoolboy within us. But space and time were the others, and these possibilities meant that the craft of sportswriting had to be reinvented.Unlike newspapers, a magazine can offer a decent length of time to research and to write. These are, you would think, luxuries especially to those of us who are often required to read an 800-word match report over the telephone the instant the final whistle has gone. No one expects a masterpiece under such circumstances. But a long magazine deadline gives you the disconcerting and agoraphobic freedom to research, to write, to think.GQ is not restricted by the same conventions of reader expectation as a newspaper. You need not worry about offending people or alienating them; the whole ethos of the magazine is that readers are there to be challenged. There will be readers who would find some of its pieces offensive or even impossible in a newspaper, or even in a different magazine. But the same readers will read the piece in GQ and find it enthralling.That is because the magazine is always slightly uncomfortable to be with. It is not like a cozy member of the family, nor even like a friend. It is the strong, self-opinionated person that you can never quite make up your mind whether you like or not. You admire him, but you are slightly uneasy with him. The people around him might not altogether approve of everything he says; some might not care for him at all. But they feel compelled to listen. The self-confidence is too compelling. And just when you think be is beginning to become rather a bore, he surprises you with his genuine intelligence. He makes a broad joke, and then suddenly he is demanding you follow him in the turning of an intellectual somersault.1. What does the writer say about newspapers in the first paragraph?2. What does the writer imply in the second paragraph?3. Why were sportswriters for GQ given new freedoms?4. Why cant writers for GQ use the same methods as writers for newspapers?5. The writer likens GQ magazine to a person who( )问题1选项A.They tend not to include articles readers will find very challenging.B.Articles in them do not reflect the way many people really speak.C.They are more concerned with profit than with quality of writing.D.They fail to realize what kind of writing would appeal to readers.问题2选项A.GQ magazine contains articles that are well worth reading.B.Some of the more recent mens magazines are unlikely to survive.C.The standard of sportswriting in newspapers has improved in recent times.D.He is in a position to give an objective view of sportswriting in magazines.问题3选项A.The restrictions of newspaper writing do not apply to writing for GQ.B.The magazines initial plans for its sports articles proved unrealistic.C.Notions about what made good sports journalism were changing.D.The writers that it wanted to employ demanded greater freedom.问题4选项A.Articles in GQ are not allowed to consist mainly of interviews.B.They want to be considered better than writers for newspapers.C.Writers for newspapers do not have so much space to fill.D.They have been told to avoid the conventions of newspaper writing.问题5选项A.says things you wish you had said yourself.B.frequently changes his point of view.C.forces you to pay attention to him.D.wants to be considered entertaining.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:C【解析】第1题:细节推断题。根据题干定位到第一段,第一段大意是对英国报纸的描述,从“It is a limitation of newspaper writing, and everybody in the business, whether writing or reading, understands and accepts”可以看出,英国的报纸是没有那么自由的,它非常官方主流,有很多限制,因此各种限制导致它没有办法去写一些很有火药味的报道,因此答案A正确,其他选项皆没有暗示和论据。第2题:段落推断题。定位到原文第二段,A选项错误,GQ的文章只是很吸引人,是否值得一读作者并没有给出说法;B错误,其他杂志只是难以和GQ比肩,但是并不一定会倒闭;C项错误,体育新闻的写作标准并不是一定被提高了,它只是被改变了,由GQ这本杂志来改变的;D项是正确的,在第二段作者表达的就是非常客观的观点,无论是对于杂志还是报纸上的体育新闻,他都是可以客观评论的。第3题:细节推断题。问的是为何GQ的作家们有新的自由,我们可以定位到第三段,以及第四段,都是在说杂志上的体育新闻没有报纸那么严格,它们并没有那么多限制和条条框框,因此答案为A。第4题:细节题。文章的第四段第一句,“Unlike newspapers, a magazine can offer a decent length of time to research and to write.”以及后面的“But a long magazine deadline gives you the disconcerting and agoraphobic freedom to research, to write, to think.”可以看出杂志的发挥空间比报纸大很多,时间也更充足,发挥空间更加大,因此答案为C。第5题:细节推断题。根据题干定位到最后一段,“The people around him might not altogether approve of everything he says; some might not care for him at all. But they feel compelled to listen. The self-confidence is too compelling.(他周围的人可能并不完全赞同他说的每一句话;有些人可能根本不喜欢他。但他们觉得必须去倾听。自信太令人信服了。)”因此答案为C,其他三项都没有理论支撑。3. 不定项选择题“No man is an island,” wrote the poet John Donne several centuries ago. He was acknowledging one of our most (1) characteristics: the fact that we are social animals whose behavior and personalities are (2) by the groups to which we belong.Throughout life, most of our daily activities (3) in the company of others. Whether our purpose is working, playing, raising a family, learning, or simply relaxing. We usually (4) it in groups even if the group is as small as two or three people. Our need for human contacts is not merely a practical one; it is a deep psychological need as well. If people are (5) of the company of others for (6) periods, mental breakdown is the usual result. Even the Geneva Convention, an international agreement that (7) the treatment of prisoners of war, recognizes this need. It regards (8) imprisonment for more than thirty days as a cruel form of torture.In its strictest sense, a group is a collection of people (9) together in an orderly way on the basis of shared expectation about one another s behavior. As a result of this interaction, members feel a common sense of “belonging.” They (10) members from members and expect certain kinds of behavior from outsiders.问题1选项A.oddB.distinctiveC.explicitD.obvious问题2选项A.shapedB.distinguishedC.identifiedD.justified问题3选项A.designedB.undertakedC.assignedD.performed问题4选项A.reachB.completeC.pursueD.accomplish问题5选项A.concernedB.deprivedC.relievedD.informed问题6选项A.continuousB.noticeableC.dramaticD.prolonged问题7选项A.regulatesB.prescribesC.rectifiesD.demonstrates问题8选项A.harshB.severeC.solitaryD.remote问题9选项A.livingB.interactingC.communicatingD.putting问题10选项A.distinguishB.isolateC.separateD.recognize【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B第6题:D第7题:A第8题:C第9题:B第10题:A【解析】第1题:本题考查了词义辨析。A项odd“奇怪的”,B项distinctive“独特的,有特色的;与众不同的”,C项explicit “直率的,清楚的,明确的”,D项obvious “明显的,显而易见的”,文中是说John是一个什么样的人,根据后文他阐述了人类是社会性动物,我们的行为和个性受我们所属的群体影响,因此可以看出他对人类是有做出贡献的,因此答案为B,“most distinctive characteristics”最杰出的人。第2题:本题考查了词组的含义。A项be shaped by“受影响”,B项be distinguished by “以为特征”,C项be identified by “被识别,被确定”,D项be justified by “以为依据”,根据上文的人类是社会性动物以及常识可以得出,这一空表达的是人类的行为是受他所属的群体所影响,其余选项代入不符合文意,答案为A。第3题:本题考查了词义辨析。A项designed“设计”,B项undertake“承担,保证”,C项assigned“分配”,D项performed“进行,表演”,根据句意我们可知,本句意思应当为:在我们的一生中,我们大部分的日常活动都是在他人的陪伴下进行的,其余答案都太过牵强,答案为D。第4题:本题考查了词义辨析。A项reach“达到”,B项complete“完成,达成”,C项pursue“追求,从事”,一般指对人生价值和目标的追求,D项accomplish“完成,实现,达到”,题干的含义就是我们通常都是在一个组别里进行我们的所有活动,哪怕我们的小组只有两三个人,因此答案为C。第5题:本题考查了考生对于词语含义的掌握。A项concerned“有关,关心”,B项deprived“丧失,剥夺”,C项relived“减轻,消除”,D项informed“知道,使了解”,根据上文我们可以看出,本文强调的是人不能独自生活着,没有人是一座孤岛,我们都在社群中进行我们的活动,因此,本句话的句意为如果人们长时间没有别人陪伴,通常会导致精神崩溃,答案为B。第6题:本题考查了词义。A项continuous“持续的”,B项noticeable“显而易见的,显著的”,C项dramtic“巨大的,急剧的,引人注目的”,D项prolonged“持续很久的,长时间的”,句子的意思应该是如果人们长时间没有别人陪伴,通常会导致精神崩溃,因为其他的选项代入都不通顺且不合常理,因此答案为D。第7题:本题考查了词义。A项regulates“调节,规定”,B项prescribes“开处方,规定”,C项rectifies“改正”,D项demonsrates“证明,展示,论证”,从句意我们不难看出文章想表达的是,日内瓦公约也规定承认这一需要,A、B从句意来看都对,但是B项的规定没有A项那么正式,因此答案为A更符合用语习惯。第8题:本题考查了词义。A项harsh“严厉的,严酷的,刺耳的”,B项severe“严峻的,严厉的,剧烈的”,C项solitary“孤独的,隐居的”,D项remote“遥远的,偏僻的”,结合上下文,前文是在讲如果人们长时间没有别人陪伴,通常会导致精神崩溃,因此这一空按照逻辑也应该与上文相匹配,因此答案为C,整个句子的意思是“它认为30天以上的单独监禁是一种残忍的酷刑”。第9题:本题考查上下文的掌握和词义。A项living“生活,居住”,B项interacting“互相影响,相互作用”,C项communicating“交流”,D项putting“放置”,这一空的解题关键在后文,下一句中讲到,“As a result of this interaction”,这一句话中的interaction提示了我们前一空的答案与之相呼应的是B项,意为:从最严格的意义上说,群体就是一群人的集合,他们按井然有序的方式在一起互动,并对彼此的行为抱有共同的期望。第10题:本题考查的是词义的辨析。A项distinguish“区分,辨别”,B项isolate“隔离,孤立”,C项separate“分离,使分开”,D项recognize“分诊,认得”,本题考查词义,从整个句子来看,我们不难猜测出,这一句的意思应该是:他们把成员和非成员区分开来,因此答案为A,distinguish from “区分,辨别”。4. 不定项选择题Sometime around 621 BC, a legislator named Draco appeared on the Athenian scene and made the laws that substituted public justice for personal revenge. His laws were so severe that the legislator has been immortalized by the word “draconian”. These laws held for only a quarter of a century until Solon, who came to be called the founder of Athenian democracy, abolished the death penalty for everything but murder. Solon also carried out constitutional reforms that set up free election and brought all classes, except slaves, into the process of government. And so democracy began.A hundred years later democracy and everything else Greece had built up were threatened by Persia. The first of Persias expeditions took place in 490 BC when its army arrived at Marathon, near Athens. This was the event where a Greek soldier ran the 27 miles back to Athens, managed to cry out, “We have won”, then collapsed and died.In their second expedition the Persians were matched by the genius of Themistocles, an Athenian leader who made his people nervous by going out and building a huge fleet rather than an army. However, he turned out to be right. The Persians were blasted off the sea at the battle of Salamis, off the coast near Athens.Athens, now a naval power, was headed for its golden age. Its ruler at this time, around the middle of the fifth century BC, was Pericles, the most dazzling speaker. He practiced democracy at home. One of his not-so-smart decisions was to restrict Athenian citizenship to people whose mother and father were both Athenians.It was Pericles who built the Parthenon. This was quite a time for Athens. While Pericles was building his Parthenon, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides were writing their plays and Socrates and Plato were teaching.Athens was then involved in the Peloponnesian War with Sparta and 27 years of fighting led to Athens defeat in 404 BC. But victorious Spartas influence lasted only 30 years after, it was then ruled by Macedonia, a kingdom in the north of Greece.Philip of Macedons ambition was to unify all of Greece, restore Greek culture to Macedon, and eliminate Persia as a lingering threat. Next in line in the throne was his first wifes son, Alexander the Greats, who had studied under Aristotle. Alexanders death marked the end of the great classical period of Greece, in literature, philosophy and art.1. Which of the following best defines the word “draconian” (L.3, Para.1)?2. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?3. From the last two paragraphs, we lean that ( )4. Solon and Pericles share one similarity, which is that they both ( )5. The best title for this text may be ( )问题1选项A.Democratic.B.Revenge.C.Harsh.D.Dramatic.问题2选项A.Unlike Draco, Solon first established death penalty for the crime of murder.B.Athens marched to its golden age after Persias first expedition.C.Pericles is famous for his ability of writing plays and teaching.D.People misunderstood Themistocles when he built navy.问题3选项A.Macedonia is the name of a man who controlled Athens after war.B.Peloponnesian War is the transitional point for Athens from prosperity to decline.C.Greece was split under the rule of Macedonia.D.Alexander gave Aristotle Athens citizenship because Aristotle was his teacher.问题4选项A.carried out constitutional reforms.B.excelled at giving speech.C.implemented strict laws.D.valued democracy.问题5选项A.The History of Athens.B.The War that Splits Athens.C.The unification of Greek.D.Alexander, the Great Ruler of Athens.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】第1题:词义推断题。draconian的原意是“严酷”,而题干前的“His laws were so severe that”提示了我们答案,文章说他的法律太过于严厉以至于,因此答案为C项harsh“严酷的,严厉的”。第2题:文章大意题。我们需要根据每一个选项定位到相应的部分。A项在第一段有提示,“abolished the death penalty for everything but murder”,可以得出Solon并不是首创,而是沿用了之前的Draco的这一法例;B项错误,是第二次,不是第一次;C项也错误,Preicles是一个演讲家,以演说出名;D项正确,“who made his people nervous by going out and building a huge fleet rather than an army”以及“However, he turned out to be right.”这两句可以看出一开始民众确实是误解他的。第3题:段落细节题。定位到最后两段,A项不对,Macedonia是一个希腊北部的国家,并不是人;B 项并没有提及,错误;C项正确,正因为是在马其顿的统治下分裂,因此菲利普的心愿就是统一希腊;D项错误,并未提及。第4题:细节推断题。解题关键在第一段“Solon, who came to be called the founder of Athenian democracy”以及“Pericles, the most dazzling speaker. He practiced democracy at home.”可以看出他们两位都对民主很重视,答案选D。第5题:文章标题题。从全文多处我们可以看到,文章讲述的主要就是雅典的历史,法律也好,战争也好,都是围绕雅典在叙述,因此A正确。5. 翻译题Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)Human beings in all times and places think about their world and wonder at their place in it. Humans are thoughtful and creative, possessed of insatiable curiosity. (1)Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies.Therefore, it is important to study humans in all their richness and diversity in a calm and systematic manner, with the hope that the knowledge resulting from such studies can lead humans to a more harmonious way of living with themselves and with all other life forms on this planet Earth. “Anthropology” derives from the Greek words anthropos “human” and logos “the study of”. By its very name, anthropology encompasses the study of all humankind. Anthropology is one of the social sciences. (2)Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena. Social science disciplines include geography, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology. Each of these social sciences has a subfield or specialization which lies particularly close to anthropology. All the social sciences focus upon the study of humanity.Anthropology is a field study oriented discipline which makes extensive use of the comparative method in analysis. (3)The emphasis on data gathered first hand, combined with a cross cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science. Anthropological analyses rest heavily upon the concept of culture. Sir Edward Tylors formulation of the concept of culture was one of the great intellectual achievements of 19th century science. (4)Tylor defined culture as “. that complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” This insight, so profound in its simplicity, opened up an entirely new way of perceiving and understanding human life. Implicit within Tylors definition is the concept that culture is learned, shared, and patterned behavior. (5)Thus, the anthropological concept of “culture,” like the concept of “set” in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding.【答案】1.而且,人类还有能力改变自己的生存环境,然后让所有其他形态的生命服从人类自己独特的想法和想象。2.社会科学是知识探索的一个分支,它力图像自然科学家研究自然现象那样,用理性的、有序的、系统的和冷静的方式研究人类及其行为。3.强调收集第一手资料,加上在分析过去和现在文化形态时采用跨文化视角,使得这一研究成为一门独特并且非常重要的社会科学。4.泰勒把文化定义为“是一个复合整体,它包括人作为社会成员所获得的信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及其他能力和习惯”。5.因此,人类学中“文化”概念就像数学中“集”的概念一样,是一个抽象概念,它使得大量的具体研究和认识成为可能。6. 不定项选择题Conventional wisdom has it that concern for the environment is a luxury only the rich world can afford; that only people whose basic needs for food and shelter have been met can start worrying about the health of die planet. This survey will argue that developing countries, too, should be thinking about the environment. True, in the rich countries a strong environmental movement did not emerge until long after they had become industrialized, a stage that many developing countries have yet to reach. And true, many of the developed worlds environmental concerns have little to do with immediate threats to its inhabitants well-being. People worry about whether carbon-dioxide emissions might lead to a warmer climate next century, or whether genetically engineered craps might have unforeseen consequences for the ecosystem. That is why, when rich world environmentalists campaign against pollution in poor countries, they are often accused of naivety. Such countries, the critics say, have more pressing concerns, such as getting their people out of poverty.But the environmental problems that developing countries should worry about are different from those that western pundits have fashionable arguments over. They are not about potential problems in the next century, but about indisputable harm being caused today by, above all, contaminated water and polluted air. The survey will argue that, contrary to conventional wisdom, solving such problems need not hurt economic growth; indeed dealing with them now will generally be cheaper than leaving them to cause further harm.In most developing countries pollution seems to be getting worse, not better. Most big cities in Latin America, for example, are suffering rising levels of air pollution. Populations in these countries are growing so fast that improvements in water supply have failed to keep up with the number of extra people. Worldwide, about a billion people still have no access to clean water, and water contaminated by sewage


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