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2022年考博英语-湖北省联考考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 写作题In this part, you are required to write an essay of no less than 200 words on Information Explosion. The essay should be based on the outline below:1.Current situation of information explosion;2.Advantages of information explosion;3.Disadvantages of information explosion;4.Your suggestions.【答案】Information ExplosionIt is known to all that ours is an information era,in which information is available through many channels,such as books, newspapers,magazines,radio and TV stations and the Internet . The rapid increase in the amount of published information and the effects of this abundance of data are known as information explosion. Too much information has inevitably become a heavy burden to some peoples spiritual life because they do not know what information to turn to.There is no doubt that information explosion has its advantages. As mentioned earlier, we can get information through many channels. For example, if we want to collect information concerning a well-known product, we can do so by reading newspapers, magazines, watching TV or surfing the Internet. The greatest advantage of information explosion lies in the convenience it has offered us.However, information explosion has its disadvantages. For instance,newspapers, magazines,radio and TV stations, and the Internet are able to provide us with a sea of information, faced with which we have great difficulty in selecting information suitable for us.On the basis of the above analysis, it can be concluded that information explosion is a mixed blessing. As far as we are concerned, we must not be nervous in the face of information explosion. What really counts is to learn to filter the information we have got. In other words, we must learn to distinguish true information from false information, differentiate useful information from harmful information.2. 写作题In this part, you are required to write an essay of no less than 200 words on Cell Phones:a Blessing or a Nuisance? The essay should be based on the outline below.1.The present situation;2.Its advantages;3.Its disadvantages;4.Your suggestions.【答案】Cell Phones:a Blessing or a Nuisance?Nowadays, with the rapid development of information technology and information industry, cell phones play an important role in peoples, especially townspeoples life. But, like everything else, they are a mixed blessing.First, its useful. As a wireless telephone, it can be carried anywhere one wants to go and can be used to call the callee however faraway he or she is. Therefore, it greatly facilitates peoples life. Second, its convenient. Whenever one gets into trouble or meets something urgent, one can ask for help by making a phone call immediately. Most important of all, its a very helpful companion. With a multifunctional cell phone in hand, one can easily log on, browsing useful information, conducting E-commerce and doing whatever one can do via the Internet.However, just as everything has two sides, the cell phone also has many disadvantages. First, it may affect others attention. For example, some people use their cell phones while listening to a lecture or attending a meeting, which undoubtedly distracts the attention of others, thus seriously affecting the atmosphere of the lecture or the meeting. Second, it does more harm to primary school students and even junior middle school students. Many of them do not know how difficult it is for their parents to earn money, they waste a lot of money chatting with their friends or getting on the Net by means of their cell phones. Worst of all, quite a number of adult testees cheat on their tests by using their cell phones.In my view, it is unreasonable and impossible to ban the use of cell phones among young students. What really counts is to use cell phones on the right occasions. So I strongly suggest forbidding turning on the cell phone in class, on tests or at meetings. Another suggestion is to forbid primary school students and junior middle students to use cell phones in their schools on weekdays. Of course they can use theirs at home or elsewhere on weekends.3. 单选题We are meant to live dangerously and should not be sheltered. Life is a perilous adventure; its richness is in its( ) .问题1选项A.hazardsB.securityC.peaceD.length【答案】A【解析】句意:人生来就是要去冒险的, 而不应该生活在庇护之下;生命就是一场危机四伏的冒险, 它的丰富多彩就在于它的危险。选项A符合句意。4. 单选题Our ( )with the President at the airport was exciting.问题1选项A.arrivalB.encounterC.endeavorD.refreshment【答案】B【解析】根据句意:我们在机场偶遇总统, 这真的令人激动不已。只有选项B符合句意。5. 单选题The statistical figures in that report are not( ). You should not refer to them.问题1选项A.accurateB.fixedC.delicateD.rigid【答案】A【解析】figures数字一般用不准确来形容, 句意:那份报告中的统计数字不准确, 你不应该参考它们。选项A符合语境。6. 单选题( )among young people is difficult to expect or achieve.问题1选项A.AssuranceB.ProbabilityC.RelianceD.Conformity【答案】D【解析】assurance保证, 担保;probability可能性, 机率;reliance 信赖;conformity一致, 符合。句意:很难指望或实现年轻人的服从。选项D符合句意。7. 单选题The shop manager said that he intended to( ) the less efficient members of his staff.问题1选项A.resignB.dismissC.employD.appoint【答案】B【解析】句意:商店经理说他打算解雇办事效率不高的员工。选项B符合句意。resign是主动辞职, 所以不正确。8. 单选题Mary thought she would never meet Tom again, but by a curious ( )they finally met.问题1选项A.coincidenceB.incidenceC.incidentD.accident【答案】A【解析】coincidence一致, 巧合;incidence发生率;incident事件, 事变;accident事故, 意外。句意:玛丽以为她再也见不到汤姆了, 但由于一个奇怪的巧合, 他们最终见面了。选项A符合句意。9. 单选题I am writing this at home because last week my ergonomic (符合人体工程学的)chair at the office fell apart,unable any longer to bear my weight. I am writing it on a computer that is propped on top of two thick books,because otherwise my neck would be cricked as I peered at the screen. At 1. 93m and weighing. . . well,Im not going to say what I weigh,but think second-row rugby union forward. . . I am not built for this world. We therefore welcome a new report from Professor Tim Hatton at the University of Essex, demonstrating that the average height of men in Europe has increased by 4 inches in the past century and in the UK by a whopping 5 inches. A similar increase is likely to have occurred among women:but,because the study is based in part on military records,evidence is thinner on the ground.The problem, as Hatton observes, is that the world hasnt kept pace with our increased height. I long ago abandoned buseslevering myself into a narrow seat was impossible. Air travel is also challenging. I was in the back row of an easyJet plane recently, which has even less space than an ordinary seat, and would have ended up with a severe backache had it not been for some thoughtful passenger not turning up, allowing me to relocate to an aisle seat where the only danger is being hit by the trolley.Small cars are impossibleI have to drive with my head through the sunroof. West End theaters are hopelessly cramped. As before in cricket grounds: I would under no circumstances pay 80 for a plastic bucket seat at a Test match,where I would be wedged uneasily between two loud, red-trousered merchant bankers sipping warm champagne. As for those appalling pine beds with footboards, usually found in absurdly small hotel rooms where I invariably get stuck in the toilet because the door wont open with me inside,they should be banned immediately.Our extra height generally means extra weight. US data show that baseball players are on average 3 inches taller and 2 stones heavier than they were a century agoand these are the superfit guys. Other data suggest ordinary Americans have added 2. 54 cm and 12. 6 kg in the past 50 years alone. We are all giants nowor will be soon. As a representative of this new breed,I would say just one thing: beware garden furniture. It appears to be made for gnomes. I routinely remove pleasant-looking but wholly impractical cane chairs, and once,while interviewing the actress Jenny Seagrove,snapped the strings of a hammock-type chair in her garden. It is not easy to get your interviewee to take you seriously after your vast bulk has been plunged suddenly on to their manicured lawn.1.The best title of this passage might be( ) .2.What is the tone of the writer when he is depicting his recent travel in an easyJet plane?3.According to the context, the word “gnomes”(Para. 5)might be( ).4.What happened to the writer while he was interviewing Jenny Seagrove?问题1选项A.Poor Quality of ChairsB.Trouble with Being TallC.Embarrassment of Being RejectedD.Difficulties in Taking Planes and Buses问题2选项A.Angry.B.Sarcastic.C.Humorous.D.Envious.问题3选项A.people of vast bulkB.people of small sizesC.representatives of AmericansD.representatives of baseball players问题4选项A.He suddenly fell down on the lawn.B.He pretended to be very serious.C.He made a fool of himself on purpose.D.He failed to finish his interview【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A【解析】第1题:1.结合全文内容可知,文章主要是作者描述自己个子高,身体重带来的麻烦,选项A,C,D均为由此带来的麻烦,选项B概括全面,所以作为标题最恰当。2.根据关键词“easyjet plane”定位到第二段后半部分,作者提到飞机上的座位空间比一般的座位要小,如果不是因为某位体贴的乘客没有出现,使我可以坐在靠近过道的座位上,到下飞机的时候我可能会腰酸背痛,唯一的威胁就是会被手推车撞到。根据作者的描述可知,这是一种挖苦和嘲讽的语气。选项B正确。3.作者在上文提到“We are all giants . beware garden furniture.”我们现在都是巨人或者即将成为巨人。但是要注意一件事:当心花园家具。说明花园家具不适用于大块头的人,那么可以推测,“gnomes”指体型较小的人。选项B正确。4.根据最后一段的最后一句“It is not easy to get your interviewee to take you seriously after your vast bulk has been plunged suddenly on to their manicured lawn.”在你的巨大身躯突然摔倒在他们修剪整齐的草坪上之后,让采访者认真对待你就不容易了。选项A符合原文。第2题:第3题:第4题:10. 单选题Amy was elected chairman of the committee by a( )vote.问题1选项A.ambiguousB.synonymousC.simultaneousD.unanimous【答案】D【解析】ambiguous模糊不清的;synonymous同义的; simultaneous同时发生的;unanimous全体一致的。句意:艾米经全体一致投票当选为委员会主席。选项D符合句意。11. 翻译题Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese on the ANSWER SHEET.Two years ago, the United Nations warned that a disease called “Panama could destroy” much of the worlds banana crop. Since then, things have not gotten better. A new outbreak was discovered last year in Australia. The disease started in Asia in the 1990s, and later spread to Africa and the Middle East.World health officials worry the disease could travel to Latin America, one of the top banana producers in the world.(41) The Panama disease is a big concern because bananas are an important source of income and nutrients for millions of people. They are grown in 135 tropical nations. The United Nations lists bananas as one of the most important foods, along with rice, wheat and corn. Bananas also contain a chemical which it says makes people feel happy.Randy Ploetz, a professor at the University of Florida, is considered by many as Americas top banana expert, or, “top banana.” As he explained Panama disease affects the Cavendish banana, which is the most popular among more than 500 kinds of bananas.“The industry is waking up to the problem,” Ploetz said Thursday by telephone from Miami, Florida, where he was attending the International Banana Congress.The meeting was supposed to take place in Costa Rica, but was moved at the last minute. There were concerns banana growers could spread Panama disease from dirt collected on their shoes. Ploetz said.(42) Ploetz(普罗慈) said if the disease spreads to Latin America, it could hurt the worlds economy along with food supplies for millions of people. Still, he said there is reason for hope. Scientists in Australia are working on a genetically engineered banana that might not be at risk of getting Panama disease. But he wondered if people are ready to accept genetically engineered bananas.Robert Bertram is chief scientist for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). He said bananas are important to many millions of people all over the world. “In Africa, Asia and tropical America, bananas are an important food source for more than 100 million people, he told VOA.” As a cash crop, bananas are sold in local, regional and international markets,” Bertram said. Banana exports provide jobs and foreign money that producing countries need, he said.Bertram said USAID is organizing a worldwide effort to resist Panama disease. A fungus, known as TR4, causes the Panama disease. Before 2013 Bertram said, it was limited to Asia. Since then, it spread to the Middle East and to Africa. In the 1960s, the same fungus wiped out the Gros Michel, banana crop, which at the time was the worlds most popular. The Cavendish replaced it.(43) At Wageningen (瓦赫宁根) University in the Netherlands, researchers are looking for Cavendish(卡文迪什) replacements. Their work is difficult. Researchers said the replacements will have to resist Panama disease, and survive the shipping time needed to get bananas to stores thousands of miles away from banana fields. And they will have to taste good.【答案】41.【参考译文】香蕉作为一项重大收入来源,同时又是数百万人的营养供给源,因此巴拿马病毒成为当前的一个大问题。全球盛产香蕉的国家有135个。联合国将香蕉,水稻,小麦和玉米列为最重要的作物。香蕉还富含一种能使人感到愉悦的化学物质。42.【参考译文】普罗慈说如果疾病扩散至拉丁美洲,它将威胁到世界经济以及数百万人的食品供应。他说,目前仍有挽救的余地。澳大利亚科学家们正研究可抵御巴拿马疾病的转基因香蕉,但是普罗慈认为人们是否能接受转基因香蕉仍然是一个问题。43.【参考译文】荷兰瓦赫宁根大学的研究人员正在寻找取代卡文迪什香蕉的新品种,这是一项艰巨的工作。研究人员表示,新品种香蕉需抵抗巴拿马疾病并能经得起长时间运输。因为香蕉需运输到几千公里外的市场。当然,得尝起来美味。12. 单选题What things in life are you most desirous( ) attaining?问题1选项A.toB.forC.withD.of【答案】D【解析】desirous of为固定搭配,意为“想要.渴望.”。选项D符合句意。13. 翻译题很多已经发表的科学论文都有错误,各种因素导致了这个问题。统计错误比比皆是。在杂志决定刊载论文之前,审读论文的同行审读人(peer reviewers)在发现错误方面比杂志或其他人更差;职业的压力、竞争和进取心驱使科学家们更快地发表文章而失去了理智。更糟的是,科学家职业体系强调发表大量论文。“不发表论文就灭亡”的压力已经逐步地统治学术生活。【答案】There are mistakes in many scientific papers already published. Various factors contribute to this problem. Statistical errors meet the eye everywhere. Before journals decide to publish papers, peer reviewers are inferior to journals or other people in finding mistakes. Professional pressure, competition and enterprise prompt scientists to publish papers more quickly but to lose their sense. Worse still, scientists professional system emphasizes the publication of a large number of papers. The pressure of publishing papers or perishing is dominating academic life gradually.14. 单选题She was afraid that unless the train speeded up she would lose her( ) to Scotland.问题1选项A.ticketB.placeC.seatD.connection【答案】D【解析】lose ones connection to. 误了到.地方去的(汽车、火车、轮船的)联运。句意:她很担心,除非火车加快速度,否则她将错过去苏格兰的联运。选项D符合句意。15. 单选题Our stomachs can often be a mystery to us and many of us dont realize just how much the food we eat can impact on our mood and mental well-being.According to charity Allergy UK, a shocking 45% of us suffers with food and drink intolerances, beveragethis is called food intolerance.Food intolerance is a much more common problem than food allergy and one of the most harmful symptoms can be low mood. 1 in 4 people in the UK will suffer problems with their mood or mental health every year,with anti-depressant prescriptions increasing by over 40 % in the last 5 years.Recent research from York Test Laboratories, leading experts in food intolerance testing, has found that 97% of their customers reported problems relating to mood as a significant symptom of their food intolerance, of which 73% felt that their mood had significantly improved after altering their diets to remove foods to which they reacted.In addition, in a recent paper published in the Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences,over 81 % of patients reported a significant improvement in mood and mental well-being as a direct consequence of applying the dietary changes recommended by York Test.So how is it that the food we eat can have such a significant impact on our mood?Bidirectional connections between the gut and the brain are complex and are regulated in the body in three different ways: through nerves,hormones and the immune system. The gut mediates the bodys immune response; at least 70 per cent of our immune system is situated in the gut and is used to expel and kill foreign invaders.Our gut contains some 100 million neurons (nerve cells) , more than in either the spinal cord or the peripheral nervous system. All of these neurons lining our digestive system do much more than merely handle digestion or cause occasional nervous feelings. Our gut partly determines our mental state and plays key roles in certain diseases throughout the body. Many people will not be aware that 90% of serotonin(血清素), the brains “happy hormone” is produced in the gutit is for these reasons that the gut is often referred to as the second brain.In addition, research has shown that depression is frequently associated with gastrointestinal(肠胃的)inflammationa common symptom of food intolerance. By tackling unidentified food intolerances, not only will physical symptoms benefit, but mental health symptoms can often show significant improvement.There are a number of ways to identify potentially mood suppressing food intolerances. One that I recommend is scientifically validated and well researched is York Test. Its food and drink intolerance test called Food & Drink Scan can uncover potential food and drink triggers, allowing people to simply modify their diets with life changing health benefits.1.The over 40% increase of anti-depressant prescriptions in the last 5 years in the UK was attributed to( ) .2.Which is NOT one of the reasons why the gut is often referred to as the “second brain”?3.What frequently has a causal connection with depression?4.What is the purpose in ones taking York Test?问题1选项A.food intoleranceB.foreign invadersC.food allergyD.food triggers问题2选项A.Our gut contains more nerve cells than in the spinal cord.B.The neurons in the gut contribute solely to effective digestion.C.90% of the brains “happy hormone” is produced in the gut.D.Certain diseases result from our digestive system.问题3选项A.A psychiatric disorder.B.Bidirectional treatment.C.Gastrointestinal inflammation.D.Unidentified physical problems.问题4选项A.To validate the scientific research.B.To detect the source of food intolerance.C.To invent a modification of life style.D.To prescribe anti-depressant drugs【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:C第4题:B【解析】第1题:1.根据第三段的内容可知, 食物耐受不良是一个比食物过敏更常见的问题, 最有害的症状之一是情绪低落。在英国, 每年有四分之一的人情绪或心理健康都会出现问题, 在过去的五年中, 抗抑郁药物的处方数量增加了40%以上。所以选项A正确。2.根据第八段的内容可知, 选项A, C, D均符合原文;根据第二句“All of these neurons lining our digestive system do much more than merely handle digestion or cause occasional nervous feelings.”所有这些排列在我们消化系统中的神经元不仅仅是处理消化, 偶尔也会引起紧张情绪。选项B描述太绝对, 所以不正确。3.根据第九段第一句“research has shown that depression is frequently associated with gastrointestinal inflammation”研究表明抑郁症经常与肠胃炎联系在一起。所以选项C正确。4.根据最后一段最后一句“Its food and drink intolerance test called Food & Drink Scan can uncover potential food and drink triggers.”这项名为“饮食扫描”的饮食耐受不良测试, 可以发现饮食耐受不良潜在的诱因。选项B符合原文。第2题:第3题:第4题:16. 单选题The mass media is a big part of our culture, yet it can also be a helper, adviser and teacher to our young generation. The mass media affects the lives of our young by acting as a(an)(1) for a number of institutions and social contacts. In this way,it (2) a variety of functions in human life.The time spent in front of the television screen is usually at the(3) of leisure: there is less time for games, amusement and rest.(4) by what is happening on the screen, children not only imitate what they see but directly(5 ) themselves with different characters. Americans have been concerned about the (6) of violence in the media and its(7) harm to children and adolescents for at least forty years. D


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