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2022年考博英语-陕西师范大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题“Johns ()was irritating. He was reluctant even to buy bread”问题1选项A.jealousyB.sorenessC.luckD.parsimony【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。根据后半句He was reluctant even to buy bread.(他甚至连买个面包都很不情愿)可知,他是相当吝啬。A选项为“嫉妒”;B选项为“悲伤,痛苦”;C选项为“幸运”;D项“吝啬的,过度节俭”,因此,D项是正确答案。2. 单选题The _of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe.问题1选项A.essenceB.textureC.contentD.threshold【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项essence“本质,实质”;B选项texture“质地,手感”;C选项content“内容”;D选项threshold“门槛,入口,开始”。根据the scientific attitude可知A选项符合语义。句意:科学态度的本质是人类的思维能够成功地理解宇宙。3. 单选题Sometimes the tension produced by fears is so great that we cannot suppress it. At such times we need to_the tension by laughing or crying.问题1选项A.discardB.disperseC.disguiseD.discharge【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项discard v.抛弃,丢弃;B选项disperse v.分散,使散开,传播;C选项disguise v.掩饰,假装;D选项discharge v.排放,释放,卸货。根据句意可知,有时恐惧造成的紧张,我们无法自行克制,这时就需要哭泣或者怒吼来释放压力。因此,正确答案为D。4. 翻译题Translate the following passage into English.北京奥组委(The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad)官方网站讯:2007年6月23日,在八达岭长城举办的“第四届2008北京奥林匹克文化节” 开幕式上,所有观众的目光都被长城上的新标识所吸引一一在绿树环绕下,一个令所有中国人兴奋的口号映衬着的长城遒劲而古老的线体。这就是一座长67米,高18米的“同一个世界同一个梦想(One World One Dream)”北京奥运会会徽(Emblem)和北京奥运会主题口号大型景观建筑。在今后的两年多的时间里,每当人们抬头仰望长城巍峨的身姿就会知道,奥运和中国有着怎样的无法割舍的渊源。【答案】The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Official Website News: At the opening ceremony of the Fourth 2008 Beijing Olympic Cultural Festival, held on the Badaling Great Wall on June 23, 2007, all audiences are attracted to the new logo on the Great Wall. Surrounded by green trees, this logo shows powerful and antique line of the Great Wall with an exciting slogan to all Chinese people. That is a large landscape architecture, 67 meters length and 18 meters high, of Beijing Olympic Games emblem engraving characters with “One World One Dream” and Beijing Olympic Games theme slogan. Over the next more than two years, people will learn about the deep and close relationship between Olympic Games and China whenever they look up at towering figure of the Great Wall.5. 单选题Womens minds work differently from mens. At least, that is what most men are convinced of. Psychologists view the subject either as a matter of frustration or a joke. Now the biologists have moved into this minefield, and some of them have found that there are real differences between the brains of men and women. But being different, they point out hurriedly, is not the same as being better or worse.There is, however, a definite-structural variation between the male and female brain. The difference is in a part of the brain that is used in the most complex intellectual processes the link between the two halves of the brain.The two halves are linked by a trunkline of between 200 and 300 million nerves, the corpus callosum. Scientists have found quite recently that the corpus callosum in women is always larger and probably richer in nerve fibers than it is in men. This is the first time that a structural difference has been found between the brains of women and men and it must have some significance. The question is “What?”,and, if this difference exists, are there others? Research shows that present-day women think differently and behave differently from men. Are some of these differences biological and inborn, a result of evolution? We tend to think that it is the influence of society that produces these differences. But could we be wrong?Research showed that these two halves of the brain had different functions, and that the corpus callosum enabled them to work together. For most people, the left half is used for word-handling, analytical and logical activities; the right half works on pictures, patterns and forms. We need both halves working together. And the better the connections, the more harmoniously the two halves work. And, according to research findings, women have the better connections.But it isnt all that easy to explain the actual differences between skills of men and women on this basis. In schools throughout the world girls tend to be better than boys at “language subjects” and boys better at maths and physics. If these differences correspond with the differences in the hemispheric trunkline, there is an unalterable distinction between the sexes.We shant know for a while, partly because we dont know of any precise relationship between abilities in school subject and the functioning of the two halves of the brain, and we cannot understand how the two halves interact via the corpus callosum. But this striking difference must have some effect and, because the difference is in the parts of the brain involved in intellect, we should be looking for differences in intellectual processing.1. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?2. According to the passage it is commonly believed that brain differences are caused by_ factors.3. “these differences” in paragraph 5 refer to those in_.4. At the end of the passage the author proposes more work on_.5. What is the main purpose of the passage?问题1选项A.Biologists are conducting research where psychologists have given up.B.Brain differences point to superiority of one sex over the other.C.Results of scientific research fail to support popular belief.D.The structural difference in the brain between the sexes has long been known.问题2选项A.biologicalB.psychologicalC.physicalD.social问题3选项A.skills of men and womenB.school subjectsC.the brain structure of men and womenD.activities carried out by the brain问题4选项A.the brain structure as a wholeB.the functioning of part of the brainC.the distinction between the sexesD.the effects of the corpus callosum问题5选项A.To outline the research findings on the brain structure.B.To explain the link between sex and brain structure,C.To discuss the various factors that cause brain differences.D.To suggest new areas in brain research.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。由文章第一段中的Psychologists view the subject either as a matter of frustration or a joke.(心理学家把这个问题看作是一件沮丧的是或是一个笑话)可知A选项表述不正确;由第一段中的But being different, they point out hurriedly, is not the same as being better or worse.(但他们急忙指出,不同并不等于好或坏)可知B选项表述不正确;由第三段中的This is the first time that a structural difference has been found between the brains of women and men and it must have some significance.(这是第一次发现女性和男性大脑之间的结构差异,它必须具有一定的意义)可知D选项表述不正确。通过排除法排除A、B、D选项,因此选C。2.细节事实题。由文章第三段中的We tend to think that it is the influence of society that produces these differences.(我们倾向于认为,正是社会的影响产生了这些差异)可知选D。3.细节事实题。由文章倒数第二段中的But it isnt all that easy to explain the actual differences between skills of men and women on this basis.(但要在此基础上解释男女技能的实际差异并非易事)可知选A。4.细节事实题。由文章最后一段中的and we cannot understand how the two halves interact via the corpus callosum. But this striking difference must have some effect and, because the difference is in the parts of the brain involved in intellect, we should be looking for differences in intellectual processing(我们也不知道这两部分是如何通过胼胝体相互作用的。但这种显著的差异肯定会有一定的影响,因为这种差异存在于大脑中与智力有关的部分,我们应该寻找智力加工的差异)可知选D。5.主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了男性和女性的结构存在差别,科学家对这种差别所做的研究,因此A选项“概述脑结构的研究成果”符合题意。6. 单选题Rhetoric is().问题1选项A.the ability to lie without revealing it with body language.B.a technique used to speak faster.C.the skill of using language persuasivelyD.the ability to interpret complex logical problems【答案】C【解析】考查名词。Rhetoric指“修辞,修辞学;华丽辞藻”。A选项表示“是一种不会因为肢体语言暴露(目的)的说谎能力”;B选项表示“是一种加快说话方式的技巧”;C选项为“令人信服地运用语言的技巧”;D选项为“解释复杂逻辑关系的能力”。修辞是指运用语言技巧,努力提高语言表达和接受效果的活动。因此,C项最符合题意。7. 单选题The show culminated in the presentation of the dairy princess crown.问题1选项A.beganB.includedC.endedD.cultivated【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。题目中culminate表示“使结束,达到极点,达到高潮”;A选项为“开始”;B选项为“包括,包含”;C选项为“结束;终止”;D选项为“培养;栽培”。根据句意可知,表演因乳品公主皇冠的介绍而达到高潮,因此C项为正确答案。8. 单选题Are you aware that you actually possess six senses? The sixth sense is a muscular sense responsible for directing your muscles intelligently to the exact extent necessary for each action you perform. For example, when you reach for an object, the sensory nerves linking the muscles to the brain stop your hand at the correct spot. This automatic perception of the position of your muscles in relation to the object is your muscular sense in action.Muscles are stringy bundles of fibers varying from one five-thousandth of an inch to about three inches. They have three unique characteristics; they can become shorter and thicker; they can stretch; and they can retract to their original positions. Under a high-powered microscope, muscle tissue is seen as long, slender cells with a grainy texture like wood.More than half of a persons body is composed of muscle fibers, most of which are involuntary in other words, work without conscious direction. The voluntary muscles, those that we move consciously to perform particular actions, number more than five hundred. Women have only 60 to 70 percent as much muscle as men for their body mass. That is why an average woman cant lift as much, throw as far, or hit as hard as an average man.1. Intelligent use of the muscles means that().2. According to the selection, more than half of a persons body is composed of().3. An average woman is weaker than an average man because she has ().4. It is implied but not stated that() .5. According to the selection, the muscular sense is responsible for ().问题1选项A.one always knows what his muscles are doingB.one performs simple actions without workingC.ones muscles are used only to the extent necessary for each action they performD.one improves muscular action consciously问题2选项A.voluntary musclesB.muscle fibersC.involuntary fibersD.sensory nerves问题3选项A.more voluntary muscles than an average manB.only 60 to 70 percent as much muscle for her body massC.60 to 70 percent less muscle for her body massD.less muscle fiber for her body weight问题4选项A.the muscular sense is more important than any other sensesB.muscular sense involves automatic perceptionC.there are many more than 500 involuntary muscles in the bodyD.muscle tissue is inflexible问题5选项A.the efficiency of our musclesB.the normal breathing functionC.directing our muscles intelligentlyD.the work of only our involuntary muscles【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。根据文章第一段第二句The sixth sense is a muscular sense responsible for directing your muscles intelligently to the exact extent necessary for each action you perform.可知,第六感是一种肌肉感觉,可智能地精准控制人体活动。因此,C项是正确答案。2.细节事实题。题意:根据原文,人类身体超过一半的组织是由什么构成的?根据原文第三段第一句:More than half of a persons body is composed of muscle fibers.可知,人体超过一半的组织是由muscle fibers(肌肉纤维)构成。因此,正确答案为B项。3.细节事实题。根据原文第三段Women have only 60 to 70 percent as much muscle as men for their body mass. That is why an average woman cant lift as much, throw as far, or hit as hard as an average man. 可知,女性比正常男性力气小是因为女性身体内肌肉含量仅为男性的60-70%。因此,B项为正确答案。4.推理判断题。本文并未说明也未暗示肌肉感觉比其他感官重要,因此A选项错误。根据原文最后一段The voluntary muscles, those that we move consciously to perform particular action, number more than five hundred.可知,C选项与原文意思相反,故C项错误。D选项说肌肉组织是不可弯曲的,与原文不符,故排除。因此,B选项是正确答案。5.细节事实题。由文章第一段The sixth sense is a muscular sense responsible for directing your muscles intelligently.可知,肌肉感官的作用是directing your muscles intelligently,因此,本题正确答案为C项。9. 单选题The lions ferocious behavior was attributed to its lack of edible flesh.问题1选项A.tameB.relaxedC.savageD.fable【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。题目中ferocious表示“残忍的;惊人的;凶残的”;A选项为“驯服的;顺从的;平淡的”;B选项为“放松的,宽松的”;C选项为“野蛮的;荒凉的;凶猛的”;D选项为“寓言,童话”,不是形容词。根据句意可知,狮子的残暴行为源于缺少食用肉。因此,正确答案是C项。10. 单选题The education gapEducation is the passport to modem life, and a pre-condition of national prosperity. But more than a quarter of the worlds adults 900 million read or write, and more than 100 million young children are deprived of even a primary school education. In most developing countries, after decades of educational expansion, spending on learning is falling. The illiterate are virtually helpless in a world ruled by the written word, where notices and official papers can seem a mass of meaningless hieroglyphics. People who cannot decipher them are at the mercy of those who can; many, as a result, have been cheated of their rights or their land.Studies show that people with even a basic education are healthier and eat better. They are more likely to plan their families and-their children are more likely to survive. According to the World Bank, just four years of primary education enables farmers to increase productivity by ten per cent, often the difference between hunger and sufficiency. National economic returns from education outstrip those from most other forms of investment.Enrolment: rise and fallAs they became independent, most developing countries enthusiastically embraced education. Two decades of astonishing expansion followed. Between 1960and 1981, the worlds thirty-two poorest countries (excluding India and China, which have long had good records) increased the proportion of their children enrolled in primary school from thirty-eight to seventy-two percent. The thirty-eight next poorest achieved almost universal primary school enrollment by 1980, up from about two-thirds in 1960. It seemed as if it would not be long before every child alive could be sure of going to school.By the end of the 1980sthat dream had turned to bitter disillusion. The decade brought economic disaster to developing countries. They slumped when rich nations went into recession at the beginning of the 1980s, the subsequent recovery passed them by and they were hit again by the renewed recession in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The educational expansion of the late 1960s and 1970s first halted then went into reverse. By 1989, enrollment rates had dropped in one out every five developing countries. In some African countries, the number of children in primary schools declined by a third between 1980 and 1985. Tanzanias universal primary school enrollment fell dramatically during this period. Unescos Director-General, Federico Mayor, warns that this threatens to set back the countries of the South by a whole generation or even more.Declining expenditureThe proportion of national expenditure going to education declined in more than half of developing countries over the 1980s. In the worlds thirty-seven poorest countries, the average expenditure per head on education dropped by a quarter. In Africa as a whole, says the World Bank, only $0.60 a year is spent on educational materials for each student, whilst it estimates minimum requirements at $5.00.Illiteracy and the poorIn industrialized countries, absolute illiteracy was largely eradicated half a century ago; they two per cent of the worlds illiterate. Functional illiteracy, however, remains: in Canada, the literacy of a quarter of all adults is seriously inadequate; in the United States, estimates range from five to twenty-five percent; in France, the total numbers range from two to eight million people, depending on the study. Most are among the poorest members of their societies.Generally speaking, the poorer a country, the higher the number of illiterate; two-thirds of adults in the very poorest countries cannot read or write. Furthermore, the poorest individuals suffer most. The poorer a childs family, the less likely he (or, particularly, she) is to start school and the more likely it is that those who do start will drop out.The disadvantaged countrysideMore people in the Third World live in the countryside, where schools and teachers are always scarcer. But even in the cities, the poor miss out. In Calcutta, over sixty per cent of children do not attend school because they have to work to help keep the family going, or look after younger siblings to enable their mothers to work. Two-thirds of the worlds illiterate are women. Yet womens education is particularly important. The World Bank identifies it as perhaps the single most important determinant of family health and nutrition, and its research shows that infant mortality rates fall steadily, and dramatically, for every year women spend at school. But tradition, prejudices and the burden of work to be done at home ensure that daughters are pulled out of school first. In the first grade of Kampalas primary schools the sexes are evenly balanced; by the seventh grade, there are more than twice as many boys as girls.Primary education: the productive dollarEvery dollar invested in primary school education, according to another World Bank study, is fifty per cent more productive than one invested in secondary schooling, and gives twice as much spent on universities-Yet, throughout the Third World, these spending priorities are reversed.A few countries have started to change their priorities, emphasizing primary education. Zimbabwe doubled its number of primary schools in its first five years of independence; the proportion of its budget spent on education is the fifth highest in the world, and the curriculum has been re-oriented to meet local needs. Bangladesh has opened more than 2,500 basic village primary schools with appropriate syllabuses since 1985, at an annual cost of just $15.00 per pupil. Only 1.5 per cent of the children drop out compared to sixty per cent of their peers in the ordinary primary schools. Moreover, ninety-five per cent of pupils, the majority girls, continue their education after leaving.Nonetheless, all these countries are under harsh economic pressure. There is little hope for the children of the Third World countries, even if their governments do change their priorities, unless their countries are enabled to develop.1. What do you think is the main purpose of the passage?2. Illiteracy has been almost completely()3. Girls very often fail to complete their schooling because().4. Spending on tertiary education is().5. Primary education has been given more importance().问题1选项A.to promote the development of primary educationB.to promote the development of tertiary educationC.to illustrate the need for development in generalD.to highlight the problems of rural areas问题2选项A.from the developing worldB.except in the USA, Canada and FranceC.in absolute terms in industrialized countriesD.In functional terms in industrialized countries问题3选项A.they have to go out to workB.there are twice as many boys as girlsC.of tradition and prejudiceD.of family h问题4选项A.twice as productive as spending on secondary educationB.only half as productive than spending on secondary schoolingC.fifty percent less productive than spending on secondary schoolingD.twenty-five percent less productive than spending on primary schooling问题5选项A.in CalcuttaB.in some parts of Africa and AsiaC.in the last five yearsD.by reorienting the curriculum【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.主旨大意题。文章以教育问题和世界各国的教育差距引出话题,论述了基础教育的重要性,并将基础教育与其他教育阶段进行对比。文章列举说明了基础教育的重要性,强调落后国家应该对基础教育予以重视。因此,本题选择A项更为合适。2.细节事实题。根据原文第六段In industrialized countries, absolute illiteracy was largely eradicated half a century ago; they obtain only two per cent of the worlds illiterate. Functional illiteracy,however, remains in Canada.可知,在工业化国家,半个世纪前基本扫除了文盲;他们只占世界文盲人口的百分之二。然而,“功能性文盲”在加拿大仍然存在。说明即使是在加拿大这样的发达国家,文盲也是存在的。因此,D项“In functional terms in industrialized countries”是正确答案。3.细节事实题。根据原文Buttradition, prejudices and the burden of work to be done at home ensure that daugh


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