八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Feeling excited Topic 1 You look excited Section B教案 (新版)仁爱版

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八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Feeling excited Topic 1 You look excited Section B教案 (新版)仁爱版_第1页
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Unit 5 Feeling ExcitedTopic 1 You look excited.Section B一、教材分析本节课主要活动为Section B 1a-4b。本节课在上节课学习系表结构的基础上谈论个人喜好及对事物的看法,所使用的句型仍然是感官动词+形容词。所以在复习导入环节对感官动词和形容词做充分的巩固,以词汇和语音语调的学习为主。复习导入仍以系动词的基本用法为主,以师生讨论的方式复习情绪形容词的用法,引出形容词的概念。学生总结情绪形容词,教师板书并分类。接下来进入Section B 2a的学习。学生观察2a的词汇,归纳构词法。教师鼓励学生说出更多类似的词汇,补充板书。在巩固环节利用刚刚总结的形容词的分类及用法知识完成2b和3的练习。在语音和语调环节完成4a和4b的教学活动,鼓励学生总结-ed的发音。注意语音、语调和连读。二、教学目标1. 学习并掌握新词汇:seem, opera2. 学习并掌握句型:He seems a little unhappy. Its so funny and interesting.3. 正确运用以-ed结尾的形容词和以-ing结尾的形容词。掌握-ing和-ed在词尾的读音,及此类单词的重音位置。4. 能在朗读中正确读出连读和句子的语调,能区分并读准需要重读的实词。5. 通过听对话判断正误,训练学生抓住关键词和细节信息的能力。6. 听懂本课表示个人喜好的表达法。7. 学生能正确运用“linking verb+ adjective”结构造句。8. 学生能自如地运用系表结构的句子进行交流来谈论情绪。9. 能够乐于表达自己的观点、看法和情感并能主动关心他人的感受。三、教学重难点1. 掌握本课新词汇和重要句型。2. 能正确运用“linking verb+ adjective”结构造句,并进行交流来谈论情绪。四、教学过程Task 1Step 1. Warming-upFill in the blanks according to the pictures.T: How are you feeling today?S: Im feeling.T: And how about them on the screen?【设计意图】让学生看图并描述人物的情感,回忆表达感情色彩的表语形容词,引入话题。Step 2 Pre-listeningLook at the pictures and guess:How does Kangkang feel? Why?What are the parents going to do?Who did Kangkang see on the way? What happened?Whats Mr. Browns favorite movie? 【设计意图】通过观察文中的图片和给出的问题,锻炼学生预测能力。Step 3 While-listening1. Show some questions about 1a on the screen. Play the tape recording of 1a again.2. Finish 1b. Check the answers.【设计意图】设置更深层次的听力问题,由易到难、由浅入深地训练学生的听力技能。Step 4 Post-listening1. Ask the students to retell the conversation and then change the conversation into a passage in groups.【设计意图】在真实交际中运用所学语言,实现学以致用。Task 2Step 1 Pre-listening1. Finish 2a.T: Now lets read the words in 2a, paying attention to the stress and the underlined parts. Then listen and check. 2. Explains the difference between -ed and -ing and finish 2b.【设计意图】通过呈现以ing和ed结尾的形容词,强调应关注单词重音和单词形式。Step 2 While-listeningListen to the passage in 3 and complete the sentences.【设计意图】通过听录音补全句子,巩固学生对形容词的正确使用。Step 3 Post-listening1. Finish 4a. Let students read the following words, paying attention to the sounds of the underlined letters. Try to find the rules and add more words.2. Explain the rules of pronunciation of -ed.3. Read the sentences in the box in 4b. Ask them to pay attention to the stress, liaison and intonation. Tell them to stress the content words such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and interrogative words.4. Finish 4b and practice these sentences with the partner.【设计意图】通过解释发音并且自读训练要求学生关注句子的重音、连读和语调。5. Make conversations.Mike is a big fan of Kungfu Panda. But he cant go to see the movie on Tuesday evening and he feels a little unhappy. Make similar conversations to 1a.【设计意图】通过编造对话的形式,熟悉本课重点语法,锻炼学生实际运用能力。Step 4 Summary1. Linking verbs+ adj. (连系动词+形容词 构成系表结构): seem (a little) unhappy/disappointed2. Usage of the adjectives ending with “-ed” and “-ing”.3. Pronounce “-ed”. 4. Read the sentences with the correct stress, liaison and intonation.【设计意图】总结本节课重点单词和用法。Step 5 HomeworkTry to find more information about the movie, The Sound of Music, on the Internet.五、板书设计Unit 5 Feeling ExcitedTopic 1 You look excited.Section Binterest disappoint worry bore excite puzzleinteresting disappointing worrying boring exciting puzzlinginterested disappointed worried bored excited puzzledsurprise tire move frighten satisfy amazesurprising tiring moving frightening satisfying amazingsurprised tired moved frightened satisfied amazed4


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