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完形填空:(请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。)Some years ago I was offered a writing assignment that would require three months of travel through Europe. I had been _36_abroad a couple of times,but I could hardly 37claim to know my way around the continent.38,my knowledge of foreign languages was 39limited to a little college French.I 40hesitated. How would I, unable to speak the language,41 totally familiar with local geography or transportation systems, set up interviews and do 42 research? It seemed impossible, and with considerable 43 regret, I sat down to write a letter released the 44 assignment. Halfway through, a 45 thought ran through my mind: you cant learn if you dont try. So I 46 accepted the assignment.There were some bad 47 moments. But by the time I finished the trip I was an experienced traveler. And ever since, I have never hesitated to head for even the most 48 remote places,without guides or 49 even advance bookings,confident that somehow I will 50 manage. The point is that the new, the different, is almost by definition 51 scary. But each time you try something,you learn,and as the learning 52 piles up,the world opens to you.Ive learned to ski at 40, and flown up the Rhine River in a 53 balloon. And I know Ill go on doing such things. Its not because Im braver or more daring than others. Im not. But Ill accept worry as another name for 54 challenge and I believe I can 55 accomplish wonders.36. A. aboard B. abroad C. away D. out37. A. claim B. declare C. hope D. deny38. A. Somehow B. However C. Instead D. Moreover39. A. accustomed B. added C. limited D. suited 40. A. resigned B. hesitated C. trembled D. suspected41. A. only too B. more than C. apart from D. far from42. A. operations B. experiments C. research D. business43. A. regret B. doubt C. terror D. disappointment44. A. request B. job C. trust D. assignment45. A. reaction B. thought C. meaning D. conflict46. A. accomplished B. received C. accepted D. resisted47. A. exchanges B. conditions C. trips D. experiences48. A. remote B. accessible C. interesting D. crowded49. A. still B. ever C. even D. yet50. A. do B. manage C. make D. fit51. A. astonishing B. frightening C. fascinating D. exciting52. A. comes up B. shows up C. piles up D. steps up53. A. airplane B. motorboat C. surfboard D. balloon54. A. goal B. opportunity C. struggle D. challenge55. A. work B. own C. win D. achieve完形填空二:You wouldnt think of driving your car to work in the morning on an _36_ tank of gas, yet thousands of parents send their children off to school without any breakfast.“After an overnight fast of eight to twelve hours, the brain needs _37_ ,” said Joan Carter, manager for the Childrens Nutrition research Center in Houston.The body breaks down food to produce this fuel in the form on of glucose(葡萄糖). Because glucose levels are _38_ with memory function, children can have difficulty _39 when they skip breakfast.Research shows that breaktast eaters tend to pay more attention to their _40_ in class than those who _41 eat treakfast. They tend to be more creative and better performers in school. They _42 more energy by late morning, have more strength and endurance, concentrate better, and are better at problem-solving.Chidren who are hungry can be 43 or nervous during classroom activities or can appear disinterested 44 they have a difficult task to perform.Resenrcher have also discovered that students who eat breakfast regularly tend to have better 45 overall. They 46 more vitamins and minerals. Consume less fat and cholesterol, and may even have less chance of becoming overweight than breakfast-skippers.47 breakfast, its difficult for children to get the nutrients they need throughout the day. Research shows that nutrients missed at breakfast arent 48 for at other meals.“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and theres no 49 for not cating breakfast,”Dr. Carter said. Apiece of bread and a glass of milk take little time to 50 . If you are trying to lose weight, skipping breakfast is also a big 51 . You will be tried and hungry by mid-morning. Then youll want to eat a snack that isnt healthy.Parents should set a good 52 for children. “You Cant run out of the door without eating breakfast yet 53 that your kids sit down and eat something,” Dr. Carter said.Breakfast should provide 54 1/4 to 1/3 of a childs daily needs for vitamins, minerals and calories. A nutritious breakfast also provides the sugar, starch, protein and fat they need because they are 55 growing and changing.( ) 36. A. absentB. empty C. ordinaryD. occupied( ) 37. A. foodB. rest C. fuelD. reeedom( ) 38. A. satisfiedB. packed C. associatedD. compared( ) 39. A. concentratingB. contributingC. relaxingD. behaving( ) 40. A. classmatesB. teachersC. positionsD. feelings( ) 41. A. rarelyB. roughlyC. rapidlyD. really( ) 42. A. saveB. wasteC. distributeD. display( ) 43. A. sharpB. sickC. slowD. shy( ) 44. A. untilB. whenC. althoughD. unless( ) 45. A. memoryB. healthC. figureD. strength( ) 46. A. take inB. bring inC. let inD. get in( ) 47. A. DespiteB. WithoutC. ThroughD. Beyond( ) 48. A. answeredB. compensatedC. calledD. intended( ) 49. A. needB. doubtC. excuseD. risk( ) 50. A. prepareB. eatC. digestD. choose( ) 51. A. attemptB. reasonC. dreamD. mistake( ) 52. A. exampleB. standardC. regulationD. method( ) 53. A. resistB. insistC. consistD. assist( ) 54. A. at leastB. at mostC. at lastD. at first( ) 55. A. continuouslyB. occasionallyC. finallyD. fortunately完形填空三:Big things were happening in my life the summer after I turned 13. In the middle of that summer, my parents 36 my entire world and turned it upside down 37 they told me they were getting a divorce. I couldnt believe that our family was going to 38 . Though I always knew my parents werent very happy and they often 39 , I still wanted my family to stay the same.My life changed completely 40 the divorce. My mother and I moved into a small apartment across town, 41 my father and brother, Bill, stayed in our house. I now became a 42 whenever I went to see my dad and Bill on the weekends. And immediately I had my soon-to-be stepfather, Dan, whom I showed no 43 in. I was depressed, especially after Dan and my mother married and I realized that there was no 44 that things could change back to the way they were. Even though I 45 all Dans attempts to get to know me and wasnt very 46 to him, he never gave up on me. 47 , I began to trust him. I realized that we actually had some things in 48 , especially when it came to movies and TV shows. We 49 a lot of time together hanging out watching TV. That gave us a chance to talk and get to know each other. Better still, Dan showed an interest in me that I had never experienced from my own father. Dan was always around when I needed 50 on school or friends. Once I began to warm up to Dan, the three of us began spending a lot of time together. We often went out to eat and took short trips. 51 , I discovered that I had the happy family that I had always wanted.I now realize my parents were 52 about getting the divorce. Their divorce was the best thing to happen for all of us. My father also found happinesshe 53 and had another child, my half-sister, Michelle.At 13, I learned an important 54 change is not always the worst thing that can 55 . Sometimes, it is just what we need the most.36. A. created B. shook C. entered D. occupied37. A. unless B. if C. when D. until38. A. break up B. hold up C. keep up D. show up39. A. whispered B. fought C. talked D. competed40. A. throughout B. beyondC. before D. after41. A. where B. although C. whileD. that42. A. visitor B. relative C. neighbour D. stranger43. A. confidence B. interestC. fear D. anger44. A. doubt B. difference C. point D. way 45. A. forgot B. supportedC. resistedD. valued46. A. seriousB. nice C. badD. generous47. A. Gradually B. Immediately C. Usually D. Regularly48. A. mind B. trouble C. commonD. order49. A. spent B. wasted C. lost D. saved50. A. experience B. information C. impressionD. advice51. A. However B. Besides C. EventuallyD. Occasionally52. A. wrong B. confident C. guilty D. right53. A. remarried B. returned C. changed D. left54. A. method B. truth C. skill D. word 55. A. exist B. remain C. continue D. happen完形填空四:Growing up at a distance geographical and emotional from my unfriendly father meant I always doubted his feelings for me. Until his final few days.I grew up completely lacking hugs. 36 of my parents was the cuddly (令人想拥抱的) type. Greetings involving kissing embarrassed me, and hugging generally just made me feel 37 .Then one hug 38 all that. One month before my 40th birthday my dad had a heart surgery. As he 39 , days later, he grabbed me and hugged me so 40 that I had to push with all my might(力气) to 41 my head from pressing down on his newly stitched (缝合) chest. It was a hug to 42 all those we had never had. Days later as he slowly started to gain 43 he told me for the first time ever that he 44 me, and through my tears I told him I loved him too.I began planning how to bake him better with carrot cakes, victoria sponges, jelly and ice cream. And I imagined wheeling him through the park and feeding him home-made goodies. Then he 45 . I felt cheated. All my life I had 46 whether my dad loved me I doubted it. Just as I got 47 that he did, he passed away.My parents 48 when I was two years old and, while I had monthly contact with my dad, I used to 49 the visits to see him and my bitter stepmother and count the hours until I could go home again. Each stay 50 in an uncomfortable slight and quick kiss on the cheek from Dad as he said goodbyea moment I felt embarrassed and uncomfortable about for hours in advance. 51 , standing beside the hospital bed watching my sleeping father was painful. I felt like a little girl at his bedside, 52 to talk to him yet again. I became fixated (异常依恋) with his fingersfat and soft, lying gently beside him. Slowly they transformed from fleshy sausages to stonewhite and immovable. It was his fingers that told me he had 53 from this life. 54 time moved on my sadness and anger at his untimely death began to fade. I realized that his statement of me from his deathbed had filled a gaping hole of insecurity I had constantly carried around.To a child a hug says so many things. It tells you that the person hugging you loves you, cares 55 you. A hug also confirms that you are a lovable being. 36. A. Neither B. NoneC. Each D. Both37. A. puzzledB. awkwardC. happy D. relaxed 38. A. proved B. decided C. supportedD. changed39. A. came off B. came out C. came roundD. came up40. A. hard B. hardly C. gentleD. gently41. A. avoid B. keep C. protect D. preserve42. A. make up B. make up forC. make up of D. make out43. A. force B. power C. energyD. strength44. A. missed B. hated C. lovedD. respected45. A. died B. sleptC. recoveredD. smiled 46. A. realized B. wondered C. rememberedD. forgotten47. A. information B. opinionC. ideaD. proof48. A. gave up B. stayed up C. woke up D. split up49. A. be eager for B. be afraid of C. be dying for D. be addicted to50. A. began B. remained C. ended D. started 51. A. However B. MoreoverC. Nevertheless D. Besides52. A. unhappyB. unableC. unexpectedD. unwilling53. A. left B. missed C. gone D. passed54. A. WithB. AsC. Although D. Since55. A. for B. aboutC. withD. of.完形填空As she waited at the edge of the ice for her music to start,Peggy took a quick look at her father standing nearby with a group of parents and teachers.He smiled at her.Then she looked out at the audience,1to see her mother.There two,Alvert and Doris Flemint,had driven all the way from California more than 2,000 miles away,to see their2compete in this sports meet in Cleveland,Ohio.The music3and Peggy moved onto the ice,letting the music4her along into her turns,and she began skating with much5in herself.The cold fear she always had in the6seconds before skating onto the ice was7.She was feeling the movement of the music and letting it carry her.She skated easily,8did some jumps,a final turn and her performance was finished.The crowd loved it and cheered9she skated off the ice.“Nice job,”said one of the other10.It was the remark that11came after a free skating performance.But what should the12say? Standing beside her father,Peggy waited for the scoring to be finished.On all sides were other young skaters,some waiting13alone,others with a parent.Shortly before 10 oclock the results were14.The new United States Womens Figure Skating Champion was Peggy Fleming of Pasadena,15.1.A.failingB.looking forwardC.wanting D.hoping解析:四处张望的目的就是“希望”见到她母亲。want一般没有现在分词形式;look forward to中的to是介词,后面应接名词或动名词,故B、C不能选用。答案:D2.A.friend B.childrenC.son D.daughter解析:Peggy是女孩,故为女儿。答案:D3.A.started B.playedC.developed D.sang解析:音乐响起。首句已呈现过该说法,另play在此系及物动词,形式不对。答案:A4.A.allow B.set outC.carry D.support解析:下文中有and letting it carry her这样类似用法。答案:C5.A.thought B.beliefC.success D.design解析:从其后面的状态来看,Peggy心中充满了自信。答案:B6.A.following B.lastC.recent D.past解析:表示进入溜冰场之前的最后几秒钟。该空可以根据常识和行文逻辑选定。答案:B7.A.lost B.presentC.strong D.gone解析:表示自然消失而不是人为丢失,应该用gone,而不用lost。答案:D8.A.so B.orC.before D.then解析:then表示时间上的顺承。答案:D9.A.because B.untilC.before D.as解析:as表示“当的同时”。因为表演完美,所以谢幕时人们欢呼。答案:D10.A.skaters B.parentsC.judges D.parents解析:the other后总是接同类名词,故此处选skaters。答案:A11.A.always B.seldomC.again D.hardly解析:根据常识,自由滑冰运动员退场时,观众总是会欢呼的。答案:A12.A.players B.audienceC.judges D.parents解析:选手关注的,除了观众,就是“裁判”了。答案:C13.A.comfortably B.hurriedlyC.happily D.anxiously解析:等分数时的心情应是焦急的,故用anxiously。答案:D14.A.cried out B.let outC.announced D.declared解析:结果的宣布一般用announce。而战争、罪行等重大事件的宣布则多用declare。答案:C15.A.England B.ClevelandC.Ohio D.California解析:上文中提到了父母亲从加利福尼亚开车过来,所以Peggy可能来自California。答案:D.阅读理解ABlackfooted ferrets (雪貂) used to be in big trouble. The creatures are North Americas only native ferret species.By the late 1970s, scientists thought that blackfooted ferrets had become extinct in the wild.Over the years, the number of ferrets has mirrored the number of prairie dogs (草原犬鼠) in the area. Prairie dogs make up 90 percent of what ferrets eat. Farmers have long viewed prairie dogs as pests, and used to kill them. At the same time, diseases swept through the prairie dog community and wiped out many of them.As their food supply declined, ferret populations suffered as well. In the 1970s, scientists tried to raise ferrets and introduce them into the wild after they grew up. Their efforts failed, and biologists thought that the animals had become extinct.Then, in 1981, a farmers dog discovered blackfooted ferrets near Meatiest, a town in northwest Wyoming.State wildlife managers trapped as many of the animals as they could. In total, they caught 18. Scientists from the Smithsonian Institutions National Zoological Park in Washington,D.C. then attempted to feed these survivors.The researchers eventually managed to feed seven ferrets. Over many generations, the group and its offspring (后代)have successfully produced more than 4,800 animals.Since then, biologists have introduced ferrets that were raised by people in 12 other places. At least two thirds of these populations seem to be doing well. To know for sure if the reintroductions are working, scientists will have to carefully study the animals and their progress.语篇解读:北美的黑足雪貂曾经濒临灭绝,科学家们想了许多办法使它们的数目得到增加。1.The blackfooted ferrets were once near extinction because.A.a disease swept through the ferretsB.the number of prairie dogs declinedC.most of them had been killed by huntersD.they couldnt adapt to the wild解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段和第三段第一句话可知,草原犬鼠是黑足雪貂的主要食物,草原犬鼠数量的下降直接威胁了雪貂的生存,因此答案为B。答案:B2.In the 1970s,scientists tried to .A.feed as many prairie dogs as possible for blackfooted ferrets to eatB.persuade the public to keep blackfooted ferrets in their own housesC.kill prairie dogs to keep the balance of natureD.introduce blackfooted ferrets into the wild解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句可知科学家让雪貂回到大自然中。答案:D3.We can infer from the passage that .A.the population of blackfooted ferrets will increaseB.scientists will fail to save the black footed ferretsC.more blackfooted ferrets will be caught and raised by peopleD.scientists are sure that the reintroductions are working well解析:推理判断题。文章最后一段提到研究者成功地培育出4800多头雪貂,然后把这些雪貂引到12个其他的地方,并且有三分之二的雪貂活得很好,因此可推出雪貂的数目将会增加。答案:A4.What do scientists have to do if they want to know whether the reintroductions are working?A.They have to raise more blackfooted ferrets.B.They have to ask biologists for help.C.They have to study the blackfooted ferrets and their progress.D.They have to introduce blackfooted ferrets to some more places.解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一段最后一句可知答案为C。答案:C5.What does the passage mainly talk about?A.Blackfooted ferrets are in danger of dying out.B.How to prevent blackfooted ferrets from disappearing.C.What local people have done to protect the blackfooted ferrets.D.Scientists are trying to raise the number of blackfooted ferrets.解析:主旨大意题。文章主要介绍科学家想了许多办法使雪貂的数目得到增加,故D项正确。答案:DBAlzheimers disease affects millions of people around the world. American researchers say the disease will affect more than one hundred million people worldwide by the year twenty fifty. That would be four times the current number. Researchers and doctors have been studying Alzheimers patients for a century. Yet the cause and cure for the mental sickness are still unknown. However, some researchers have made important steps towards understanding it.Several early signs of the disease involve memory and thought processes. At first, patients have trouble remembering little things. Later, they have trouble remembering more important things, such as the names of their children.There are also


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