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课 题: unit4 主备人: 韦玉梅 参备教师: 闫勤奋 使用时间: 学生姓名: 第一课时学习目标:学会本单元的单词及词汇。学习重点:重点学会表示活动的短语和词组辨析几组同义词【课前尝试】(课前完成)一、自主预习: (一)自学单词,完成下列词形变化。 1.buy(同音词)_ 2.far(反义词)_ 3.ill(名词)_ 4.early(反义词)_ 5.more(反义词)_ 6.quick(副词)_ 7.stop(现在分词)_ 8.boat(同义词)_ 9.bus(复数)_ 10.forty(序数词)_ 11.hundred(序数词)_ 12.bicycle(同义词)_ 通过预习提出问题与困惑(课前完成)预习课本内容,完成下列英汉互译。. 乘地铁 _ 2.乘公共汽车_ 3. by boat _ _ 4. depend on _ _5. 多远 _ 6. 北美洲_ 7. worry about _ 8.by train_ 9leave for _ _ 10.步行去学校_ 【课堂探究】1. “take + 限定词 + 交通工具”与“by +交通工具” 相同点:二者均可表达“乘某种交通工具”。 不同点:take为动词,因此take所构成的短语常作谓语;by为介词,因此该介词短语常作方式状语。Take短语中的交通工具名词前要有限定词(冠词、形容词性物主代词或指示代词),by短语中的交通工具名词前则不要任何限定词。试比较:My sister takes the car to go to work every day.Jim goes to school by bike every day.此外:take the bus/train/subway to school=go to school by bus/train/subway ride my bike to school = go to school by bike/ on my bike walk to school = go to school on foot2.hundred,thousand(千),million(百万)前有数词或表示数目的单词时,只能用单数;表示概数时,需要加-s,并与of连用。Hundreds of“成百上千的”,thousands of“成千上万的”,millions of“数以百万计的”。Two hundred people come here.Hundreds of people take part in the sports meeting.课后检测(课堂完成)1根据句意,完成句子. 1)September is the n_ month of the year. 2) He takes the s_ bus to get to school every day. 3) The bus ride usually takes about 30 m_ . 4) Li Leis home is near the school.He usually w_ to school. 5) Dont w_ ,I think I can help you. 6) Beijing is in the n_ of China.2.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1)How long does it take you _ (walk) from home to school? 2) John _ (ride) his bike to the bus station every day. 3) In Japan,the three most popular ways of _ (get)to school are bus, train and bike. 4)What _ you _ (do)for vacation? 5)There are many _ (different)between the two big cities. 6)Why are you looking _ (worry)? 7)July is the _ (hot) month of a year. 8)Look! The girls _ (play)games there!四、拓展延伸:1.表示方位的名词: 2. 表示方位的形容词: east eastern south southern west western north northern southeast southwest northeast northwest 【作业设计】A(必做):1. 背诵“合作与探究”和“拓展延伸”中的内容,并能熟练的应用。 2. 熟记本节课所学词汇。 B(选做): 同步练习第一题课 题: unit4 主备人: 韦玉梅 参备教师: 闫勤奋 使用时间: 学生姓名: 第二课时学习目标:1引导学生通过本课的语言素材看图说话、句型操练、实际描述,对话表演使学生学会用英语。2通过听、说训练,使学生获得英语基础知识,激发学生的学习兴趣学习重点:以how引导的特殊疑问句的问答 How do you get to school ? How does he / she get to school? I take the bus . He/She takes the train.【课前尝试】(课前完成)自主预习:英汉互译.1) 到达学校_ 2)乘公共汽车_ 3)步行到学校_ 4)乘火车_ _5)骑我的自行车 _ _ 6)一百五十 _ _7)三十分钟 _ _ 8)多久_ _ 通过预习提出问题与困惑(课前完成)1.Convercation: A:How do you get to school? B:I ride my bike. A:How does Bob get to school? B:He takes the train.2.Pairwork3.听力训练SectionA:1b,2a,2c4.探究“询问怎样去某地”问句:How does/do +主语 + go(get)to + 地点?答语:主语+ride the bike 主语+take the bus,subway,trainto 主语+walk to 主语+go (get)to +地点 + by +交通工具/on foot.【课堂探究】 .探究“询问怎样去某地”问句:How does/do +主语 + go(get)to + 地点?答语:主语+ride the bike 主语+take the bus,subway,trainto 主语+walk to 主语+go (get)to +地点 + by +交通工具/on foot.课后检测(课堂完成)训练巩固:(一)单项填空:( )1. I usually go to school _ bike,but sometimes I go to school _ foot. A. with;on B. on;by C. on;with D. by;on( )2. -How long does it _ you to go to the post office,Jack?-About half an hour.A.take B.spend C. cost D. pay( )3. Tom often _ to school.A. take a bike B. takes a bus C. by train D. walk( )4. Most students ride _ bikes to school. A.they B.their C.theirs D. them( )5.Jeff goes to work _ and his wife goes to work_. A. by car;on her bike B. by a car; on her bike C. by cars;on bikes D. by his car;on bike (二)补全对话:A: Hi,Mary.Are you going to come _ us this afternoon? B:_ are you going ? A: Uncle Wangs house.B: Really? But its far _ here . _ do we get there?A: We can get there _ bus .B: Good idea. Which bus shall we _ ?A: Bus No.35.B: Oh,how _ does it take?A: About 20 minutes.B: are we going to meet?A:At 11:30.B:And_ ?A:Outside our school gate.四、拓展延伸:一些搭乘公共汽车的常用语: 1.When will the next bus come? 下一班公共汽车什么时候到? 2.How many stops to the airport? 到机场有几站? 3.Where is the bus stop of No.13? 13路公共汽车站在哪儿? 4.Whats the fare? 车票多少钱? 5.Youll have to get off at the bank and take 539. 你到银行那站下,改乘539路。【作业设计】A(必做):完成 同步练习第1、2题B(选做):背诵补全对话 课 题: unit4 主备人: 韦玉梅 参备教师: 闫勤奋 使用时间: 学生姓名: 第三课时学习目标:1掌握以how、how far、how long引导的特殊疑问句及其回答。2学会“It takes sb. Some time to do sth.”句型特点学习重点:以how、how far、how long引导的特殊疑问句多种搭乘交通工具的表达方式【课前尝试】(课前完成)自主预习:英汉互译.1)leave for _ _ 2)ride his bicycle _ 3)taketo _ 4)from his home to school_ 5)What do you think of?_ 6)大约10公里 _ 7)那要花费25分钟_ 8) 八英里 _ 9)火车站 _ _ 10)地铁站 _ 通过预习提出问题与困惑(课前完成)1.听力训练:听录音,完成SectionB2a、2b2.阅读训练:阅读SectionA3a,并解答短文以上的三个问题【课堂探究】 1)have a quick breakfast意为:快速吃早餐 2) 辨析:about与almost 、nearly 三者都可以表示“大约、差不多”,其后都可接数量词,但意思有差异。 当about后接数量时,既可表示“接近”该数量,也可表示“超过”该数量;而almost 与nearly后接数量却只能表示“接近”该数量,而不可表示“超过”该数量;eg:It is about eight oclock. 8点左右。 It is almost eight oclock. 快要8点了。(还不到8点) It is nearly eight oclock. 快到8点了。(还不到8点) 3)辨析:how long与how far how long“多长”,用来询问时间,指时间上的长短。 How far “多远”用来询问距离,指路程的远近。 4)It takes sb. Some time to do sth.是固定句型,意为“做某事花费某人多长时间”。其同义句型为:sb. spends some time (in) doing sth.eg:It takes me two hours to finish my homework every evening. I spend two hours finishing my homework every evening.课后检测(课堂完成)(一) 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1He often (ride ) to school,but sometimes he (walk) to school. 2.My mother always ( go ) to work by bus 3. Tom never ( take) the train to school . 4.Yesterday I ( walk) to school . 5.How ( do ) your sister get to school ? (二)句型转换 1.It took him twenty minutes to walk to school.(划线提问) take him to walk to school? 2.They takes buses to go to work. (划线提问) they go to work? 3.The early bus takes him to school. (改为同义句) the early bus to school. 4.They are going to the farm by bus. (改为同义句)They are the to the farm. 5.Lin feis home is about 10 kilometers from school. (划线提问) is Lin feis home from school.?6Jane rides to work on M ondays. (改为同义句)Jane goes to work on Mondays . Jane goes to work on Mondays. 四、拓展延伸:辨析:leave 、leave for与 leavefor 1. leave+地点,表示离开某地。The train leaves Beijing at 10:00 am.2.leave for + 地点,表示“去某地”或“前往某地”。Theyre leaving for Paris on Sunday. 他们打算星期天去巴黎。3. leave + 地点+ for + 地点,表示离开一地去另一地 The plane leave Beijing for Hong Kong. 飞机离开北京去香港。【作业设计】A(必做):完成 同步练习选择填空、句型转换。B(选做):完成 同步练习用所给词的适当形式填空。课 题: unit4 主备人: 韦玉梅 参备教师: 闫勤奋 使用时间: 学生姓名: 第四课时学习目标:通过听、说、读、写的训练,使学生获得英语基础知识和为交际初步运用英语的能力,激发学生的学习兴趣。学习重点:理解短文内容。掌握短文中的知识点【课前尝试】(课前完成)1.英汉互译.1)全世界 _ 2)在北美洲 3)在校车上 _ 4)在世界的其他地区_ 5)乘船去上学_ 6)戴着眼镜的流行歌手 _ 7)be different from_ 8)a lot more fun 9)the most popular means of transportation _ 通过预习提出问题与困惑(课前完成)1.阅读训练:阅读SectionB3a Write“T ”or “F”。2.阅读训练:阅读SectionB 3b根据表格填空。【课堂探究】 1)on the school bus 意为:乘坐校车。 2)depend on 意为:依而定,取决于,on可换成upon。此外,depend on(upon) 后接名词,也可以用to do或ones doing 表示:依靠,依赖,指望(做)。eg: You cant depend on your parents forever. You cant depend on him to come on time. You cant depend on his coming on time.3)must 在本句中意为“一定是”,与be 动词连用表示十分肯定的推测。在表示推测、判断时,用may be,意为“也许是,或许是,可能是”,但若要表示否定判断,用cant be。 That man must be a teacher. He cant be a doctor, because there is a book and a ruler in his hand.课后检测(课堂完成)(一)根据汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词。 1. 从学校到汽车站不是很远。 It isnt _ _ the school to the bus stop. 2. 坐火车去北京需用多长时间? How long _ it _ by train to Beijing? 3. 你每天怎样去学校? _ _ you get to school every day? 4. 萨姆什么时候离开家去上学? When _ Sam _ home for school? 5. 我们学校校车停在汽车站。 Our school bus stops at _ _(二)按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。1. The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes. (改为一般疑问句)_the bus ride usually _about 25 minutes?2. Jack has to go to the doctor. ( 对划线部分提问)_does Jack _to_?3. Li Lei is ten years old. Lin Tao is twelve years old. (合并为一句)Li Lei is_ _Lin Tao.4. Our bikes are not the same as theirs. (改为同义句)Our bikes are_ _theirs.四、拓展延伸:a number of 与 the number ofa number of 相当于many , a lot of , number前可以加修饰词large, small表示“大多的或一小部分的”。A large number of tourists come to Mountain Tai every year.the number of 意为“的数目”,这个结构相当于一个名词,number为中心词;当这一结构在句中作主语时,谓语要用单数形式。The number of the students in our school is 2000.【作业设计】A(必做):完成 同步练习完形填空、阅读理解。B(选做):选你的一位朋友,写一篇英文作文把他/她介绍给同班同学。自我学习评价等级为:A ( )B ( ) C ( ) D ( )组长检查评价等级为:A ( )B ( ) C ( ) D ( )老师验收评价等级为:A ( )B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) 课 题: unit4 主备人: 韦玉梅 参备教师: 闫勤奋 使用时间: 学生姓名: 第五课时学习目标:综合练习练习过程:一、单项选择 ( )1. He likes_, and he likes_ a lot. A. swimming, it B. swimming, them C. swim, it D. swimming, its ( )2. I know_and _brother. A. him, his B. his, her C. he. his D. his, him ( )3. Where_ the twins from? A. is B. do C. are D. does ( ) 4. We go to school _ weekdays, but we stay at home_ Saturdays and Sundays. A. in,at B. on, on C. in,on D. in, in( ) 5. Mr Baker goes to work _his bike. A. on B. in C. with D. by ( )6. We often go to school _every day. A. on bike B. by a bike C. in a bike D. by bike ( )7 . It takes ten minutes_ _there by bus. A. to go B. go to C. to go to D. go( ) 8. I have_ _to tell you. A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything ( )9. He finished _the book. A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads ( )10. -Whats the matter ,Judy? -_. A. I have a sore throat B. Im twelve C. Im reading D. I go to school at 7 ( )11. They _ a village in the evening and lived there. A. arrived in B. arrived at C. left for D. got ( )12. _ is it from your home to school? A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How soon ( )13. He gets up early and _ breakfast. A. have a quick B. has quick a C. has a quick D. have quick ( )14. The last train is left, so I _ stay here until tomorrow. A. must B. have to C. stop D. live ( )15. Listen, a small number of students _ in the classroom. A. talk B. talks C. is talking D. are talking ( )16. _ she is ill, _ she goes to school. A. Although; / B. Although; but C. But; although D. Because; / ( )17. The No. 6 Middle chool is not far _ his home. A. to B. from C. with D. at ( )18. -Do you usually go to work by train? -_. A. Yes, I does B. Yes, I dont C. No, I dont D. No, I does ( )19. -How long does it take? -It takes _. A. half an hour B. a hour C. two hour D. half a hour ( )20. _it take you to walk from your home to your office? A. How long is B. How long does C. How far is D. How far does二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1 .We should_ ( go) to school now. 2Can his father _ (read) Chinese? 3. Let her _(have) a look. 4. I want _ (help) Li Lei. 5.My parents take _ ( I) to the zoo. 6. I like_ (play) games with my classmates. 7. Listen! The birds _ ( sing) in the tree. 8. My mother often _ ( get) up at six in the morning. 9. He plans to have a very _ ( relax) vacation. 10. Show me your _ (photo) when we get back to school. 三、补全对话,其中有两项多余 A: Where do you live? B: 1 A: 2 B: It is 10 miles. A: How do you usually go to school? B: 3 A : How long does it take? B : 15 minutes by bus and about 40 minutes by bike. 4 A: I dont know. But it is near from my home to school. B : Do you usually go to school on a bike? A: No. 5 请选择以下答案补充以上对话A. How far is it from your home to school? B. I ride a bike. C. By bus, but sometimes I ride bike to school. D. I live far from school. E. I often go to school by bus. F. I usually walk to school. G. How far is it? 四、完形填空 Today Mr and Mrs Black go shopping by car. They stop their car near a 1 . They buy many things from the shop and the things are very 2 . They want to put the things 3 . But Mr Black cant 4 the door of the car. Lets ask a policeman for 5 , says Mrs Black. The policeman is very 6 to help them open the door of the car. At that time a 7 comes up and shouts, What are you doing with 8 ? Mr and Mrs Black look at the 9 of the car. Then they say 10 to the man. ( )1. A. school B. shop C. police station D. post office ( )2. A. light B. nice C. heavy D. awful ( )3. A. in their car B. in the shop C. on their car D. near the shop( )4. A. close B. find C. open D. look( )5. A.help B. a car C. the way D. work( )6. A. friendly B. early C. late D. sorry( )7. A. man B. friend C.student D. teacher( )8. A.my bike B. my car C. my bag D. my door( )9. A. door B. number C. window D. light( )10. A. hello B. please C. sorry D. thank 五、阅读理解: 先阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后在A B C D四个答案中选出最佳答案 ( 共5小题 每题2分,满分10分)Leopards ( 豹 ) live in many parts of the world , from Siberia to Africa .They have a very beautiful yellow skin with large black spots. They live for about 15 years and eat small mammals (哺乳动物) such as zebras, monkeys, and antelopes ( 羚羊) .They sleep for about 12 hours a day . Leopards are very solitary(独居的)animals. They spend most of their time alone in trees , where they wait until a small animal passes . They jump on the animal and then drag it up into the tree, where they eat it.Like many animals ,leopards are disappearing because people hunt them. They kill them for their beautiful coats. The Sinai leopard , for example , from Egypt, is now probably extinct ( 绝种的)( ) 1. How old is a leopard ?A . Fifty weeks B. Fifteen months C. Twelve days D. Fifteen years ( ) 2. Leopards live .A . live in family groups B . live aloneC . live together D . live with other animals ( ) 3. Leopards spend much time in tree because they want to A . sleep B. jump C . wait and catch small mammals D . rest ( ) 4. Which is not true ? A . Leopards have beautiful fur B. Leopards eat animals and plants C . Leopards sleep 12 hours a day D. The Sinai leopard probably extinct ( ) 5. Why do people hunt leopards ? Because . A. they kill them for their meat B. they attack people all the time C. they are dangerous D. they kill them for their coats 六、书面表达 根据汉语提示写一篇不少于50字的英语短文: 1.他是一位英语老师。 2.会说一些汉语。 3.工作努力(work hard) ,学生们喜欢上他的课.4.有两个孩子,都是中学生。 5.家离学校大约8公里,每天开车去上班。_ _ _ _ _ _ _


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