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上海虹桥铁路客站概念设计方案征集Schemes Soliciting of Conception Design for Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station=传真文件Facsimile Transmission日期Date:2005年8月12日 12th August 2005致To:传真Fax:电话Tel:自From:铁道部工程设计鉴定中心Engineering Design Appraisal Center of the Ministry of Railways传 真:86-10-51890749电 话:86-10-51892323,86-10-51841933关于Re:上海虹桥铁路客站概念设计方案征集项目情况介绍会质疑/澄清及第一次质疑/澄清Queries and Clarification at the Project Presentation Meeting and the First Queries and Clarification onSchemes Soliciting of Conception Design for Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station页数Pages:1+10上海虹桥铁路客站概念设计项目情况介绍会质疑/澄清及第一次质疑/澄清Queries and Clarification at the Project Presentation Meeting and the First Queries and Clarification on Schemes Soliciting of Conception Design for Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station问题1七莘路及中春路路线可否改动?答:七莘路及中春路路线的走向不能变,具体的位置可以调整。Question 1: Can the route alignment of Qishen Road and Zhongchun Road be changed?Answer 1: The route alignment of Qishen Road and Zhongchun Road cannot be changed but the exact position can be adjusted.问题2在设计任务书的附件5中,要求在虹桥枢纽站的设计中考虑轨道交通(2、10、13号线)与本站的连接及预留。但现在对三条轨道交通线的客流量、车站规模、车站形式(高架、地面、地下)、具体站位等条件都不太明确,希望能予以进一步明确。答:虹桥枢纽的轨道交通(2、10、13号线)仍在规划阶段,2、10、13号线其客流量、车站规模、具体站位请应征人分析确定。Question 2: Appendix 5 of theDesign Assignmentrequires that in the design of Hongqiao Hub Station, the linking of Rail Communication (Lines No. 2, No.10 and No.13) with the station and reserve for the above lines will be considered. Since the conditions concerning the passenger flow, the scale of stations, the form of stations (elevated, ground or underground) and the exact locations of stations of the three rail communication are not explicit. It is our hope that these can be made further explicitly.Answer 2: Rail communication (Lines No. 2, No.10 and No.13) of Hongqiao Hub Station are now still in the stage of planning, stations of Lines No. 2, No.10 and No.13 are all underground stations, the passenger flow, the scale of stations and the exact locations of stations will be analyzed and defined by the person solicited. 问题3上海市规划部门提出“应预留机场快线”,请说明机场快线的形式、引入方向,设站的规模及其航站楼的规划占地面积为多少?答:根据上海市城市规划部门要求,本次答疑对虹桥枢纽总体规划增加新建机场快线的内容。机场快线为连接虹桥枢纽及浦东国际机场的交通线路,规划在虹桥机场新建城市航站楼下部修建机场快线车站,车站宽约140米、长度约280米。详见附图(从网址http:/www.crecc.com.cn获取)。Question 3: The municipal planning department of Shanghai put forward that “airport fast road line should be reserved”, please explain the form, leading in direction, scale of station to be established, and the area to be occupied by the aviation building of the airport fast road line. Answer 3: According to the requirement of the urban planning department of Shanghai, this queries and clarification will be added with the content of airport fast road line of Hongqiao Hug general plan. Airport fast road line is the communication road for connecting Hongqiao Hub and Pudong International Airport. It is planned to construct airport fast road line station underneath the newly built urban aviation building of Hongqiao International Airport. The station is about 140m in width and 280m in length. See the details in the attached diagram (to be obtained at the website of http:/www.crecc.com.cn). 问题4是否有分期建设的设想?答:虹桥铁路客站按一次建成设计。Question 4: Is there any idea of construction in phases?Answer 4: Hongqiao Passenger Railway Station will be designed for completion at once.问题5设计任务书附件4中的停车场设置是否有数量上的划分(各个广场之间如何分配)?答:请各应征人根据旅客发送量及各个广场各种交通工具所承担的比例分析确定。Question 5: Is there any specifying of quantity for the establishment of parking lots in Appendix 4? (How will the parking lots be allocated in various squares?)Answer 5: Person solicited will make analysis and define according to the volume of passengers dispatched and the proportion of passenger volume undertaken by various forms of transportation means.问题6地块内有比较大的河道通过?是否作改道规划?答:设计范围内无大的河道通过,设计不考虑河道的规划和改建。Question 6: Is there any bigger river channel passing in the station area plot?Answer 6: There is no big river channel passing in the scope of design.问题7车站限高要求是多少?答:车站限高满足虹桥机场的净空要求。Question 7: What is the height of clearance limit of the station?Answer 7: The height of clearance limit of the station will meet the clearance requirement of Hongqiao Airport.问题8方案文本是否有页数限制?答:方案文本没有页数限制。Question 8: Is there any limit on the number of pages for the booklet of scheme?Answer 8: There is no limit on the number of pages for the booklet of scheme.问题9附件2的列车对数和人流量是指高峰日流量还是高峰小时流量?答:附件2的客车对数为日对数,旅客发送量为年发送量。Question 9: Do the passenger train pairs and passenger flow volume in Appendix 2 are meant for peak time daily passenger flow or peak time hour passenger flow?Answer 9: In Appendix 2, passenger trains pairs are meant for daily pairs, the dispatched volume of passengers are meant for annual dispatched volume.问题10请问闵行区的总体规划包括了新车站与新机场?答:闵行区的总体规划正在修编,新的总体规划将包括新车站与新机场。Question 10: May I ask: does the general plan of Minhang District include the new station and the new airport?Answer 10: The general plan of Minhang District in under revision, the new general plan includes the new station and the new airport.问题11附件2第2部份中的列表,发现路轨栏以下的火车站、机场及车站的总和,不等于路轨栏的总数。请解释列表是怎样制作的?48万/日流量是指什么时候,是2020或2030峰值吗?答:考虑三种交通工具方式之间转乘15,各分栏之和乘以85等于总数。48万/日流量是指2020年的日流量。Question 11 In the table of part two for Appendix 2 , it is found that the total of railway station, airport and bus in the column of rail doses not equal to the total of the column of rail. What does 48 hundred thousand people, time/day mean? Is it the peak value of 2020 or 2030?Answer 11: Considering the change over among three types of communication modes (15%), the total of each sub column multiple by 85% will be equal to the total. passenger conveyance. 48 hundred thousand person, time/day is meant for the daily passenger flow of 2020.问题12长途汽车客运站是否在本次规划设计范围内?答:长途汽车客运站在本次规划设计范围内。Question 12: Are the long distance bus passenger stations in the scope of this design?Answer 12: Yes, the long distance bus passenger stations are in the scope of this design.问题13按规划部门介绍,是否仅在虹桥站东侧设公交车站?西侧是否不设?答:详见征集文件附件4。Question13: According to the introduction of the planning department, whether the mass transit stations are established only on the east side of Hongqiao Station? Whether not established on the west side?Answer 13: See the details in Appendix 4 ofSoliciting Documents.问题14普速部分行包量的问题如何确定,还是同以往一样暂不考虑?答:暂不考虑行包量。Question 14: How shall we define the volume of luggage and parcels for ordinary speed trains? Whether we shall not consider it for the time being as usual?Answer 14: It shall not be considered for the time being as usual.问题15虹桥机场的扩建候机楼今后是否将作为虹桥机场的主要出入口使用?能否提供扩建候机楼方案资料?答: 虹桥机场的扩建候机楼今后将作为虹桥机场的主要出入口之一。扩建候机楼方案还在设计中,无法提供其方案资料。Question 15: Will the expanded airport lounge building of Hongqiao Airport be used as one of the main entrances and exits of the airport in the future? Whether the data of airport lounge building expanding scheme can be provided?Answer 15: The expanded airport lounge building of Hongqiao Airport will be used as one of the main entrances and exits of the airport in the future. The expanding scheme of the airport lounge building is under design so the scheme data can not be provided.问题16地铁2号和10号线的站点是不是包含在设计内容中?答:地铁2号和10号线在虹桥站的站点包含在本设计内容中。Question 16 Are the stations of subway Line No.2 and Line No.10 included in the content of this design?Answer 16: The stations of subway Line No.2 and Line No.10 in Hongqiao Station are included in the content of this design问题17高速铁路这里有些列车经过车站,列车以什么速度经过车站?如果列车以速度经过,应该全部站台设计均符合高速经过列车的飞行动力学要求,或只是提供一个站台于这些高速列车经过?是否全部高速,城际及地方轨道线的轨道都需有盖?如否,那么最短的长度是多少以及那一种轨道线需包括在内?答:虹桥车站高速,城际及普速列车均考虑少部分列车通过,主要是利用正线通过,靠近站台要考虑办理该项作业。站台上均要有雨棚覆盖。Question 17:High speed railway(1) There are some trains passing through the station, what speed will be for the trains to pass through the station?(2) If trains passing through the station with a speed, should the design of all platforms meet the requirement of flight dynamics of trains with high passing through speed or just provide one platform for the trains with high passing through speed.(3) Should all the tracks of high speed railway, intercity railway and local railway be protected by weather shed? If so, what is the shortest length? What type of track should be included?Answer 17: It is considered that Hongqiao Station will have few passing through trains of high speed railway, intercity railway and ordinary speed railway. They will pass through the mainline tracks; the concerned platform will conduct this operation. The platform should have the protection of weather shed.问题18根据附件4,提及预计长途汽车可送运25000人。这是代表单程客流量还是双程客流量?答:代表单程客流量。Question18: It is mentioned in Appendix 4 that the long distance buses will convey 25000 persons, whether it is meant for the passenger flow of single journey or for round trips.Answer 18: It is meant for single journey.问题19根据附件4,提及预计公共汽车会有不少于30条公共汽车路线。东部及西部车站分别提供30条公共汽车路线?或是,东部及西部车站提供总数30条公共汽车路线?答:铁路客站东、西广场共设总数不低于30条的公共汽车路线。Question 19: It is mentioned in Appendix 4 that not less than 30 routes of buses available at the station, whether there will be 30 routes of buses on the east and west respectively or the total of 30 routes of buses will be provided on the east and west altogether? Answer 19: There will be not less than 30 routes of buses in total provided on the east and west squares of the passenger station.问题20在车场布置上“车站设高速、综合二个车场”是否为限定条件,车场设置能否进行变化?答:车场设置采用设二个车场方案为标书推荐方案,各应征人可根据列车开行数量、车站作业以及两端引线研究其它车场布置方案,调整方案应说明理由。Question 20: For the arrangement of rolling-stocks yards, “the station will be established with two rolling-stocks yards of high speed and comprehensive” Is it the limited condition? Can the arrangement of yard be changed?Answer 20: The adoption of two rolling-stocks yards arrangement is the proposed scheme of the tender documents. Each person solicited can make adjustment on the scheme according to the number of trains operated, station operations and leading in lines on both ends and study on the layout schemes of other rolling-stocks yards then reason should be given for the adjustment.问题21虹桥客站是否要考虑综合调度中心设备和用房?若考虑,是否是京沪、沪宁城际、沪杭客运专线、沪杭城际等线路的综合调度中心,请明确。答:综合调度中心设备用房属车站辅助生产用房,可纳入车站建筑,也可在设计范围内合理规划。应考虑是京沪、沪宁城际、沪杭客运专线、沪杭城际等线路的综合调度中心。Question 21: Should comprehensive control center equipment and houses be considered in Hongqiao Passenger Station? If so, is it the comprehensive control center of Beijing Shanghai, Shanghai Nanjing Intercity, Shanghai Hangzhou Special Passenger Line, Shanghai Hangzhou Intercity lines and other lines? Please make it explicitly. Answer 21: The equipment houses of comprehensive control center belong to auxiliary production houses which can be brought into the station buildings and can also be rationally planned in the scope of design. It should be considered the comprehensive control center of Beijing Shanghai, Shanghai Nanjing Intercity, Shanghai Hangzhou Special Passenger Line, Shanghai Hangzhou Intercity lines and other lines. 问题22迎宾一路向西延伸至新建机场候机楼,采用地道形式穿过机场区域。(设计任务书附件421P)迎宾一路的用途功能与规模?(迎宾一路管理货车吗?路线有几条?)规划的迎宾一路有无与新设航站楼及虹桥铁路客站的节点处理方式?(比如出租车通过迎宾一路到机场或虹桥站时直接到出发站台?还是下车再走进去航站楼或车站?)铁路站场下地下联络通道是否就是迎宾一路或其延伸?答:迎宾一路是虹桥铁路客站、新建机场候机楼与既有候机楼连接的一个地下通道,规模待定。节点处理由应征人确定。铁路站场下地下联络通道是迎宾一路的延伸。Question 22: Yingbin 1 Road extends westwards to airport lounge building, tunnel form is adopted for crossing over the airport area. (Page 21 of Appendix 4 for Design Assignment).(1) What are the usage function and scope of Yingbin 1 Road? Does Yingbin I Road control goods vehicles? How many routes are there?(2) Does the planned Yingbin 1 Road have any nodal point treatment pattern with the newly built aviation building of the airport and Hongqiao Passenger Railway Station? ( Such as can taxi directly reach the aviation building of the airport or the platform of Hongqiao Station by passing through Yingbin 1 Road or will people descend the taxi and walk to the aviation building or the railway station)Answer 22: Yingbin 1 Road is an underground passage for connecting Hongqiao Railway Station and the newly built airport lounge building with the existing airport lounge building. The scope is to be decided. The nodal point treatment will be defined by the person solicited. The undergoing liaison passage under the railway station yard is the extension of Yingbin 1 Road. 问题23虹桥站是否需要货运站?货物处理量是多少?如办理就在高速铁路还是一般铁路?答:虹桥铁路客站不办理货运。Question 23: Does Hongqiao Station need freight station? What is the volume of freight to be handled? If there is freight operation then was it on high speed railway or on ordinary railway? Answer 23: Hongqiao Passenger Railway Station does not conduct freight operation.问题24征集文件上提到的快速路、高速公路、主干道、次干道、地下通道等计划是否确定不可变的吗?如可修改就请提供我们其允许范围。可以修改部分主次干路吗?答:可以提修改意见,对规划的道路的走向不得改变,但具体的位置可适当调整。Question 24 Is it definitely that the plans for fast road, express way, trunk road, sub trunk road, underground passage etc. mentioned in Soliciting Documentscan not be changed? If they can be changed, then indicate us the allowed scope. Can part of the sub trunk roads be modified? Answer 24: Proposals of modification can be put forward; the route alignment of planned roads can not be altered, but the specific allocation can be properly adjusted.问题25道路交叉口的位置及形式可以修改吗?(想要修改交叉形式。)答:属设计范围内的道路交叉口的位置及形式可以修改。Question 25: Can the location and mode of roads crossing be modified? (Intending to alter the mode of intersection.) Answer 25: The location and mode of road crossing belong the scope of design can be modified.问题26反映道路规模的干道等级及红线宽度表(设计任务书附件4, 21P)中括号里的数字涵义?答:括号里的数字表示道路两侧的绿化宽度。Question 26: What is the meaning of figures in the brackets of trunk road grade and property line tables (page 21 of Appendix 4 of Design Assignment) for reflecting the scope of roads? Answer 26: The figures in brackets indicate the width of afforest zones on the two sides of road.问题27可否给出征集文件中涉及的中长期铁路网规划?答:见征集文件中有关内容。Question 27: Can the medium and long term plan of railway network involved in the Soliciting Documentsbe provided? Answer 27: See the content concerned inSoliciting Documents.问题28可否给出征集文件中涉及的虹桥综合交通枢纽规划?答:见征集文件中有关内容。Question 28: Can the Hongqiao comprehensive communication hub plan involved inSoliciting Documentsbe provided? Answer 28: See the content concerned inSoliciting Documents.问题29可否给出征集文件中涉及的上海航空枢纽战略规划?答:见征集文件中有关内容。Question 29: Can the strategic plan of Shanghai aviation hub involved inSoliciting Documentsbe provided? Answer 29: See the content concerned inSoliciting Documents.问题30可否给出征集文件中涉及的浦东机场的城市航站楼?答:见征集文件中有关内容。Question 30: Can the urban aviation building of Pudong Airport involved in Soliciting Documentsbe provided? Answer 30: See the content concerned inSoliciting Documents.问题31可否给出征集文件中涉及的虹桥综合交通枢纽的现状情况,诸如人口、道路、建筑密度、水体/水利,污水系统、雨水系统、城市通信系统、文物保护、水电煤气等等? 答:不提供。Question 31: Can the present situation of Hongqiao comprehensive communication hub such as population roads, construction density, water body/water conservancy, sewage system, rain water system, urban communications system, cultural relic protection, water, electricity and gas supply involved inSoliciting Documents? Answer 31: No, not be provided.


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