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新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 7 Would you mind keeping your voice down?(Reading Section1-Section3)成都市龙泉驿区第九中学校 周小微Good morning, my dear judges. Im Zhou Xiaowei, from Longquan NO.9 Junior High School. Its my pleasure to give my lesson presentation here today. My teaching material is the reading part in Unit 7, Book 2 Go For It. The title is “Would you mind keeping your voice down?” I will present my lesson plan in the following parts.Part One: Analysis of the teaching material (教材分析)As a fresh teacher, its important for me to analyze the teaching material first. In this unit, I will try my best to help my students learn how to make requests and apologize politely. The topic is very interesting and practical in real life. My students have learnt some ways of giving suggestions (You should do sth. What about doing sth? Could you please do sth?). Its helpful for them to learn this unit. This is the last part of the unit, the reading strategy in this lesson is to help my students find out the topic sentences. Ill help my students get some information to enlarge their knowledge and develop their reading skills by doing that. In this article, the writer talks about etiquette in different countries and situations. Some impolite manners are listed and the writer also gives some examples of giving polite suggestions. So it is very necessary for my students to learn some etiquette and learn to behave well in their daily life. Part Two: Analysis of my students(学情分析)My students have learned the sentence pattern “Could you please do sth?”. So it is not very difficult for them to understand the meaning of “Would you mind doing sth?” As civilized students, they have some conceptions of etiquette which is the same between countries. Also they take a great interest in getting to know the differences of manners between China and English-speaking countries. But most students in my class are from countryside, their English are of different levels, so in this class, I will use different kinds of activities to arouse their interests of English learning to improve their reading skills and help them to build up their self-confidence. Part Three: Teaching aims(教学目标)According to my understanding of the reading material in this unit and my students, I set the teaching aims as following:1. Knowledge aims1) Be able to use the following new words and expressions to make sentences at the end of this class: voice, term, Asian, Europe, impolite, allow, public, cough, break, careful, smoke, drop, litter, pick.up, behave.2) Be able to use the following sentence patterns to make requests politely and accurately after class. Could you please (not) do sth.?Would you mind (not) doing sth.? 2. Ability aims1) Be able to get the general idea of the article by finding topic sentences and get the right summary of each paragraph by using some reading strategies such as skimming and scanning skills.2) Be able to communicate and cooperate freely with target sentence patters. 3. Moral aimsBe able to understand how to respect others and try to behave well in proper places and in proper ways after this lesson .Part Four: Teaching key point and difficult point(教学重点与难点)According to the teaching aims and demands, I think the key point in this lesson is to develop my students ability of finding topic sentences. The difficult point is to learn different etiquette in different culture.Part Five: Teaching aids(教学辅助) I need some small blackboards, chalk and multimedia to help me in this class.Part Six: Teaching methods and learning methods(教学方法和学习方法)Next I am going to talk about the teaching methods and learning methods. As we all know, the main aim of reading teaching is to cultivate students abilities of English learning and the abilities of analyzing and solving problems. So I will use Communicative teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method to develop the students problem-solving abilities. In different activities, ask students to take part in class actively and develop their cooperation in pair work, group work and other extending activities. It is real learning by doing.Part Seven: Teaching procedures(教学流程)Then lets come to the most important part: the teaching procedure. It includes three stages. 教学步骤时间教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设 计 意 图(障碍及对策)Stage 1BeforereadingStep 1 Greetingand checking homework 2分钟1.用课件展示预习检测答案。2.全班巡视,观察,对于学生错得较多的短语在课件上用红色字体显示出来。(For example, keep your voice down)1.学生以六人小组为单位,检查核对学案上的预习作业,并将答案展示在指定的小黑板上。2.小组成员间相互朗读单词短语并纠正读音。 (见学案自主学习A)通过预习检测,让学生初步熟悉阅读文章中的重点单词和短语,为接下来的学习打下基础。(障碍及对策:学生可能会出现单词发音不准确,因此我在课件上用蓝色字体标示出个别较难单词的音标,并通过小组合作学习降低难度。)Step 2Warming-up6分钟1.用课件展示阅读文章的图片,让学生仔细观察图片回答问题并展示出相应答案:Where are they? What are they doing? If you see someone doing this ,what should you say?2.一边展示图片,一边将图片中出现的重点单词短语板书在黑板的左边,教读并讲解。1.学生仔细观察图片回答两个问题,并学习重点单词和短语:drop litter, speak loudly ,smoke, spit, in public.通过图片的导入,既能培养学生的观察能力,又能帮助呈现本节课的重点单词和短语。3.全班巡视,观察,倾听,给予必要的帮助。抽四组同学展示对话,并对表现好的小组予以加分。2.学生根据第三个问题If you see someone doing this ,what should you say?两人一组编对话。通过运用提建议的句型,锻炼学生的口头表达能力。(障碍及对策:用课件展示对话范文并归纳所学表建议句型以帮助学生降低难度。)4.用课件展示选择题并给出答案。3.根据图片和标题猜测阅读文章的大致内容,完成学案上的练习题。(见学案自主学习B)通过图片和标题,培养学生预测文章大意的能力。Stage 2Whilereading18分钟Step 1Task One:Skimming(跳读) 1.首先,以文章的第一自然段为例,告诉学生如何通过跳读找出第一自然段的主题句(If you spend some time in an English-speaking country, you might hear the term“ etiquette”.) 2.和学生一起通过跳读第二自然段并找出第二自然段的主题句。用课件展示答案。3.在学生通过跳读找第三自然段和第四自然段主题句的过程中,老师要全班巡视,观察学生的学习情况。4.给与学生积极性评价(Youre so clever! Well done!)和必要的帮助(如帮助学生总结:主题句通常在每个自然段的第一句或者最后一句,有时也可出现在中间)。1.学生和老师一起通过跳读找出第二自然段的主题句。2学生自己通过跳读找出第三自然段和第四自然段的主题句。先独立完成,然后以小组为单位核对答案。3.小组讨论,总结出找主题句的方法。4.完成教材上的3a,将自然段与段落大意匹配。先独立完成,然后以小组为单位核对答案。(见学案合作研讨)通过跳读,让学生初步感知课文,把握文章的脉络,学会找主题句和段落大意,从而突破本节课的重点,并培养学生的略读能力。(障碍及对策:由于部分任务相对较难,因此学生先独立完成,通过小组合作学习来解决问题,若仍有困难,我会及时给予帮助。)Step 2Task Two: Scanning(浏览)1.用课件展示第1小题的答案:Etiquette means normal and polite social behavior.2.把全班同学分为三个大组,分别布置任务:第一组完成第2小题(读第二自然段,找出不良行为的三个例子);第二组完成第3小题(读第三自然段,找出不良行为的两个例子);第三组完成第4小题(读第四自然段,找出不良行为的一个例子)并抽三个学困生回答这些问题。3.让学生完成教材3c的表格,抽两个中等生回答这个问题。4.让学生判断正误,抽六个优等生回答问题并指出答案在文章中的具体位置。6.讲解各自然段重点语言知识。1.学生快速浏览第一自然段,找出etiquette的定义并在书上勾画出来。2.根据分组分别完成第2,3,4小题。3.完成教材3c的表格4.完成判断正误。5.学习各自然段重点语言知识。通过快速浏览文章把握文章细节,让学生进一步理解课文,明白不同文化的不同礼节,引导学生做文明有礼的人,从而突破本节课的难点并培养学生的精读能力。(障碍及对策:学生在找各自然段不良行为的例子时容易写出这样的答案“Stand very close to the person you are talking with” 这时要给学生及时的纠正和帮助,指明这里只能用名词短语“Standing very close to the person you are talking with”并讲明原因。)Step 3Task Three: Retelling the article1.把文章浓缩成一篇短文,让学生以四人小组为单位进行关键词填空,并复述课文。鼓励学生尽可能用自己的话来复述课文,若觉得困难可借助课件上的提示。2.抽三个小组的代表复述课文并对复核得好的小组加分。学生以四人小组为单位,分组讨论,进行关键词填空,并复述课文。通过复述,让学生更好地记住课文内容,进一步提高他们的口语能力并为后面的写作做准备。(障碍及对策:对中等生和学困生来说进行关键词填空和复述课文有一定难度,因此通过小组合作学习的方式帮助他们更好理解文章。此外通过课件提示,帮助他们降低难度以树立英语学习的自信心。)Stage 3Afterreading14分钟Step 1Task One : Survey1.布置任务。2.给学生适当的帮助,引导他们成为懂文明礼貌的人。学生以六人小组为单位,列出本班同学的不文明表现,调查班里谁是最懂文明礼貌的学生,并人人争当“文明标兵”。通过调查,让学生注意身边的不文明现象,进一步引导他们做文明有礼的人。Step 2Task Two: Discussion1.布置任务。2.对学生的回答给与适当的补充。Do you know any rules of etiquette that are different in foreign countries?学生相互交流他们所知道的其它国家的关于礼节的规则,并自由发言。通过讨论,让学生了解更多的中西方文化差异,激发学生的英语学习兴趣。Step 3Task Three: Writing1.布置任务。2.选择一两篇作文进行点评。One day, you saw someone breaking rules of etiquette. Write a complaint letter to local newspaper. Some hints:(提示)What did you see? How did you feel? What should they do?1.学生根据要求运用所学知识独立完成作文。2.小组内成员交换作文相互批改,并派一名同学将作文展示在各自的小黑板上。(见学案成果展示)通过前面一系列听说读等活动过渡到写作,由语言输入到语言输出,教学成果展示。(障碍及对策:写作对部分同学来说可能有难度,在这里就要发挥兵带兵的作用,以优带差。若因时间关系有些任务不能在课堂上完成,可将其调整为家庭作业。)Step 4Sum up and exercise 1.让学生归纳总结本堂课所学语言知识,表建议的方式和阅读策略(让不同程度的学生分别归纳不同的内容)。2.让学生做笔头巩固练习。学生归纳总结本堂课所学知识。并做笔头巩固练习。(见学案巩固提升)通过归纳本节课所学内容,让学生再次回顾本节课的重难点,并通过做笔头练习加以巩固。Step 5Homework 1.复习本节课重点单词,短语,句型。2.完成学案和练习册上相应练习题。3.预习Unit8 Section A.巩固复习,完成作业。意图为巩固复习。练习和作业的设计主要遵循“落实双基,突出教学重点,突破教学难点”的原则,分层递进。Part Eight: Blackboard design(板书设计)Unit 7 Would you mind keeping your voice down? Reading(Section 1-Section3)Key words/phrases Key sentences Reading strategiesetiquette cough Could you please (not)do sth? 1. Skimmingspit Sure! /Of course./ My pleasure 2. Scanning voice Sorrydrop litter Would you mind(not)doing sth?talk loudly No, not at all./ SorrykeepdownPart Nine: Learning plan design(学案设计) Part Ten: Reflection(教学反思)The last part is my reflection. First, the instruction of the task is not clear enough. Second, it would be better if we have interesting games or contests.The above is my presentation about my lesson plan.Thank you for enjoying me.


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