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人教版2019-2020学年初一上学期英语12月质检试卷A卷一、 单项选择 (共9题;共18分)1. (2分)Is this your bedroom, Bill? No, it isnt. Its_ A . Mikes and FranksB . Franks and MikeC . Mikes and FrankD . Frank and Mikes2. (2分)We neednt hurry all the way to the airport the flight has been because of the bad weather.A . put onB . put offC . put awayD . put up3. (2分)The total number of the citizens in the city has increased to over four _ this year. A . millionB . millionsC . a millionD . millions of4. (2分)How are you going, buddy? _. A little busy, though.A . Cant be worseB . By trainC . Not too badD . on my own5. (2分)As we know, water is very important _ us.A . ofB . toC . onD . with6. (2分)I cant understand _ Apples iPad 2. A . why are they so mad aboutB . why they are so mad aboutC . how are they so mad aboutD . how they are so mad about7. (2分)Its _ black. Its _ black ruler. A . a;/B . /;aC . a;aD . /;/8. (2分)Candy and ice cream_ unhealthy food.A . isB . hasC . haveD . are9. (2分)Hurry up, Jim. Its time for us _ our class.A . startB . to startC . to startingD . started二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)10. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给三个选项(A、B、C)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Peng Jiangya was born in a poor family of Guizhou. 1she was a child, she fell into a fire stove(火炉) at home. She lost her2.“In order to hold chopsticks(筷子),my parents taught me to use them for a long time. It was really3but I did my best to solve it. From then on, I knew if I wanted to succeed(成功), I had to put great efforts into what I was doing,” Jiangya said.Life was 4to her, but nothing could 5her. With the help of her teachers, she 6learned how to hold a pen and managed to finish junior high school. One day, Jiangya saw others 7crossstitch(十字绣) outside their doors. She decided to try it for 8. Holding a needle(针) without fingers(手指)was not easy, but she never 9. Now she can do it well and take good care of her family.As for her future, Jiangya said, “I will work 10some other people to embroider (绣) the beautiful scenery of our hometown for tourists. At the same time, we can make more money.”(1)A . Because B . When C . Before (2)A . fingers B . legs C . ears (3)A . interesting B . happy C . difficult (4)A . hard B . easy C . kind (5)A . refuse B . stop C . save (6)A . slowly B . easily C . quickly (7)A . cut B . wash C . make (8)A . himself B . yourself C . herself (9)A . gave up B . cheered up C . got up (10)A . for B . with C . without 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)11. (8分)Dear Mona,Can you bring these things to me? My math books, my jacket and my dictionaries. My math book is on the bed. The jacket and the dictionaries are on the sofa.Thanks,EricDear Frank,Your uncles tapes are on the dresser. Please take them(它们)to school. He needs them.Thanks,MomDear sister,I need my jacket and CDs. The jacket is on the bed. The CDs are on the table.Thanks,MikeDear Mike,Here is your jacket. Your CDs are not on the table. I cant(不能)bring them to you.Thanks,Linda(1)Where are Erics dictionaries?A . On the bed.B . On the sofa.C . On the dresser.D . On the table.(2)needs tapes.A . EricB . Franks uncleC . MonaD . Franks mother(3)Are Mikes CDs on the table?A . Yes, it is.B . Yes, they are.C . No, they arentD . No, it isnt.(4)Mike is Lindas.A . fatherB . uncleC . grandfatherD . brother12. (6分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AToday is Sunday, April 15th, everyone in Sheep Village(羊村)is very busy. What does he/she do?Im Nuan Yangyang. I write a letter to my friend at one oclock in the afternoon. Then I do my homework. Im Fei Yangyang. I want to be strong(强壮的),so I go to the sports club to play sports in the morning. I go home at three ten in the afternoon. Im Lan Yangyang. I like eating. I have breakfast at home. I have lunch in a restaurant. But the food isnt good, I dont like it. Im Mei Yangyang. I go to a clothes store at nine in the morning. The clothes there are on sale, so I buy a nice skirt. Im Xi Yangyang. I take the bus to the English club at ten sixteen in the morning. There I help two kids learn to speak English. (1)Nuan Yangyang writes to a friend at_. A . 3:10 a.m.B . 10:16 a.m.C . 1:00 p.m.D . 2:00 p.m.(2)Fei Yangyang may be _ at 4:12 p.m. A . on the busB . in a sports clubC . at homeD . in a shop(3)Which of the following sentences is RIGHT? A . Nuan Yangyang doesnt do homework on Sunday afternoon.B . Lan Yangyang eats lunch at home on April 15th.C . Mei Yangyang has a nice skirt.D . Xi Yangyang takes the train to the English club.13. (10分)阅读理解It is good to keep animals in zoos. Zoos are places for people to see many different kinds of animals from all over the world. Without zoos, most people would never see a real tiger or bear. Secondly, zoos look after the animals very well. The animals are always given food and cleaned on time. In the wild, it is not always possible for an animal to find food, so sometimes it goes hungry. Thirdly, Zoos protect the animals. They give them safe place to live in. In the wild, some kinds of animals are in danger. If there is no zoos, there would be fewer kinds of animals in the world.However, some people think it is unnatural(非自然的) and unfair to keep wild animals in cages. Some cages are too small for many animals such as bears and tigers. They always look not happy in cages. Wild animals should look for their own food. Anyone would not feel happy if he isnt allowed(允许) to go outside his home and animals dont like it either.(1)If you go to a zoo, you can see _ A . dogsB . tigersC . catsD . mice(2)In the zoos, _ A . All animals are very happy.B . Animals dont eat enough food.C . Animals always died because they get ill more easily.D . Some cages are too small for many animals in the zoo.(3)In the wild, _ A . Animals can eat enough food.B . Animals look for their own food.C . There will be more kinds of animals.D . Animals cant live happily.(4)According to the last sentence, we can say _ A . Some people think we should take the animals back to the wild.B . People shouldnt go outside home.C . People will be glad to stay at home.D . Animals like to stay in the cages.(5)What does the writer think of the animals? A . Animals should be kept in zoos.B . Its better for wild animals to go outside.C . Its better for wild animals to be kept in zoos.D . He is not sure whether it is better for animals to stay in zoos.四、 书面表达 (共2题;共7分)14. (2分)In which class is _ boy in white ?Hes in Class 4 .A . theB . aC . anD . 不填15. (5分)假如你是Daniel,请根据以下提示用英语写一份电子邮件给报社,提出环保倡议。请根据中文提示,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于80词的短文。第五个要点根据主题用1-2句话自由发挥。开头和结尾已给出,不计入字数。1. 今年春天中国政府下定决心治理污染,使天变蓝,水变绿;2. 我觉得最严重的问题是空气污染,空气污染导致了许多健康问题;3. 我们要少开车,可以骑自行车外出,自行车不产生空气污染;4. 要多种树,树能够使空气清洁;5. 我觉得Dear editor,I am looking forward to hearing from you!Best wishes!Daniel五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)对于电影The Lake , 观众们给出了各自的评论。请仔细阅读影评,从AE选项中,选出符合各条评论的最佳摘要。A. Meet the actors and a young star.B. A nurse returns home.C. There is one disappointment.D. Its a nice surprise.E. Aliens take over._ Yasmine Bleeth acts as Jackie Ivers, a Los Angeles nurse who moves back to her hometown, San Vicente, California. She soon notices that her friends and family are acting strangely. She realizes that everyone who goes into the towns lake comes out acting differently._ Jackie figures out whats going on. Aliens live on another planet. Its like Earth, but its polluted, so the aliens cant live there much longer. They are planning to replace people on Earth, and they enter Earth through the lake. When someone goes into the lake, an alien takes over that persons body._ The Lake is an entertaining science fiction movie. Its a movie that was made for TV, and its surprisingly good for a TV movie. There is plenty of action to keep viewers on their seats._ Yasmine Bleeths performance is OK as the nurse and main character of the story. The other actors are also all right. But the best performance of the movie is from Haley Joel Osment. He was only 10 years old at that time. He later became when started in the movie The Sixth Sense with Bruce Wills_ My only idea is that some of the characters are slow to figure out whats going on. Its disappointing because it makes the characters not very believable. The viewer figures out th truth long before the characters do.六、 单词拼写 (共2题;共2分)17. (1分)Ive got so much _ (垃圾) on my desk. Its unbelievable. 18. (1分)Look at those dark _ (云). Its going to rain. 第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共9题;共18分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)10-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、12-1、12-2、12-3、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、四、 书面表达 (共2题;共7分)14-1、15-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)16-1、六、 单词拼写 (共2题;共2分)17-1、18-1、

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