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第一部分 听力 共四节 满分 30 分 第一节 听句子 选出与所听句子内容相关的图片 并将所选答案的字母代号填入 试卷相应空格内 每个句子听两遍 5 分 第二节 听句子 选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语 并将所选答案的字母代号 填入试卷相应空格内 每个句子听两遍 5 分 6 A Canada B Chinese C Australia 7 A Thank you B No it isn t C Really 8 A By asking the teacher for help B By bus C By the window 9 A She is used to getting up early B She used to be outgoing C Yes she did 10 A It s made of glass B It s made in China C It s made by hand 第三节 听对话 选出能回答问题的正确选项 并将其字母代号填入试卷相应空格 内 每段对话听两遍 10 分 听第一段对话 回答 11 12 小题 11 When was the telephone invented A In 1876 B In 1885 C In 1927 12 Who was the telephone invented by A Edison B Alexander Bell C Newton 听第二段对话 回答 13 14 小题 13 Where is Henry going A To stay at home B To his hometown C To his school 14 What are they talking about A A vacation plan B Go to see their grandparents C Visit the friends 听第三段对话 回答 15 17 小题 15 Who are going shopping A Dad and Katie B Mom and Katie C Grandma and Katie 16 Does the grandma like a bag or flowers A Yes she does B A bag C Flowers 17 What will probably be the gift for the girl s mom A Flowers B Bags C Shoes 听第四段对话 回答 18 20 小题 18 How long haven t the two speakers seen each other A For twenty years B For thirteen years C For ten years 19 What did Kate use to be like A Tall and thin B Tall and fat C Short and thin 20 What did Paul use to do after school A Play basketball B Play football C Go the movies 第四节 听短文 完成下列信息表 听两遍 10 分 In formation about a talk Speaker Mr Black a famous 21 Place 22 Time 23 on Saturday evening Experiences Travelled through 24 different countries About All his experiences in 25 21 A actor B student C writer 22 A in the library B in the hall C at a university 23 A at 7 15 B at 7 30 C at 7 45 24 A three B five C seven 25 A England B Africa C China 第二部分 英语知识运用 共二节 满分 30 分 第一节 单项填空 15 分 26 He used to late But now he is used to early A sleep get up B sleep getting up C sleeping get up D sleeping getting up 27 Teenagers should to take care of themselves from a young age A teach B be teaching C have taught D be taught 28 Jim still went to school she was ill yesterday A even though B no matter C as long as D so that 29 What do you think of my shirt It cotton It looks comfortable on you A is made in B is made of C is made for D is made by 30 do you improve your writing I improve it keeping a diary in English A How with B What with C How by D What by 31 Have you ever practice to foreigners Oh yes It improves my skills A speak speak B speaking speak C speak speaking D speaking speaking 32 A lot of trees around here every year and we can enjoy fresher air now A plant B is planted C were planted D are planted 33 Would you like to be a volunteer to help clean the room A That s easy B With pleasure C Not at all D Of course not 34 My friend always encourages me trying and never give up whenever I m in trouble A keep B stop C to stop D to keep 35 She is afraid of the dark I never go out at night A That s OK B Thank you C Me too D Good luck 36 Could you please tell me A Where is the library B Where the library is C Where was the library D the library was where 37 How you ve changed Yes I ve five pounds A put on B put off C put in D put out 38 should be allowed to do homework with their friends A Sixteen year olds B Sixteen years olds C Sixteen year olds D Sixteen year old 39 He avoided mistakes by taking notes A made B making C to make D makes 40 Your parents will you if you study hard and get good grades at school A are proud of B be proud of C take pride for D take proud in 第二节 完形填空 共 10 小题 每小题 1 5 分 共 15 从 A B C D 四 个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 People all over the world celebrate the new year However not all countries celebrate in the same way and in some countries the new year doesn t begin on the 41 date 日期 every year In many countries the new year begins on 1st January but people start celebrating on 31st December New Year s Eve In New York many people go to celebrate in Times Square 42 they re waiting for the New Year they listen to music sing traditional songs and have fun Just before 12 o clock everyone 43 down from 10 10 9 8 As soon as it s 12 o clock everyone shouts very 44 Happy New Year New Year s Day is often a family day Some families get together for a special meal When the weather is fine many families go out for a 45 On New Year s Day many people make resolutions for the new year They 46 a list of things such as I will help out more with housework I will work 47 at school than others or I won t spend so much time playing video games When they have made 48 list they read it to their family or friends and promise to 49 their resolutions So it doesn t matter how they celebrate 50 people in countries all over the world it s a time to say goodbye to the old year and to welcome the new 41 A familiar B same C important D normal 42 A If B Even though C While D Before 43 A comes B turn C looks D counts 44 A loudly B quietly C sadly D safely 45 A walk B secret C job D treatment 46 A put on B write down C take away D look after 47 A quickly B hard C harder D hardly 48 A its B his C her D their 49 A follow B make C do D give 50 A by B for C with D from 第三部分 阅读理解 35 分 第一节 阅读判断 阅读短文 根据短文内容判断正误 正确的填 T 错误的填 F 每小题 1 5 分 7 5 分 Have you heard about paper cutting Paper cutting is an important art form in China Paper cuts were used for many purposes and everything can become the theme of paper cuts from people to the things that can be found in everyday life such as birds flowers and animals Each paper cut brings out the personal ideas of the author 作者 People express traditional culture or their own feelings with different styles of paper cuts For example when someone marries we put up some red paper cuts on the wall dressing table or other furniture to express our best wishes It is easy to learn paper cutting but very difficult to make it perfect We need a long time practice to learn how to use the scissors and how to paint Moreover we need to learn some cutting skills At present in many parts of China paper cutting skill has become a must for women and a symbol of a clever mind 51 Not everything can become the theme of paper cuts 52 People express traditional culture or their own feelings with the same paper cut 53 It is not easy to make a perfect paper cut 54 When we learn paper cutting we don t need to learn cutting skills 55 Women must learn paper cutting skills in many places of China 第二节 阅读 所给材料 选 出正确答案 每小题 2 分 共 20 分 A In China more and more middle school students are getting shorter sleeping time than before Most students sleep less than nine hours every night because they have much homework to do Some homework is given by their teachers and some by their parents Also some students don t know how to save time They are not careful enough while they do their homework so it takes them a lot of time Some students spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games They stay up 熬夜 very late Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or by bike It can be a long way from home to school Schools and parents should cut down some of the homework so that our children can enjoy more than nine hours of sleep every night for their health For children we should make best use of our time When we have enough time for sleeping we will find it much better for both our study and health 阅读短文 根据短文内容选择填空 10 分 56 What makes most students sleep less than nine hours every night A Watching TV B Playing computer games C Doing their homework D Doing housework 57 Who else gives children some homework to do except 除了 their teachers A Their parents B Other students C The children themselves D Nobody else 58 How many hours of sleep is good for students health A Less than 9 hours B Over 9 hours C Only 9 hours D 8 hours 59 What would happen to a student who often goes to bed late and gets up early A He would fall asleep in class B He would do well in study C He would finish his homework fast D He would have good health 60 Which of the following is NOT true A Some students are so careless that they spend lots of time on their homework B All the students stay up late for their homework C Chinese should be given less homework D Schools and parents should take care of children B What is your favorite holiday Here are some students opinions Sandy from Taiwan says My favorite holiday is the Mid Autumn festival I always visit my grandfather and grandmother and we always go to the same restaurant on the mountain to hold jubilation 举行庆祝活动 At night we always have a barbecue and watch the moon together I enjoy it a lot Zhenia from Ukraine says My favorite day is New Year s Day We celebrate the new year on the 31st of December Father Frost comes with his granddaughter on that night He puts his presents under the New Year Tree We have a party and stay up until midnight to see the New Year in and the Old Year off We cook delicious food for the party People also celebrate Old New Year in our country It is on the 14th of January Yagna from India says My favorite day is Deepavali 屠妖节 which is also called Festival of Lights People do some cleaning at home and light their oil lamps to thank for the defeat of the bad king To celebrate it we also eat sweets and delicious food wear new clothes and give presents to our friends and relatives Pat from Thailand says My name is Pat My favorite holiday is Songkran It takes place from the 13th to 15th of April On the holiday people pour water on each other It is a lot of fun People also buy new clothes and they have big parties 阅读短文 根据短文内容选择填空 10 分 61 What is Sandy s favorite holiday A The Mid Autumn festival B New Year s Day C Deepavali D Songkran 62 The underlined word jubilation is closest in meaning to A hope B celebration C present D exercise 63 What does the underlined word Songkran probably mean in Chinese A 音乐会 B 新年 C 中秋节 D 泼水 节 64 In order to celebrate Deepavali we can A eat sweets and delicious food B weal new clothes C give presents to others D all of the above 65 Where does Zhenia come from according to the passage A Taiwan B India C Ukraine D Thailand 第三节 根据 对话内容 从对话 后的选项中选出能填 入空白处的最佳选项 完成对 话 选项中有两项为多余选项 每小题 1 5 分 共 7 5 分 The world is an interesting place Different people like different things Some people like loud music Other people don t 66 Many people like sports but they do not all like the same sports In some countries cricket 板球运动 is a very popular sport In other countries it is not popular at all No one plays it or watches it on TV However most people like soccer The World Cup is very popular 67 Different people like different foods Some people do not like meat 68 Some people do not like potatoes or bread They prefer rice 69 Most people have their favorite colors Some people like bright colors Others prefer pale colors Many people like traveling Different people like different places Some people like to go to the countryside They like the fresh air Some people like to go to the cities Because they like shopping 70 What do you like Have you got an idea 66 67 68 69 70 第四部分 写作 共三节 满分 25 分 第一节 根据句子意思 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 5 分 71 The little girl makes her mother happy by dance for her 72 The boy should be allowed play after dinner 73 We must pay attention to protect the earth 74 Our classroom is very clean because it clean two times a day 75 After hearing the bad news Linda went out of the room in silent 第二节 将下列句子中的汉语译成英语 划线部分英语译成汉语 5 分 76 the teacher has taught for ten years 据我所知 77 Everyone the ability to do everything well 天生具有 78 Mary shouldn t 顶嘴 though she is angry with her mother 79 Paper cutting is a kind of traditional folk art 80 Helen hangs out with her friends on weekends from time to time 第三节 书面表达 15 分 当我们回顾过去 当我们翻看过去的相册 猛然发现自己在不知不觉发生许多变化 请根据以上提示 以 How I ve changed 为题写一篇英 语作文 要求 1 语言流畅 书写规范 卷面整洁 不少于 70 词 2 文中不能用真实姓名 校名 否则以零分计 How I ve changed 第一节 听句子 选出与所听句子内容相关的图片 每个句子听两遍 5 分 1 I watch TV on weekends 2 Look My mother is cooking 3 Fruit is good for our health 4 I like reading Books are my good friends 5 Katie has just cleaned the floor It looks so bright 第二节 听句子 选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语 每个句子听两遍 5 分 6 What s your favorite subject 7 How beautiful your school is 8 Excuse me how do you study English 9 What was Lucy like last year 10 What is the pair of glasses made of 第三节 听对话 选出能回答问题的正确选项 每段对话听两遍 10 分 听第一段对话 回答 11 12 小题 W Hi Allan do you know the useful invention telephone M Of course I know it very well W Then I wonder who the telephone was invented by and when the telephone was invented M Oh it s a piece of cake As far as I know the telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876 W I see thank you Allan M You re welcome 听第二段对话 回答 13 14 小题 M Hello Kate W Hi where are you going next holiday M Our hometown with my brother W What else are going to do Henry M We are going to see our grandparents W Happy holiday M Thank you 听第三段对话 回答 15 17 小题 M Katie let s go shopping today W OK Dad What for M Well Mother s Day is just a few days away W Oh we have to get something for Grandma She always likes new bags She would like a pretty new bag I think M But dear what about your own mother W Er I don t really know Do you have any idea Dad M I know she likes flowers W Yeah we will buy some roses for her 听第四段对话 回答 18 20 小题 W Paul is that you M Yes I haven t seen you for years Kate You used to be short and thin didn t you W Yes I did Not I m tall and kind of fat M Twenty years has passed Both of us have changed W That s true M You used to have short hair like a boy And you used to be really outgoing We loved to play with you W Yeah I used to play football with you after school And we used to go to the movies together on Sundays M What happy memories 第四节 听短文 完成信息表格 听两遍 10 分 There will be a talk in our university at 7 30 this Saturday evening The talk will be given by a famous writer Mr Black He teaches at a university in England and has just returned from Africa My black has travelled through three different countries experienced different cultures and met lots of interesting people including a famous actor He will talk about his experiences in Africa I m sure you will find it interesting and I hope you can have a wonderful evening Thank you 参考答案 1 20 题每题 1 分 1 5 B A C A C 6 10 B A A B A 11 15A B B A A 16 20 A A A C B 21 25 每小题 2 分 21 25 C C B A B 26 40 每小题 1 分 26 30 B D A B C 31 35 D D B D C 36 40 B A C B B 41 50 每小题 1 5 分 41 45 B C D A A 46 50 B C D A B 51 55 每小题 1 5 分 51 55 F F T F T 56 65 每小题 2 分 56 60 C A B A B 61 65 A B D A C 66 70 每小题 1 5 分 66 70 A C E B G 71 dancing 72 to play 73 protecting 74 is cleaned 75 silence 76 As far as I know 77 is born with 78 talk back 79 剪纸 80 有时

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