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高考直通车2011年高考英语复习 书面表达常用句型 1. in order to为了实现他的梦想,他学习非常努力。 He worked very hard in order to realize his dream.2. in order that她拼命干活以便到六点时把一切都准备就绪。She worked hard in order that everything would be ready by 6 oclock.3. sothat他们太累了,除了伸懒腰什么都做不了了。They were all so tired that they could do nothing but yawn.4. suchthat天气非常冷,以致于街上一个人都没有。It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.5. would rather dothan do他宁愿听他人讲而不愿自己说。He would rather listen to others than talk himself.6. prefer doing A to B doing他宁愿在精心准备后去做报告。He prefers making speeches after careful preparation.7. prefer to dorather than do比起女人,男人总是宁可在家睡觉也不愿花那么多时间来购物。Compared with women, men always prefer to sleep at home rather than spend so much time shopping.8. not onlybut also在短短的三年的时间里她不但完成了所有课程,而且还获得了博士学位。In just three years, she had not only finished all the lessons, but also received herdoctors degree.9. eitheror如果考试过关,你可以买一个MP3或去云南玩一趟。You could either buy an MP3 or go to Yunnan for a visit if you pass the exam.10. Neithernor他是一个无聊的人,既不爱娱乐,也不爱读书。He is a boring man. He likes neither entertainment nor reading.11. as well as他善良又乐于助人。He was kind as well as helpful.12. as well这个小孩活泼又可爱。The child is active and funny as well.13. Onethe other你看见桌子上有两只笔吗?一支是红色的,另一支是黑色的。Have you seen two pens on the desk? One is red, the other is black.14. Someothers每个人都很忙,有些在读书,有些在写作。Everyone is busy in classroom. Some are reading, others are writing.15. make+adj /n我们所做的可以让世界更美丽。What we do will make the world more beautiful.16. notuntil直到他告诉我发生的事,我才了解真相。I didnt know the truth until she told me what happened.17. as if他夸夸其谈好像什么事都知道。He talks a lot as if he knows everything.18. It is no use (good) doing假装不懂规则是行不通的。Its no use pretending that you didnt know the rules.19. find it + adj to do我觉得作听力时有必要作笔记。I find it necessary to take down notes while listening.20. It is + time since我已经有两年没见他了。It is two years since I last met him.21. It is + time when我到电影院时已经八点钟了。It was 8 oclock when I got to the cinema.22. It is + time before不久我们就会再见面的。I wont be long before we can meet again.23. It isthat我最珍视的是友谊。It is friendship that I value most.24. It is + n / adj + that / to do 每个人都必须懂得如何使用计算机It is a must that everybody should know how to use computers. 英语写作中的连接词常用表示顺承的连接词语:generally,clearly,exactly, surely, obviously, honestly, particularly, additionally, that is to say, what is more, believe it or not, It is clear that, The main reason is that, I cant agree more that,As is known to us all, 表示转折的词语: on the one hand; on the other hand, compared with, compared to, on the contrary, but , while, however, yet, instead, though, otherwise, or else, in spite of, 表示结尾的词语all in all,in brief, above all,in conclusion,indeed, in short, in summary, to conclude , as a result, for these reasons, as far as I am concerned, 英语三段式作文所谓三段式就是将一篇书面表达按三段的写作模式谋篇布局。三段式的模式写法通常为:1第一段开门见山,提出要解决的问题或观点,或者把时间、地点、人物和主要事情及时点出。2第二段要摆出事实或提出论据,或者把事情发展的经过详细写出来。3最后一段,得出结论或理由。注意:要学会使用过渡词。过渡词犹如“桥梁”和“粘合剂”。恰当地使用过渡词可避免结构松散,层次不明,表意不清等弊端,使文章条理清楚,文字连贯流畅。常用的过渡词有:递进型:besides,whats more,let alone,worse still,moreover,even,furthermore等;解释型:that is (to say),in other words,or等;转折型:however,but,yet,although,otherwise,instead,on the contrary等;列举型:firstly.secondly.finally,on the one hand,on the other hand等;举例型:for example,for instance,such as,that is,like,take.for example等;因果型:because (of),since,therefore,as a result,thanks to,thus,due to等;让步型:though,although,in spite of,despite等;顺序型:first.next.and then.finally,first.then.after that.finally等;并列型:and,or,also,as well as等;时间型:afterwards,soon,later,the moment,hardly.when.,no sooner.than.等;总结型:in conclusion,in a word,to sum up,in short,on the whole等;见解型:in my opinion,personally speaking,as far as I am concerned等。假设你是李越,你的加拿大笔友Steve来信说,他和他的一些同学正在学中文,请你推荐两本学中文的词典。根据下表提供的信息,请你给他写一封回信。英汉词典新华字典收词(字)18 000 (英语)20 000 (汉语)10 000价格52元11元特点大量例子、用法说明,适合初学者中国最常用的汉语字典注意:1.词数:100左右;2参考词汇:推荐recommend;英汉词典The EnglishChinese Dictionary (ECD);新华字典Xinhua Dictionary (XD)。Dear Steve,_Yours,Li Yue此篇书面表达属于实物说明文,其篇章结构可按三段式进行写作。本文的第一段,可用直接的叙述“Im so pleased to learn that you and your classmates are learning Chinese”。正文即可作为第二段,其主要内容是对两本词典的一些介绍。结束语即可作为第三段。应将两本词典的特点表达准确,以便加拿大笔友Steve做出合理选择。表达时,文章的基本时态可考虑用一般现在时。高分范文:Dear Steve,Im so pleased to learn that you and your classmates are learning Chinese.Id like to recommend the following two dictionaries.The EnglishChinese Dictionary is really a good one for beginners.It has 18,000 English words and 20,000 Chinese words.Besides plenty of examples,it has many notes telling you how to use a word.Xinhua Dictionary is the most popular Chinese dictionary,and it has a vocabulary of 10,000 words.It may also be useful to some advanced learners of Chinese.Of the two,ECD is more expensive.It costs 52 yuan,and XD costs 11 yuan.Please let me know if you want me to buy one for you.Yours,Li Yue有些人认为有必要另一些人认为没有必要1.跟老师学比自学好2.可以巩固课堂所学3.可以学到更多知识1.容易养成依赖的习惯2.学生需要时间休息3.都以赢利为目的当前,越来越多的中学生利用周末时间参加各种培训班或请家教。对于这种现象,存在两种不同的观点。请根据内容提示写一篇短文,并简要阐述自己的观点。注意:1.文章开头已为你写好;2用十句作文法和三段式表达;3为使行文连贯,可适当增加细节;4词数:100左右。Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary?More and more middle school students are going to all kinds of training classes or having family teachers at weekends.There are two different viewpoints about it._【参考答案】Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary?More and more middle school students are going to all kinds of training classes or having family teachers at weekends.There are two different viewpoints about it.Some think it necessary.First of all,its more effective to study with a teacher than by themselves.Secondly,it can strengthen what they have learnt in class.Besides,they can learn a lot more.Others think it unnecessary.For one thing,students can easily form the habit of dependence.For another,students need time to relax from time to time.Whats more,the purpose of many training classes and family teachers is to make money.In my opinion,whether a training class or family teacher is needed just depends.Do be sure to choose a good and suitable class or teacher,otherwise it would be a waste of time and money. 英语书面表达模板:请用正确的动词形式填空。日记Aug.9 Monday FineToday we (go) to work in the Peoples Park as young volunteers. In the morning, when we (arrive)at the gate of the park, the head of the park (greet)us there. Soon we (start) to work. Some of the boys (put) the bike s in a line while some girls _ _ _ (keep) telling people to put their bikes to the right place. Some other students _(take) care of the flowers and bushes persuading people to keep off the grass and protecting our environment. We also _(help) clean all the paths in the park. When all the work _(do), we _(be) very pleased to see the park taking on a new look. What a nice weekend we _(have) today!书信Dear Charie, We_(not see) each other since the Spring Festival.I _(tell) that you _(just come) back from Nanjing,and how about your trip?May 4 _(be) the Youth Day in China. In order to ceebrate it, many activities _(hold) by the Student Unionrn OUr school. We _(plan) to have a party and a speech. A history teacher (talk) about the history of the May 4 Movement. Since students _(interest) in how the young people in the United States_(live), _(study) and_. (work), I hope that you _(come) and-_(tell) us something about it, We would appreciate it if you could come. I hope that we _(meet) soon. Yours truly, Lin Hua通知 Notice Dr. Black, an American professor, _(visit)our school this Wednesday afternoon. He_(give)us a report on the education in America. Everyone_(suppose) to be in Room 105, the big classroom exactly at 2:30 p.m. On Wednesday. Please _(bring)your notebooks with you and_(take) notes while listening to the lecture, so that we _(have) a discussion about it after it is over. The Headmasters Office寻物启事与招领启事 Lost Excuse me, I_(leave) my jacket on the footballcourt yesterday aftemoon while I_ (play) football. Thejacket _(be) blue in colour, with four pockets in the front of it. And in one of the pockets theres the key to my bike and some money. Anyone who _(find) it, please do let me know. Many thanks. He Qi Class Two Senior Grade Two Found A school-bag, red, with a pencil-box and five books in it, _(find) on the way to the W.C. At about 3:00 p.m yesterday. _(claim) please come to the classroom of CIass Five Senior Grade One. Li Lei议论文Ladies and gentlemen, We all _(know) a popular saying: 6Time ismoney. But in my opinion, time_(be) even more precious than money. Why? Because when money is gone,we _(earn) it back; however, when time is gone, it_ (never return). It _(be) clear that the time we can use is limited.Therefore, we _(make) full use of our time to do usefulthings. As students we _(not relax) our efforts in our studies so as to serve our country in the future. But some people _(not know) the importanceof time. They _(spend) their precious time smokmg, drinking and chatting. They _(not realise) that wasting time is equal to wasting a part of their valuable life. In short, we _(form) the good habit of makingfull use of time. We _(not put off) what can be done today until tomorrow Thank you.假如你是李华,今天下午学校为你们举行寸18岁成人宣誓仪式请根据下列要点写一篇英文日记,描述宣誓仪式过程并简述述你的感受要点:(1)宣誓仪式; (2)感谢家长和老师的培养和教育; (3)老师送贺卡; (4)表演节目 注意:日记格式已为你写好; 词数:100词左右; 参考词汇:宣誓make an oath成人宣誓仪式 grown-up ceremony作文模板:Date day of the week weather In the afternoon _. It is in honor of _ . At first _. Then we showed our thanks to_. We also thanked _ .Teachers also gave us_ . Finally we put on _ . We Iearned a lot_. I think _ . I will never_ .March 19,2011 Monday SunnyIn the afternoon we held a grown-up ceremony. It is inhonor of our coming 18-year-old birthday At first we made an oath that as grown-ups we shouldhave a sense of responsibility for our society from iiow on. Then we showed our thanks to our parents who had gone through hardships to bring us up. We also thanked teachers who have been educating us patiently. Teachers also gave us cards ex-pressing their good wishes to us. Finally we put on wonderfull performances, singing and dancing. We learned a lot from theactivity. I think its very important for us. I will never forget the day in my life.


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