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上海新世纪版八年级上学期英语期末考试试卷A卷一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) (2018八下兴化期末) Is badminton a team sport? No. It is usually _ one-to-one game. Look!_ UNICEF worker is playing badminton there.A . a; AB . an; AC . an; AnD . a; An2. (2分) (2015江都模拟) We did well in the test. Exactly. Nine the students have passed the test.A . hundredB . hundred ofC . hundredsD . hundreds of3. (2分) (2015七上罗田期中) This is my sister. _ name is Cindy. A . YourB . MyC . HisD . Her4. (2分) I entered the house _ he could find the key to it.A . beforeB . afterC . whenD . until5. (2分) (2017八上西宁月考) Its dark in the room,please help me _ the lights. A . turn onB . turn upC . turn downD . turn off6. (2分) Mary cant wait _ the new cartoon videos.A . watchB . watchesC . to watch7. (2分) is Deng Ziqi from? Hong Kong.A . WhenB . WhyC . WhoD . Where8. (2分) Can you help me come up with a name for the baby? A . think ofB . take care ofC . put on9. (2分) (2016南长) I think Ill take a bus to the meeting. The bus? If you , you will be late.A . doB . have doneC . will do10. (2分) Can you come on Monday or Tuesday, Scott?Im afraid_ possible. Ill be on business on those two days.A . eitherB . neitherC . everyD . each11. (2分) He is a successful businessman. After many years of hard work, he has lots of _ now. But he lives a simple life. He often gives his money to help students in poor places.A . wealthB . energyC . time12. (2分) Lets give her some books _ her birthday.Thats a good idea!A . toB . inC . byD . for13. (2分) (2017七下开平期中) _ water _ there in the glass? Only a little. A . How many; isB . How many; areC . How much; areD . How much; is14. (2分) (2018七下兴化期末) The teacher is coming. Stop _ and keep _.OK, I will.A . to talk; quietB . talking; quietC . to talk; quietlyD . talking; quietly15. (2分) (2017七上普宁期中) Your jacket is nice._.A . Thats OKB . Yes, it isC . Thank you二、 阅读理解 (共2题;共17分)16. (10分) Strong earthquakes hit the east of Japan in the afternoon of March 11, causing several meter-high tsunami(海啸), which killed more than 10,000 people in areas along the coast. Several nuclear plants(核电站) at the coast were broken by the earthquake and tsunami. People living near the plants have been asked to move away. People living within 30 kilometers of the first plant are asked to stay indoors and close all windows.The breaking of the nuclear plants is causing electricity shortages(电力短缺) in Eastern Japan. As a result, electricity is cut off for 3-hour periods in the area of Tokyo and some other areas during daytime. In order to save electricity, some shops, restaurants and tourist places in the areas are closed for some time every day. But all major airports and train lines are still open and operating.For the above reasons, tourists are advised not to visit the eastern areas in the near future. Visits to Western Japan are not affected by the event. People who plan to travel over the coming weeks and months are advised to pay attention to the situation for a few more days before making decisions.(1) This passage may probably be written by a .A . scientistB . travelerC . story writerD . news reporter(2) People living near the plants were asked to move away because _A . there would be more earthquakes and tsunamisB . several nuclear plants had been brokenC . there were serious electricity shortagesD . their houses were washed away by the tsunami(3) They closed some shops and restaurants for some time every day to _A . avoid making electricity shortages even worseB . avoid more people getting togetherC . rebuild their broken buildingsD . keep away from nuclear radiation(核辐射)(4) The word “_” can be used instead of the underlined word “advised” in the last paragraph.A . foundB . invitedC . toldD . met(5) Which of the following is right?A . The earthquake happened before the tsunami.B . The earthquake happened after the tsunami.C . There was no electricity in Eastern Japan.D . People were not allowed to visit Western Japan.17. (7分) (2015八上永胜期末) 阅读短文B,回答问题。BWe are in a world full of competition. Our parents compete(竞争)with others in their offices, our brothers and sisters compete with others in their colleges, and we compete with our classmates in school. Many of us give up in the face of competition. Why cant we do better than others? One important reason is that we have no self -confidence.In fact, everyone is born equal. You can do what others do. Although your classmates may be better than you in some ways, you may be better than them in other ways. So everyone has his or her own advantages. Dont look at things from a single point of view. Try to discover your own advantages, and believe that you can do better than others in those ways.Competition is not so terrible. Dont be afraid of it. And dont be afraid of those classmates who are better than you. Remember that the first step to success is self-confidence. Believe in yourselves, and you will be successful.(1) 阅读短文B,根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词。e_: having the same rights or being treated the same as other people.a_: a thing that helps you to be better or more successful than other people.(2) 阅读短文B,进行同义句转换Believe in yourselves, and you will be successful.You _ be successful _ you believe in yourselves.(3) 根据短文B内容简答问题What can you learn from the passage?三、 单词拼写 (共5题;共5分)18. (1分) We live on the e_and its our only homeWe should try our best to protect it from the pollution.19. (1分) (2018莒县模拟) The room is full of r_. Could you take it out and throw it away?20. (1分) About 33% of the worlds population is either _ (印度人) or Chinese. 21. (1分) A dancer should do some exercise every day to k_ fit. 22. (1分) Jane is so excellent and she has the a_to finish all the work. 四、 用所给单词的正确形式填空 (共10题;共14分)23. (1分) (2017八下临淄期中) The_(science) are going to give us a talk next week. 24. (1分) To my surprise, his English exam score _ (double) after working hard for a month. 25. (5分) (2017七下南宁月考) 词形变换。根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡对应的横线上。(1) Im looking forward to _ (travel) to Guilin with my parents.(2) Were going to cheer the football _ (play).(3) Wu Jun helps his mother _ (clean) the house on Sunday.(4) Tony cant _ (swim), so he wants to join the Swimming Club.(5) On _ (child) Day, the children always have a good time.26. (1分) Many students are under heavy pressure, because they have too many_(examine) every term. 27. (1分) (2020八下深圳) Sometimes I help my mother _ (do) the cooking. 28. (1分) (2015八上当涂期中) This place is too _ (noise). 29. (1分) (2017七下威海期中) Age is a _ (person)problem in the West. Dont talk about it. 30. (1分) Where is Jim? He is _(lie) in a bed.31. (1分) (2018奉贤模拟) My brothers ambition is to fly a plane. He will_be a pilot in the future. (possible) 32. (1分) I have visited a lot of places of_in Beijing. (interesting) 五、 用单词的正确形式完成句子 (共1题;共10分)33. (10分) (2019八上太原期末) 用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文内容完整、通顺。每个词只能用一次。 he with touch good until find quick write teenager personOn December 14, 2017, the famous Chinese poet (诗人) Yu Guangzhong left this world in Taiwan. The news made many people sad. Mr. Yus poems often _my heart when I read them.,Mai Luoluo, a famous writer for_, said on Sina Weibo.Yu was born in 1928 in Nanjing, Jiangsu. Then he moved to Taiwan_his family in the 1950s. After that, he lived and worked there_he died.Xiangchou (Nostalgia) is Yus famous poem. People_the poem easily if they open Chinese textbooks in senior high school. It was written from Yus _experience. In it, he showed how much he missed the Chinese mainland when he was in Taiwan. The poem came out in 1971. It _became popular with all Chinese around the world. Yu is also a great translator (翻译家). And he once translated English poet Siegfried Sassoons poem In me, Past,Present, Future Meet into Chinese. Most of people think it is the_translation of all. The famous line “心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇” just comes from his translation.You spent all _life on the things he liked. Once he said, Just because of my passion (热情) for the Chinese language, I always try my best _something. He then added that his love for his mother and his motherland made this passion forever. Lets remember this great man.六、 选择适当的句子补全对话 (共1题;共5分)34. (5分) (2019七上九龙坡期中) 阅读下面对话,从方框选项中选出适当的答语,并把对应的番号填在下面的横线上。 A: Excuse me. _B: Yes, I am. Whats your name?A: Im Tom. _B: Nice to meet you, too.A: _B: Its a photo of my family. These are my parents and this is my brother Ben.A: Its a very nice photo.B: _ Bye.A: _A. Whats this?B. Good bye.C. Thank you.D. Nice to meet you.E. Are you Linda?七、 填写适当的单词补全对话 (共1题;共5分)35. (5分) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Good morning, Linda.B: _A: How are you?B: Im fine, thank you._A: She is Mary.B: _A: No, she is my cousin.B: _A: Her last name is Green.B: _A: G-R-E-E-N.B: Oh, I see.A. Is she your friend?B. Good morning, Paul.C. Is this your father?D. Spell it, please.E. What color is it?F. Who is she?G. Whats her last name?八、 信息匹配 (共1题;共5分)36. (5分) (2018九上聊城期末) 阅读下面短文,根据其内容完成后面的各项任务。The picture on my desk in my bedroom is my favourite. When I have trouble studying, or Im worried about an exam, I always have a look at it. It is a picture of my best friends taken three years ago when we were in middle school. Today our lives have gone in different directions, but our friendship has kept us close.Every week I get a message from one of them, or a letter with the latest news or vacation photos. 跟其他年份相比,今年我收到了更多的照片。 I often get an email with a joke for the day or words of comfort about some problems in my life. My friends often show up for surprise birthday parties. And one of them even travelled two hours from the other end of a town just to watch my first English speech.(1) 将文中画线的汉语句子译成英语。_(2) 回答问题:When was the picture taken?_(3) 将文中画线的英语句子译成汉语。_(4) What does the underlined word “them” refer to (指的是)?_(5) 从文中找出与下面所给句子意思相同的句子。My favourite picture is on my desk in my bedroom._九、 信息归纳 (共1题;共25分)37. (25分) (2017九上海淀期中) 根据短文理解,回答问题。Films provide more than just entertainmentWatching foreign language films is a way to develop language skillsWhile watching a film,you are immersed(沉浸)in the language and can pick up new expressions that you might not find in a textbookSome difficulties can arise when watching foreign language films-for example,unfamiliar colloquial language or strong regional accentsWith this in mind,here are my tips to help you make progress in English learning while enjoying the filmsChoose a film type that you enjoy.If you like action films,watch an action film-for example Indiana JonesIf you prefer comedies,watch a comedy-anything with Hugh Grant in always provides a laugh!Its simple enough,but if you choose something you enjoy watching in your native language,youre more likely to enjoy it in EnglishChoose something that you are familiar with.Its best to start off with something simple because in this way you have a higher chance of understanding the filmDisney films such as The Lion King,or the more recently released Tangled,are classic examplesOther cartoons such as Rango and The Lego Movie are also worth a watchIf you need to,use subtitles(字幕)Subtitles are very helpful for beginnersusing subtitles in your own language is the easiest choice,but for more advanced learners why not consider using English subtitles?This way,you can match the written subtitles to the words spoken on .screenIt helps you to develop your language further.I hope you find these tips useful-if you want to recommend a film to other users,feel free to use the comments section!(1) Is watching foreign language films a way to develop language skills?(2) What film type can we choose to learn English?(3) Why is it best to start off with something simple?(4) What are helpful for beginners while watching English films?(5) What is the passage mainly about?十、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)38. (5分) (2015七上绍兴期中) 阅读下面的信息,看看下列 -题的叙述跟哪个选项想匹配。A. On the table is a schoolbag and a soccer ball is under the table.B. Look! Here is Toms bedroom(卧室). A quilt is on the bed and a book is on the chair.C. The picture is on the wall and some boys are playing soccer in the picture.D. This is Lilys bedroom. Look! The bed is near the wall, the desk is next to the bed and a computer is on the desk.E. A dog and a cat are under the sofa. Some books are on the sofa.You can see something (一些东西) on the table and under the table._This is a girls bedroom, you can see a computer in it._They are talking about a picture. _You can see something on and under the sofa. _This is a boys bedroom, it is nice. _十一、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)39. (5分) (2018八上成都期末) 写作题Recently, some American primary schools cancel (取消) giving the pupils homework to do after school. Some research (研究) shows that doing homework in the primary school doesnt make them get high scores, but it brings them much more pressure. (压力)What about the homework in Chinese middle schools? Should you do homework in the middle schools? Please write a passage with 80-120 words about your own opinions. Your passage should include the following points:1). Do you have to do homework in the middle school?2). What does your English homework usually include?3). What kind of homework do you think is necessary for you to do?4). What do you think of the homework?5). What are your suggestions for the teachers when they set the homework? (At least two suggestions)第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略二、 阅读理解 (共2题;共17分)16、答案:略17、答案:略三、 单词拼写 (共5题;共5分)18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略四、 用所给单词的正确形式填空 (共10题;共14分)23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略31、答案:略32、答案:略五、 用单词的正确形式完成句子 (共1题;共10分)33、答案:略六、 选择适当的句子补全对话 (共1题;共5分)34、答案:略七、 填写适当的单词补全对话 (共1题;共5分)35、答案:略八、 信息匹配 (共1题;共5分)36、答案:略九、 信息归纳 (共1题;共25分)37、答案:略十、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)38、答案:略十一、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)39、答案:略


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